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I know she considered Castle to be her partner...but it's not like it was ever REALLY official. The guy didn't punch a clock.


Which was always weird....why didn't she have an official partner before?


But is this spoiler about her being officially partnered with someone, or working with someone in one particular episode?

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According to this TVLine article:


Series boss David Amann tells TVLine that in this season’s 17th episode, to air sometime in March, Star Trek: Enterprise alum Linda Park will fill the role of a hot-shot Hong Kong cop that Beckett “is paired up with, somewhat unwillingly.”


So it sounds like it's just for one episode and they're just working together. Not really an official partnership, especially if this Hong Kong cop eventually heads back to Hong Kong. Plus, it's not like they've added another series regular (to fill the shoes) of a permanent partner, so ... yeah. Just a one-off thing.


What's more interesting (to me) is that someone makes a comment in the comments of "first Beckett storyline of the season. about time!" to which Matt Mittovitch replies "oh, you don't know the half of it."


... what does that mean?

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Honestly?  First reaction was that Marlowe's dialogue was quite cringeworthy.  Typical B-movie predictable dialogue.  Maybe it's a personal preference and a minority opinion, but I generally find more restrained scenes to be more powerful (including in terms of badassness) both when it comes to Castle and Beckett.  So just based on the clip, I found the equivalent scene during Alexis' kidnapping arc to be more powerful.  Showed less but was more.  Hopefully I'll like the scene better in the episode. 


The music was way too over the top.  I'm hoping it's just for the clip and not this way in the episode.



LOL, it's coming across as very 90s action movie. Could've used "Where's Beckett?" to break up the repetitiveness of 'where is she?"

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I don't blame those fans reacting badly to the idea she gets a partner that looks better than her, given Marlowe previous damning comment about wanting to take her down a peg. Once burnt twice shy and all that. Also it comes across as yet another excuse to keep them separated in some way shape or form (even if it's just one episode) and there's been more than enough of that this season.  It does seem obvious to me that they're having to find ways of scaling down Castle and Beckett's screen time presumably because the actors want more time off and that's the only way they'll get them to stay another season or so.

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What's more interesting (to me) is that someone makes a comment in the comments of "first Beckett storyline of the season. about time!" to which Matt Mittovitch replies "oh, you don't know the half of it."

... what does that mean?

That intrigued me too, I agree with "Cassie" it's about time that fans got something on Beckett, they're been so busy focusing on Castle she's been pushed to the background and that's been a complaint quite a few fans have been making all season long. I'm therefore wondering if they've finally heeded the grumblings and she's going to get a major story at the end of the season as Marlowe tries to make up for his neglect of a character (since they can't write two characters cohesively at the same time) by quickly shoehorning something in at the last minute to pacify those fans who have had their fill of this "season of Castle" If that is the case, I hope whatever the writers have in store for her is worthwhile. The most likely thing given the anvils that have started to drop seems to be baby related. 


“Beckett is reduced to a nodding spouse these days.”

Sadly true.

But it is odd to consider this season and not have much to say as far as Beckett’s development has gone. Even when they seemed to stall Castle’s development, he still had opportunities to shine in different standalone episodes.

This season, Beckett has taken a major step back in the story dept., and one of the only reasons why she often shines in a given episode is often because Stana Katic consistently plays Beckett as straight-up, hands down, no-holds-barred, head-over-high-heels in love with Castle.

I got both the above comments off that TV line spoiler after reading down and I have to agree, especially with "just one thing" (second quote which is an excerpt) who summed up very well my feelings on where they've gone wrong when it comes to the writing for these two over recent seasons. 

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Which was always weird....why didn't she have an official partner before?

That's always intrigued me, there's never any mention of her being teamed up in the past (unless you count Royce but I guess that was during her time as a trainee?) and she always seems to have flown solo.  She's the lead detective of the group so may be that means she doesn't need to have one and just bosses the rest of them around. 

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So I guess this is the current run for upcoming episodes unless any one knows anything further.


