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Random thoughts:

 - count me as another one who enjoyed Headhunters.  We've all complained about Castle playing the doofus for really no good reason, but I thought this ep did a good job of taking Douchebag Arc Castle down a few pegs in a more realistic and character driven fashion.  He realized what a good thing he had going with Beckett and her team, regardless of the Caskett angst at the time.  

 - his little smile in that video linked to above when he said he was late getting on Facebook was adorable.

 - it's so wonderful to see Nathan (as well as Stana and Seamus) using their fame for good.  They have each found causes they are truly passionate about and seem to happily spend their time and energy mobilizing their fans to help bring about more good in the world. Kudos to them all.

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Can't say the return of Adam Baldwin does much for me, I like his relationship with Nathan outside Castle, they're funny together but I don't see how the character can fit back into the show that easily even for an episode given where it ended. I disliked Headhunters, the scene at the end when Castle gets punched in the gut and Kate just watches then stalks off as he gets taught a lesson I found tasteless and not funny at all, that was a scene they could have done with leaving on the cutting room floor. 


Like McManda, I'd rather have Jordan Shaw back, if only to see her reaction to Castle and Beckett. 


On a side note, I see Adam is getting some hate in the comments section of that article, it's at times like this that I'm glad I don't follow actors lives that much or their daily commentary on twitter so I'm pretty oblivious as to his views, they have nothing to do with his work on the show in any case. 


Does Beckett (Luke) have a secret blue shirt fetish that we don't know about? ;)


Please don't mention Luke and "fetish" in the same sentence lol.

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Erik Altstadt ‏@EAkorn  5 hrs5 hours ago

Murder. #Castle. Beckett. Ryan. Esposito. Alexis. Solving crimes. Drinking coffee. Being badass. #CastleSeason8


Hmmmm, Alexis is solving crimes in S8? It's just a teaser but sounds like I could be right and she'll be teaming up with her dad at some point.

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Hmmmm, Alexis is solving crimes in S8? It's just a teaser but sounds like I could be right and she'll be teaming up with her dad at some point.


Oh, I really hope not. Alexis should be used to show Castle and Beckett having lives outside of solving cases.

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Oh I expect Alexis to be solving crimes with her Dad pretty much most of the time.  One part of this new season that I am not relishing at all.  IMO Alexis should have been written out when she went off to college.  Her character served a real purpose in the early seasons -- showing a side of Castle that existed outside the Page 6 BS and the character fitted the narrative but since her high school days have been over it just feels like they have been shoe horning Alexis into storylines she doesn't really have a place in.  I guess Alexis solving crimes with her PI Dad does give the character more purpose it's not something I wanna watch as my love of the character has greatly diminished from the early days when she was a pleasant addition to the episodes she appeared in.  I don't need her to be chummy with Beckett or work at the precinct but she needed to be something other than some sort of pseudo antagonist/awesome crime solver to her "apparently" clueless father.....it just got all too bizarre for me and don't get me started on Molly Quinn mentally undressing Nathan in just about every scene she's in with him.  I mean, yes, the man is attractive but she's playing his daughter.....

Edited by BellyLaughter
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I'm fascinated about how they are gonna dip back into the Bracken well.  A little nervous too -- pretty soon it's gonna get to the point where even if the guy was 6ft under he will still represent some sort of a threat to Beckett and Castle!  They could, if they are not really careful, write themselves into a difficult corner if they haven't already given (as far as I can tell) Bracken's reappearance ties in with the Castle and Beckett split.....which will naturally be a fan favourite moment #sarcasm


I do find it interesting that the way Coleman speaks about him, it's almost as if we may feel almost sorry for the guy??  Or is it just me??

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No it's not just you bellylaughter sounds like they're going down the big bad on his uppers routine and needing help. I don't feel sorry for cardboard cut out super villains and this is what they've turned him into.  


“Always involving Beckett, because that’s the mythology,” he said. 


Jesus Christ now Jack Coleman is talking mythology. 


I just find it one giant turn off and as for it being a "deep dark story" I worry given past history it's going to be another convoluted mess like the Castle mythology became and that was so disappointing and we never did get to the bottom of it. Bracken and his involvement with Beckett should have been wrapped up after Veritas properly. Castle doesn't handle dark subject matter that well for me and it feels like they're simply recycling old ideas at this point and putting a different spin on them. 

