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The comments in that TV Line article reminded me this episode is supposed to touch on Castle's disappearance.  So maybe they introduce this McRaney guy briefly to do that, and then he comes back for the more in depth episode about it (if they writers have figured out what they want that to be about).  They did the same kind of announcement last year about the fake Henry Jones guy and he was pretty irrelevant. TV Line is making a big deal about them because it's probably the only news they have right now.

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TV line love stirring up the Castle fan base especially this season lol but they must be pretty desperate if that's all they've got to tease dear me. 


(if they writers have figured out what they want that to be about)


Heh, whilst I'd like to assume they have this particular story arc firmly plotted out especially if it's meant to dovetail into the Locksat situation I fear otherwise. 

Edited by verdana
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I've always liked McRaney and I like Summer.


I've just come to the conclusion, NF and SK aren't going to work together other than a few scenes an episode and this is the last season.


The guest- cast are the least of this show's problems . It got some much-needed hype if anything else.


I think it was good casting considering the constraints.

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I think he is still married to Delta Burke.  I can't hate on him.  He's a decent actor - Jericho was good. 


I just think the guest-actors are the least problem.  They are generating some hype - so, there's that.


None of the cast is doing interviews, and everyone seems to be distancing themselves from the show.  It's just ending.  I like Summer and McRaney . - I'll take what I can get at this point.

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Also Touch by an Angel and Promise Land spin off. Yeah he and Delta are still married according to imdb. I'm sure entertainment news would be all over if they weren't together.

I think NCIS was showing a marathon of last season a week ago and even Sunkrish manage to be unimpressive as a terrorist. He had barely any lines and most of the to was about Tony Dinozo Sr.

This show could probably squeezed a couple more seasons if they went back to the old formula of writer and muse with only 10-13 eps a season so that the cast has more time to do other projects. With what AH/TPW has done with only 8 eps, I don't think there's anyone left that can do a decent overall storyline and who knows if Hanning want to take over if he's offered the next show runner if there is another season. Right now this is giving me shades of s8-9 of the X files where half of the main leads is gone. At least the revival has gotten me little more excited since M/S has aged well, dressed better than when they started, humor looks to be back and they enjoy working together again compared to the tidbits we get on Castle.

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God, Gerald McRaney. I remember him when I was but a kid when he was on Simon & Simon. Also remember him from Major Dad. I wonder if he and Delta Burke are still married?


Ahhh, Simon & Simon. That was a defining TV show of my childhood. I also loved when he played Suzanne Sugarbaker's ex-husband on Designing Women (another favorite show of mine).  

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TVLine has learned exclusively that McRaney is set to appear in multiple episodes as Mason Wood, the head of a legendary and secretive private detective society.


Reminded me of Castle's secret society of Santas heh (oops, mistyped Satans and then Stanas hehe).  I like this actor and I get geeky about private detective stuff being a fan of Sherlock and Christie so I don't mind these spoilers.  I'd rather have this sort of not too serious, tongue in cheek P.I. stuff than ultra serious Locksat conspiracy which does really bore me to tears.


Non serious conspiracy theory:  maybe Mason Wood is another secret lover of Castle's top secret step-mother Rita heh.


I think Morena is way too busy with Gotham and back in Sep it was announced she was pregnant plus personal life drama.



She's probably going to be busy with Deadpool promotional duties as well (didn't Nathan have a cameo in that?).  And yeah, didn't she get busy, I mean, pregnant :P, with her costar on Gotham?  Now I read that the leads on The Americans are also expecting, and there's also the leads on Madam Secretary who are a couple.  So many on set romances, but they don't seem to last... is it proximity?  Is it transference from character to actor?  Or casting people have a knack for casting people with some sort of chemical attraction?


I'm surprised Alan hasn't appeared yet out of Nathan's acting buddies, he's the one of the Firefly group I'd love to see



He's doing a Star Wars film right now so I doubt he's going to have time for Castle.  I'd love to see Christina Hendricks.  Don't know how I forgot about her.  But not sure she has time for something like Castle either.


I have no right to be advising Stana on her life choices but I wish she'd consciously uncouple from him lol.



Lol!  That is so 2015.... or er... whichever year that came from heh.  They should have worked that into Castle dialogue at the time.


TV Line is making a big deal about them because it's probably the only news they have right now.



TV Line posts a lot of casting news and they mostly get that from the episode being filmed or about to be filmed at the time.  So I'm not seeing a big deal out of these usual snippets of casting news from an episode.  We've got the Beckett/D.A. arc coming up, then looks like it's followed by this Castle/L.A./P.I. arc, then probably it's the big resolution to Locksat/Castle's disappearance.  The writers will be shifting focus between a few stories and the leads.