Feb 16th 7.15 ~ Reckoning - Marlowe/Bowman
Feb 23rd 7.16 ~ The Wrong Stuff - Terri Edda/Holahan (Stana's tease “Mars, spacesuits and space travel.” )

Mar 2nd BREAK

Mar 9th  BREAK 
Mar 16th 7.17 ~ TBA - Chad Creasey/Jann Turner (Beckett is paired with a "hot-shot Hong Kong cop") 
Mar 23rd 7.18 ~ TBA  - Adler/Roe (Ryan episode) 


According to twitter I understand the lead in when they come back will be DWTS. 

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So I guess this is the current run for upcoming episodes unless any one knows anything further.

Feb 16th 7.15 ~ Reckoning - Marlowe/Bowman

Feb 23rd 7.16 ~ The Wrong Stuff - Terri Edda/Holahan (Stana's tease “Mars, spacesuits and space travel.” )

Mar 2nd BREAK

Mar 9th BREAK

Mar 16th 7.17 ~ TBA - Chad Creasey/Jann Turner (Beckett is paired with a "hot-shot Hong Kong cop")

Mar 23rd 7.18 ~ TBA - Adler/Roe (Ryan episode)

According to twitter I understand the lead in when they come back will be DWTS.

Yep I posted the 7.17 and DWTS on the media thread earlier in the week. Look at the S5 schedule because that will be the type of timeline it should follow. Edited by Nadine
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Thanks Nadine, I'll bear that in mind.  I know you post regular up-dates on what's happening episode wise and I try and up-date my list as we find out more but with the different threads it's easy to lose track and miss things.


I also understand that the season end finale dates for the various shows are coming out in four or five weeks time? 


I can't believe we're already getting to the stage where soon we'll be getting spoilers on the finale run in. Wow where did this season go?


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No prob verdana! And yeah we should be getting the finale dates released at end of March (early April) with Sweeps info in April.

They start filming 7.19 next week so as you said it's definitely gone quickly. At this stage the show will wrap filming for the season on April 20.

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It's like Beckett solved her mother's case and that's it! She's content being a wife and detective but she has no big drive anymore. Which I don't mind persay. If Marlowe hadn't made that comment about taking her down a peg etc. then I'd look at it a different way but that comment will always piss me off. It's 2015! Not 1940...we don't need to take a strong female character and make her less than, dem her light, to elevate a male character. Especially when said male character has become a buffoonish, douchbag, idiot asshole. 

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Especially when said male character has become a buffoonish, douchbag, idiot asshole.

Okay, I get the buffoonish, and even the idiot, but how has Castle become a doucbag or an asshole?

I think Beckett has had a chance to shine this season. Driven was very much a Beckett story, and she had a very big part in the wedding/honeymoon episodes. We got that episode where she moved out of her apartment. There have been fewer Beckett driven stories than in past seasons, but honestly, everyone used to complain that she had too much to do. The writers are never going to please everyone.

Especially when said male character has become a buffoonish, douchbag, idiot asshole.

Okay, I get the buffoonish, and even the idiot, but how has Castle become a doucbag or an asshole?

I think Beckett has had a chance to shine this season. Driven was very much a Beckett story, and she had a very big part in the wedding/honeymoon episodes. We got that episode where she moved out of her apartment. There have been fewer Beckett driven stories than in past seasons, but honestly, everyone used to complain that she had too much to do. The writers are never going to please everyone.

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it's about time that fans got something on Beckett, they're been so busy focusing on Castle she's been pushed to the background and that's been a complaint quite a few fans have been making all season long.


Except in the seasons that did give Beckett stories (her mom's case, her shooting), people complained because "the show is called Castle, not Beckett!!!!!" and they wanted more Castle. It was a pretty common rant.


*sigh* Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I don't envy Marlowe or the writers at all.

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You haven't gone to the dark side that is Jake ;)


Jake may not be great, but at least he's better than Fitz.  I think anyone except maybe Huck would be better for Oliva than Fitz.  They are seriously one of my least favorite TV couples ever, I don't see them as romantic or intimate at all, only destructive/toxic.  They certainly don't seem to actually love each other.  And don't get me wrong, I really like Scandal as a show.


