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Well, I Liked Stompy the Meteor Horse! - What Smallville Got Right.


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I'll start in the shallow end of the pool.


Good things that Smallville did:


Tom Welling only got better looking with age.  So much pretty.


To be a tad more serious, I was generally very impressed with the casting for Smallville.  With a few notable exceptions, I think the show chose great actors that lifted the quality of the writing and the tone of the show by their sheer talent and charisma.   

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I'll start in the shallow end of the pool.


Good things that Smallville did:


Tom Welling only got better looking with age.  So much pretty.


To be a tad more serious, I was generally very impressed with the casting for Smallville.  With a few notable exceptions, I think the show chose great actors that lifted the quality of the writing and the tone of the show by their sheer talent and charisma.   


Could not agree more about the Gorgeousness that was Tom Welling. Truth to tell, that was what kept me till the end. Especially when Clark would be all mussed up/beat up/sweaty...I would turn into ONE BIG PILE of GOO.


And the casting! I got to see Rosenbaum as Lex here, and watch him as my favorite Flash, Wally West, on Justice League/Justice League Unlimited at the same time! And then there was that one episode where Rosenbaum was Lex and it was Grrrrreat!


Also you had Annette O'Toole, who was Lana Lang in the Reeve movies, and here she's playing Clark's mother.


And I liked how in the first half of the first season, how Clark/Pete/Chloe were like the Scooby gang with the investigations, before that Pink Pestilence was shoved into their group and Clark became a stalker.


Oops, sorry. This thread is about what they got right.


Hmm...what else? What else? I mean, it started out great, with their own twist...and then it just went to hell...


Okay, good thing, good things...well Clark and Lex's friendship. I thought it was a great twist before they turned Lex all EVUHL.


Chloe. Good thing. Best Thing.


And...I'm sure other good things will come to me....but I'll have to think about it some more...

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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I just thought of a pure good thing - Shelby!


I also loved that Lois was allergic to him. 


Him.  Let me repeat it for the confused later season writers/producers.  HIM, not her.  To be fair I kind of loved my personal canon that Lois just couldn't keep it straight in her head (or tell the difference.)

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The music: I downloaded so much music because of this show. Most of it was the kind of alt-rock that was so common on the WB at the time, but I appreciated that the show played country from time to time to go with the setting.




Chloe's style. I want so many of her clothes.


Justin Hartley as Oliver Queen. It took me almost two years to watch Arrow because I was pissed that it wasn't him. I also liked Oliver/Chloe and I think they're part of the reason I like Olicity so much now. I want Oliver with a tech savvy, intelligent blonde.


I graduated with Clark! Which I know the show didn't do on purpose specifically for me, but I love that I got to graduate the same year as my favorite fictional character.


No Smallville, no Arrow, no Flash. And probably no Merlin, since I heard it was inspired by this series.

Music montages. 


They packed so much power into these moments.  I specifically still remember two.  The one at the end of season three set to something classical and operatic where Lionel is in jail and Chloe is entering the safe house and Martha runs out into the pasture and Jonathan is lying unconscious in the cave and Lex is pouring himself a drink the music builds and the camera moves around the mastermind behind so much of it, Lex chokes and falls, the safe house blows, the mane of the Magnificent Bastard is gone but his power is only that much more potent.  I still get chills.


The other one that stays with me was less operatic than intimate and personal.  They used an obscure Kelly Clarkson song called Sober and we move from character to character (I forget the order) Chloe burning her Death Certificate, Lex sitting in jail looking at a picture of Lana, meanwhile BLOND Lana is hiding out in China, Clark looks longingly at the moon and then the camera goes to Kara putting on a piece of home (bracelet) in an alien world and then shooting up to the stars while the voice in the song soars just as high. 


Two really great and powerful moments. 

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YES! I love both of those music montages. The one at the end of season three is so badass and truthfully, the only thing I liked in that entire mess of a finale. Kelly Clarkson's Sober is just so pretty and fits well with the end of the season seven premiere.


The use of Interpol's Pioneer to the Falls was pretty well done too, also from season seven. My memory of that scene is a little foggy, but do remember that I went and bought that Interpol album pretty much immediately after watching the episode.


Hurt playing while Lionel looks on at Lex in the asylum is a pretty strong moment, too.

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That "Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep" song as Lex walks through his prison full of mutants.

Prelude 12/21. I know because I needed to know after that. Also, I think it was savingpeople that did a really cool Core Four video to that song (before it was called the Core Four) called Destiny: Chlark vs. Lexana and I just think of how much better that would have been than the actual S6 we got.

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Things they got right were:

Chloe: my favorite character, she's smart, can kick ass and well acted.

Chloe and clarks friendship: the only reason I made it as far as I did (season 9). I love how it developed over the show. And her being in on the secret and more then just a sidekick.

Martha and Johnathan: I loved his parents, to bad they destroyed them as the show went on. Johnathan dies, and Martha is barely in it past season 6.

lex earlier seasons: while he was hardly a good guy he had understandable perspectives

and I agree with the music video with lex.

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Code names. 


Seems simple right?  You go out and do stuff not really in the confines of the law and while you are out chit-chatting amongst yourselves, perhaps face to face, perhaps via the com system, you make sure no real names are used that could be traced back to your secret identity.  It's basic covert ops 101. 


Even as a child playing spy before I'd spied my eight birthday, I knew enough to take a secret code name and to only write down the super secret evil activity of my enemies by their code name.  XXX was my nemesis (my brother) but Bratsy was a worthy foe as well (my next door neighbor's three year old niece)  I tell this tale to illustrate how deeply ingrained into society this knowledge is and YET!!!!  


And yet I am watching Arrow and it is the third season and they still use each other's real names out in the field and over com links and twice it's been mentioned that their lines aren't secure and not only has this merry band of heroes done things slightly out of the confines of law, they've done things WAY out of the confines of law, like occasionally dropped bodies, but does anyone get a code name?  Apparently it hasn't felt natural yet. 


Sigh.  Arrow:  making Smallville look intelligent.  That's a crime right there. 


At least I have my code name to protect the innocent.  Bkwurm1, signing off. 

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I did enjoy Christopher Reeve and Shelby the dog and the beautiful Tom Welling.

I might be in the minority, but I did enjoy the little epilogue in the series finale, complete with the Superman theme. Of course, it works even better if you skip the whole series and just watch that ending scene. LOL.

  • Love 2

I did enjoy Christopher Reeve and Shelby the dog and the beautiful Tom Welling.

I might be in the minority, but I did enjoy the little epilogue in the series finale, complete with the Superman theme. Of course, it works even better if you skip the whole series and just watch that ending scene. LOL.


Spartan, you're not in the minority! Check out my post in the Season 10 thread about that very thing!

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Smallville did a lot of stuff wrong, but here are some of the things I thought they did really well.

Lex and Clark's friendship (while it lasted) was great. I was so disappointed when it finally ended.

The show always did the Lex-centric episodes really well (Lexmas, Shattered, Memoria, others)

Lex and Lana's relationship was developed really well and was actually something I really enjoyed (until the last half or so of season six)

Chloe and Clark's friendship

The casting, as said above, was perfect.

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