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Spencer Reid: Gorgeous Gray Matter

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I agree! There were many avenues they could've pursued for more plausibility. JJ most definitely should've gone to Hotch and told him that Reid wasn't taking things well. It may have broken a confidence (but, hey, scruples were out the window way before that), and Hotch could've been on the lookout for how Reid was coping. I think Reid has a backbone of steel but he does have his vulnerabilities and could've used some additional support during that time.

I don't necessarily think he would've used Dilaudid again, no matter how much he was hurting. I think he knew how to hit JJ below the belt and wanted her to feel guilty, to feel something similar to how he felt at what he perceived to be a huge betrayal of trust.

Oh, yeah, that pasta party was beyond. A one-finger salute could have definitely been in order. AND, Emily might have received one as well, trying to guilt Reid into feeling sorry for her and her ulcer, when she was playing games online while he deeply mourned his "dead" friend and was questioning his very purpose in his life's work.

Edited by Droogie
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Yeah, it was like the show wanted to show that there were emotional repercussions to the Emily lie, but they were unwilling to show a measure of realism in that Reid's hurt feelings would continue more than one episode and would need time to process it all. So that is why I think the writers pulled the Emily low blow of her telling Reid that she lost six friends and NOT have Reid reply that she knew exactly that her friends were alive and where they were. So no, she did not mourn the death of her friends like Reid did. 


I cringe at the pasta party and refuse to watch that scene, on the rare occasion I rewatch "Proof" (which isn't often, because Janine wrote a visually disgusting episode with WAY too much unsub), because I feel second hand embarrassment watching that scene and all that fake ass "we are family" crap. It is ironic that I used to think the team really was a family in the earlier seasons, but when Erica came on board and rammed it down our throats that this team was a family, it's like my mind rebelled and now I feel sickened when I see that crap, because it feels so fake to me. Like this is not how real people act. They used to talk and act like real people, but now they feel like some sort of puppets spewing fake happiness. 

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Yeah, it was like the show wanted to show that there were emotional repercussions to the Emily lie, but they were unwilling to show a measure of realism in that Reid's hurt feelings would continue more than one episode and would need time to process it all. So that is why I think the writers pulled the Emily low blow of her telling Reid that she lost six friends and NOT have Reid reply that she knew exactly that her friends were alive and where they were. So no, she did not mourn the death of her friends like Reid did. 


I cringe at the pasta party and refuse to watch that scene, on the rare occasion I rewatch "Proof" (which isn't often, because Janine wrote a visually disgusting episode with WAY too much unsub), because I feel second hand embarrassment watching that scene and all that fake ass "we are family" crap. It is ironic that I used to think the team really was a family in the earlier seasons, but when Erica came on board and rammed it down our throats that this team was a family, it's like my mind rebelled and now I feel sickened when I see that crap, because it feels so fake to me. Like this is not how real people act. They used to talk and act like real people, but now they feel like some sort of puppets spewing fake happiness.

This. The "family" vibe in earlier seasons was really organic, like when Hotch quietly cleaned Elle's blood from the walls of her home, and when the team acted as pallbearers for Haley, and when Rossi and Morgan stayed behind in Vegas to help Reid investigate his dad, and I'm sure there are more I'm not accessing mentally right this minute. The pasta party most definitely did NOT tie everything up with a pretty bow.

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For me, some nice moments that genuinely felt like the team was a family:


1. Reid talking to Elle in "Aftermath".

2. The team rallying around Penelope after she was shot.

3. Penelope looking out for Reid throughout "Sex, Birth and Death." 

4. Not necessarily "family", but I liked the conversation between Hotch and Reid at the end of "Damaged", because it was one of the rare times Hotch dropped his guard around his team.

5. Hotch talking to Rossi through his pain in "Zoe's Reprise." 

6. Rossi talking Hotch down through his pain in "Omnivore."

7. Hotch talking to JJ about her distress in "Birthright."

8. Morgan talking Reid through his nightmares in "The Popular Kids."

9. Emily talking to Reid about Gideon's abandonment in "Scared of the Dark."

10. Emily talking to Jordan in "52 Pickup". 

11. Elle's talk with Reid in "Plain Sight." 

12. Two words: physics magic


However, there were some scenes during the Erica era that felt real to me.


1. Emily talking to Reid about his career crossroads in "True Genius."

2. Pretty much all the Alex and Reid conversations they ever had. 


I know there are more, but I'm going to stop now. 