Caskett have a much healthier relationship than pretty much anyone on Scandal.  And currently healthier than Meredith/Derek and Emma/Hook who are the only other two in that Tweet.  But I guess people think unhealthy couples make better TV.  Castle/Beckett are also more fun to watch.

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Except in the seasons that did give Beckett stories (her mom's case, her shooting), people complained because "the show is called Castle, not Beckett!!!!!" and they wanted more Castle. It was a pretty common rant.

*sigh* Damned if you do, damned if you don't. I don't envy Marlowe or the writers at all.

Yes the did complain and I was one of them because they went overboard on showcasing Beckett and her issues and Castle basically got ignored most of the time, she totally drove almost every storyline. But when fans complained about wanting to see more of Castle what they're getting served up now is not what the majority wanted and quite rightly they're speaking up.

I would understand the "damned if you do" responses if they had actually gone and done what they said they were going to do but they haven't. Marlowe said that in this new season they were "excited to explore more about the Richard Castle character" that they planned to "uncover some facets of Castle's past that should make for compelling storytelling" - I'm still waiting and we're over half way through the season. What exactly have we had on him that's fresh and interesting? What "journey" have we been taken on? What stories have opened up his character to scrutiny and brought active discussion on here? I can't think of much, instead I've been forced fed the usual rather goofy, buffoonish Castle kidding around and being made the butt of jokes. Meanwhile his mythology which should have been a big deal has been laughably buried and treated more as a passing joke by everyone including sometimes the man himself. I know as much now as I did before about Castle when he got run off the road in 6.23. Oh he's been having some sleepless nights apparently that's good to know.

And that's another issue, even when they ignored Castle at least the Beckett mythology helped drive the Castle and Beckett relationship onwards, I'll give them that. This Castle mythology has achieved nothing and in no way added to either character's development it's a total lose-lose situation.

The writers could get a "win" if they understood what some fans were complaining about in the first place and were capable of writing consistently for both characters but that's been a fundamental problem for a while now, they can't (or won't) do it. Instead they've focused on nothing about Castle that's worthwhile just emphasized a lot of his more irritating (at least to me) traits and worse Beckett is mostly playing the passively supporting role which is what Castle basically did for endless seasons much to my annoyance. They've just decided to flip it around as if that solves the problem and will shut those Rick Castle fans up endlessly bitching and whining that their hero doesn't get enough focus.

That's why some fans are pissed about how Beckett is being treated this season and complaining with this increased new focus on Castle. Sadly they're focusing on the wrong thing as usual to both characters detriment.

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For me the episodes are so paint by the numbers these days that it really does not matter which one of them it was about. Beckett being open & supportive is the most character development we have seen for 2 or more seasons. Sadly it seems they can only carry that off as long as she is not the focus of the story. Beckett is by far the more interesting of the two. They have only themselves to blame for this. Beyond Castle being an author & a good father we really know very little about him. It's kind of late in the game to change gears & reverse their roles. Honestly if they were telling compelling stories I wouldn’t give a damn which one of them it was about.

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Sadly it seems they can only carry that off as long as she is not the focus of the story. Beckett is by far the more interesting of the two. They have only themselves to blame for this. Beyond Castle being an author & a good father we really know very little about him. It's kind of late in the game to change gears & reverse their roles. Honestly if they were telling compelling stories I wouldn’t give a damn which one of them it was about.

May be you're right and it is too late to reverse things. Six seasons in you decide you'll concentrate on the title character it's laughable really. I love Beckett being supportive of Castle I don't see anything wrong with that far from it but just because she's being supportive doesn't mean she should take a back seat to the story telling and that's how it feels to some of us out there. It's funny because I'm not what some would describe as a "Beckett fangirl" but I find myself agreeing with them that she's being royally screwed over this season.

Some one said that they've realised that Rick Castle based on what they've seen so far just isn't that interesting a guy and I was about to defend him and thought well may be they have a point and I'm kidding myself about all these "layers" to the Castle onion. I want to believe there is more to uncover about the guy but I'm starting to lose hope. If this is them making a concerted effort to give me more substance to the man then I'm not impressed.