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TV Line posts a lot of casting news and they mostly get that from the episode being filmed or about to be filmed at the time.  So I'm not seeing a big deal out of these usual snippets of casting news from an episode.  We've got the Beckett/D.A. arc coming up, then looks like it's followed by this Castle/L.A./P.I. arc, then probably it's the big resolution to Locksat/Castle's disappearance.  The writers will be shifting focus between a few stories and the leads.


Anything to avoid writing Castle and Beckett doing scenes together. LOL

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Lol!  That is so 2015.... or er... whichever year that came from heh.  They should have worked that into Castle dialogue at the time.


I've discovered it was back in 2014 but I'm so behind the times I'm only just catching up...


She's probably going to be busy with Deadpool promotional duties as well (didn't Nathan have a cameo in that?).  And yeah, didn't she get busy, I mean, pregnant :P, with her costar on Gotham?  Now I read that the leads on The Americans are also expecting, and there's also the leads on Madam Secretary who are a couple. 


I didn't realise that Monica had hooked up with Benjamin McKenzie, I loved him on The OC and Southland. Congratulations to them on the baby news she's still has to get a divorce from hubby No 1 heh but then that's how it goes in Hollywood. I often wonder when these relationship start up all hot and heavy on set between couples, do these people ever stop to worry about what's going to happen when the initial heat fades and the show/pairing ends?  I'd be wary about getting involved with someone in those circumstances knowing that at some point you won't be working together any more and may be the magic of your relationship is due to the particular on set circumstances and little else.  


So many on set romances, but they don't seem to last... is it proximity?  Is it transference from character to actor?  Or casting people have a knack for casting people with some sort of chemical attraction?


These TV on set romances seem to be a combination of the proximity and intensity of the situation. I'm not shocked when I hear about actors constantly getting together on set, it's an atmosphere ripe for romance and hook ups and you're right they rarely last long. I can understand why there is such paranoia too amongst many stars in Hollywood about cheating partners/spouses etc especially when the person they're with they met on set so they must be in a constant state of anxiety they'll get replaced by the next actor their partner is paired with and history repeats, especially if they have great natural chemistry with them. 

Edited by verdana
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It's a Beckett episode.

"I think that is an irresponsible speculative comment based on just the first day of filming".


At least that is the response you would get from some of the people posting on TV line articles. LOL


But seriously, it would seem sad now that we appear to swing much more frequently from a "Castle, Beckett lite" episode to a "Beckett, Castle lite" episode if that's the case.


Maybe Mr Lee will put us out of our misery this weekend at the TCAs, although with ABC struggling to find new shows that could be a replacement they may feel compelled to soldier on for at least another season despite the ratings.


It seems that the leads tiring of the punishing filming schedule of a 22 episode season is what could be one of the main reasons for the lack of shared screen time between them as they demanded more time off as part of their S8 contracts. Perhaps, if TPTB had really recognised what was the main attraction they could have offered an alternative solution by cutting S8 to 10 or 11 episodes but sticking to the previous schedule so that the leads would only have had to commit to the workload for 4 to 5 months of the year instead of the current 9. Castle might have survived for a few more years with that format.

I've seen online comments wishing goodriddance to Beckett, (and Stana), enthusiastic about Alexis' hightened role, welcoming the addition of Hayley, and enjoying Castle running around with anyone but Beckett. The reality is that S8 is very far removed from the show, i.e. a writer and his muse solving crimes TOGETHER, that I would think the majority would prefer to watch, and as Beckett has been promoted and pretty much consigned to desk duties and Castle's P.I. office has had a lot spent on it that original show is now a distant memory so I would never think I would be saying this when I watched Still but I hope TPTB don't try and keep this new show going past S8.

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I have to disagree.  I haven't read anyone happy about Beckett leaving, Alexis being featured or Castle P.I. Most of what I've read is the opposite.  I do think the show is ending and NF and SK are moving on.  It had a good run.  8 years is pretty incredible for a network show.  I do hope they turn it around and go out on a high note. 

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I have to disagree.  I haven't read anyone happy about Beckett leaving, Alexis being featured or Castle P.I. Most of what I've read is the opposite.  I do think the show is ending and NF and SK are moving on.  It had a good run.  8 years is pretty incredible for a network show.  I do hope they turn it around and go out on a high note. 