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I will say Castle is definitely not the first to have the recurring big bad and likely won't be the last. This show has Bracken. Bones had both The Gravedigger and Pelant (the former much better than the latter, IMO!). Even the more serious "darker" cop shows had the trope with Law & Order: Special Victims Unit having William Lewis and Law & Order: Criminal Intent having Nicole Wallace.


And most of those shows went back to the well a few times too many themselves. Still, they also finally, finally gave up the ghost with them, so since Castle is following the same tropey trajectory, I hope for its sake it comes to a similar realization and final conclusion this season.

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Oh I expect Alexis to be solving crimes with her Dad pretty much most of the time.


Well if that's the case it's going to go down like a lead balloon with a lot of fans because that's the one thing that irritates a lot of people I've noticed, Alexis being shoehorned into cases playing "detective" and if they're going to have her investigating a lot that's a creative misstep which won't garner widespread fan approval. Although I can see why it was tempting for them to do so given they have bugger all idea what to do with the character and it allows her to interact with everyone super conveniently. However, it doesn't make any sense to me that Castle would allow his only child to get involved too deeply with his cases and in any case doesn't she have college or some kind of life outside the loft and Castle and Beckett's affairs? 

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It's amazing how polarising the character of Alexis is - people either really hate her or are really protective of her.  Perhaps another indictment of the crappy writing all the supporting characters have received.  Me? I'm just meh  If she isn't used I wouldn't care and if she is used I still don't care LOL!  I wonder if it's too late in S8 to ask the audience to really embrace Alexis - Crime Fighter Extraordinaire?? (if that's what they do have planned??)

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I agree she is polarising character these days but that's because of the crappy way she's been used in stories mainly, sure there are fans who sit at both extremes (some also seem to hate the actress aswell and combine the two in their outbursts) but for me sadly I don't care about her any more and wish they'd see sense and get rid of her or work at making her relevant but cut back her screen time so when she does appear for a good (and entertaining) reason. These days I dread it what she's going to say and do to ruin a scene.

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I think the actress did earnest good-hearted nerd well. She does whatever it is they have her doing these days kind of poorly. I think she'd be fine if they would go back to who Alexis was before the writer's room decided to make her a woman, a group they seem to have a particular problem writing for.

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Seems like Beckett has strong competition from Miss Piggy who has taken to admiring Mr Fillion's assets. Heh

Yeah, reminded of that scene where Beckett almost nonchalantly stares at Castle's butt as he walks in with pants torn.  And I think Karpowski gave a good look in too.  They sure could do with more of these moments of sexual attraction even after they've gotten together, after marriage.  And not just getting turned on by theorising about crimes.  You'd hope they get turned on simply by each other too. ;)


Hollywood likes to objectify women a lot, but I think Nathan's butt has come in for its fair share of objectifying.  And now I've got Susan's luscious peaches tweet on my brain heh.


Shoutout from the ex (actress playing Gina): https://instagram.com/p/6XQRLAQSxr/


She does rather look like an Oscar lol.  And so did Stana in that photoshoot in the gold dress.


Since so many people are coming back, who knows maybe we'll see Gina again some day?  Some murder in the publishing world plus some passing commentary as an ex, as long as it's nothing about Castle's supposed walls again.


Like McManda, I'd rather have Jordan Shaw back, if only to see her reaction to Castle and Beckett.

I would love to have Jordan Shaw back too, mostly to see her snark and quip about Caskett.  "So you two are sleeping together now...?" Heh.  Jordan's pretty much the only federal agency character that really succeeded with me. The others were all rather bland even as the world saving got grander.  Although as with all the other returning actors, may mostly depend on whether they are otherwise working or not rather than a storyline issue.


I disliked Headhunters, the scene at the end when Castle gets punched in the gut and Kate just watches then stalks off as he gets taught a lesson I found tasteless and not funny at all, that was a scene they could have done with leaving on the cutting room floor.



I forgot about that scene, and no, I didn't care for it either.  No one came off looking good.  


