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Small Talk: Chili's

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It's pending a drug test and background check but an offer has been made!

Oh too bad. They'll uncover your sordid online past (here, Twop, fan-fiction, gaming, doggie photos) and probably have to re-assess their decision-making.  Darn it all.


Just kidding, of course! Congrats.


I had a weird night. I fell asleep with the computer and room lights on, and I kept waking up, thinking "I should turn stuff off" and then falling asleep

Fell asleep watching porn again, huh?  Been there, done--- wait what was I saying?


/distraction mode:  They want to make MORE Hunger Games movies. Prequels, even more sequels. My sister took her daughter to see Mockingjay pt 1 and when she called me around Christmas she said it sucked and she hated how they split it up ... I guess it just ended oddly?  (I didn't see it)  I look forward to a prequel where a young Jennifer Lawrence look-alike is just out in the woods shooting her arrows.

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Congrats on the job, glory!  That's very exciting news!


Red Velvet cake is only good if you have someone who knows how to make it good. It can be really bad. Those store bought things do not give you a good indication of how good it really is. To make it from scratch you do add the food coloring. And a real one does not have cream cheese icing, it has the kind that has flour in the icing

Getting rid of the cream cheese frosting would get rid of any reason I can see to eat red velvet cake.  But then I don't really see the point of it anyway.  If I'm going to eat chocolate cake I want it to be rich, and if I'm going to eat cream cheese frosting (which...yes please!) I'd rather it be on a carrot cake (my favorite).

Edited by smrou
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I haven't seen Mockingjay Part 1 yet. I planned to see it in the theaters, but that didn't happen. I expect I'll get it from Redbox in March.


I have a good and super-easy carrot cake recipe. It even stood up to translating it to Gluten-Free. Someone let me know if they're interested and I'll type it up here.

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I'm interested, Kev!  My mom makes a good carrot cake (she makes it every year for my birthday) but...you know, I don't think I've ever made one.  And it's my favorite cake!  That's pretty ridiculous.  But then I guess I don't bake cakes often at all.  Only for special occasions, really, and since carrot cake is my birthday cake, I'm not the one who makes it (I do usually make my dad's cake and I always make my mom's...and I'm now remembering her birthday is this Sunday, so I better do that tomorrow because I'll likely want to hunker down on Sunday).  

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I'll probably see 50 Shades when it gets to Netflix. The books were a horrible train wreck just like Twilight was, but I love trash. I'm well aware of how awful it is when I'm reading, watching it, but my brain enjoys a little slumming now and again.

Congrats, Glory! That's fantastic!

Edited by Pixel
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Carrot Cake


2 Cups regular flour

1 1/2 Cups sugar

2 teaspoons baking soda

2 teaspoons cinnamon


1/2 Cup canola oil

1 cup applesauce (the kind you buy is fine for this, I use 2 of the individual serving "cups")

4 eggs

2 Cups grated carrots (buy them already grated; save your knuckles or food processor cleanup)


Mix all dry ingredients well in a large mixing bowl. Add canola oil, applesauce, and one egg at a time. Add the grated carrots. Pour into a greased and floured 13 X 9 pan. Bake 350 degrees for 45 minutes (if a glass pan, 325 degrees -- but I've never used a glass pan for it, so I wouldn't guarantee the results) until a toothpick comes out clean.




1/4 pound (1 stick) butter

1 pound powdered sugar (I use way less)

8 ounces cream cheese

1 teaspoon vanilla


Cream butter and cheese. Add vanilla, beat well. Add powdered sugar until it's the desired sweetness for you, beat well. The original recipe calls for a pound, but that's way too sweet for me. So darn it, you just have to mix and taste, mix and taste. It's a tough job...


Frost the cake when it's cooled.


You'll notice this doesn't have coconut, nuts, raisins, etc. The recipe doesn't call for them, and I don't miss them.


To make it gluten free -- I usually list on a recipe what changes I made to make it GF, but that's not on this one. I think anything I've done has worked great. I'd go for either a cup-for-cup kind of GF mix like King Arthur, Cup for Cup, Mr. Ritz, or something like 2/3 cup of sorghum or extra-fine brown rice flour, 2/3 cup of white rice flour, and 2/3 cup of potato starch, tapioca starch, arrowroot, etc., and an appropriate amount of xanthan gum for 2 cups of flour in a cake.


