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Small Talk: Chili's

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Jurassic World was fun. It definitely falls into the "good-bad" category. There was a lot of ridiculousness going on. It really makes you appreciate Speilberg as a film maker. He had the huge set pieces and the special effects, but you still felt attached to the characters. In this movie, there is what is supposed to be a touching moment between the two brothers, but the whole time the tender music was playing I was thinking, "Bored now,  needs more chomping and screaming."

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Pixel, have you binge-d through the new OITNB yet?

Any of you part of the Jurassic World record-setting weekend? Did you plunk down your dough and see humans get all wacked out by dinosaurs?


Yes, and yes.  I got through OITNB in about 3 days. When you guys are ready to talk about it, let me know.  I now like Piper less than all the other inmates, including Pennsatucky!


LOVED Jurassic World. It really took me back to when I saw Jurassic Park. I loved the atmosphere of the movie, and how big it was. The only thing I didn't like was keeping Bryce Dallas Howard in heels through the whole thing, but I guess I'm supposed to just be happy that Chris Pratt's character called her out on her ridiculous shoes.  And...Chris Pratt really is just super hot. It's not even physical thing. It's totally in his personality and attitude.  Chris Pratt in a photo is a pretty average looking guy. Chris Pratt in action?  Hot as fuck. I'd go see it again with you, Glory!

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Glory and Pixel at the movies! A regular twopcon adventure! It's like, Siskel and Ebert!


I am too tired to make a survey- so who'll be gong to see Magic Mike 2? Is there gonna be some good skin (ifyaknowwhutImean?)  Gonna be some D for the ladies?  If it were a movie about women strippers, you know fer damn sure the gals would have to strip and show the goods.  Is watching Magic Mike like a night of Chippendales?  Will it break the weekend movie gross like Jurassic Park?

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I think there was only a little bit of D in the first movie. I hope there is more in the second. I will see it. If only for Joe Manganiello. That man....

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I never saw the first Magic Mike and will probably not see the second (definitely not in the theatres) but for those who are interested, a little while ago on one of the podcasts I listen to they talked about the movie Chocolate City and how they felt it better lives up to the promise of what Magic Mike was supposed to be (or maybe just what people hoped it would be). Which isn't to say they thought it was a high quality movie, but just that there was, um...more to see, I guess.


No Joe Manganiello, though.

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Does anyone remember "The Full Monty"? The whole movie was about some guys stripping, and they never did show the goods. PG rating, my friends! Only shoot the nekkid from behind. Also, it was very emo all the way through.

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And one of the strippers was The Doctor? Tennant's Doctor? Take off the converse!! yeaaaaah.



Does that make me seem like I have a foot fetish?


For some reason I was reminded of Brendan Fraser as George of the Jungle:



Perhaps the lack of shirt.


And then I thought of Brendan Fraser as Encino Man and it turns out my memory and the reality are different :P There was less 90's clothes and hair in my memory



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I tried to watch the original Magic Mike and I just don't even understand why it was a hit. First of all, it's shot in a sickly yellow tone (thanks, Soderberg) that makes me feel like I'm watching something made in the 70's. Second, the storyline was dull. There was nothing interesting about any of the characters.  Are women so desperate to see hot guys strip that they'll stomach a character driven film with uncompelling characters just to see a little skin? I wouldn't have thought so, but Magic Mike was a hit, so obviously I'm wrong.  No offense to anyone that really enjoyed the movie - maybe it's just not my kind of thing.  

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Never saw the original Magic Mike and realistically won't see the sequel. 


On another topic, a story that would be appropriate for the old site's "Watercooler" thread...


At my last company, we had a conference call system that just beeped when someone joined the call.  At the new one, you say your name when you call in, and then as you join the call, everyone can hear it.  I was on a conference call last week with a big group from across the country, so when the local VP started the call, the system announced a long list of names of who all was already on.  Most were fairly basic, all like "Jim", "Michael Scott", "New York office", etc., and then in the middle of the list?  A voice saying "screw this!"  The reaction was startled, nervous laughter in the conference room I was in, I'm guessing they didn't know how the system worked or are just really mad about something at the company?

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Big conference calls I've been on, are like what you mentioned at your last company - normally you get a number and ID to enter. What ends up happening is people start talking and then you get beeps of people "entering" and saying hello.  At some point the 'host' has to say "are we all here?"


and realistically won't see the sequel.

Uh huh. But when it's on the next free HBO weekend, you will indulge!!


Unless they were strippers in a science fiction action movie -- I'd be all over that.

The SyFy network has been such a letdown for you huh Kev?


Happy summer solstice! Good luck to MichelleAK getting sleep. Someone on my fb posted that there will be like 22.5 hours of sunlight / twilight. Which of course leads to - happy winter Kalliste!

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Unless they were strippers in a science fiction action movie

Okay,, am I the only OITNB watcher whose mind immediately went to a "Time Hump Chronicles" place?