If you look hard enough you will find those comments, but I agree they are normally in the minority, however, the on line community is often dismissed as an irrelevant fraction of the fanbase by those critical of the critics. The point I was trying to make is that although there are many diverse reasons why people watch and enjoy the show the majority are likely to put Caskett's interactions (not just their romantic ones) as the number one attraction and in S8 those have been at a premium, and the creative choices of the new showrunners have pretty much discarded most of what made the show successful in the first place.I can't believe that the cast and crew are oblivious to the fact that what is being aired now is not being well received by quite a few of their audience, and, despite being well rewarded for their efforts, it must be a bit of a disappointment that the show is likely to end leaving a sour taste.

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I completely agree - we all want Caskett, but it's just not happening.   We can all speculate (BTS issues,contractual time-off, creative decisions), but there is no Caskett.  The only show I was this attached to was the X-files, and I can't even remember the last season.  I just hope they do the show justice and end on a high note.  It is painful for the fans to watch it go out this way.  I would think the actors, who put 8 years into this show, would demand more.

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I completely agree - we all want Caskett, but it's just not happening.   We can all speculate (BTS issues,contractual time-off, creative decisions), but there is no Caskett.  The only show I was this attached to was the X-files, and I can't even remember the last season.  I just hope they do the show justice and end on a high note.  It is painful for the fans to watch it go out this way.  I would think the actors, who put 8 years into this show, would demand more.

You can probably guess the show I was hooked on before Castle and fortunately that had a logical point to end it which allowed the various romances and careers to be neatly concluded. It did take a bit of a dip in quality after the demise of Sorkin about half way through but nothing like the changes we've seen with Castle since S5, but of course it benefitted from being an ensemble so the departure of Rob Lowe hardly caused a ripple. Castle has suffered from its own success being too dependant on the two leads, so in hindsight perhaps Marlowe should have written the series ending for 6x23, but I guess TPTB didn't want to give up what was probably at the time quite a profitable enterprise.

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Yeah, I get it.   The thing that bugs me the most - NF and SK have been there for 8 years - 16 hour days.  Is this how they want it to go out?  Really?  Why don't' they take control and end it on a good note?  It was a good show - why end this way?

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I've discovered it was back in 2014 but I'm so behind the times I'm only just catching up...


In case it wasn't clear, I wasn't laughing at you at all.  :)  It was just that I still find that term amusing 2 years on heh.  Although I'm not about to use it myself except in an ironic way. :P


I didn't realise that Monica had hooked up with Benjamin McKenzie, I loved him on The OC and Southland. Congratulations to them on the baby news she's still has to get a divorce from hubby No 1 heh but then that's how it goes in Hollywood. I often wonder when these relationship start up all hot and heavy on set between couples, do these people ever stop to worry about what's going to happen when the initial heat fades and the show/pairing ends?  I'd be wary about getting involved with someone in those circumstances knowing that at some point you won't be working together any more and may be the magic of your relationship is due to the particular on set circumstances and little else.


I think you mean Morena. :P  I don't watch Gotham so don't know if the chemistry between her and her costar is so sizzling that it lead to action off screen.  Onscreen chemistry is often an indicator of something, but not always.  I imagine most actors would be aware of the pitfalls of an onset romance, and if they're experienced, perhaps know how to avoid mixing business with pleasure even when the temptation is there, but the heart (or other parts ;)) wants what the heart wants.  Movie set romances often don't last long either, maybe ends even before the movie is screened in cinemas.  But at least then you don't have to keep working with your costar ex.  Whereas with long running TV series, you're still stuck together for who knows how long.  I can't imagine many things more awkward than playing onscreen lovers with an ex, but then again, I'm not an actor.  


Beckett will definitely make an appearance in 8x15, and she gets out of the precinct.



It's a Beckett episode.


I was always fairly confident that they would follow 814 with a more Beckett centric episode.   One character is serviced after another.  Maybe that can finally put the hysteria to rest over Beckett being written out, marginalised etc.... but I'm not holding my breath. ;)


And how many times have those fans met Stana on location?  Even I recognize them now. ;)


But seriously, it would seem sad now that we appear to swing much more frequently from a "Castle, Beckett lite" episode to a "Beckett, Castle lite" episode if that's the case.


I wish people would move away from that sort of mindset entirely; I don't think it's helpful towards keeping an open mind about the storytelling. 