Edited by ForeverAlone
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The Reid and JJ fight was such a lost opportunity. Since that storyline was one endless plothole anyway...I can perhaps buy that Hotch and JJ thought it had to be handled that way. It's not like anything else about it made sense, adding that it had to be kept a big secret from everyone didn't seem more absurd than the rest of it. But then they played online games? Prentiss and JJ where totally nonchalant about the repercussions of their actions in the second episode? What?


And the Reid and JJ fight is way too melodramatic in its staging...but aspects of it ring true enough. Reid being passive aggressive to get back at her. She wants to stop that and have him be okay with her again and pushes at him at inappropriate moments on the job until it blows up into an ugly scene. Then she wants to believe it's just about his ego as a profiler because that minimizes her responsibility and she won't have to feel so guilty (which she already does anyway). Then he hits her way below the belt by saying him going back on drugs would have been her fault. They both play dirty and it's not a nice sight. But instead of slowly repairing the friendship or some sort of talk where they clear the air the "resolution" is pasta party and everything is magically okay? Again...what?


I actually thought how it played out with Hotch and Morgan was way better done. It was shortly addressed by Hotch at the beginning of the season. Then it flared up again with Strauss' alcoholism and ended with Morgan knowing about the rehab but having to keep it a secret. Kind of sneaky by Hotch, I gotta say. It showed that they both had a point and disagreed in the matter, but without any soap opera stand-offs and pasta parties.

Edited by katha
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I just recently became aware of the World of Spencer Reid and I'm smitten.  Sadly, I've only been able to catch episodes here and there because of this, that, and the other.  Since there's a current discussion of Emily and her pretend death, could someone please fill me in on that whole storyline? I saw her get shot and apparently die, but it seems she didn't but was, instead, playing online games with J.J.  PLEASE, WTF?  Who did they bury?  Hotch knew?


Thank you to whomever can help me out with this.

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I just recently became aware of the World of Spencer Reid and I'm smitten.  Sadly, I've only been able to catch episodes here and there because of this, that, and the other.  Since there's a current discussion of Emily and her pretend death, could someone please fill me in on that whole storyline? I saw her get shot and apparently die, but it seems she didn't but was, instead, playing online games with J.J.  PLEASE, WTF?  Who did they bury?  Hotch knew?


Thank you to whomever can help me out with this.

They buried no one - it was, as you correctly mentioned, a "pretend death", with an empty coffin. She wasn't shot though, she was impaled. I don't even think there is a point in delving into the finer plot points of that whole arc, because it doesn't really make much sense. Essentially, Emily was a spy and this guy Doyle was after her and to protect her and the team from Doyle, they pretended that her injury was fatal and sent her off to Europe, where JJ brought her money and identities and then they apparently played Scrabble online while everyone except Hotch and JJ thought Emily was dead.

Then Emily came back and the rest of the team was rightly upset that they were lied to and made to believe their friend had died. And then they had a pasta dinner at Rossi's, which apparently solved everything.

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well, I'm sure somebody else will give you more details because I'm so slow you could find the episodes before I told you everything properly, but the basic things are:


Suddenly Emily's past came back to bite her ass, she did a job undercover with the Interpol to arrest a terrorist

the terrorist is free and looking for Emily and other agents who help in that mission

when Prentiss realizes what's happening she runs to protect her team and stop the terrorist but before she drops clues so the team could figure things out 

and bla bla bla the terrorist is fighting with Emily while Morgan is almost there to help her and then she is seriously injured and the terrorist runs away

she survives the surgery but to keep her safe from the vindictive terrorist Hotch and JJ fake her death. Prentiss spents her exile traveling around Europe and playing online games with JJ 

Edited by smoker
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I don't consider this show a CBS soap so I don't need to see or know about the character's personal life unless it impacts the case. I think they have done fairly well with tying those together, when they do it. Other  than that, I just want to see them doing their jobs, actually profiling. That was what made the show interesting to me. YMMV.



I agree that it's not a soap -- but they've given everyone else something outside the BAU; it's only right that Reid gets a life as well.


This was my real point, that Spencer is the only one who seems utterly bereft of anything/anyone other than his work. Yes, his mother is alive, but she lives across the country, and besides stupid ideas about her schizophrenia suddenly receding or dissipating or whatever, he can't see her that often. I could have gotten used to the idea of Maeve being in his life, although my head-canon has its heart set on the idea that he and Elle belong together. But that's my issue, not the show's, at least not really.