I started watching the show for Richard Castle and then quickly fell in love with the chemistry of the two leads but I have to admit overall seven seasons in Kate Beckett is by far the more developed and interesting character and the one that I now enjoy watching the most. But you're right if the stories were more compelling it probably wouldn't matter that much which character they concentrated on I'd get into it.

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I think its very hard to compare the two. I like both pairings very much but its comparing apples to oranges.


I wasn't trying to compare them, because you're right, it is apples to oranges.  I was just saying I like one and don't like the other.  Not because they all need to be one way for me to like them, it's just in this particular case I just only like one of them.


I don't care about Emma/Hook because Emma bores me.


I like Emma, and I really like Hook, I just don't think they get enough focus as a couple to be interesting.  And I made the healthy comment cause I think he is still lying to her and is missing his heart.  Secretly missing body parts seems like a bad sign for a relationship.

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Funny how they always pick the Knockdown kiss for some reason when of course they were "fake" kissing and weren't even a couple. 


Fake or not. That was still the hottest kiss we've had from them. It was smoking hot. Further it wasn't fake while they were doing it. jmho of course.

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Always was the best kiss, firstly because there was no hiding, no need to pretend as a cover and also because of what it represented. Four years of mostly pent up emotions/frustrations and finally an open acknowledgement and release of them with each other. It had everything, tenderness, joy, longing, passion, intensity. Stana and Nathan totally sold it despite the crappy editing.

Whilst you can't replicate that exact situation again, it's a shame that none of their kisses since as a couple have matched the Knockdown one for heat when there should have been plenty to choose from after all this time,

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Jake may not be great, but at least he's better than Fitz.


I'd prefer a man not put hands on me; preferable when their wrapped around my neck. Say what you want about Fitz but he's never been physically abusive towards Olivia. 

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On Wednesday, March 4, five accomplished alumni each will be presented with a 2015 John Jay Award for distinguished professional achievement at the 37th annual John Jay Awards Dinner, to be held at Cipriani 42nd Street in New York City. This year’s honorees are Kyra Tirana Barry ’87; Abigail Black Elbaum ’92, BUS’94; Ira Katznelson ’66; Nicholas P. Leone ’88; and Andrew W. Marlowe ’88.


Marlowe is a screenwriter and producer for MilMar Pictures. His credits include the films Air Force One, Hollow Man and End of Days. He is the executive producer and a writer on the ABC series Castle, which has won a People’s Choice Award, PRISM Award, Shorty Award, Emmy Award and Golden Reel Award. Marlowe was awarded an Academy Nicholl Fellowship in Screenwriting Award for his script The Lehigh Pirates.

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I believe that's a dress Stana owns. I've seen her in it many times going all the way back to the premiere for The Spirit circa 2008 (?). Her hair looks lighter to me too, although it could be the lighting. And her makeup looks...lighter. I don't think she walked the event's red carpet like Nathan did. In fact, had it not been for the guy posting on FB, we might never have known she was there too. lol 


The pics I've seen of Nathan and Bill Roe make me smile. He seemed very proud to give an award to him and I get the sense they are good friends. :) 

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There's a particular scene in which tears are literally rolling down his face...



Have to admit, I'm usually wary or tears rolling down faces. Yes I know that it happens it real life all too well, and maybe I'm just repressed etc, but I rarely find these scenes convincing and not cringeworthy on TV and in movies. Barely holding off tears, glistening eyes and so on - that's my jam. But hysterics, even justified by plot, usually turn me off the story and give a case of second hand embarrassment. So I hope it's not the case here. Both no extreme hysterics in the episode, and no cringing for me, LOL.

That said, I'm sure I'd be a hysterical mess myself in just about every situation Beckett and Castle find themselves in on the show, so I'm well aware of how ridiculous my reservations look.


Another NF pic from this weekend

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I'm also repressed then because lots of blubbing on screen and wailing no matter how good the actors involved doesn't do much for me either and I too end up getting embarrassed. Same goes for badassary the more overt the less enjoyable I find it. That's what concerns me after reading various comments and seeing that sneak peek along with the glimpse of Castle sobbing in the promo. I hope in the context of the episode I'll feel more comfortable with it all. 