When we had all the mombatross episodes in all those previous seasons, I don't really recall as much complaining about episodes being Castle lite or whatever.  The attention, criticism or praise, was on the story being told, not which character was being featured more.  It's not a competition to me.  And as has become obvious this season, people need to bear in mind scheduling constraints of the actors when complaining about who is being featured when.  For me, both leads have their story drivers this season.  Beckett, the Locksat investigation plus upcoming Captain stuff with a new D.A. antagonist.  Castle, the budding P.I. business with some new partners.  And both have to deal with the separation story of course.  I don't particularly feel anyone's been left out, except Lanie and Martha as usual. ;)


Perhaps, if TPTB had really recognised what was the main attraction they could have offered an alternative solution by cutting S8 to 10 or 11 episodes but sticking to the previous schedule so that the leads would only have had to commit to the workload for 4 to 5 months of the year instead of the current 9

I would be up for that, though I'm not necessarily sure the quality of the writing would increase substantially.  The writers would probably still want to do some sort of overarching conspiracy arc, ugh.  But I am not sure doing half the amount of episodes would make financial sense for the network for such an old series with high running costs.  I personally think a shorter season is definitely the way to go because it's almost impossible for shows to sustain a high quality over 20+ episodes per season.  Look at something like Sherlock, which has the luxury of churning out something like 1-3 episodes a year!  I assume they are raking in money for the BBC.


I have to disagree.  I haven't read anyone happy about Beckett leaving, Alexis being featured or Castle P.I. Most of what I've read is the opposite.  I do think the show is ending and NF and SK are moving on.  It had a good run.  8 years is pretty incredible for a network show.  I do hope they turn it around and go out on a high note.



Agree.  I do think quite a few vocal fans who air their opinions frequently online go on and on and on about their unhappiness with Alexis being featured and Castle P.I.  I question whether they are representative of the majority of viewers though.  Comment sections and twitter feeds are mostly just echo chambers now, rather than an open-minded, objective discussion of the show in my opinion.  Many may be unhappy with the Caskett separation storyline and the amount of Caskett this season, but that doesn't mean they necessarily dislike Castle P.I. and Alexis' role being tied to that storyline this season.  Many people are already bashing episode 814, but can't they at least wait till the episode has aired to do their judging? ;)  If you only have one firm idea of what any show is to be (as it was) and won't accept it wandering out of those parameters and evolving to whatever extent, then I think it's very likely you'll be disappointed because doing something different is what creatives generally like to do.


I don't like how they've written the separation storyline.  But given that they were separated and Castle wasn't shadowing Beckett, there was actually more Caskett  than I expected and they were generally quality scenes with good chemistry.  I do still credit them for doing things outside of the separation storyline well.  There has been less of the boring exposition and generally better dialogue between all the characters.


Is this how they want it to go out?  Really?  Why don't' they take control and end it on a good note?  It was a good show - why end this way?


I don't believe either want to tank the show, which is why I've always questioned the Machiavellian conspiracy theories some fans like to throw out about actors controlling this or that on the show.  I really don't think they have as much power as those fans imagine.  Even if they did, why would they want to do things that would give them a bad reputation as an interferer and ruin the show?  The show represents everyone's career and they surely think about that.  The writers will write what they want, and the actors will act it.  

Edited by madmaverick
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I think you mean Morena. :P I don't watch Gotham so don't know if the chemistry between her and her costar is so sizzling that it lead to action off screen. Onscreen chemistry is often an indicator of something, but not always.

I tend to only half pay attention when I watch Gotham, but I don't think they have much onscreen chemistry. I'm surprised they're together IRL. He had more chemistry with the actress who plays his crazy ex.

I don't believe either want to tank the show, which is why I've always questioned the Machiavellian conspiracy theories some fans like to throw out about actors controlling this or that on the show. I really don't think they have as much power as those fans imagine. Even if they did, why would they want to do things that would give them a bad reputation as an interferer and ruin the show? The show represents everyone's career and they surely think about that. The writers will write what they want, and the actors will act it.

There is such a thing as burnout, and 8 years is a long time to work long hours on one thing. Especially if you're a creative person. I don't think anyone wants to tank the show, but I doubt they are as into it as they were at one point. Plus, at the end of the day, this is just everyone's job. They must feel differently than fans who obsess over it.

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I tend to only half pay attention when I watch Gotham, but I don't think they have much onscreen chemistry. I'm surprised they're together IRL. He had more chemistry with the actress who plays his crazy ex.


Onscreen chemistry is a curious thing.  I actually don't think Seamus has particularly great chemistry with his wife when they've appeared together.  Thought he had more chemistry with that other actress who played the character Ryan had connected with undercover.  I guess the writing's also a factor.  If the writers don't write something for the actors to spark off of, it's harder to generate that chemistry.


