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Small Talk: Chili's

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I'm in the same DirecTV zone, King O'Birds. I decided to stuff my DVR with movies to watch later, so I could actually get some other stuff done this weekend.


RE Jeopardy! decorum, I don't understand why it's so stuffy, either. But whenever anyone gets at all rowdy or woo-ish, there seems to be a backlash from fans, so I think by now the contestants are very conscious of keeping their emotions under wraps. I've seen people get a lot of hate for how they hold the buzzer, or what their facial expressions are, so any vocalizations are probably well-monitored by all who make it on the show.


It's weird for me, because I get genuinely excited at home, and find myself cheering like some people do for sports. Why is it bad form to be as enthusiastic here as for other games?

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I sometimes get a bit nervous in Jeopardy when I think they've bet too much on a daily double. Sometimes it ends up fine, and they get a big boost, but sometimes...I was right, here at home -- they bet too much and they don't always recover from that.


I have a friend who got on Jeopardy. She didn't do that great, and she was upset at her performance (perfectionist!), but I think it's amazing to even get on there.

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Glory, I can't stop looking at that pug and cracking up!  Seriously.


And by the way, this sort of thing is why I should never move to earthquake territory; I'd be worried about it all the time. Every night I'd go to bed thinking, "Survived another day without the Big One hitting." (TWSS?)



Nah, I've never met a person who actually worried about earthquakes all the time.  It seems like there's enough small ones that you get used to them, and few enough big ones that you don't freak out about them.  (TWSS.)  And they have to pretty much be a 4.0 or more before you even really notice them, and a 5.0 or more before there's even a chance of getting hurt (by something falling, for example.) I've been through... hmm... two big enough that my house had damage, but I've still never had an injury worse than a cut on my finger I got when I picked up a ceramic vase that had fallen off the shelf during the quake.


Btw, it's considered jinxy to say aloud, "It's been awhile since we've had an earthquake!"  People will cut you a look and hiss, "Don't say that!" if you do.

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Ok, so I need to look up on where all the fault lines are.. So far, if I moved to the US I have ruled out living in the following:


1. California (and now Alaska I guess... and anywhere else on a fault line) - earthquakes

2. Kansas - highest amount of tornadoes per capita

3. Florida - Gators, sinkholes, humidity, snakes, etc..


Obviously all generalisation but these are how I think :D

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I would like to know the climate of Kalliste's current locale before I answer. I know it's Australia, but I don't know what that means in terms of normal temperatures besides "the seasons are opposite of ours." It's a big country, right? So is she in an area with Florida climate or a Maine climate, or something in between? And more importantly, does she like the cold? The heat? Seasons? Does she want to snow-ski? Water-ski? Never see an ocean? These are important questions to find the right place for Kalliste in 'Merica!

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I would like to know the climate of Kalliste's current locale before I answer.

Gold Coast is my guess. But who cares? Do you think I asked Glory "Oh, do you want a poll about putting your decorations up?" Nope.


Also, this poll isn't binding or anything. OR IS IT?

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I obviously voted that she should live near me and Pixel. Bonus. No earthquakes or hurricanes. Tornadoes are a rarity. It's the safest place to be geologically and meteorologically speaking. I know because I'm a geographer. 

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The thing about earthquakes is that if you live somewhere that gets them a lot, the building codes will be stricter, and you're actually better protected from damage than if you live somewhere that doesn't get them very often so none of the buildings are built to withstand them when they do occasionally happen. It's like tornadoes-- we don't have shelters here, because we don't think we get tornadoes. But then in the past few years, we've had quite a few, and no one's at all prepared. And with the terrain being so hilly, you can't even see them coming like you can in a place like Kansas.


Ever since I read about massive earthquakes happening in the northeast every now and then, I've been sure that when it happens, we're all doomed.


I do like that most of the rough weather we get here is the kind you can plan for days ahead-- blizzards and hurricanes tend to be easily foreseen and not sudden like earthquakes and tornadoes. So I prefer them. But if you don't like the cold, forget it. We're not going to stop having a short growing season and a seriously cold winters any time soon, despite climate change.


Are you really thinking about moving to the USA, K? Or is this just a fantasy type exercise? The social climate is also highly variable from one place to another, as is the cost of living. Huge, huge differences to consider.

