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Small Talk: Chili's

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I find those barometric changes affect me most in summer. But I had a wicked toothache yesterday and I wonder if the low pressure was contributing to that. My two top wisdom teeth need to be taken out but I've been putting it off.  Bottom wisdom can't be removed because too close to nerve in jaw. 


So, here's what we got, pretty close to Kev and smrou



And here's Mr. Toast standing in an area the wind carved out. The picture doesn't do it justice.


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I think sometimes the barometric pressure fluctuations do me in.


Me too.  Do you get sinus headaches?  Sometimes I'll take sudafed before going to bed if a front is supposed to blow through overnight, it helps.


Also, I don't think you all want to know how not-cold and sunshiney it was in Dallas today...

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 I think sometimes the barometric pressure fluctuations do me in.

You're all nuts. Did any more snow fall last night? When I caught some news reports, it looks like the coastal parts of NE were hit hardest.


Was it the light snow, just blowing all over, or can you make a snowman? Is it packy snow?  I feel there should be snowmen / snowladies /snowmonsters for the Calvin types, and some snowball fights.

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Did any more snow fall last night? When I caught some news reports, it looks like the coastal parts of NE were hit hardest.

I think there was at most an inch more snow after I took my picture yesterday and that lines up pretty well with the number here on the National Weather Service site of 23 inches in Needham.  


Was it the light snow, just blowing all over, or can you make a snowman?

Very light snow that did indeed blow all over.  Which is nice, since it makes it easier on the snowblower, but it also meant that while I was out snowblowing yesterday I kept getting snow blown in my face.  I didn't test to see if it's at all packable, but I think it's probably too light and fluffy.

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Aww, Colleen McCullough has passed away.  I was "eh, it's okay" regarding The Thornbirds, but I loved her Masters of Rome series.  I thought she was really good at fictionalizing the political intrigue, wars, and domestic issues of late Republican Rome.  I know some readers felt she romanticized Julius Caesar too much, but I thought she did a good job at humanizing all of the leading characters, even Sulla. 

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Well I for one went back to look at the frenchtoast pic again. I didn't see any reflective boob in the shot.  (I think stewedsquash meant to say "you should wear dark clothes"?)


I bought some Powerball tix yesterday... but didn't win. NO ONE ELSE did either, it's up to $289 mil! Woo!

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Just booked my second trip to Vegas for 2015!


I found a crazy low fair through United flying out of O'hare in November. $137 round trip! We're going with two other couples so it should be fun. I'm going with my girlfriends in April (another crazy low-fare - $160 round trip!). We also booked our room for GenCon in Indy in August last week.


2015 is shaping up to be the year of vacations.


Anyone else have vacations planned yet? Just daydreaming? I have major winter blues right now so I'm dreaming of escaping Chicago. 

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Anyone else have vacations planned yet? Just daydreaming?


My sister and I are planning to trip to the pacific northwest this summer, but so far picking a destination has been about the extent of our plans. 

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Anyone else have vacations planned yet? Just daydreaming? I have major winter blues right now so I'm dreaming of .  escaping Chicago. 


My mom and I are going on a 14-day British Isles cruise out of Amsterdam in August.  That will probably be my one vacation this year, since it's going to be really pricey, and will take up most of my vacation days.  I'm hoping to be able to take care of the airfare with miles, otherwise it will be ultra-pricey.   So, no winter escape to Arizona this year. Fortunately, it's been a pretty good winter, so I haven't had the cabin fever I normally feel this time of year.

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Somehow, the birthday of one of our Chili's denizens made its way onto my Google calendar...by email address, so I think it has to do with Google Plus. In case this person doesn't want his/her birthday bandied about...


Happy Birthday, Chili's Friend!! I hope it's a good one and (y)our team wins!

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I'm wondering if we're going to get yet another snow day tomorrow -- snow is supposed to start tonight and mess up tomorrow's morning and afternoon commute. That doesn't sound like great get-the-buses-out-there kind of weather. 