There is such a thing as burnout, and 8 years is a long time to work long hours on one thing. Especially if you're a creative person. I don't think anyone wants to tank the show, but I doubt they are as into it as they were at one point. Plus, at the end of the day, this is just everyone's job. They must feel differently than fans who obsess over it.


Exactly.  You would think that this is the common sense of pov for anyone's who's ever had a job, but so many fans don't seem to understand that actors, and writers, for that matter, look at the show through a different lens than the fans.  It's not that they don't care about it, but the considerations are not the same, and that's natural.


OT: I watched the pilot of Shades of Blue, J. Lo's new TV show, out of curiosity.  Review in brief: Another iteration of a "badass" female police detective show, but not my cup of tea.  One of the first things I noticed was that they purposely zoomed in a shot of J. Lo's lead character's shoes and they were flat boots.  That was a deliberate choice.  Interesting to compare the wardrobe and the police precinct sets for different police procedurals and see the similarities and the differences.


I also really enjoyed the latest episode of Elementary, for any fellow viewers here.  It doesn't have the pull of a romantic WT/WT, but that show does quite a few things better than Castle as a show built around two characters set in a police procedural.  Of course it's a younger show than Castle so who knows what they'll be like if they last as long, but for now, the dialogue is smarter, more considered, and there's a deeper exploration of the leads as well as the supporting characters and the inter-relationships.  Thought they did a good job of creating and casting a sociopath in the latest COTW too.  More effective than someone so overtly villainous like 3XK or Nieman to me actually.  Again, I don't know why Castle writers can't concentrate on writing compelling criminals as antagonists instead of going for convoluted conspiracies headed by characterless, faceless men that we won't care about in the end.


Glad to see Penny appears to have landed a new gig.  Good for her.  And the actress who played Tori seems to be doing well career wise post Castle.  Maybe she should have left sooner; she didn't make an impression on me on Castle.

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I think the talk of Castle's 'future' just reflects how desperate ABC are right now....it's kind of pathetic that they can't find ANYTHING to replace it so they are prepared to piss off the majority of its fan base to fill a timeslot??!!

They surely can't be that keen about changing Castle?? I refuse to believe that they actually believe it will work....desperate times call for desperate measures. I wonder if Stana has already told them to stick S9 where the sun doesn't shine.....

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And, TV|Line chimes in from the TCAs:



Asked by TVLine if the network is looking into extending Castle’s longevity — or setting up a contingency plan, in case neither of the series leads re-sign for the fall — by way of a spinoff or “reset” that changes up the show’s premise or setting, Lee said, “We’d love Castle to keep going for many years to come. There are a lot of conversations going on as to how we could do that.”

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I think the talk of Castle's 'future' just reflects how desperate ABC are right now....it's kind of pathetic that they can't find ANYTHING to replace it so they are prepared to piss off the majority of its fan base to fill a timeslot??!!

They surely can't be that keen about changing Castle?? I refuse to believe that they actually believe it will work....desperate times call for desperate measures. I wonder if Stana has already told them to stick S9 where the sun doesn't shine.....

In a sense they've already launched the spin off with Castle P.I. They spent a lot revamping his office, Alexis has been re-invented as his supersleuth new partner and we have Hayley added to the mix. 8x14 sounds almost like it could be a pilot for S9 with the precinct taking a back seat. It will be interesting to see how the ratings hold up when the show returns on Feb 1.

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In a sense they've already launched the spin off with Castle P.I. They spent a lot revamping his office, Alexis has been re-invented as his supersleuth new partner and we have Hayley added to the mix. 8x14 sounds almost like it could be a pilot for S9 with the precinct taking a back seat. It will be interesting to see how the ratings hold up when the show returns on Feb 1.

Yep -- there's been hints of this all season. Sadly my gut tells me this isn't gonna go the way I would hope. Oh well, good luck to them!

I do find it curious that they would be so desperate to salvage a show whose ratings have dropped by nearly 40% this year -- off the back of these spinoff ideas (I might add??) I would say greed but surely Castle isn't that much of a money earner for them??

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I think the talk of Castle's 'future' just reflects how desperate ABC are right now....it's kind of pathetic that they can't find ANYTHING to replace it so they are prepared to piss off the majority of its fan base to fill a timeslot??!!

They surely can't be that keen about changing Castle?? I refuse to believe that they actually believe it will work....desperate times call for desperate measures. I wonder if Stana has already told them to stick S9 where the sun doesn't shine.....