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I thought it was just idle speculation, like "If I had to move to another country, it would be..." except for it was specifically where in the US instead of one country.


And if I did have to move to another country, it might be Canada because it's the closest to family, and it would have to be in the southern part of eastern Canada, again for that same reason. Leaving family out of it entirely, probably Australia, again paying attention to the climate. Then again, I've never been to Australia at all, so it would be difficult to make that decision having never set foot in the place. Please, no one kick me out of the US, because I don't want to decide on another place.

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LOL. Oh Kalliste, if you only knew what kind of craziness exists in Florida.


And, if you think you could drive this, well then, the Great Northeast is for you! 

All that has taught me is that, if I want to buy a Forrester, I should do it in the US (except it's left hand drive and not right) as they appear to be half the price.


Are you really thinking about moving to the USA, K? Or is this just a fantasy type exercise? The social climate is also highly variable from one place to another, as is the cost of living. Huge, huge differences to consider.

No I'm not, it was just a "If I happened to" :D those are the places I wouldn't.. and anywhere that snows heavily :P


To answer, your question:




Is where I live now, right now our weather looks like this: 



But that isn't really a good week because it's pretty unusual that, in the middle of summer, it's so cold and raining every, damn, day. Seriously, this summer (about 6 weeks now) has rained nearly every day, it's very strange. Usually it's around 25/77 - 30/86 (sometimes up to 35ish/95) and clear and hot and dry. 


So, I like dry heat, I don't like snow and I don't care whether I live inland or on the coast.. not much of a beach goer but they do look/sound nice.


Ideally I'd live somewhere that is roughly 26/78 degrees all year round and cool at night :P I'm not sure such a place exists though.


The plus side of Australia is that we're in the middle of a plate so we have no fault lines so very rarely do we get earthquakes.. up north they are prone to cyclones though (and humidity and crocodiles.. I'm never moving up north :P). Natural disaster wise, we pretty much only see fires and flooding.

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So that's an Oceanic Climate --  there are a teeny tiny few parts of the US with that same climate (see this chart for the parts with the CFB green). With the choices on the poll, I put her in Nevada, because it's certainly a dry heat. Arizona would have been another dry heat option, but my general feeling was that Arizona is even hotter than Nevada, and at least Nevada has mountains.


But honestly, looking at Canberra? Looks pretty nice -- why would anyone move? And it looks like that rain should be heading out in a couple of days.

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Since we've managed to make this page all about Kalliste, lets embellish some more. How did we get a Canberran mod? I know it's the "world wide web" and not just about us ego-centric Americans, but do tell how you migrated to Previously and somehow convinced Glark to get this position of authority. Were you on twop?


Also, sacrebleu, report in and tell us you weren't on the DC subway today- at least during the fire/smoke episode.


Lastly- I LOL'd that someone actually voted for "Weezyanna" in the poll. Who did that?

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Lol I feel special :P Do I get a Dundie now? :D


I tricked him with my magicks to become mod :P


I went to TWOP but hadn't been active on the forums for years. I used to go and check them out when LOST was airing though, The recaps and forums threads were so useful for that show and it made it an even more fun experience.


I didn't know of PTVs existence until I randomly went to TWOP one day just before the forums were shut down and and decided to take a look over here and see what it was all about.


At the time I think I was just at the beginning of watching The Office (I got spoiled because I checked out this forum when I was only i season 2 :P) and subscribed to some forums of shows I liked, mostly finished or the seasons had ended. 


Anyway, I just posted in random forums and threads and that was really it. It was a month or so when the message went out asking for mods and I emailed and said I was interested and BAM! Here I am :)


And why leave Canberra? I've been here my whole life basically. Canberra doesn't have an excellent reputation where Australia is concerned. We're the capital but we're smaller than Melbourne and Sydney and people think we're all just public servants (which.. in their defence, I started working in the public service about a month ago :P) and it's so boring and too cold etc.


It depends on what you want in a place you live. I love Melbourne and would love to move there but I like living in Canberra where our work day commute is less than an hour and we still complain about it :P We have relatively low crime and conditions are mostly good for people. Although apparently there is a now a greater divider between the 'haves' and the 'have nots' but I think you find that in any city.