I like snow days...I just don't like the uncertainty of whether you're going to get one or not.

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It's blizzarding here. I can't lie, we're excited because it's our first chance to use our new snowblower.


As far as vacations go, in two weeks we're going to Universal Studios Orlando to check out the new Hogwarts Express and Harry Potter stuff. We're staying at the Hard Rock Hotel. I'm normally a budget vacationer, but I just decided to splurge this time and live like the rich people do. I've been paying for it in stages when I have cash - bought the plane tickets two months ago and just bought the park tickets today. The hotel is the only thing going on the credit card, and that's just because it's nuts to put that on a debit card if you don't have to.  Anyway, it's a nice feeling to have paid for my family vacation with cash instead of credit. Feels like a new phase in my life!


This summer my in-laws are taking us to Peru. That should be interesting. I'm already worrying about what my Internet/electronic obsessed kids are going to do for 10 days in the Amazon, (not to mention myself), but it will be good for us.

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Not a bit of snow has fallen...but one kid's school has already called a snow day. I guess that school district must be pretty sure the snow will come. Now we wait to hear about the other school. I have gas for the snow blower, plenty of food/water/milk, and the car at the end of the driveway, wipers up. I'm as prepared as I can be, come what may.


Vacations for us are generally visiting family in non-exotic locales. I feel like we ought to take the kids on some "see the US" kind of tour at some point before they all head off to college. We've been remiss; these kids haven't seen much. :/


ETA: They've seen lots and lots of video game landscapes. That probably counts, right?

Edited by Too Late Kev
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We've been remiss; these kids haven't seen much. :/


Well, if it weren't for my in-laws my kids (and me) wouldn't see anything at all. I think that's more the norm. My kids are already concerned about being bored in Peru, and I told them that's exactly why they have to go. There's more to life than video games.  As much as I love video games myself, you sure don't give up a trip like this to stay at home! 

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Peru sounds amazing!


When we were little, our family went on a 4 week camping/road trip (tent camping-- rugged and cheap) all around the country. I had a map where I would check off every state we visited. I remember hating the trip-- it was done on the cheap so it meant a lot of people and gear in a tiny car driving very long hours and staying in rugged campsites and eating cold sandwiches and other crappy food in the back seat of the car.


BUT: looking back, I am really happy we went. I saw so many places I would not have seen otherwise. And it really did blow my mind to see the variety of landscapes and scenery. I thought the Grand Tetons were the best. But Butte, Montana was a second close for gorgeous.


In answer to KOB's question, it's been too cold to pack the snow, it's mostly just blowy. I have some snowballs in my freezer from last winter, which I was hoping to use for a snowball fight in August, but it wasn't a hot enough summer to make that sound fun. But this winter, so far the snow is too powdery for that. It makes for easy shoveling, so I'm not complaining. Pros and cons for all things....


I am waiting to see if this blizzard reaches us as predicted, or if it will be another washout like last week.

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It's blizzarding here. I can't lie, we're excited because it's our first chance to use our new snowblower.

This summer my in-laws are taking us to Peru.

The new snowblower! Woo! I know, you guys got hit, my sis in Chicago posted blustery pix from the shore. Now is that the same storm that is supposed to hit the east coast tomorrow/ Tuesday?


Congrats on the Peru trip. Not sure how long you'll be there/ how much sight-seeing, but hope it's fun!


Oh, and I forgot, but- Damn! Y'all certainly turned out to vote on frenchtoast's "vacation." It's a tie between Lowell and Battleboro, as of this posting.

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possibilities, we had similar trips, although I we always found it pretty fun. We went to the Badlands & Monument Valley, the Four Corners, Pike's Peak in Colorado, Mount Rushmore, the Grand Canyon, Mesa Verde...lots of camping. It had to have been a hell of a lot of work for my mom, and a ton of driving for my dad. I'm not sure Mr. Kev and I are that selfless / want to work that hard. But I sure have some amazing memories.