Less is definitely more. 

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I believe that's a dress Stana owns. I've seen her in it many times going all the way back to the premiere for The Spirit circa 2008 (?).


She's worn that dress at least twice more - someone on tumblr made an album. :) I like it; it's so sparkly!

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I must be another repressed person, cause tears literally falling usually doesn't do much for me.  People being about to cry is more compelling.  But I'll hold off on judging this episode till I see it.


I'd prefer a man not put hands on me; preferable when their wrapped around my neck. Say what you want about Fitz but he's never been physically abusive towards Olivia.


Nope, just emotionally abusive.  That Liv sure knows how to pick them.  But I was thinking, Shonda writes these really great entertaining shows filled with characters who are basically terrible people.  Then you have Marlowe, who created a rather mediocre show with cookie cutter writing that has really likable characters.  I wonder what would happen if they collaborated.


This is a fabulous Tweet from Stana.  I kind of wish she was live tweeting though.

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Stana was just on Kimmel. Short but cute. A couple items she's auctioning on eBay starting today or tomorrow for ATP include the shirt she wore for her audition that Nathan cut shorter with scissors and signed Duran Duran tickets from when they (I assume SK and NF) went to see them while shooting the pilot in NY.

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Pits she isn't auctioning that sparkly dress she would have a customer!  Those are good things she's auctioning I can see them going quickly since they've often been talked about and yeah those tickets would be when Nathan suggested they go to a Duran Duran concert.


Castle: Episode 7x16 "The Wrong Stuff" Promo (HD)


I love Nathan in that suit. This is obviously going to be fun and then a three week break boo! 

JIMMY KIMMEL LIVE: Thumbnails of Stana's arrival and departure from Kimmel.

Some more photos here enlarged of Stana leaving and signing for fans outside.

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Post Mortem: Castle Boss Talks Latest 3XK Twist, Beckett Lookalike Plan, Remaining Mythologies and More at TV Line



TVLINE | OK, because you previously told me the two-parter would “revisit” Rick’s vanishing, but I guess you meant only via dialogue. When do you plan to actually dive back into that unsolved mystery?
We touched on the missing time here more in terms of the feeling it was bringing out in the characters — specifically the first time Castle is looking at the tape Beckett made, he’s kind of experiencing what she experienced, except probably a worse version, because he knows she’s in the clutches of Jerry Tyson. But it’s a way in which he can kind of understand the helplessness and difficulty that she went through when he was [gone], and that’s going to stick with him a bit. That will be explored in a greater depth when we get to Episode 20.


Exploring it in greater depth would be nice but I'm not holding my breath on that.  So far this "new mythology" has been a total let down, they've given me nothing. 


TVLINE | I was thinking that with 3XK gone, what ongoing mythology is left on the series?
There’s the vanishing…. And there are some other things that we’re going to be exploring later in the season, when we deal with some Beckett mythology.

TVLINE | Something with Beckett we’ve touched on before, or something new?
It’s a little too soon to talk about it. It’s still in the incubation stage.


LOL his last comment makes me think of egg harvesting and babies. 

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Hooray for more Beckett mythology. I wonder if we're going back to Bracken in some way here or if it'll be all new (maybe getting deeper into the career/family issue). 


Some interesting things about what we can expect moving forward from the EW post-mortem:


[W]hen we get to around episode 20, we’re probably going to be dealing in a more direct way with the missing time that he had at the beginning of the season, and trying to delve into what it was that actually occurred.


Now that Castle is unbanned, have we seen last of PI Castle?
I think we have for now. The PI was a means to an end for him. It was a way of trying to finagle his way into working with Beckett, and probably also fulfilling a lifelong fantasy. Now that he’s back on it, there’s not really a pressing need to continue that. [it] may be something that gets revisited down the line, but for now I think he’s happy to be back with her, doing what he was doing before....