Baldwin's #SlaughterRules hashtag did make me chuckle for a second, but has all sorts of wrong connotations coming from him, I have to say.

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Susan Sullivan ‏@realssullivan 

This is the first scene I shot made the designer turn the dress around !  Thanks for memories! XxS



She's talking about the vine below.  It's the dress she wore at the bar in the Castle pilot at the book party.  Had no idea!  I think it was a good call to turn the dress around.  Wardrobe malfunction averted heh.



Heh at Beckett wearing Toms..


It's probably Stana wearing Toms, but I don't see why Beckett shouldn't wear them either.  I'd find them more suitable for chasing around suspects than 4 inch heels!  And Stana is already blessed with a tall stature, honestly, she's tall enough for me in flats to look great.


Haha at this being the best thing that ever happened to someone. Really? I suggest getting a pet.



I understand exaggeration is often the norm on social media, or just the way younger people like to talk.  But when fans proudly say, "Stana made my life.  Stana IS my life etc.", I've got to shake my head and wonder at their lives and self esteem.


Tricia Halloran ‏@bnwtricia  22 hrs22 hours ago

recording mariachis for #CastleSeason8 - must be festivities ahead! @AlexiHawley @OldManWinter14



I like a good score but I miss the days when I could actually discover a good song through Castle.  Other shows have a lot more to offer in that respect.  I don't know which is more expensive, recording mariachis or getting Duncan to score, or getting the rights for a song?

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I like a good score but I miss the days when I could actually discover a good song through Castle.  Other shows have a lot more to offer in that respect.  I don't know which is more expensive, recording mariachis or getting Duncan to score, or getting the rights for a song?


It could also be about making things easier for the DVDs. Music rights issues can be difficult when popular songs are used.

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Erik Altstadt ‏@EAkorn 

I just took the best tease picture of our location, but unfortunately Twitter can't handle its awesomeness. #Castle #CastleSeason8


Followed by this:

Erik Altstadt ‏@EAkorn  

So remember that tease picture I was talking about? @NathanFillion better watch out. There is some new talent in town

OK, I don't get it.  Anyone?  Is this some inside joke?

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I understand exaggeration is often the norm on social media, or just the way younger people like to talk.  But when fans proudly say, "Stana made my life.  Stana IS my life etc.", I've got to shake my head and wonder at their lives and self esteem.


It's weird and unsettling at times the...intensity of it, I don't understand them, they see an attractive woman who acts on TV standing across the street from them and it's the greatest moment ever. Jesus their life must be dull, I shake my head at the insanity of it, she's not sprinkled in magic pixie dust or anything!  I imagine if she touched their hand they wouldn't wash for a week or something stupid. Sigh

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I think it's celebrity culture magnified x100 in the age of social media.  Wish these people could get just as excited about causes that truly matter.  Maybe celebrities really help them care.  But some sense of real life perspective would be nice.  The thing is, I'm quite sure someone as intelligent and grounded like Stana gets the absurdity of it all, but who is she to deny making some girl's day?  Especially if they travelled halfway across the world and made their vacation all about getting a glimpse of you. ;)  Being swooned all over is a professional hazard or perk of an actor's life, depending on how you look at it.  


Love Susan and Molly together.  Susan said that Molly was an old soul and I think Susan's very young at heart herself so they make a great pair.  Why don't we have scenes just with grandmother and granddaughter?  Not sure we've actually had any.  I'll never know why but I think there are interesting moments to be had there.  It's an important relationship for both characters and deserves some attention on its own.  I would find those human, family bonding moments more interesting than tying either to the COTW.


natefillionMe- What a beautiful building. @MollyQuinn93- Yeah, as Popeye Chickens go, it's pretty nice.



What an eyesore.  The Popeye Chickens, naturally.

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I agree and you reminded me of the good things celebrities can do. Sometimes my cold black space (where normal people have a heart) needs that.


Glad I could help you find your heart, Tin Man ;)

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Isatic ‏@MarisabeL709  17m17 minutes ago

#BTS of #Castle Molly Quinn, Nathan Fillion, Nicky Silkey & Wendy Silkey (Credit picture @filler)




Alexis certainly seems to be in the first few episodes of the season by the looks of the various BTS pics, it's going to be interesting to see just how heavily she features, normally the likes of Susan and Molly make a token appearance or two and then you don't see them for a little while. 

