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Jennifer Jareau: Pennsylvania Petite

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This is just freaking embarrassing. I may not be a big JJ fan, but even I know AJ's real name. And these are the people who are supposed to be promoting the show, so you would THINK they would know some stuff about their actors, like you know, their names. Particularly since JJ seems to be their golden girl these days. But then again, whoever runs their social media accounts certainly know less about the show and the actors than the fans do, because this is not the first time they have gotten something wrong. This is just the first time they need to hide their head in shame.



Poor AJ. She doesn't deserve this, especially on her b-day.


When it comes to this tripe, the morons who write this are probably the same screaming mimis I see on various CM-related social media who think Reid is spelled "Reed" and Hotch is spelled "Hodge."

Edited by Bookish Jen
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Yeah, but whoever posted this actually works for CBS. So you would think they would get a basic thing like their lead female's name right. This is a professional embarrassment. Oh, her husband Nate is definitely having fun with this on his social media. He was definitely pissed, as he should be. 

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Where does "Alexander Joy" come from? Her own website- at least the one that appears to be her website, ajcook.com- lists her name as "Alexander Joy". However, Wiki- through The Toronto Star- says it's "Andrea Joy".


So I'm confused...wouldn't her own web site have a more accurate rendition of her name?

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AJ's first name is Andrea. If her name was really Alexander, I doubt her husband would have a problem with this post and fans would not be protesting. 


True...still, the mystery is why ajcook.com says it's Alexander. Perhaps they made a mistake and forgot to change it, but that's a glaring error to leave behind.

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Unless they changed the website today as a joke in response to this ridiculous mistake. The real problem is that the network AJ works for can't even get her name right on her birthday, on a story that is supposed to highlight her. 

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Unless they changed the website today as a joke in response to this ridiculous mistake. The real problem is that the network AJ works for can't even get her name right on her birthday, on a story that is supposed to highlight her. 

I actually visited the website a few days ago when I was trying to find actual information (instead of assumptions) about her husband's citizenship - it said Alexander then, too, so it wasn't just changed for today.

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And not only did CBS get her name wrong,but they were only able to come up with 5 things about the actress whom according to them plays the greatest woman on television.Meanwhile MGG who plays that nobody known as Reid he gets 21 things listed about him plus they get his name right.

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Well, she had her baby and named him Phoenix.

Well, all the well wishes in the world for her. Well, i'm pretty sure she's already getting the fake "well wishes" ..like: Congrats :] Have bad health and stay away from CM for a very long time :]

Well, that's sad.

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I'm very pleased that all seems to be well. Not sure about the name. But then again, I didn't consult anyone when I named my own children. Anyway, I was 31 when I had my last child, and I was exhausted and not working outside the home. AJ is 37 -- I hope she is able to get back to herself quickly and return to work, if that's what she wants.

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Glad all seems to be well :)

I spent a lot of time recently in a neonatal intensive care unit, so it always makes me happy to see a 7lb healthy baby! Very happy for her and her family.

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Droogie, AJ is an incredibly fit 37, I think she'll bounce back physically just fine, or at least I hope so. Did you see that 4th of July pic of her and Nathan on the beach? She was carrying low, but that was still a "bump" not even a bulge to me! Woman is fit!!

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Droogie, AJ is an incredibly fit 37, I think she'll bounce back physically just fine, or at least I hope so. Did you see that 4th of July pic of her and Nathan on the beach? She was carrying low, but that was still a "bump" not even a bulge to me! Woman is fit!!

Oh, that, she is! She reminds me an aerobics instructor I had at one time -- she was mightily pregnant but I had no idea how far along. One day, at the end of an hour-long class, she said she had to ske-daddle and wouldn't be back for several weeks, because she was in labor. I was suitably impressed.

I'm sure AJ will be in fine form and fit as a fiddle in no time.