What can you tell us about the next couple of episodes?
The next episode is “Murder on Mars,” where astronauts have been sealed in a Mars simulation for months in preparation for a Mars expedition, [and] one of them is murdered. So it seems as though nobody could’ve gotten in or out of the place, and yet none of them seem to have had a hand in the killing. It becomes a big mystery for Beckett and Castle to solve, and one that requires them to put on space suits and go and interview people. It’s a delightful episode. We also have an episode with Beckett sort of meeting her equivalent, a hot shot Hong Kong female detective who’s kind of like Beckett except even more so. So they’re trying to solve a case together, and Beckett’s trying to grapple with the fact that she’s dealing with someone that’s actually better at the job than she is.


And from the TVGuide post-mortem:


What can you tell us about upcoming episodes?
David Amann: Coming out of the two-parter is a fun, classic Castle episode. It's basically murder on Mars. There's a Mars simulation with astronauts who've been locked away in a Mars environment for six months, and one of them is murdered. But none of them could have done it -- nobody could have gotten in. So Castle and Beckett have to put on spacesuits and go talk to people. And as part of that, we think that moving forward there is this kind of an ongoing theme for Beckett about what it is that she wants to do next with her life and her career. That's going to be something that manifests in the episodes moving forward.


And do you have a specific timeline for when you might re-examine the story of Castle's disappearance?
Amann: We'll revisit it in Episode 20. It's an episode that's going to deal, to a large degree, with Castle's missing time from the beginning of the season. It's fair to say that we'll get some clarity on what exactly happened to him, though we may not get the entire story.


I guess the answer to the penultimate question addresses the question of what the Beckett mythology may be about. 

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Nice to see Stana on Kimmel and getting to promote her cause.  I imagine there'll be frantic bidding over that shirt and those ticket stubs as some fans believe they birthed Caskett or Nathan/Stana chemistry.  She should auction off a photo or photos of her and Nathan together  heh considering the clamour for one.  Would bring in lots of $$, I bet.  A bit surprised Stana (or her stylist) chose to go with a pantsuit for her appearance.  Thought she might have gone for something less businesslike, but she's beautiful either way.  I wonder if she got to meet Benedict Cumberbatch, because who wouldn't want to? :P


Stana's "tied up" tweet was a hoot.  As were Nathan's Valentine's Day application tweets.  Really enjoyed those.  Lots of wit and humor and I loved that Dana Delany tweeted him applying.  I miss Jordan Shaw.  And looks like there was a fun live tweet party with Nathan, Jon and Seamus and Shatner in the mix somehow.


Oh, and I think I ship Nathan and Bill Roe now lol.  Who knew they'd be so cute together in that video at the award show? :P  But really, it's nice to see them having such a great rapport and respect for each other.   Congrats to Bill and lovely to see so many Castle people turn out to support him. 

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From the TVGuide post-mortem of Reckoning:


Both of your leads' contracts expire after this season, and ABC hasn't made a decision about a renewal. How do those things impact your plans for the end of the season?
Amann: We're hopeful that everything gets resolved. In the meantime, we're just building the best end of the season that we can. Obviously, we've thought about a bunch of different scenarios, but our main obligation is to our audience and to deliver great shows. That's what we'll be trying to do, and we think we have a bunch of them lined up all the way to the end.


Per Nadine, filming is geared to end in April. While I am very hopeful for an 8th season, I really hope they'll know going into the last set of episodes if this is going to be the end. 

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The big question for me at this stage is what do they have planned for the 150th episode because that will either be the penultimate series finale or season finale episode.


Because if they're talking about incubation for the Beckett mythology that will either be covered in 721-723.

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I feel like, by now, they'd know if Stana and/or Nathan wanted out for sure, so that's a less likely scenario, IMO. He probably wants to be vague because either they're still hammering out a contract and/or nothing is final until ABC gives them an official pickup, which won't happen until May.

I mean, how awful would it be if he came out and said "nah guys, we're good!" And then ABC came back with "eh, except you're canceled."

Both sides have expressed a desire for more, so it should be okay.

Is 7x23 really the 150th episode?


Ah, nope 7x23 is 151. Duh. Learn the definition of pentultimate, Amanda.

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