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It's weird and unsettling at times the...intensity of it, I don't understand them, they see an attractive woman who acts on TV standing across the street from them and it's the greatest moment ever. Jesus their life must be dull, I shake my head at the insanity of it, she's not sprinkled in magic pixie dust or anything!  I imagine if she touched their hand they wouldn't wash for a week or something stupid. Sigh


And don't forget the fans who have body parts signed (like an arm) then get that signature tattooed on their body. I know a Stana fan has done something like that before. 

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In fairness, I've seen tattoos of the entire Serenity spaceship on people's arms and other places.  So people do take their fandoms to different extremes.  As long as it doesn't hurt anyone (well, it would literally hurt themselves in this case heh), I guess people can do what they want.


natefillionCaught a pic of @seamuspatrickdever and @jon_huertas with some of their fans.




LOL.  The boys' expressions crack me up.  What a boring location to shoot in, but they're making fun out of it.


natefillionHoly shnoibies, you guys are the best. Already 10,000 shirts! I'm planning another one- any ideas? https://represent.com/nathanfillion



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Andrew Bikichky ‏@AndrewBikichky 2 hrs2 hours ago

#Castle Ep803 location detail



Have a great weekend :)

St. John's Cathedral where they filmed Get A Clue in Season 6. Looks like it was Nathan and Molly there for sure. Nathan tweeted a pic of the building across the road from it yesterday.

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St. John's Cathedral where they filmed Get A Clue in Season 6. Looks like it was Nathan and Molly there for sure. Nathan tweeted a pic of the building across the road from it yesterday.

Thanks, I remember that episode thought it was a dud but the sets and lighting used in the church was especially beautiful, there's this shot of them walking down the aisle and the different colours used to highlight the shot I thought was beautifully done.

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From Matt's Inside Line at tvline.com:


Any scoop for Martha on Castle? –Barry
Co-showrunner Terence Paul Winter told me that although Martha has moved out of the loft and has a newly thriving career when Season 8 opens, “She’s very much a part of Castle’s life. Don’t think that just because she now has her own place and is doing well on Broadway that we’re not going to see her sharing her wisdom with her favorite and only son.”
Please, please say that Castle‘s Dad will be back sometime during the new season!? –BG
Would you settle for “He is mentioned in the premiere”…?


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Thanks for info.


They can mention Castle's dad but that's enough for me, spydaddy is another thing I don't want them to revisit. Can't say I'm surprised he gets a shout out though.


Regarding Martha's "newly thriving" career, I hope we get to find out more about it other than a passing reference. If their intention is to develop the ensemble more to give Nathan and Stana a break they have to start putting some flesh on the bones of their secondary cast's private lives.


And what is Martha doing by the way? I've lost track. Is she a life coach or something?

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Though Castle will be working with Hayley more now that Beckett (Stana Katic) has become the new captain, the newbie serves another purpose in season 8. “We like the idea of her as a mentor to Alexis [Molly Quinn] in a way that Beckett has been, but because she’s also Castle’s wife, ultimately Hayley can play a little bit more of an older sister,” Hawley says. “This season is really about growing Molly up. She’s been playing the child for seven seasons and now she’s 21 years old. She’s a grown up. This year, she’s going to be more sophisticated. That relationship with her father will change because she’s not a little girl anymore.”


Uh oh I don't think that's something you want to advertise. 


We rarely saw Beckett acting as a "mentor" in the latter years sadly, they had two if that semi decent scenes together? Any hopes I might have had that Beckett and Alexis would be developing a more substantial bond appear to have been scuppered and they're having her get friendly with the new girl instead.


That further confirms my guess that Alexis will be working with dad and Hayley playing detective, forget college.


As for Alexis being all "grown up" you could have fooled me and as for not being daddy's little girl any more I hope this isn't a signal that she's going to be an even more insufferable know it all and obnoxious towards her father.


It wouldn't surprise me if Hayley playing the "big sister" to Alexis will end up getting her into trouble of some kind or be the cause of some friction with Castle.  