I would be more okay with it if there was at least a hint that he had some social life outside of the office. Whether its that he met someone new and is interested in her/him or that he's studying for another PHD and is hanging out with people from his classes or even that he's still playing chess in the park with that Asian guy. Terry? Gary? Hell, let him get a cat or a dog. Something. It wouldn't have to be a big deal or take up a lot of time, maybe even just a line or two as he's showing up for work or leaving the bullpen, evidence that he exists when he isn't working. It bothers me more than it should, considering that he isn't a real person, to think of him going home to an empty apartment when everyone else has people and things to occupy them when they aren't in the field.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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This was my real point, that Spencer is the only one who seems utterly bereft of anything/anyone other than his work. Yes, his mother is alive, but she lives across the country, and besides stupid ideas about her schizophrenia suddenly receding or dissipating or whatever, he can't see her that often. I could have gotten used to the idea of Maeve being in his life, although my head-canon has its heart set on the idea that he and Elle would be awesome together. But that's my issue, not the show's, at least not really.


I would be more okay with it if there was at least a hint that he had some social life outside of the office. Whether its that he met someone new and is interested in her/him or that he's studying for another PHD and is hanging out with people from his classes or even that he's still playing chess in the park with that Asian guy. Terry? Gary? Hell, let him get a cat or a dog. Something. It wouldn't have to be a big deal or take up a lot of time, maybe even just a line or two as he's showing up for work or leaving the bullpen, evidence that he exists when he isn't working. It bothers me more than it should, considering that he isn't a real person, to think of him going home to an empty apartment when everyone else has people and things to occupy them when they aren't in the field.

It bothers me too - but I really do not trust them to be able to write it sensibly. It really does only need a line or two - they used to be able to convey the team's personal lives really well like this with the odd comment threaded through the episodes. Sadly now we have to have these clunky great sappy bookends that usually have to have the "happy families" vibe going on. I want Reid to have a life. I want to see his smarts respected and showcased. I simply do not believe they are capable of doing it.

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I just saw the question about what Reid scenes we would like to "unsee". Not sure how I missed it.


Anyway, I have a few.

1. Reid claiming they had to make exceptions for him so he could make it through the FBI Academy in 'What Happens At Home'. Just sunk his character to try to justify an unqualified one.

2. Reid saying he was a "man of science" but he had no explanation for what he experienced when he "died" in 'Epilogue'.

3. All of the physical training scenes in one of the episodes (can't remember which season) where he was shown to be less physically able to do things than Garcia.

4. The prank war scenes because they were out-of-character for both Morgan and Reid. 'Painless'

5. Reid claiming he improved his social status in school by giving advice on basketball to the team. Did not ring true and shot down his past experiences with bullies. 'Painless'.

6. In 'Forever People' when he acted like a sad little child who couldn't understand human emotions when trying to talk to JJ about her PTSD.

7. Pretty much every scene he had in 'Proof' where he was made to seem unreasonable, not calling Emily on her BS, and then showing up at the stupid pasta party to drink alcohol.

8. In 'JJ' when he stupidly said "Maybe she asked for a raise"-- because FBI agents don't get raises. They get promotions on a specific schedule.

9. The scene where Prentiss said "There's a lot to hate about you Dr. Reid" and he didn't smile or seem to think that it was a joke.

10. Every time JJ showed him up when it was something he probably would have known.

11. That Clint Eastwood impression scene.

12. Reid saying he was the dumbest person in the room, not realizing that professing his love for Maeve would drive Diane over the edge, and the story about the girl getting him to take his shirt off (becuase he'd already had a similar story told in a previous episode) in 'Zugzwang'.


And it would have been nice if he'd actually been visible during JJ's wedding ceremony in 'Run'.

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I am so ready for a new season to begin!  But, as much as I crave some info on it, I've learned (as I think we all have) to take any EM 'previews' with a hefty dose of salt.  


If this one proves deserving of any credence at all, to me, it doesn't read as though it is anything physical with Reid. It sounds like he engages the unsub into doing, or not doing, something physical.  


But, considering the track record of the CM publicity machine, I don't trust that this even means Reid is in the episode.

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I admit this does have me rather curious.And it also gives me a bit more incentive to watch the season premiere.I hope I am wrong but based on the number of days MGG apparently was gone from the set,and not filming,I am anticipating for it to be light on Reid.

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I hate my pessimism, which nudges me into thinking that this is it for Reid for the season, but I'm still excited:


I don't blame you one bit. I feel the same way. It is tough not to, especially when a character you love has either been marginalized or ignored altogether for as long as Reid has been.

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I wonder if the physical thing has something to do with Matthew being able to pull on the skin of his neck and stretch it out. I dunno...