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aside of taking great care of herself for the obvious reason (being healthy), she said she had a bad time working while she was pregnant last time cause she was huge, well, I think she looked very pregnant, she isn't very tall and they say tv makes you fatter,... Anyway, I think she looked good, but my educated guess is she taking extra care to keep herself slim because of that.


it's really unfair some women feel they can't have children or grow old with dignity, they are human beings and we all know people who can keep their shape better than others sometimes it's a matter of good genes for God's sake.

Edited by smoker
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I thought it was pretty difficult being pregnant as a regular person; I can't imagine doing it in the public eye. With her first child AJ looked soft and pregnant. I thought it was beautiful, With this pregnancy, she didn't look pregnant anywhere except her belly. Because I knew she was pregnant IRL, it was easy to identify it in JJ -- her zipped jackets, etc. I can't imagine the pressure to possibly try to not appear as pregnant as she was.

With my first child, I seriously looked like Jabba the Hut. With my second, you could not tell I was pregnant unless you saw me in profile.

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I thought it was pretty difficult being pregnant as a regular person; I can't imagine doing it in the public eye. With her first child AJ looked soft and pregnant. I thought it was beautiful, With this pregnancy, she didn't look pregnant anywhere except her belly. Because I knew she was pregnant IRL, it was easy to identify it in JJ -- her zipped jackets, etc. I can't imagine the pressure to possibly try to not appear as pregnant as she was.

With my first child, I seriously looked like Jabba the Hut. With my second, you could not tell I was pregnant unless you saw me in profile.

"Because I knew she was pregnant IRL, it was easy to identify it in JJ -- her zipped jackets, etc. I can't imagine the pressure to possibly try to not appear as pregnant as she was."

It's so sad she had to do this. It would've been so much easier for her if they made JJ pregnant in S10. But Erica Messer said that it would've been 'over the top' if 2 characters were pregnant at the same time. Since the failed newcomer's health is more important than AJ's... AJ had to hide her belly and do stunts while being pregnant. Her baby is like a miracle while the other one makes a new kid every year.. Well, life is unfair.

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I actually liked JJ in The Crossing. She had a gut feeling and she really seemed to care. You could see her frustration when the team really couldn't do much because of the way the stalker laws were set up.


Question about JJ's niece, who does she belong too or is it just no longer canon since the writers never bought it up again? 

I think the writers/producers completely forgot about the niece. They seem to think JJ is an only child (like they did with Garcia who formerly mentioned having 4 brothers). Granted, with Garcia we can assume she was not pleased with her siblings at the time she claimed to be an only child and was claiming to be one as a joke. or was being sarcastic. For anyone who doesn't remember, in season 2 JJ said she had an 8-year-old niece. This is too young to have been the child of her late sister. So she must have another sibling OR she has a cousin or friend's child that she refers to as a niece. They could always give her an older brother or something who was too busy to make it to her wedding. Or maybe the brother has since passed away as well.

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I don't know if this fits here, but AJ Cook looks like Seaver in 11x09 pictures, it's weir.


She's starting to look older too, not complaining or anything, actually it's about time she didn't look like a college student.

and this is only my personal opinion. I don't like her hairstyle lately (seasons 10-11), is she selling shampoo or something?

Edited by smoker
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Are you referring to JJ or AJ?  


Even when JJ is not supposed to be sad, AJ looks so hurt. She's being told (on twitter) that ratings are down because she's still on CM. .. +much worse -EVIL- things that i can't post here because i'll get banned

I can't even imagine how she feels.

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I tried to find some pictures but I probably didn't seem the same ones.  The ones I'm looking at are 



In the first one she looks like a different person...maybe it's a different person? o.o

In the second one she looks like Ashley. So much like Ashley that I'm only 80% certain those are picture of JJ. 


those are the pictures, the second one is amazing, they look like twins!


and I don't like JJ's character, but it's unfair social media bullies are accusing AJ of the failures of the show. It's the producers who are letting Messer shit in the show, writers are doing a bad job, yes, but nobody is calling them off, nobody who is wasting money in the show cares. That's the problem. AJ Cook, writers, anybody who is getting a juicy check just for being there (nowadays even for not being there) aren't going to complain. Would you?