I am so Team Rod Cocker.

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Happy summer solstice! Good luck to MichelleAK getting sleep. Someone on my fb posted that there will be like 22.5 hours of sunlight / twilight. Which of course leads to - happy winter Kalliste!


Blackout curtains/blinds are the shizz.  


Here's the light data for today, the longest day of the year, in Anchorage:


Sunrise: 4:19 am

Sunset: 11:42 pm

First light:  2:33 am

Last light: 1:28 am


Basically, there is only an hour of "darkness," and even then it's not completely dark.  


On the bad side, now begins the slide to winter. (The solstice never means "the first day of summer" in Alaska.)

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The SyFy network has been such a letdown for you huh Kev?

Happy summer solstice! Good luck to MichelleAK getting sleep. Someone on my fb posted that there will be like 22.5 hours of sunlight / twilight. Which of course leads to - happy winter Kalliste!

I'm one of those rare odd birds that don't have cable, so therefore no SyFy network. I've sometimes seen SyFy shows, on hulu, or Netflix when they're older shows, but never really when everyone else might see them. And it's not so much "S.F. action movies don't have enough stripping in them" as "I'll watch anything as long as they add a S.F. action element."


I went to Iceland one time in June and while it wasn't exactly at solstice, it was close enough that it never got truly dark, like MichelleAK is saying. As night owls, we loved it, and we didn't really feel tired. I'm sure that weeks of it would be different, and you'd have to ignore the beautiful light out and get some sleep, but it was only a few days so it was not a problem.

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Current Time: 22 Jun 2015 at 5:00:45 PM

Sunrise Today: 7:12 AM↑ 62° Northeast
Sunset Today: 4:59 PM↑ 298° Northwest

Daylight Hours: 9 hours, 46 minutes


In turn it was our shortest day of the year.. by the end of the month I'll have 13 seconds more daylight :P This morning I had to go out in -4C/24F and trudge to the bus stop.



On my way I saw this, steam coming off one of the ponds.



So, american seasons start based around the solstice? Is it only just summer? I've asked someone before but forget the answer.

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Yes, the official start of summer is the summer solstice; the start of winter is the winter solstice.  Spring is the vernal equinox, and autumn the autumnal equinox.  As noted, though, these are just the "official" beginnings; winter definitely arrives before December 21 up here!

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Official seasonal starts aside, I tend to think of summer as June - August, fall as September - November, winter as December - usually March, and spring as April and May. Yeah, spring seems pretty short around here, mostly because there's often still a lot of snow around in March.

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Our seasons are:

March - May - Autumn

June - August - Winter

Sept - Nov - Spring

Dec - Feb - Summer


And no, no snow here. Well, occasionally but generally not. Mostly we can see it up on the mountains but it doesn't get down to us.

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Does anyone ever have to attend networking events for work? I have to go today and I am wondering if there is any etiquette or does and dont's involved here. It's a "bring your own lunch" meet and greet type thing. 

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Not for a while. The only time I've really had to do that was when I was doing a workshop to be a better emerging manager and we had an ice breaker dinner the night before so we could all get to know each other and then we had another dinner the second night with a challenge so we could all work together... I hate that stuff.


So, basically they're making you work through your lunch to branch out your 'network' at work? They should at least supply the food.

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Yeah, for some crazy reason I hang around you guys for free out of the goodness of my shrivelled black heart :P


So did you apply kob? You could learn the secrets of the mods.

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So did you apply kob? You could learn the secrets of the mods.

I would bring this entire website to a screeching halt if I modded.  And- secrets of the mods? We all know the secrets- you mods all have a secret thread you go into to complain about posters. And you make polls about "what Glark shirt should I get with my mega-discount?" 


Actually .... Let's imagine me as a mod...  (you can reply as you want with your favorite "KoB as a mod nightmare")

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We have a thread specifically for complaining about you kob* :P


I actually only have 1 shirt :D It was given to me when I first started modding, Dave asked for my address and I was like 'uh, sure?' and then a few weeks later (6) I had a new shirt. While it's not a shirt I'd probably wear outside, it's quite nice quality. Especially for free.


Maybe you should have a kob as mod poll.


I can imagine you banning everyone that didn't agree with your stance on jetpacks :D


*not really though.

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I attempted to mod last time the call went out, but I had too much going on in my life to be any good at it. Between working on my master's degree and the project I have going on at work, I just couldn't handle making my hobby into another job.  Someday I'd like to try again, when I have a little less going on.  All the existing mods seemed to be really cool people, though, and I really liked that there was discussion about situations before someone just went into a thread and gave it the smackdown, so it wasn't just one person deciding they didn't like what was going on - they solicit other opinions on it.


Or have I revealed too many secrets?

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I can imagine you banning everyone that didn't agree with your stance on jetpacks :D

Don't be silly. Everyone agrees with my stance on jetpacks!