I suspect they already know Stana is not going to sign for season 9 or she was never included in their plans anyway as Castle P.I, starring the unfunny Nathan Fillion and Molly "acting is not my forte" Quinn, was always the plan.
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I suspect they already know Stana is not going to sign for season 9 or she was never included in their plans anyway as Castle P.I, starring the unfunny Nathan Fillion and Molly "acting is not my forte" Quinn, was always the plan.

Sadly the odds are it's true but hey, If Stana wanted to stick around she could.....despite what people think she does wield some power in all of this. Just check out the reactions of fans at the end of last season and at this very moment on Twitter, Tumblr et al

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Not to defend Paul Lee or ABC (because I'm not clinically insane - yet!), but there is precedence where the idea can/did/does work: Look at The Closer morphing into Major Crimes once Kyra Sedgwick's Brenda Leigh Johnson left and Mary McDonnell's Sharon Raydor took over, just a change in lead but the same supporting characters.

And in the '80s (I know), NBC had a sitcom called Valerie as a vehicle for Valerie Harper. Well, Ms. Harper wanted more money. NBC balked. So her character died (yes, this was a sitcom!), and the show brought in Sandy Duncan as the husband's sister/kids' aunt, and it was renamed to Valerie's Family, which went through a third and final name change, The Hogan Family, and lasted for a few seasons.

So yeah. It can be done. The real question is, should it, in this case, considering the terrible ratings? And I say no, as many do. It just says to me that ABC is greedy and/or very desperate. They have to put something else in the slot eventually.

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My opinion, there is not, and never was going to be a Castle P.I. BTS issues and contractual issues forced the producers to separate them. Stana is odd to me, Castle gets a lot play, U.S. and abroad, but people in general don't' know who she is. I don't know if Nathan's such a big personality that he overshadows her, but she just hasn't been able to capitalize on the show's success.

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My opinion, there is not, and never was going to be a Castle P.I. BTS issues and contractual issues forced the producers to separate them. Stana is odd to me, Castle gets a lot play, U.S. and abroad, but people in general don't' know who she is. I don't know if Nathan's such a big personality that he overshadows her, but she just hasn't been able to capitalize on the show's success.

She definitely walks to the beat of her own drum! So if she does walk away from Castle it shouldn't shock people - she doesn't appear to be someone who 'gets' Hollywood networking or she simply doesn't care for it!

I see a lot of fans posting right now that she will never walk away from Castle of her own accord and how crazy she would be to do that.....I wouldn't be so sure about that!

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Yeah, I'm not knocking her - I just wonder sometimes why she never took off as an actress considering the play Castle gets. Kerry Washington, Ellen P., took off but Stana didn't, and it seems like Castle is always on.

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I see a lot of fans posting right now that she will never walk away from Castle of her own accord and how crazy she would be to do that.....I wouldn't be so sure about that!

Yeah, David Caruso may have a lot to say about that where NYPD Blue is concerned.

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Yeah, David Caruso may have a lot to say about that where NYPD Blue is concerned.

Ha! That's a good comparison -- he did go on to terrorise a whole new show for many years so maybe there is some genius in walking to the beat of your own drum.....mind you, what is Caruso doing these days??

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Ha! That's a good comparison -- he did go on to terrorise a whole new show for many years so maybe there is some genius in walking to the beat of your own drum.....mind you, what is Caruso doing these days??

But the point I was trying to make here where Caruso is concerned is that he left NYPD Blue at the peak of his popularity and thought he would be a huge movie star. It tanked hard, and it took him about a decade of obscurity before his second chance with CSI: Miami came around.

I'm not saying Stana Katic is an egomaniac, just speaking on the basis of actors leaving popular shows. Right or wrong, good or bad, many do it. For some, it works. Others, not so much. It is a real crap shoot. If she still wants to act, she can still do guest roles like she once did on The Closer - assuming she's not into fame and just wants to work. Or maybe she will get a new show if she ever wants it, but often, actors are known for a pivotal role, and this may be her fate with Beckett.

Or maybe she wants to pursue non-acting venues and spend time with her husband.

Time will tell what she does.

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But the point I was trying to make here where Caruso is concerned is that he left NYPD Blue at the peak of his popularity and thought he would be a huge movie star. It tanked hard, and it took him about a decade of obscurity before his second chance with CSI: Miami came around.

I'm not saying Stana Katic is an egomaniac, just speaking on the basis of actors leaving popular shows. Right or wrong, good or bad, many do it. For some, it works. Others, not so much. It is a real crap shoot. If she still wants to act, she can still do guest roles like she once did on The Closer - assuming she's not into fame and just wants to work. Or maybe she will get a new show if she ever wants it, but often, actors are known for a pivotal role, and this may be her fate with Beckett.