"oh, please, look for someone else to throw up this crap in exchage of that insulting amount of money"

Obviously, they are cashing any dime they can while the show dies painfully. It smells like a dead horse already

Edited by smoker
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and I don't like JJ's character, but it's unfair social media bullies are accusing AJ of the failures of the show. It's the producers who are letting Messer shit in the show, writers are doing a bad job, yes, but nobody is calling them off, nobody who is wasting money in the show cares.

Messer is the show runner, so she is the boss, not the producers.

Sometimes some writers write, and the others produce, and depending on the episode, those roles are interchangeable.

Those are the members of the 'creative' staff who decided to forget almost everything CM was prior season six, and re-wrote a bunch of alien characters played by the same cast, but with altered personalities and even backgrounds.

As a consequence, every single character has now a legion of haters. Every single one, not just JJ. Of course, depending on which forum you participate, you will notice a trend against one or another character, but all of them have their detractors now.

What is common in most forum is the complain against the writers/producers and the show runner, for turning CM into a soap.

This is one of these forums, so I don't get your 'nobody is calling them off'.

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Even when JJ is not supposed to be sad, AJ looks so hurt. She's being told (on twitter) that ratings are down because she's still on CM. .. +much worse -EVIL- things that i can't post here because i'll get banned

I can't even imagine how she feels.


Probably the same way Jeanne and Jennifer felt during their brief stints on the show when people were screaming because JT and JLH had the nerve to not be Paget. And before them, it was Paget herself, who quite a few viewers hated when she first showed up.[


That's less insensitive than I'm sure it sounds. I don't envy AJ if its the case that people are holding her responsible for a decline in ratings when the person they should be blaming is MESSer, but unfortunately its usually the actors who end up taking the heat when things go downhill. Fandom is nothing if not reactionary and fickle, and because so much of social media isn't policed the way I sometimes think it should be (because people so often refuse to police themselves) it can get brutal in cyberspace.

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Fear not.  I doubt there is any way that AJC or JLH are offended or hurt by any of the negative comments on twitter, because they are probably smart enough not to look at them.   I doubt very much if most celebrities read through their own twitter feeds.  Who has that kind of time?  Even I have a twitter account that I never look at, and I'm not a celebrity (she said, in a startling revelation).


I suspect that all of the stars of CM, past and present, feel just fine, because they are gainfully employed in their chosen field, supporting themselves and their families in a lifestyle that suits them.





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Messer is the show runner, so she is the boss, not the producers.

Sometimes some writers write, and the others produce, and depending on the episode, those roles are interchangeable.

Those are the members of the 'creative' staff who decided to forget almost everything CM was prior season six, and re-wrote a bunch of alien characters played by the same cast, but with altered personalities and even backgrounds.

As a consequence, every single character has now a legion of haters. Every single one, not just JJ. Of course, depending on which forum you participate, you will notice a trend against one or another character, but all of them have their detractors now.

What is common in most forum is the complain against the writers/producers and the show runner, for turning CM into a soap.

This is one of these forums, so I don't get your 'nobody is calling them off'.

I apologize for the misunderstanding, let me explain myself better.

by producers I mean the guys/companies with the money, showrunners need money, so I'm sorry I pointed that wrong. My guess is if the guys with the money cared by the quality of the product/show they would call her off, they are the people I was talking about; of course fans voice our opinions and complains

Edited by smoker
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I apologize for the misunderstanding, let me explain myself better.

by producers I mean the guys/companies with the money, showrunners need money, so I'm sorry I pointed that wrong. My guess is if the guys with the money cared by the quality of the product/show they would call her off, they are the people I was talking about; of course fans voice our opinions and complains

That would be the Mark Gordon Company. They are the production company that produces CM for ABC studios. I do wonder if we'd start getting more results if we were to start sending our feedback to them instead of CBS where our complaints have seemed to more or less fallen on deaf ears.