But so long as the takedown doesn't make him look like an idiot..


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I wonder just what EM means by saying Reid will use his brains.Quite frankly I am somewhat amazed that she even remembers that he actually has one.

Well, keep in mind that her idea of "brains" involves memorization and the knowledge of the word "metaphor" equates not being stupid. Her bar for intelligence is set pretty damn low.

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I think there was a reference that Matthew might be doing "soul cycling" exercises. And he's been seen drinking some kind of organic juice behind the scenes. I don't think he's a health nut, but I do think he's getting a good amount of exercise. I'm guessing someone encouraged him to eat healthier but the salads did not appeal to him. LOL.


Going back to second hand embarassment-- I got that when he was on some kid's program, Yo Gabba Gabba. That was painful. LOL.

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I hope it's actually disturbing and not something I'm going to get second-hand embarrassment over.

Hmmm... "a physical thing that's disturbing..." wonder what that could mean, especially with EM doing the hinting.

Same here, I'm really curious about this. It airs the first day of my vacation and after traveling and all the hustle and bustle of airports, I'll be ready to sit down and relax and watch it. I wonder what this is going to be.

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ForeverAlone posted this link on another forum:


(I don't think the lack of characters is a spoiler so I'm posting it here)

I admit that I'm slightly annoyed that Einstein is still even being mentioned. The character sucked.

Oh, and I am NOT the least bit surprised that they are giving up on the Jane Lynch story this season. I don't think they have actually been trying very hard to get her. There were numerous opportunities, but I don't think they ever even asked her. Just because she has a new comedy doesn't mean she can't free up time in her schedule. They could try asking, but I don't think they really want to do it and just keep making excuses.

Edited by zannej
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Yeah, I agree. I would honestly be surprised if anyone from the Criminal Minds camp even approached Jane Lynch's people. Sure, they can blame her schedule, but what does a full schedule mean? It means she is willing to do a wide variety of jobs if the opportunity presents. If Criminal Minds REALLY wanted Jane Lynch, they would move heaven and earth to work around her schedule. I mean, if she can fit in all these other guest appearances, why not Criminal Minds? Criminal Minds basically paid off Bellamy Young and Shonda Rhimes with wine baskets to secure her for occasional guest appearances, until it likely became untenable because of Scandal. So you know they have it in them to work around another actor's schedule if they really want them for an episode.


And yes, about Einstein. I am delighted there are no plans to bring back Einstein, and I hope it stays that way. As a character she was all right (if a bit annoying), but I could never understand where this idea came from to try and pair her with Reid. Neither displayed any sort of romantic interest in the other.

Edited by ForeverAlone
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I liked Einstein, a lot. I think she did her best with what she was given, and she made an impression of the viewers. I'm also still hopeful they can get Jane Lynch. It could be that this was a red herring to throw us off the scent, or a move to squash disappointment when and if they can't actually get her. I don't think we'll ever know how "hard" they tried to get her. 

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So bummed! The season hasn't even started and the Jane Lynch option is dead in the water. I was practically giddy at the idea of seeing her again as Reid's mom. So, so sad.

I thought it was funny in the article where it said something about like it would be good for Reid to have "a(ny) girlfriend." I'm quite like-minded in that regard.

Edited by Droogie
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My idea of Reid would not just go for "any" girlfriend, no matter how lonely he got. I would rather he be alone than with some Mary Sue, or, worse yet, some concocted comic relief girlfriend who overwhelms him with her sexxay.

Edited by normasm
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My idea of Reid would not just go for "any" girlfriend, no matter how lonely he got. I would rather he be alone than with some Mary Sue, or, worse yet, some concocted comic relief girlfriend who overwhelms him with her sexxay.My idea of Reid would not just go for "any" girlfriend, no matter how lonely he got. I would rather he be alone than with some Mary Sue, or, worse yet, some concocted comic relief girlfriend who overwhelms him with her sexxay.

You know how opposites attract? I'd love for Reid to be smitten over someone who was completely unlike him. (I think I need some good fanfiction). I really liked Austin, the bartender. She'd have to be intelligent, at least in street-smarts, and cute. She wouldn't be bored with his diatribes, she'd love listening to him talk, and she'd be really physically attracted to him as well. She'd want to learn to play chess and would be really supportive of his job. She would lean on him and he could feel strong for her. He would get to experience unbridled, unconditional love and he would be fortified by that. If I had some time and a couple of days, I think I could concoct a character who would be perfect for him.