Note also that the original recipe calls for 1/2 cup more sugar, all canola oil (no applesauce), and 1/2 teaspoon salt. My version is a bit healthier, just as tasty, and doesn't leave an orange oily spot on the plate.


I just realized I have some grated carrots in the fridge. Guess who's making this tomorrow!!


ETA: The cake batter is easy to mix by hand. I recommend an electric mixer for the frosting.

Edited by Too Late Kev
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Congrats Glory!


I plan to bake this weekend.  I'm making these


I haven't read 50 Shades or plan to see it. I feel bad for those actors, this could ruin them. Dakota Johnson was on a Fox sit-com with Nat Faxon that lasted about a minute. I liked it and her, and I think she probably should have stuck to comedy. 

Edited by sacrebleu
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Holy crap, bleu, those sound insane. I'm going to have to put that aside for another time because I'm still working through 3 birthday cakes. (Black Forest cake, a white/vanilla cake made with almond me and a homemade ice cream cake--all gluten free.)


I was going to see 50 Shades with a friend who wanted wanted to see how train wrecky it could be, but her hubby is way too intrigued about it now, so they're going on Valentines Day. I should stress that it's a big joke to them. And we're planning on seeing Kingsman together because it looks ridiculous but awesome. I have a feeling all the good stuff was in the trailer and commercials, but that's ok. 

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I don't think 50 Shades is likely to ruin the actors unless they actually are bad acting in it. Even then, every actor has some clunkers. It might get them some sympathy from casting people...is that a thing?


I also liked Dakota Johnson in Ben and Kate, and did we all know that she was in the Office Finale? She's listed as "Dakota, Kevin's Replacement." I only saw the finale once and I can't say I even remember that there was a "Kevin's Replacement."

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I was going to see 50 Shades with a friend who wanted wanted to see how train wrecky it could be, but her hubby is way too intrigued about it now, so they're going on Valentines Day. I should stress that it's a big joke to them.

I don't know about this thing people do, going to something as a joke.  All that does is contribute to its success, after all.  If critics pan it and viewers mock it but it makes a shit-ton of money, then that's all that will really be taken away from it.  I mean, not that it's for me to decide how other people spend their money or that I think people doing that sort of thing are doing something wrong or anything like that, I'm just not sure it makes sense to me.  I think if I wanted to see something as a joke I'd do what Pixel said and wait until it's on Netflix or something.  But maybe that just says more about how cheap I am than anything else.

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Those cookies sound amazing.


I looked up red velvet cake and it seems like some people use beets to make it red, instead of food coloring, but I dunno.... I take people's word for it that the velvetiness is good, and the frosting sounds great to e, whether it's cream cheese or the other version, but I don't think I'm motivated to figure out a way to try any. I like carrot cake, and any version of chocolate is good enough for me.


A homemade ice cream cake sounds awesome, frenchtoast! I never heard of anyone making one at home. Do you just pack ice cream into a cake shaped pan, decorate, and cut it instead of scooping, or is there more to it than that?


I loved "Ben and Kate" but I also don't remember there being a "Kevin replacement" in the Office finale. The whole episode is a blur to me. I remember feeling like they did an okay job at the time but that I was kind of over the show and wasn't paying the kind of attention I used to, when it aired.

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Stewedsquash, I didn't make the cake, but one of the tricks of baking gluten free is using almond meal instead of flour. So, it will have a mild almond flavor. I could tell the cake had almond meal because of the texture--it's a little more dense and you can feel the "grit" of almonds. It's a yellow vanilla flavored cake that Mr. Toast has been adding the raspberry jam that the kind lady who bought the cake from a bakery brought with her. I have been enjoying my black forest cake because I could eat cherry pie filling straight. And even if it's not cherry pie filling from a can, but it tastes pretty much the same. 

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I have to say I love gluten free baked goods. I don't have a gluten issue, and I don't have any sort of illusion that gluten free is healthier. Having said that, gluten free brownies are the bomb!

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Hi, everyone!  I just got caught up.  As KOB said, I'm neck-deep in my student teaching, which is crazy-busy.  But I wanted to say:


1) Congratulations, Glory!