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Probably the same way Jeanne and Jennifer felt during their brief stints on the show when people were screaming because JT and JLH had the nerve to not be Paget. And before them, it was Paget herself, who quite a few viewers hated when she first showed up.[


That's less insensitive than I'm sure it sounds. I don't envy AJ if its the case that people are holding her responsible for a decline in ratings when the person they should be blaming is MESSer, but unfortunately its usually the actors who end up taking the heat when things go downhill. Fandom is nothing if not reactionary and fickle, and because so much of social media isn't policed the way I sometimes think it should be (because people so often refuse to police themselves) it can get brutal in cyberspace.

Yes, AJ probably feels the same way Jeanne felt when people were bullying her... JT ended up leaving the show. She probably felt like she was ruining the show, while the truth is: CM would still have 10M+ viewers if she stayed. Ratings went down down down when JLH showed up.

2013 >> about 11-12M people were watching CM every week

2014-2015 >> ratings went down to 8-9M

The season finale being about 'Kate&no1else' didn't help...


Fear not.  I doubt there is any way that AJC or JLH are offended or hurt by any of the negative comments on twitter, 

AJ and JLH are 2 very, very different souls. JLH is sure not hurt by these things (i've never seen any JLH hate tweets anyway..) but AJ has a soul and she cares about others, she wants to make the CM fans happy. She's smart and strong but even the smartest, strongest person on Earth would be crushed to read the terrible things that people choose to send her on twitter,fb and other sites.

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I am going to officially change my opinion. I want JJ to leave Criminal Minds and AJ Cooke find a show that is actually good so I would have no reason at all to watch this crap of a show any more. Well Thomas Gibson is pretty but not good enough to keep me coming back. He needs a better show too.

Edited by Chaos Theory
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Hi everyone. I'm really worried about AJ. Watching the latest episodes of Criminal Minds i noticed she's wearing a medical id bracelet.
(A medical id tag is a small emblem or tag worn on a bracelet bearing a message that the wearer has an important medical condition that might require immediate attention. The intention is to alert a paramedic, emergency department of the condition even if the wearer is not conscious enough to explain.)
Does anyone know what's wrong with her? like what kind of illness? I hope that whatever is going on that she's okay.

This is very sad and disturbing.

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I have one of those. Two in fact (though I have no need of the one anymore) I'm allergic to penicillin. Severely so that a dose may kill me. I wear a medic alert bracelet so that in the event I'm incapacitated and cannot tell EMS I'm allergic to it, they will find out anyway.

I also have one that simply says 'contact lenses'. (I don't wear them anymore, so I don't need this one anymore, but same deal) my contacts were the kind that have to come out daily for cleaning and eye rest. If I were in a state of unconsicousness, again, it would be prudent for EMS/attending doctors to remove them.

I'm willing to bet that is all it is with AJ. 

sometimes diabetics wear them too.

it doesn't have to mean there's something critically wrong with her

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1 hour ago, ReidFan said:

I have one of those. Two in fact (though I have no need of the one anymore) I'm allergic to penicillin. Severely so that a dose may kill me. I wear a medic alert bracelet so that in the event I'm incapacitated and cannot tell EMS I'm allergic to it, they will find out anyway.

I also have one that simply says 'contact lenses'. (I don't wear them anymore, so I don't need this one anymore, but same deal) my contacts were the kind that have to come out daily for cleaning and eye rest. If I were in a state of unconsicousness, again, it would be prudent for EMS/attending doctors to remove them.

I'm willing to bet that is all it is with AJ. 

sometimes diabetics wear them too.

it doesn't have to mean there's something critically wrong with her

I too have Med. ID bracelet - and Card in my wallet because of a deadly allergy to Penicillin... My husband has one plus his epi pen for severe allergy to Bee stings... Having ID bracelet doesn't mean life threatening illness.