Also, who wouldn't want to be home of the sky whale..



Why yes, that is a massive hot air balloon with boobs..

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Good Lord, 10 of them!


Of course, as my buddy Paul used to say "Anything more than a handful is going to waste" - not that I agreed with him on this point.


PS- No, you do not get a Dundie.

Edited by King of Birds
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sacrebleu, report in and tell us you weren't on the DC subway today- at least during the fire/smoke episode.

I'm fine thanks, the yellow line isn't even my line. But DC's metro system continues to be a regular disaster.


I don't know why anyone would leave Australia (except if they hate creepy crawly things). Australia seems to have more than its fair share. 

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I also hope to visit Australia some day, but it was tough to even have time to visit family last year. A friend of mine said to visit Oz, you need like, a month there, at least.


Kalliste, I'm unsure which US State you chose in the poll, but if you picked Illinois / living next to Pixel & Glory, bask in the wintry wonderland of Chicago as seen in this video. Frigid, but looking nice. Kinda.


BTW, are you all aware of the Trial of 2015, currently in session?  Rick Springfield's butt is the subject of a Syracuse NY courtroom! They've been LIVE TWEETING the proceedings!  If you click all of these, you'll find out that this woman disses Cyndi Lauper too!


Sarah Moses and Chris Baker with the details...








Ladies and gentlemen- your American justice system at work!

Decision due on Friday! Keep your excitement in check!

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Okay, the judge gave instructions... the ruling on Rick's butt is in the hands of the jury!





I will report back when the butt decision is made! Could there be a mis-trial? Is there any new evidence like "if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit"?

ALSO- it's great to know that there is the Cyndi Lauper Defense now, along with the Chewbacca Defense.


ETA: Oh no!  Plaintiff is having an emotional breakdown!



They took her away in an ambulance.


ETA2: Not liable/ not guilty!



Of course, the lesson is: beware of butts!  Don't motorboat a butt! If your fav rocker is shaking his/her groove thing and you're front row center? Remember Rick Springfield's butt! Like, you'd remember The Alamo!

Edited by King of Birds
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Here's my Michael Scott moment of the day. Today is casual Friday and my co-worker is wearing her jeans. Her perfectly pressed and creased jeans. 


I.... don't think she gets the concept of casual Friday. I am wearing jeans, a sweat shirt, and Chucks. I eek every second of comfort out of casual Friday. 

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Here's my Michael Scott moment of the day. Today is casual Friday and my co-worker is wearing her jeans. Her perfectly pressed and creased jeans. 


I.... don't think she gets the concept of casual Friday. I am wearing jeans, a sweat shirt, and Chucks. I eek every second of comfort out of casual Friday. 

My new jobs doesn't have casual Friday :'( It was nearly a deal breaker :P In the interview they mentioned it and I was like ".... whaaaaaat?" At my last job it got to the point where the only thing I actually looked forward to was casual Friday. Fortunately, my current job doesn't make me want to scratch out my eyes so there is that. But still.. no casual Fridays..

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Casual Friday really needs to be mandatory.

Soooo... I have a job interview on Tuesday. It's literally my dream job. Also, there is NO dress code.

If you want to give me your best interview tips, I'd be much obliged!

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Ooh sounds exciting!


Hmm, as someone that interviews I guess I'd say.. research the company (if you haven't already), know things about when they were founded, what they do etc. so when you're asked you don't sit in silence.


Try and be calm, I know it's hard but when you're nervous your responses aren't going to be anywhere near as good. Maybe try an icebreaker in the interview to loosen everyone up (being an interviewer can be daunting too). Not that I'd recommend this, but in my last interview the interviewer said "Ok, so I'd like to ask a few experience questions, if that is ok?" and I replied "no, it's not" and then laughed.. fortunately they took it the right way :P


Don't worry if you need time to think about an answer, maybe say something like "hmm, that's a great question. Let me think about that" it's better to have a good, useful thought out answer than a quick, generic answer.


You will probably be asked the standard "what are you strengths and weaknesses" question. Don't say something eye rolling like "my weakness is I just don't know when to stop working. I just work and work and work." you can be honest, just not too honest.. I had one person say "well, sometimes i have issues getting to work on time" great, you're honest but woah! No one is going to hire you if you can't get to work on time :P It's good to say "well, sometimes I focus too much on certain tasks and I'm doing x to improve on that" so you can say you're trying to fix your weakness.