2) I used to use a sort of "loose" Dewey Decimal as the elementary school LiberryLady-- I would make special areas for popular books and or series.

3) I adore a good red velvet bundt cake.  

4) I, too, watched and loved Ben and Kate, but

5) I have no intention of seeing 50 Shades of Grey.  If people (and by people I mean ladies) are having fun with the books, then bless 'em, but I have the feeling I would just roll my eyeballs right out of my head at the dialogue. 

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I watched Ben and Kate, too and really liked it.  It seems like almost everyone here watched that show.  But somehow I didn't realize before that the woman from that show is one of the stars of Fifty Shades.  Don't know how I missed that.

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5) I have no intention of seeing 50 Shades of Grey. If people (and by people I mean ladies) are having fun with the books, then bless 'em, but I have the feeling I would just roll my eyeballs right out of my head at the dialogue.

To clarify, I will also be eye rolling. I have an unfortunate affinity for trash, even the embarrassingly bad stuff. I did not find 50 Shades titillating in the least. I've had an adventurous sex life, and there was nothing new or shocking in those books outside of the poor prose. I enjoyed them because they made me feel like a superior writer.
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Good god, I've never wanted to eat anyone's ass. Chocolate coated or not.  Although, I love chocolate so much I probably would eat a milk chocolate asshole shaped candy.  I'm such a whore.

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A friend from Boston says this:

We have broken the record for most snow fallen in 30 days, only it's just 17 days
. Boston Globe confirms that the record broken is from 1978.


My neighbor is at this very moment out on a ladder raking this doomsday precipitation off his roof.


I am feeling whiny because my DirecTV satellite has iced over, for the first time since I've had the service (7 years) meaning I now have no signal until it thaws. I know this is an embarrassingly privileged kind of problem to have, but I still hate it. There is literally nothing anyone can do about it. Even if some brave and well-insured soul were willing to get on a ladder to scrape ice off it, I am told that doing so could easily damage the dish and/or knock it out of alignment. DirecTV recommends just waiting til it melts on its own (it's not snow, and it's not a giant icicle, it's a glaze of ice). They say there are dish heaters that can be installed, but not until the weather clears up (and not without $$$ and landlord permission). I asked if we could shoot anti-freeze at it with a super-soaker, and was told sternly that DirecTV does NOT recommend that course of action. And I thought I was so clever!


I may have to do something productive, instead of being a passive eyeball in front of the TV. What is the world coming to?


Honestly, I think it's kind of a blast, but only if I think about it from the perspective of 20 years from now. This is the first time I have seriously considered whether I might want to move to a different climate.


In other news: Anything else, absolutely anything else.

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A friend from Boston says this:



. Boston Globe confirms that the record broken is from 1978.


And for those unaware, The Blizzard of '78 is the storm everyone compares every storm to, the one that caused people to abandon their cars on Route 128, that didn't get dug out for days and days.





My neighbor is at this very moment out on a ladder raking this doomsday precipitation off his roof.


I have a 2nd floor bathroom with no shade (because we put in new windows and are too lazy to get around to shades and/or window treatments). So I do this weird thing when I'm showering at nighttime involving keeping the lights low, undressing with my back to the window, and backing up to the shower. Mind you, the nearest neighbor at that side of the house is a long way away and downhill, so it's really unlikely anyone would see me anyhow. (I said it was weird!) There's a roof outside that window, currently with so much snow on it that I could turn the lights on super-bright and dance around in front of the window, naked as the day I was born. All you'd see, even if you were hovering nearby, would be the top of my head moving. It's ridiculous. And with all that snow on my roofs, am I worried about ice dams, collapsing roofs, and such? [fingers in ears] "I'm not listening! I'm not listening! LA LA LA LA LA!"


I am feeling whiny because my DirecTV satellite has iced over, for the first time since I've had the service (7 years) meaning I now have no signal until it thaws. I know this is an embarrassingly privileged kind of problem to have, but I still hate it. There is literally nothing anyone can do about it. Even if some brave and well-insured soul were willing to get on a ladder to scrape ice off it, I am told that doing so could easily damage the dish and/or knock it out of alignment. DirecTV recommends just waiting til it melts on its own (it's not snow, and it's not a giant icicle, it's a glaze of ice). They say there are dish heaters that can be installed, but not until the weather clears up (and not without $$$ and landlord permission). I asked if we could shoot anti-freeze at it with a super-soaker, and was told sternly that DirecTV does NOT recommend that course of action. And I thought I was so clever!