Or maybe she wants to pursue non-acting venues and spend time with her husband.

Time will tell what she does.

Oh I think we are on the same wave length. I don't really have the same belief that she won't walk away like a lot of fans seem to have -- I get the impression you feel the same way??

I also think that Paul Lee's comments today could be interpreted as they already know she is not gonna do anymore seasons ('could' being the operative word in that sentence, of course)

If this is the case I just wish they would end it but I know not all fans feel that way but those clinging to the hope that Stana would never walk away from this role are grasping at straws I think, sadly. It's up to the network vultures to determine if there is any value in the carcus and as things stand now they seem to think there is.

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Oh I think we are on the same wave length. I don't really have the same belief that she won't walk away like a lot of fans seem to have -- I get the impression you feel the same way??


Exactly my thoughts about SK.  :-)  Based on this season alone, it just seems like she is "there" but "NOT there" at the same time. Maybe she just wanted more perks, but just maybe, she agreed to one year and this mess is the result, putting Beckett out to pasture - more or less - before she is officially gone, testing the proverbial waters.


Like I said, we'll see!

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I just hope that a "Castle PI" show wouldn't kill off Beckett (or result in a divorce). They could just not have her scenes but reference her as captain off doing her own thing. I don't have high hopes though, because that removes all romantic storylines and I'm sure they'll want to show Nathan with some hot woman.

I'm guessing Nathan will do the show as long as he's getting the massive paycheck and ass licking and that Stana was done a year ago, only agreeing to half ass a season 8 (and I like her very much).

The *only* way I see a Castle spinoff without Stana working is if they got an already famous/likeable woman lead. But how do you do that without killing/divorcing? Maybe Castle has an unknown, hot as hell sister with her own sex life?

Ugh, how stupid.

Edited by FlickerToAFlame
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I just hope that a "Castle PI" show wouldn't kill off Beckett (or result in a divorce). They could just not have her scenes but reference her as captain off doing her own thing. I don't have high hopes though, because that removes all romantic storylines and I'm sure they'll want to show Nathan with some hot woman.

I'm guessing Nathan will do the show as long as he's getting the massive paycheck and ass licking and that Stana was done a year ago, only agreeing to half ass a season 8 (and I like her very much).

The *only* way I see a Castle spinoff without Stana working is if they got an already famous/likeable woman lead. But how do you do that without killing/divorcing? Maybe Castle has an unknown, hot as hell sister with her own sex life?

Ugh, how stupid.

Totally agree. What happens to syndication or DVD sales if she is killed off or they divorce? The old shows wont hold the same appeal - even to long time viewers.

I think the writing has been on the wall for awhile. We are getting Castle PI whether we like it or not. I wont be watching.

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IF (big if) there is a spinoff? No way, IMO, will TPTB leave Castle in limbo romance wise, which, alas, does mean death or divorce. No other way around it. It may be a mistake, but in terms of making Castle a standalone character, that is what I see happening, wise move or not.
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It would be a huge risk but what other choice does ABC have at the moment?? Of course this whole sorry mess could end if Nathan walks away.....

I am sort of in awe that they would possibly nuke all that has come before (of course YMMV) in the slim hope that a spinoff will work....whoever makes that call has big cajones!

Edited by BellyLaughter
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Toks was probably hired as someone to lead a spinoff (or at least test out as a possible new lead if both current leads leave). They could hire a male love interest for her and keep all the supporting cast. Though I get the feeling the network doesn't give two shits about Tamala, Seamus or Jon. They seem to like Susan and Molly though.

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madmaverick. Thanks for the correction and no worries! 

I see tracking down the comments on TV Line some are already speculating how Beckett might best meet her demise lol. Divorce? Death by big bad conspiracy? She becomes an up-dated version of Mrs Columbo - talked about but never seen?

Maybe Castle has an unknown, hot as hell sister with her own sex life?

Wouldn't surprise me if another Castle relative crawled out the woodwork, we've had Rita already they could easily be more and they'll need a new hot female arse kicking lead to balance things out.

Lee, though, would not disclose which particular avenues are being explored for any possible Castle Season 9. “I don’t want to give a glimpse to what those ideas might be,” he said, “but I’m feeling optimistic that we’ve got some good ideas.”

I'm sure ABC has ideas but alas I do not share Mr Lee's optimism that they're good ones.