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On April 26, 2016 at 5:14 AM, bIackbird said:

Hi everyone. I'm really worried about AJ. Watching the latest episodes of Criminal Minds i noticed she's wearing a medical id bracelet.
(A medical id tag is a small emblem or tag worn on a bracelet bearing a message that the wearer has an important medical condition that might require immediate attention. The intention is to alert a paramedic, emergency department of the condition even if the wearer is not conscious enough to explain.)
Does anyone know what's wrong with her? like what kind of illness? I hope that whatever is going on that she's okay.

This is very sad and disturbing.

I'd need to see a still.  If AJ is the one who needs the bracelet, wouldn't they hide/take it off for filming?  I think they would.

We've never been told of any condition or circumstance that would necessitate the character of JJ wearing one.  I'd say put it out of your mind.

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On 4/27/2016 at 11:54 AM, ReidFan said:

I have one of those. Two in fact (though I have no need of the one anymore) I'm allergic to penicillin. Severely so that a dose may kill me. I wear a medic alert bracelet so that in the event I'm incapacitated and cannot tell EMS I'm allergic to it, they will find out anyway.

I also have one that simply says 'contact lenses'. (I don't wear them anymore, so I don't need this one anymore, but same deal) my contacts were the kind that have to come out daily for cleaning and eye rest. If I were in a state of unconsicousness, again, it would be prudent for EMS/attending doctors to remove them.

I'm willing to bet that is all it is with AJ. 

sometimes diabetics wear them too.

it doesn't have to mean there's something critically wrong with her

My 11 year old niece has 3 of them ( not to be worn at the same time) plus one she keeps attached to her kit since it looks like a regular ole lunchbox. She has one she can wear for sports/swimming, one the hospital gave her an a fancy one they have engraved with more than "type 1 diabetes" I'm supposed to have one for my disease since I'm on heavy duty meds, but, eh, I don't have one yet. 

Whatever it is, I hope she's ok.

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I think medic alert bracelets have gone the way of rubber bracelets, a la the Livestrong bracelets, and ribbon car magnets: They're ubiquitous, to the point of being meaningless.  I've had patients with medic alert bracelets but I haven't glanced at them, ER having told me what I need to know,

Nowadays, I think the more prudent option is to complete the health info on your smartphone.  It's accessible without a passcode to unlock the phone, so any first responder could see it.  

Edited by Droogie
Just assume every edit is for a typo. Because there will be lots.
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Thanks for the new Britishism, Olddog!  It's been awhile.

I think the folks who write that drivel don't even watch the show.  But AJ certainly looks very pretty in that photo.  

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If they are talking about JJ's focus and her screen time than yes I too call BS on it and find myself wondering what the hell show have they been watching.But they could mean it in another sense.That is referring to the fact that JJ was no longer special, that she no longer stood out when she went from being the teams only media liaison to being another profiler. And I wonder sometimes if EM didn't have the same fear and it is why JJ was written the way she was.Because they wanted her to stand out as a profiler. But not just a profiler per say, but rather the best damn profiler the BAU has ever had.

Edited by MMC
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Maybe MMC but this article is titled "characters who have faded into oblivion" - I don't think they meant just JJ media liaison, I think they are talking about just JJ. And faded into oblivion. I hardly think so - quite the reverse sadly.

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1 hour ago, Old Dog said:

Maybe MMC but this article is titled "characters who have faded into oblivion" - I don't think they meant just JJ media liaison, I think they are talking about just JJ. And faded into oblivion. I hardly think so - quite the reverse sadly.

And l would say that you are probably correct as to what they meant.Still since the thought did cross my mind I thought I'd just put it out there to see what you guys thought of it.

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On ‎5‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 2:01 PM, Old Dog said:

Maybe MMC but this article is titled "characters who have faded into oblivion" - I don't think they meant just JJ media liaison, I think they are talking about just JJ. And faded into oblivion. I hardly think so - quite the reverse sadly.

JJ version 2.0 has faded into oblivion? Is it "Opposite Day" and I didn't get the memo?

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