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Peru sounds awesome.


I'm at work. Bah. I thought for sure things would be closed (lots of schools are closed) but we are not. I wish I could work from home. Boo. 


Guts was a shoveling machine yesterday. I didn't have to go out once. He shoveled 5 times. And again this morning. As a result, our driveway looks awesome. But it still sucked for him. 


Apparently our winter storm was called Linus. Is this a thing we do now? Name snowstorms? 6th worst in Chicago history. 

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Linus? because it's blanketing the city?


The plows are doing a good job here, and one just went by, so the road outside my window is clear, but you can hardly see it because the visibility is so bad. KOB: yes, we get Chicago's weather a day after they do, usually. I forget what they call this pattern. Maybe an Alberta Clipper? Last week's was an old fashioned nor'easter. The wind is not as high this time, but it's super cold, so even if it's not blowing as much, I think it still won't be good packing snow, thus no snowball fights or building of snow creatures.


Do those of you with young kids find they still like to play in the snow? We were always very into it when we were little. But I never see anything like that anymore. We always built "snow people" and made angels and stuff like that when I was growing up.


For those of you who don't live in places that have dramatic weather, I apologize for the regional obsession. What do you make small talk about in temperate places? Weather is always reliable bus stop chatter in the northeast.

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Thanks for the birthday wishes! It was awesome! Mr. Toast has been planning (unbeknownst to me) trying to have some far flung friends come and visit. So it was a surprise when on the way to pick up some last minute party supplies he said we were going someplace else. A surprise which turned out to be the airport to pick up my college roommate! A fun time was had by all! 


The weather is not cooperating today and her flight is cancelled and we hope the afternoon flight she was put on isn't, but at least work called and said I don't have to come in. I wasn't going to be able to anyway because the dealership service was closed when he went to pick it up! So we're down a car, but I'm glad I get to hang with my friend for a little while longer.

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.Do those of you with young kids find they still like to play in the snow? We were always very into it when we were little. But I never see anything like that anymore. We always built "snow people" and made angels and stuff like that when I was growing up.

I don't have kids, but our neighbor kids are ALWAYS out there playing in the snow. Yesterday was  field day for them. (Until the wind got too bad). They build snowmen and igloos and just jump around like lunatics. 


Our neighborhood is very old school. There are kids out there until all hours of the night in the summer. On bikes, on rollerblades, playing games. I like it. 


Oh! And my town was in the top 100 safest cities in America. So there's that. It's a little Leave it to Beaver.

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My kids seem to be the indoors type, for which I blame myself. I remember they used to like to play in the snow.  Not so much anymore.  I'm taking a snow day myself. The luxury of being able to work at home is wonderful. I did make an attempt to get to work today, but about 5 miles out one of the roads I take was down to one lane due to cars buried in the snow blocking the other lane, so I gave up and turned around and came home.

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My kids are also pretty indoorsy. They'll typically go sledding and sometimes they'll build snow forts (if it's good packing snow, which this isn't), but sometimes it takes a little nudging. Today, it's pretty cold out there, and I need help with shoveling later, so I'm not going to push outside time now.

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I guess most of Chili's is happy, since the Patriots won, and many of you are from the Great Northeast. I'm thinking none of you will be going to the victory parade, postponed til Wednesday.  My sister in the lovely NY capital district says she's shoveled FOUR times today, about 15" so far. I assume all the rest of you are having a glorious time today.  45 Days Until Spring!!


Frenchtoast I am curious which stewedsquash/ vacation poll answer you would prefer. Myself, when I click on the link and read the results, I cannot help but chuckle at all the MA-based luxuries I came up with. Lowell! Great Barrington! Gloucester! The Hotel Indigo!** Even if my polls exist in a timewarp of their own, I feel that I made great efforts to make this a real, viable post-Disney vacation that stewedsquash could reasonably afford if this actually were a binding commitment in the real world.