Reid just breaks my heart. I want him to know what it's like to be really loved, and I want to see it before the series ends.

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Qwerty, I always wondered if that was meant as subtext between Reid and Ethan, it sure was thick at some points. I think those writers were pushing it as hard as they dared back in the day, and some may have been disappointed that TPTB had chickened out of making Reid bisexual.

But at this point in the canon, the only person to plausibly bring back as a romantic partner for Reid, for me, would be Elle, and it wouldn't be any good unless CoStar wrote it!

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I think I would trust them more if they bought back a character instead of created one. 

Although personally I think I'd prefer a certain jazz musicians who lives in New Orleans and grew up with Reid competing in everything. Am I alone in this ship? I know it's impossible because I'm pretty sure Reid is straight. I did read on the Criminal Minds subreddit that the Ethan and Reid scene was full of subtext but I couldn't find a source for it being intentional, does anyone know more about that? 


Well Jeff Davis did say he had originally intended for Reid to be BiSexual but CBS said no. Which I admit I'm glad they did. Somebody also claimed that Davis wanted Morgan to be gay.

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I just want to see Reid be happy with someone entirely. Not someone he's never touched, not someone who he'd be constantly explaining things to, not a supermodel, not a victim. Maybe someone he meets at Starbucks, you know? 


And it isn't about not trusting the writers for his love interest, it's about them getting him just right. He'll be somewhat shy, but he's a man, not a boy. And he knows what he loves and what he's good at. If the writers can remember this (step away Breen... just step. away.), then I really want to see it. And frankly I don't care if it is a man or a woman, as long as it's done with as much care and concern as the character Spencer has earned. He's earned it, he has. Give him a real love.

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I remember in psychology class they talked about how sometimes opposites attract, but they don't make very good long-term partners. People need to have things in common. For someone as intelligent as Reid, I think he would need someone at least on the genius spectrum-- so he could have conversations without the partner not understanding things. It can be very frustrating trying to converse with someone when they just can't grasp the concepts or comprehend what you're saying. But the writers can't even write Reid as a genius so I don't know if they could pull it off.

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They've been stepping up their game, there. The number of boats on the lake, reading War and Peace in the original Russian before breakfast, the origin of fairy tales, the walk-through of the crash site, the smackdown of that guy who ran the tunnels... am I the only one that remembers these, and many other, Reid moments from the past few seasons?


They know he's a genius. They just need reminders that we know. That we expect it.

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I remember in psychology class they talked about how sometimes opposites attract, but they don't make very good long-term partners. People need to have things in common. For someone as intelligent as Reid, I think he would need someone at least on the genius spectrum-- so he could have conversations without the partner not understanding things. It can be very frustrating trying to converse with someone when they just can't grasp the concepts or comprehend what you're saying. But the writers can't even write Reid as a genius so I don't know if they could pull it off.

I dunno, may husband and I are opposites. He's stoic; I wear my heart on my sleeve.

But I do agree: if they can't even write one episode of Reid-worthy dialogue, how on earth could try write for him a love story?

Edited by Droogie
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But "they" isn't a collective. Sharon writes Reid really well, so does Jim, in my opinion. Let's just hope they don't give any Spencer-centric episodes to Kim! From what I hear, although I really don't have an opinion on this yet - Bruce Zimmerman is incredibly intelligent. From what I've seen him write of Reid, it isn't the worst, by far. 


I'm excited to see what they do this season. One month and six days to go!

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Wouldn't it be cute if he met someone at a library? Or at a museum, he lives within walking distant of a lot so it's a little head canon of mine that he visits them and is friendly with the staff. Or maybe he already knows a few women from all of the studying he's done/lectures he's attended. 

Do you think he has fans? I think he could have a few. 



Precisely. We knew nothing of his relationship with Alex Blake before she came to the BAU, so there's nothing to say they couldn't fill in his backstory somewhat with other friends/acquaintances that we've yet to be introduced to. 


As far as him having fans? Well we know that he "never has any normal fans", haha. So it's entirely possible that he does. 

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In order to make the technophobe and anti-internet thing make sense, I can only assume that sometime after reading the blog he got totally disgusted with the internet, shut down any personal e-mail accounts, and decided to eschew computers as much as possible. Maybe the computers started to give him headaches or he was beginning to get headaches and thought it was related to computer use so he stopped.


I think it would be nice if he did get a love interest that was someone whow as a friend of his offscreen and it blossomed from friendship to something more. Someone he's really comfortable with that "gets" him- and doesn't need to be rescued.

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