I may have to do something productive, instead of being a passive eyeball in front of the TV. What is the world coming to?


Honestly, I think it's kind of a blast, but only if I think about it from the perspective of 20 years from now. This is the first time I have seriously considered whether I might want to move to a different climate.


I'm just glad that we haven't lost power at any point, which might be mostly due to the powdery nature of this snow. [knock wood]


In other news: Anything else, absolutely anything else.


Like frenchtoast, I voted God, I hope not. Although I also agree with the option, "Snow day?" More like a "snow month." We're now at 8 & 4 snow days (my kids are in 2 different districts, so they have different schedules and snow days. One good thing is that our schools have been making decisions the night before (or even the afternoon before) about snow days, 2 hour delays, etc., so you know when you're going to bed what the situation is and what time to set the alarm for (or that you don't have to at all).

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I love the hair dryer idea! I actually have a hair dryer, which I bought specifically for heat-sealing plastic window film (and then never used; we sometimes put plastic on the windows in the winter but we just let it be wrinkly). I shall have television! I just need to decide who I can get to help me (it's too heavy and acrobatic a project for me to do myself). But I think we can duct tape the dryer to a broom handle, and stick it out the window and maybe reach the dish that way (no dangerous ladder use). Woohoo!


I'm just glad that we haven't lost power at any point, which might be mostly due to the powdery nature of this snow. [knock wood]

That really has been a blessing. I think I would be losing my mind right now if I had to deal with outages during this many seriously extra-cold storms. In this weather, no question we'd have burst pipes, and that is a whole other level of trouble. The current building manager is not savvy enough to drain the pipes herself, and there is a shortage of plumbers to come on short notice to do it, so we would have floods. So I'm going to count my blessings for a few minutes, while looking for my hair dryer.


Kev, I read the biography of a Buddhist nun who was meditating in a cave in the mountains when a snow storm came along and buried the cave. All the possible exits were completely snowed under. She started to do her "preparing for death prayers" but eventually discovered that snow breathes, and so she just had to stay inside the cave until it melted enough for her to exit, and hope she didn't run out of food before then. So, pack in the supplies, and if the second story windows get completely covered, enjoy your opportunity for nude dancing, and don't fear suffocation.

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Heh, I was talking with my boss about using hair dryers to melt the snow in Boston, this was before the latest round of snow. (and around the fact that crews already had no where to put any snow). My boss has plans to go there next week to visit family and she's not sure if she can get to her sister's house. 


The cookies were a big hit, BTW. And although that blog is a little over the top. I will totally start browning butter for cookie recipes in the future. I highly recommend it. (That crazy waffle cake might be next on my to-do list)

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So, pack in the supplies, and if the second story windows get completely covered, enjoy your opportunity for nude dancing, and don't fear suffocation.



I do so love my nude dancing! ;)


My concern with the hair dryer thing was electricity and water (in the form of snow)...let's not electrocute ourselves in a quest for good tv!

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Don't worry!


First, I would never attempt something like this in the dark. And by the time I got the idea, it was too late in the day to even consider. So we haven't done anything yet.


Second, the dish really is pretty close to the window. It's much safer to stick a broom handle out the window than to set a ladder against the side of the house.


But I will be very careful, and if it looks like there's a chance of water dripping on the hair dryer-- yeah, that doesn't sound safe. I might be able to run it on a GFI outlet with an extension cord, so that could also be a safety precaution.


But even better: the signal came back! All day I kept checking it and there was nothing. But then for a little while late in the day we had some sun and the icicles on the roof started dripping, and I guess the glaze on the dish also melted, because at 6pm the whole thing reset itself and voila! At least for a few hours I've had a signal again. We'll see if it lasts.


If it doesn't, and I can find someone to help me, I do want to try the hair dryer. But I promise to be careful.


I was really surprised about the melting. It was in the teens today, and overcast. That brief interlude of sunshine felt like a miracle. It's supposed to be 4 degrees tonight, and it's been like this for a while now. I haven't seen any icicles getting smaller for a while. It probably just means the house is badly insulated so heat is escaping from the roof and exterior walls, but hey-- I take the bitter with the sweet.