**You should guess which of these places I have NOT visited.


Lastly, tomorrow is two weeks since Glory's interview. It's about time she hears back, right?

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When we shoveled earlier, there was at least 10.5" of snow, but it might have been as much as a foot or so. One kid has another snow day tomorrow...making the 6th day in a row. I imagine we'll be making up that 6th day (and any more that come this winter) during school vacation. The other kids have a 2-hour delay, which sounds good to me, especially since it's going to be very cold, so a couple hours later (and into daylight) it will be slightly warmer.

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Lastly, tomorrow is two weeks since Glory's interview. It's about time she hears back, right?

I'm sending a "Follow-up" email this morning. Did I tell you guys that they took the job down and re-listed it at a higher position? But that they called me to tell me to reapply for it? So... I think that's good news? This happened last week. My references haven't said if they've heard anything yet. 

I will keep you all posted. 

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When we were little, our family went on a 4 week camping/road trip (tent camping-- rugged and cheap) all around the country. I had a map where I would check off every state we visited. I remember hating the trip-- it was done on the cheap so it meant a lot of people and gear in a tiny car driving very long hours and staying in rugged campsites and eating cold sandwiches and other crappy food in the back seat of the car.

When I was 7 my family did a similar month-long trip--started in MA, went as far west as Arizona (the Grand Canyon) via a mostly southern route, then came back via a northern route by way of family in Minnesota.  Like you, my sisters and I had atlases that we'd use to trace out our route.  However, our car was big (a full-size van) so my sisters and I could spread out, which I think probably helped.  And I remember loving it.  I always loved camping as far as I can remember and I still do.


Not that there weren't discomforts.  I remember one night when we were in Colorado and there was a big storm and my sisters and I were worried our tents would blow away so we slept in the van while our parents slept in their tent.  And to be honest, having three kids in one tent was a little cramped.  Plus, that was the summer of a major drought and heat waves, so it was damn hot.  Plus, a good chunk of Yellowstone was on fire while we were there.  But that's all part of the adventure, right?  Mostly I have incredibly fond memories of that trip and all the places we went.


The following summer we went on a shorter (probably only 2-3 weeks, though I don't remember exactly) trip like that up in Nova Scotia and PEI.  


Currently my best friend and I are talking about when to take her daughter on her first camping trip.  She just turned one and we're determined to raise her as a camper (my friend's wife is not into it, so camping is something that we do together while she stays home).  We usually just do one or two nights in a campground not too far away, like on the Cape, so it's barely roughing it and not exactly adventurous, but just getting away from the house for a bit feels like an escape.  

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Sometimes you read something and you go "What the hell?" and other times you read it and say "This will win the Nobel Prize, right?"


And I worked very late tonight... and forgot to buy Powerball tix. AGAIN.  (goes to powerball.com)  No one won!  Phew! $360 mil!!! Drawing on Saturday.


ETA- so I'm curious, ladies, if you or some "friends" of yours will go out to see 50 Shades of Gray when it releases? (or, will you wait for netflix?)

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I will probably not see it at all..


Same, haven't read it, definitely won't see it in theaters and realistically won't put it on my Netflix queue.


I remember going to see "Moonrise Kingdom" when that came out, and having the weird experience of being in line behind a group of middle aged ladies, all of whom where buying tickets to "Magic Mike" and being really giggly about it.  I could see the same thing happening again, just swap out "Moonrise Kingdom" for "The Imitation Game" or one of the other films I still want to see.

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I have no plans to see Fifty Shades of Twilight Fan-Fic.  I didn't read the books, either.  Just no interest.  I'm waiting for Avengers: Age of Ultron.  