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As for Alexis being all "grown up" you could have fooled me and as for not being daddy's little girl any more I hope this isn't a signal that she's going to be an even more insufferable know it all and obnoxious towards her father.


They have taken a lot of missteps with Alexis in the last couple of seasons but I think they called themselves keeping her relevant as a character. It just shows how big of a disconnect they had with the audience if they believed people would sympathize with Alexis. Before all this I think most people at best liked Alexis & at worst were indifferent to her. Now I see a lot of active hate directed towards her. I find it hard to believe that was what they wanted. It's a classic example of totally misreading your viewers.

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So they had the perfect mentor/big sister for Alexis with Kate, managed to screw that pooch, and are now trying to make up for it with someone new. Despite the fact that I do very much like this new actress, I agree this is a mistake. In earlier seasons, there seemed to be a mentor connection between Kate and Alexis, slight though it might have been (due to poor writing); and since IIRC Kate is several years younger than Castle, a segue into a big/little sister relationship would be the obvious track as Beckett joins their family. Perhaps they're afraid that now Castle and Beckett are married, having Kate guide Alexis through young adulthood would look too much like a mother/daughter situation, and they don't quite want Beckett giving off Mom vibes just yet. And as much as I will choose to believe that the writers do not intend for the new girl in town to be a threat to Caskett, I think many fans will feel that any other woman pulling focus away from Kate is more than enough trouble. 

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I think many fans will feel that any other woman pulling focus away from Kate is more than enough trouble.


That's exactly the problem they face, it doesn't matter if the Hayley/Castle relationship is played as perfectly platonic, the very fact she's there investigating with Castle when it used to be Beckett in that role is going to a big issue I can guarantee it.   


I also don't buy into the idea that Castle would allow his daughter to do any serious investigating with or without assistance, it's riddled with possible dangers and you don't put your child at unnecessary risk I don't care if they're supposedly "adult" or not. 


May be I'm way off base on this assumption but right now all the spoilers point to Alexis being very much involved on the Castle PI front. 


So they had the perfect mentor/big sister for Alexis with Kate, managed to screw that pooch


Yeah they did and it's funny in a way because they had the perfect solution in front of them to make Alexis more likeable - have her talk to Beckett more - but they completely ignored that relationship which could have been explored  and it won't work with Hayley because you've got Alexis who is already seen as as divisive presence teamed up with a new character that no one is invested in (as yet) that worse will be seen as taking time away from Castle and Beckett - that's a lose-lose situation right there.

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I agree, if Castle spends too much of his time with Hayley, people (including me) are going to have an issue. And lots of Alexis/Hayley interaction sounds pretty awful. I know the leads probably want more time off, but if we can't get Caskett togetger I at least want one of them around.

Maybe this is just one sound bite being made to seem like a bigger deal than it is, but I'd feel better about if I could hear one thing from TPTB that talks about Castle/Beckett doing something together.

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Beckett was Alexis’ mentor, in what universe? There was one episode when she went to her for advice, which we never saw her give and then in that S6 episode when Molly had a dodgy fringe, she encouraged her to come home. I don’t think many people want to see more Alexis or Molly for that matter. She was likable until season 3 and then she become very cliche/tropey whiny teenager.

We know there will be hardly any Caskett in the first two episodes and probably the rest of the season if we are honest. And now more Alexis? More Ryans? Ugh.


I am going to watch this show to the end, but that doesn't mean I have to happy about it. When I half jokingly referred to this season as being like season 5 of Alias, what I meant was it is it's second coming.


if I could hear one thing from TPTB that talks about Castle/Beckett doing something together.

If they do something together, they are nearly starting 804 and it appears they have been filming a lot separately again.


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And what is Martha doing by the way? I've lost track. Is she a life coach or something?


I think she's just an actress, I think? Just enjoying her return to Broadway glory? Oh, and managing her teaching school, I would imagine. Maybe she teaches sometimes?