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I have a friend who used to do installation for DirectTV (he made pretty good money doing it but now he is with the phone company) and I am going to ask him what is the best thing to do to prevent ice on the dish thingy or the other thingy.


Make sure you use that extra-technical jargon. ;)

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I have a friend who used to do installation for DirectTV (he made pretty good money doing it but now he is with the phone company) and I am going to ask him what is the best thing to do to prevent ice

Thank you! That would be awesome!!


Make sure you use that extra-technical jargon.

That's thingy majiggy to you!

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Good god, I've never wanted to eat anyone's ass. Chocolate coated or not.  Although, I love chocolate so much I probably would eat a milk chocolate asshole shaped candy.  I'm such a whore.

I probably would too :D although I was sad I couldn't choose whose asshole chocolate I ate :P



What kind of poll would that be? "Who would eat a chocolate, designed to look like an ass?" I don't even think I can work a Jawa-related vote in there.

I was thinking something like


"Would you buy asshole chocolate for valentines day?" Something Valentiney :D

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jetpack, and a landspeeder, for that kind of dough... and give my friends at Chili's a couple of mil each.


Just like you said in the above post KOB... :D

What happened to my post? It's as if an evil entity hacked into my eloquently phrased thought and caused a disturbance in The Force!


Kalliste even sounds like some sort of George Lucas evildoer. Like JarJar.


sacrebleu - so one of my picks, I had TWO non-PB numbers. I thought I'd win some nominal amount. BUT NO. Nada. Nuthin'  #grrrrrrr



ETA: Hey lookit this news. They're rebooting Sigmund and the Sea-Monsters.  I could be wrong, but looks like Hollywood is real close to the bottom of the barrel!

Edited by King of Birds
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Fun morning! I was lying in bed, not even moving or anything, and all of a sudden the damn thing collapsed out from underneath me. Luckily, I have stuff in boxes under there, for storage, so the whole thing only crashed halfway to the floor and I had a soft landing. No injuries, except for the startle of it. And the dust bunnies were forced to scatter for their lives.


After a few hours of getting over the shock, it it's starting to seem kind of funny. Cartoon life is mine.


Anyway, it was a cheap metal bed frame and some of the welds seem to have failed. I guess I will either shim the bejezzus out of it, get it more officially repaired, or build something new from wood. I have wanted to build a bed frame out of poplar for a while, and I currently even have a person around who can do the parts I'm too unsteady to do, so I was only procrastinating out of cheapness. Poplar is $5/board foot, yo! And I can't stand pine (asthma). But it may be worth it to avoid a repeat of the crash phenomenon.


RE Sigmund, I got a kitten when I was a kid. My mother had dropped me and my brother off at someone's house while she went to some meeting or something, and we didn't know the people (my mother knew them, but my bro and I didn't). Anyway, it was awkward. They just kind of put us in the living room and sat us in front of the TV. My mother was very strict about TV, and only let us watch shows she considered educational or in some other way "good for us." So we had never seen Sigmund. But there he was. The people had kittens and I wanted one of them so much that i somehow managed to overcome my mother's resistance. So I named him Sigmund, after the sea monster. Everyone kept thinking I named him after Freud. I don't even remember anything about the TV show, only that it was on in the background when I met the kitten, and that I wanted to name the cat after the character.

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possibilities, check out Craigslist for your area. Someone may be giving away (or selling) a bed-frame of the size you need. For the free stuff, find the "for sale" category and one of the options under that is "free stuff." It's amazing what people are giving away.

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Why have I never watched Adult Swim? Arrrgg down the rabbit hole I go...

I hope that includes Rick and Morty :)


Possibilites, I've had something similar happen, except it was because the floorboards in the house weren't in the best of shape, so not only did the frame break but it broke THROUGH the floor and well.. I wasn't in quite the same situation at the time, if you get my gist ;)

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I wasn't in quite the same situation at the time, if you get my gist ;)

No, that gist ... I just can't picture it. I think we need photos.


Potential very exciting situation came up today. I may actually find myself this coming week in one of the crazy storms on the east coast! Stay tuned, same bat time, same bat channel!

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