I seriously researched GoFundMe for like 15 min. or so when I got back from the dog walk this morning. Funds for a jetpack doesn't seem too frivolous, not that they actually deny frivolous things.  If people think they're "Ready for Hillary in 2016" they should be ready for me flying a jetpack too, is my line of thought.

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Oh no Pixel, you've revealed we're decent people! :P


I left one of my bonsai's outside overnight.. it's the first time it's been left overnight (in winter no less) in about 12 months.. It seems pretty hardy (sometimes I wonder if it's dead but its leaves stay green when dead) - unlike my other bonsai, which I'm just happy it has one leaf that hasn't died in 2 weeks - so I think it'll be ok. 

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Oh no Pixel, you've revealed we're decent people! :P


Honestly, you weren't hiding that very well.


I'd be afraid to try a jetpack, probably, but I'd be happy to watch other (more coordinated) people go jetpacking about. I'm all for KoB getting a jetpack, providing he's careful and doesn't get himself killed. (Yes, I'm a mom.)

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Oh. My. God. I check out the internets for ten months, and come back to find King of Birds quoting "I've Never Been to Me" at the top of the page? WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?!?

So the idea is, we're all supposed to hover in a state of hold while you go off and fulfill a lifetime goal? I'm not supposed to bring the hilarity to this outpost of the internet? Dammit, I knew you were taking a timeout but - you didn't even lurk? You know what this means to me? YOU haven't been PARTICIPATING in the POLLS! No wonder why the curve has been off. I should repost ALL the polls.

Yeah that's not gonna happen, don't worry.


Also, I KNEW you'd love the "I've never been to Chilis" post.


PS I started S3 of OITNB last night.

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I do have to say this about OITNB: Ruby Rose is ridiculously hot. I realize this isn't exactly a revelation considering she's the big thing everyone is talking about right now.  I have a question though - she says she identifies as "genderqueer" and I know we're getting all kinds of new terms for things, but what the heck was wrong with "androgynous"?


While we're at it, you kids keep that ball off my lawn!

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I finished up OITNB on Friday. This was the first season that I didn't binge-watch! For that, I am proud.

It was a different-feeling season, but I enjoyed it. Except for the last episode. That's all I'll say.

I applied to mod last call, but didn't post enough to qualify. Which is fair, and totally accurate. Sigh. I would have worn that t-shirt proudly.

So, uh -- I don't THINK this has been discussed yet, but has anyone seen Inside Out? Our girl Phyllis did a great job with it. I had so many feels in the theater while watching.

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I do have to say this about OITNB: Ruby Rose is ridiculously hot.



She is, but the girl who makes me swoon is Samira Wiley. Those lips! Those eyes! Those cheekbones! And her story lines just make me want to cuddle her and tell her everything will be all right.




I finished up OITNB last night. Season two was better, I think, but season three still had its moments.

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Samira Wiley is easily the most beautiful member of the cast, IMO. I'm glad you pointed out her lips, LiberryLady, because I'm on record as particularly admiring her lips (in at least one or two posts somewhere in the OITNB forum here) and somehow I always feel a little creepy when I zero in on that particular attribute, but I mean...she's got a gorgeous mouth. And one of the most radiant smiles I think I've ever seen. 

Edited by smrou
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She is, but the girl who makes me swoon is Samira Wiley.


I don't disagree at all. It's just so easy to be distracted by the new girl. :)  My friend's niece met Samira in an airport and took a picture with her and said she's just as sweet as can be.

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Welcome, Prodigal Daughter/Liberry Lady. We got up to lots of mischief while you were away. I hope you were similarly engaged.


I think I'm too hot headed to be a mod, but also I can't promise to be around when my internet connection is unreliable as it has been. It was out for almost 24 hours a few times in the past week. Rain, clouds, wind, whatever.


I told a friend of mine about the jetpack news and she said: "What's a jetpack?" I was upset.


I think we need to form a jetpack dance crew, to do aerial shows.


I think Uzo Aduba (Suzanne/Crazy Eyes) is gorgeous and sexy and has the ideal body, but her character on OITNB is impossible to lust after, because she's such a child. Samira Wiley is awesome, too, though, and her OITNB character is less of an obstacle.

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I think we need to form a jetpack dance crew, to do aerial shows.


JetPack Cirque Du Soleil! I shall call it Wings. 


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never heard of a jetpack... do they live under a rock?


So, today our highest temp was 9/48F with an average 'feels like' temp of 2/35.. I went out in that in a tshirt! Why does my work have multiple buildings!

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I told a friend of mine about the jetpack news and she said: "What's a jetpack?" I was upset.


I think we need to form a jetpack dance crew, to do aerial shows.

What's a jetpack? Only the most awesome thing and a sign of The Future! Just wait til we get George Jetson- like cars!


Re: jetpack dance crew, aka Wings™. I believe, down there in the fine print, I get approvals on the dance team uniforms. I'm just sayin'.

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