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Beckett was Alexis’ mentor, in what universe? There was one episode when she went to her for advice, which we never saw her give and then in that S6 episode when Molly had a dodgy fringe, she encouraged her to come home


Ha! Yeah, I've been rewatching older episodes and was sitting here wondering if I managed to miss the 'mentoring' that allegedly took place...unless a few civil conversations now qualifies as mentoring? If so, I am lucky to have A LOT of mentors in my life ;) 


I actually rewatched (and LOVED) One Man's Treasure last night, and there's a subplot where Alexis interns at the police station---and, even then, Beckett pretty much just sticks her in a storeroom to organize stuff while she investigates a case and then assures her afterwards that she did a nice job. Not exactly  mentoring in my book, and yet it may be the closest they've ever come to it! 

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I always thought that Alexis kind of looked up to Beckett, at least in the beginning. Beckett was the first real woman her dad had ever spent any significant amount of time with, and she was smart and interesting and accomplished. I think things changed when Alexis realized that Castle was more into Beckett than Beckett was into him, and I think that turned into contempt when she realized that her dad was willing to literally die for Beckett. I also think she tried to make the best of their relationship when they finally got together and that turned into a friendship, but I think we missed the part where Alexis came around to Beckett again. Because as far as Alexis was aware Beckett had no problem letting her dad down and breaking his heart over and over, and then all of a sudden they're dating and everything is peachy. What made Alexis come around again? I feel like there should have been more than just "oh, we're good now, don't worry!".


It's weird that they want to make Haley into o sister-like figure for Alexis. I never really thought Alexis really needed someone like that. Maybe it's supposed to be a sign that they're trying to fit Haley into the role of a pal-worker (coworkers that share more of a friendship than just coworkers, like Ryan and Espo) instead of just someone that works on cases with them sometimes?


It's not worth worrying over - que sera sera and all that - and I'm willing to see how things go, but ... I don't know. I can't say I'm super excited about the non-information we've gotten about S8 so far.

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I agree, if Castle spends too much of his time with Hayley, people (including me) are going to have an issue. And lots of Alexis/Hayley interaction sounds pretty awful. I know the leads probably want more time off, but if we can't get Caskett togetger I at least want one of them around.


I'm certainly going to have an issue with it. Nothing against the actress playing Toks (she may do a great job) or Molly but I didn't sign up to see Alexis become Veronica Mars.


Maybe this is just one sound bite being made to seem like a bigger deal than it is, but I'd feel better about if I could hear one thing from TPTB that talks about Castle/Beckett doing something together.


Yeah I keep thinking come on guys throw me one little Caskett bone, I've had nothing but then I worry may be that's because they simply don't have anything to sell me. They must know that's what fans want to hear about so their silence on the matter is rather worrying. 

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I actually rewatched (and LOVED) One Man's Treasure last night, and there's a subplot where Alexis interns at the police station---and, even then, Beckett pretty much just sticks her in a storeroom to organize stuff while she investigates a case and then assures her afterwards that she did a nice job. Not exactly  mentoring in my book, and yet it may be the closest they've ever come to it! 

That's the kind of scene I was thinking of when it comes to Beckett mentoring the girl, okay it's not much to write home about but when you compare it to the latter seasons it's gold. 

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It's weird that they want to make Haley into o sister-like figure for Alexis. I never really thought Alexis really needed someone like that.


Me neither. Yet suddenly this complete stranger will have become like a big sister to her, what's she going to do? Show Alexis how to quickly break and enter people's homes without getting caught? Will Castle be cheering her on? The mind boggles.  


but I think we missed the part where Alexis came around to Beckett again. Because as far as Alexis was aware Beckett had no problem letting her dad down and breaking his heart over and over, and then all of a sudden they're dating and everything is peachy. What made Alexis come around again? I feel like there should have been more than just "oh, we're good now, don't worry!".


I have no idea it was never explained, it's like a whole lot happened off screen in the writers heads that should have happened on it. There are still a lot of fans out there who aren't convinced Alexis is completely happy with Beckett even now despite the smiles and fist bumps. 

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I feel like at this point, despite whatever breakup or angst tptb have planned, their best course of action is to say something about Castle and Beckett's relationship just so people don't revolt. They have to know that that's what's going to happen (or is already happening). You don't want fans to jump ship before the season airs.


I just don't think their "love story" soundbite was enough. Titanic was a love story but that doesn't mean it was a happy ending. People are cheering for a happy ending and I think fans are a little on edge about the possibility that that could be in jeopardy.

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