My library finally seems to have a real digital download library service, so I'm waitlisted for a couple of books there.  I'm interested in seeing how it works.  It does seem weird having to be on a waitlist for a digital copy of a book, though.  


stewedsquash, our local libraries have divided out types of fiction for a long time.  They use Dewey Decimal for non-fiction.  I also find separating out fiction categories annoying, since they aren't very consistent.  I've seen novels by the same author spread across two or even three different categories, even though they are all mysteries, or science fiction, or whatever.

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Most of what I know about the actual plot of Fifty Shades comes from reading criticism of it and specifically of how it tries to portray a BDSM relationship but fails to include all of the things that differentiate BSM from actual abuse.  However, not having read the book and also not knowing anything about BDSM I'm not actually in a position to judge the validity of the criticism.  There's also the standard criticism that "It started out as fanfic!," but since I read and like fanfic and have read several that I'd love to see turned into movies, I consider that a lame reason to judge it negatively.  (I mean, if it's badly written then it's badly written, but it's not bad because it was fanfic.)  Still, it has no particular appeal for me.  I won't be seeing it.  I see so few movies anyway.


Jamie Dornan, the male star of the movie, plays the serial killer on The Fall and while he certainly successfully creeps me out on the show, I haven't otherwise been impressed with his acting skill.




Has anyone else's library changed from the dewey decimal system? I hate that our main library had decided to put different colored strips on books then have them sectioned into categories of General Fiction, Mysteries, Suspense, Religious, Romance.

My library definitely separates fiction in some ways.  I'm pretty sure mysteries are separate from general fiction, as is YA (there's a special room for YA and I always feel a little weird when I go in there because it's kind of a hang-out for teens, but I like to read YA so whatever).  I wasn't sure if romance was separate so I just checked by looking up a romance novel in the catalog and of the 37 libraries in the network that have it, only one listed it as being in the Romance section.  All others had it as Fiction.  So it looks like the vast majority of libraries in the network don't separate.  

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I have no interest in 50 Shades of No F'in Thank You. From what I've read about it, it's bondage and sadomasochism without code words. Yeah, gross. I'm not sure why that actress signed on to that. Maybe it's her best way to get a starring role this fast?


I saw the book at my sister's house and I'm half-expecting her to ask me if I'm going to see the movie. I'm going to just say, "No, I'm not really interested," but not explain that the whole thing squicks me out. However, I'm sharing that with you, my Chili friends...because you get me.


ETA: I see that other people have mentioned some similar things, but I wrote the above, then spent a bunch of time looking at library stuff. Sorry for the repeated info.


stewedsquash, you sent me into a flurry of searching. I had no idea libraries were switching things up so much.


My library, as far as I've noticed, is still following the Dewey Decimal system (or some version of that). For fiction, my library sometimes has different sections for Mystery, SF, etc., and sometimes throws all fiction together, but of course sorts them by author's name in alphabetical order w/in their section. Our library does sometimes use stickers to identify SF, Mystery, Romance, etc., which can be very handy if you're like me, always looking for the SF, and it's one of those times when they're filing SF with the rest of the fiction.


At first when you mentioned the different colored strips, I thought that was all you meant, that they put some helpful stickers on the books. But now I see some of the newfangled classification systems are using colored strips. Here's a description of something called PIM, which might be the kind of thing you have:

Items are grouped first by category, which is represented by a color-coded symbol, one of twenty-seven pictograms grouped into color families (see figure 3). While there is no “name” for the overarching color-coded areas, each color clearly represents a topical area: red represents the area of the arts, blue for geography and history, orange for leisure activities like hobbies and sports, and so forth.6 Within each general pictogram category, items are assigned more specific subject keywords.

Within a library, items are grouped first by the pictograms and then arranged alphabetically by keyword. PIM has no prescribed order other than this alphabetical arrangement within categories. It is purposefully designed to be a flexible system in which local libraries can “easily make changes without prejudice to the national system.”7



It sounds dreadful. Also dreadful is filing things with the dewey decimal system (speaking as a library volunteer in 3 different school libraries over the years), but as a user, when I need to get books about something (like say, arthritis), it's damned useful. In one of these alternative methods, maybe I'd have to go to a section on "Health," where books on arthritis would be scattered in with the others, or maybe grouped together alphabetically w/in health, but potentially varying by library, rather than finding out arthritis is categorized as 616.722, and going right to it.