I've seen quite a few angry comments on twitter after TV line stirring the pot about a possible spin off etc and Lee's comments saying it makes them question if the network even knows the reason why fans watch the show. Oh I'm sure they do (it's Castle and Beckett mainly is any one really in doubt about that at this point?) but if they can't give you that they'll try something else, makes sense. Financial greed is such a powerful motivator in this business.

I agree with westwingfan they're already started experimenting with a view to extending the show's lifespan. It started in S7 with the birth of Castle PI and then simply gathered momentum.  They've been fiddling around trying new angles with an eye on a possible future where Katic leaves (if Fillion left the show is toast, he's No 1 on the call sheet for a good reason). Castle 2.0 does nothing much for me but I know others are really enjoying it so may be it will find a new audience if they continue. However, I must admit given the reduced Castle and Beckett screen time this season I have my doubts that any kind of reset/spin off will gain a sufficient audience (although to be fair to Lee it was TV Line that suggested that) but what do I know?

I do think the show is ending and NF and SK are moving on.  It had a good run.  8 years is pretty incredible for a network show.  I do hope they turn it around and go out on a high note.

I hope so too but I'm concerned based on what I've heard that Castle will have a messy series ending in May or an unsatisfying official "rebirth" into something else ready for S9 at the behest of the network.

No idea what Stana and Nathan want to do next with their lives, take the money and carry on or explore life outside of the Castle comfort zone I wish I had the inside track heh. But what does seem clear after this is ABC will try their hardest to squeeze one final drop of blood out of Castle's battered body before they toss the decaying husk aside and consign the show to history and it just might happen minus one of the leads...

Edited by verdana
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My theory? This spinoff story is about contract negotiations. Tell the main characters that they'll spin off without them so they don't feel indespensible. 


If the spinoff story is real, another possibility besides death or divorce? It was all just a dream. Considering how far fetched things have been all along, including the whole silly notion of a writer following a cop around, it seems like a dream to me.


Guilty. I'm one of the people who doesn't care. Just give me a show without much violence, few monsters or vampires, some comedy and a little romance--oh, and no more useless shirt-sniffy character arcs and miserable phony angst-- and I'm entertained. Spinoff would be great. I've always loved **well-done** PI shows.  Rockford Files was fantastic.


I do think they'd do better if they start over rather than trying to spin this show. They could cast the same basic people, but into new characters.

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TV Grim Reaper ‏@TVGrimReaper  51m51 minutes ago

#Castle is old, poorly rated, expensive, and has 2 leads who need new contracts. That is not a recipe for the future


Barry Common ‏@Mrpackerfan85  49m49 minutes ago

@TVGrimReaper what about one without the other


TV Grim Reaper ‏@TVGrimReaper  45m45 minutes ago

@Mrpackerfan85 impossible for it to get younger, or for it to get less expensive without it being effectively a new show


Barry Common ‏@Mrpackerfan85  44m44 minutes ago

@TVGrimReaper why dont they just announce it as final season already instead of waiting


TV Grim Reaper ‏@TVGrimReaper  44m44 minutes ago

@Mrpackerfan85 you’d have to ask them, but announced final seasons are pretty rare


Not sure how accurate the "TV Grim Reaper" is but I thought this exchange was interesting. 

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TV Grim Reaper ‏@TVGrimReaper  1h1 hour ago

And #Nashville & #TheMuppets. The Force is strong in him RT @CastleTime: Paul Lee showed he is a #PRJedi Master RE: his TCA #Castle comments


TV Grim Reaper ‏@TVGrimReaper  1h1 hour ago

All shows are beloved in public by their networks. Who hope they'll continue forever.


TV Grim Reaper ‏@TVGrimReaper  1h1 hour ago

Until they cancel them. And then it's if they've never existed at all.

And I thought this was amusing because it's so true, when you see fans jumping for joy that Paul Lee says he loves a particular show and I'm cynically thinking yeah they love it until the bean counters run the numbers and the "love" swiftly dies then Lee presses the destruct button lol .


Edited by verdana
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And I thought this was amusing because it's so true, when you see fans jumping for joy that Paul Lee says he loves a particular show and I'm cynically thinking yeah they love it until the bean counters run the numbers and the "love" swiftly dies then Lee presses the destruct button lol .

Paul Lee could be a TV show himself ... problem solved!! The Paul Lee Reality Hour (where he lies his face off) coming to Monday's at 10!!

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TV does seem to be kinder to "older" actresses.  (Good Grief, 35 seems to be older in this context). Lots of leads and second leads. Even my favourite new show Crazy Ex Girlfriend has a lead who is nearly *gas;* thirty.


Movies? Well, there's Dame Helen Mirren and..... umm.... gimmee a minute.....

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