Also, depending on the role, think of some example based answers to common questions. So if there is something that is standard in the role like "Can you tell us an example of when you have had to deal with difficult customers?" you have a great example that has an outcome that makes you look awesome.


Lastly, write down questions you have of them. So you don't forget them. One person I interviewed when we asked said "oh yes.. let me get my notebook" and had a page full of stuff. It shows interest in the role and makes sure you don't forget anything. Also, a lot of 'interview technique' sites suggest asking them what they think of the company, what the environment/culture is like etc. If they give a generic answer then maybe it isn't a good place to work.


Anyway.. I'll stop now :D I hope that helped.

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Casual Friday really needs to be mandatory.

Soooo... I have a job interview on Tuesday. It's literally my dream job. Also, there is NO dress code.

If you want to give me your best interview tips, I'd be much obliged!


I probably don't need to tell you this, but even if there is no dress code at work, you should probably still dress at least "business casual" for the interview.  Since it's your dream job, you've probably already researched the company, know what they do, etc., so I don't have any other tips except to be confident.  And good luck!

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I probably don't need to tell you this, but even if there is no dress code at work, you should probably still dress at least "business casual" for the interview.  Since it's your dream job, you've probably already researched the company, know what they do, etc., so I don't have any other tips except to be confident.  And good luck!

oh yeah, definitely, dress in business attire, unless they specifically say otherwise. I know some companies say they want people to come into interviews in how they normally dress.. but in most cases it's expected you dress in business attire for an interview.

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If you want to give me your best interview tips, I'd be much obliged!

Bring Monopoly money. Take those bills and roll em up like you a gangsta. If you think you're going down in flames, pull out the roll and go, "Listen, how much will it take to get this job?" I'm not sure it'll work, but they will DAMN sure remember who you are, and talk about the interview from now til they retire.


Oh... you wanted GOOD tips.

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Interview tip:


In addition to researching the company- go on Linked In and check out who you will be interviewing with, and your potential supervisor (if you know them). I know it sounds a little stalker-ish, but learning a bit about who you're talking to might help you feel a little more at ease, or even help you find areas of interest to talk about.


(and as someone who recently had to hire someone, I saw that some of the candidates had looked at my LinkedIn profile and I appreciated that they were being thorough in their interview prep) 


Good luck!

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I'll second researching the company, wear a suit, and check out the interviewer's LinkedIn profile (if they have one).  And be sure to have a bunch of questions prepared for the interviewer(s), about both the job and the company, it'll help you look really interested.


Good luck, and let us know how it goes!

Edited by EllieH
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I voted. It let me vote for two things. This doesn't mean I want two jobs, but no one would really hire someone to pick their own winning tickets, right? And if I did pick my own winning tickets, eventually, wouldn't I say, "Why get dressed up and go on TV all the time when I already have enough money?" My second choice was reading and writing short reviews. However, I'll only read the following kinds of books: YA, SF, Quilting. And if the book is terrible, I reserve the right to give a review like, "I couldn't manage to slog my way through this thing."


Those kinds of jobs, where you can pretty much set your own conditions, are easy to find, right? No? :( Then I'm going to stick with half-assing my way through the stay-at-home-mom biz.

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"Entertain you"?  What are you drinking at 'Bucks?  Did you remember to wear underwear? Are you wearing a watch? People really don't wear watches much anymore do they?  Don't forget to set your phone for "do not disturb."  Were you an Xfiles fan? Did you see they might reboot it? Haven't we seen enough of David Duchovny? I mean ... enough?  Patriots vs Seahawks in the bowl of superness- who ya got?


More: How cold is it in Chicago environs today? Hey, can you set your cell to record the interview so you can listen later, dissect every nuance and figure out the bad parts so you can dwell on it some more?  How many fingers am I holding up? Remember to skip a bit in walking to the interview.

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I voted for the puppy job, but I strongly object to the anti-cat sentiment. Clearly, you have never experienced the full feline love treatment....


Glory, just picture us sipping tea with you, wearing our jetpacks, and rubbing puppy bellies while writing Office "Where they are now" fanfic....

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