I was planning to go to the library soon anyway; when I do, I think I'll ask whether they're about to do any kind of dumbass reclassification/reorganization/ruining of my library.


LiberryLady needs to chime in on this one.

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I (briefly) worked at a library that used the library of congress system, so I learned that one. The call numbers start with letters, not numbers, and I really liked it-- it was very precise.


Then I moved to a state where all the libraries seemed to use Dewey Decimal, so I started to learn that system. I can live with it, but I don't really like it as much. It works, though, so whatevs.


To think they are now going to start converting everything to yet a third system, and one that does not group by subject, so browsing non-fiction shelves by topic is no longer possible except in the broadest possible generalities, just sets me off! I don't want to learn a new system that will actually be less helpful!


Furthermore, in the color system, if you search the card catalogue (electronic, not paper in a cabinet, but same concept), do you have any way of pinpointing what books are available, or do you have to just narrow it down into a few color options?


Why would a library, of all places, adopt a system that seems to be based on lack of literacy?


I really hope this abomination never comes to any library I use, because it sounds to me like the end of civilization. I know that's overstatement, but I'm all worked up about it now!


LiberryLady, do you have any inside scoop?

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I won't see it. Not because it started as fan fic, but because it's terrible. <del>If you want to waste an entire day</del> --- Never mind. I was going to link you to Jenny Trouts 50 Shades of Grey Recaps but apparently they are gone? Bummer. They were hysterical. 


Anyway - I've read better smut by better fan fic authors then this. And, yes, that includes some Twilight fan fic. This was just crap. 


I am looking forward to Magic Mike 2, though. I will be seeing that in the theater! 

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LL will still have opinions on libraries picking up all their books, putting colorful stripes on them, juggling them, and then refiling them blindfolded.  I checked at my library, and they are planning to label things an additional way, but still keep the Dewey categorization. Phew.


King of Birds, thanks for the luck. The thing about the "long duration snow event" that stinks is it might only be about 12", but we'll probably have to shovel/plow out 3 or 4 times. :( I'd rather have 12" of snow, plow once, get it over with. TWSS?

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Hmm, in my library fiction is usually alphabetical by author but they have little stickers that say what genre they are.


I don't really notice too much as I request books online and when they're available I go pick them up and leave without looking at books, mostly :P

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It's pending a drug test and background check but an offer has been made! It will probably be at least another month before I can get out of here but I'm so excited!!!!

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Glory, that's so exciting! It sounds like they re-listed it at a higher level because you inspired them! Congrats!!


RE the snow, I agree it's easier to deal with a big storm than a constant flow that needs repeated shoveling. The roads have been really bad and it looks like there's no relief in sight.


I had a weird night. I fell asleep with the computer and room lights on, and I kept waking up, thinking "I should turn stuff off" and then falling asleep again before I could move. When morning came, I was lying in bed thinking the same thought for a while before I realized it was not going to get dark no matter what I did, because some of the light was from the sun now.


I have never tasted red velvet cake. I need to look up what's in it, because I am finding it hard to imagine. Is it cinnamon-flavored? Strawberry? Is it actually red?

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It's a good chocolate cake, though. I can't have gluten anymore, but if i were to make red velvet cake, I think I'd leave out the food coloring. It's pretty gross to add a bunch of red food coloring to something, right? It could just be called Velvet Cake. Mmm. The pieces of cake actually leave a red mark on the plate, too.


Glory, hearty congratulations! That's so amazing! I agree that they probably relisted the job at the higher level because you were overqualified for it as it was listed before. Pat yourself on the back, big time!

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