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Small Talk: Behavioral Gabbing Unit

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There are a great many things about which I can disagree with the Duggars. But, about this, I just feel for them.

I've dealt with it through my work a number of times, when families did go through the 'proper channels'. It is an incredible dilemma for parents to have to decide how to help all of their children, including the perpetrator ( who may also have been a victim, at some point, leading to his actions), while also keeping them all safe. I have not seen the child welfare system able to do much beyond what the Duggars did----advise the family to supervise at all times, put locks on the doors and, failing those interventions, remove the perpetrator from the home. I've yet to see police involvement when the in-home perpetrator was that young. The most that happens is mandatory counseling and support groups ---and yes, sadly, there are support groups for young adolescent perpetrators, and enough qualified adolescents to populate them.

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When I'm feeling charitable, I can see how the situation would be a nightmare for any parent. Unless you're a monster yourself, you don't want to ever throw your child into the proverbial trash, turn your back on them for any reason. Particularly when you're in the public eye precisely because you're (supposedly) upright and moral.


OTOH, the fact that the Duggars have so many children in the first place is ostensibly because they're following God's word. Given that, I would think that their first priority would be to shield the kids, either from further damage or new damage. One of the costs of taking a public stance on morality is that when you appear to be failing to uphold that morality, people will likely look at you askance more than they would someone who doesn't. Just ask Bristol Palin. I feel for them, because I'm sure its a terrible position to be in, but at the same time I'm like, If that was the best you could do, maybe you should have kept it to yourself.

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It all comes down to 'hate the sin, love the sinner,' but then there's all that disagreement about what, exactly, constitutes 'sin'.  I can disagree with someone on the rightness or wrongness of something, and still admire them acting on the strength of their convictions--even when it becomes annoying.  Because I understand that, when you think you see someone doing something that will hurt them, whether physically, emotionally or spiritually, then speaking out---welcome, or unwelcome---is intended as an act of kindness.  Not everyone speaks out with that intention, and those that speak words of condemnation are not necessarily coming from a good place.


One of the costs of taking a public stance on morality is that when you appear to be failing to uphold that morality, people will likely look at you askance more than they would someone who doesn't.


That is, sadly, true.  But the reaction of said 'people' is entirely the responsibility of those 'people'.  It's important to evaluate the message, and not the messenger. Discarding the message because you disapprove of the messenger is, all too often, simply an excuse.

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I'll say it again. I think they're fake sites. I don't remember anything this stupid from (nearly) that far back, and don't remember anything from my parents. Just sayin'


I don't know about those recipes in particular, but depending on where you live regional food is weird. I've lived in North Carolina my whole life, and most of my father's relatives were old-time country folks. My grandmother, his mother, cooked with grease and lard until she was well into her seventies, and when I want real comfort food I use her recipes. Also?




I know it sounds awful just because of the name, but they're really tasty.

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I don't know about those recipes in particular, but depending on where you live regional food is weird. I've lived in North Carolina my whole life, and most of my father's relatives were old-time country folks. My grandmother, his mother, cooked with grease and lard until she was well into her seventies, and when I want real comfort food I use her recipes. Also?




I know it sounds awful just because of the name, but they're really tasty.

CoStar-I'd "gay marry" if I could. Thanks for sharing these dump cake recipes. I can't wait to try them because baking and potlucks.


And want to know how to make me an instant unsub? Reveal you use margarine or Country Crock instead of butter.


Happy Thursday, my fellow CM trollops, some great news!


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I don't know about those recipes in particular, but depending on where you live regional food is weird. I've lived in North Carolina my whole life, and most of my father's relatives were old-time country folks. My grandmother, his mother, cooked with grease and lard until she was well into her seventies, and when I want real comfort food I use her recipes. Also?




I know it sounds awful just because of the name, but they're really tasty.

I generally love dump cakes, too.

And I'm not proud: I save bacon grease to use in green beans when my family begs for them. Maybe not heart-smart (but I know CPR), but they're delish.

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My Thursday night TV date is with "The Astronauts Wives Club." I love the history, but the fashion porn is to die for. I'm constantly drooling over the dresses, suits, footwear, hats, bling, etc. And I love how the show focuses women and their struggles just before second wave feminism was about to start. My favorite character is Rene, a writer and budding feminist. She can write about both social issues and baking with equal aplomb (hmm, can you tell why I like her so much?) and she does it while wearing fabulous frocks.

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As we all know, CM has it share of introverted characters-Spencer, Hotch, Gideon, Elle, Blake. And as a fellow introvert that is one of the reasons why I connected to CM. I found kindred spirits.


But being an introvert can be rather challenging in a world that sometimes favors extroverts. I know there are a lot of introverts at this forum and I thought my fellow "innies" might like this article.



Edited by Bookish Jen
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Nice article, Booky. I have found the ability to access step 1 (leaving an event early), but at times it's tough. 


BTW, you think Elle is introverted? The only time we see her out of the work world (well, except for her run-in with whatshisname that ended her career) was when she was vacationing with morgan and she zeroed in on that handsome dude. She was out there just fine...

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Interesting article. I'm an innie too! My "alone" time has always been very early in the morning - getting into work an hour before everyone else gave me some calm alone time to get a huge amount done. Once the office was bustling with people my productivity fell away!

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Nice article, Booky. I have found the ability to access step 1 (leaving an event early), but at times it's tough. 


BTW, you think Elle is introverted? The only time we see her out of the work world (well, except for her run-in with whatshisname that ended her career) was when she was vacationing with morgan and she zeroed in on that handsome dude. She was out there just fine...

Well, I never said she wasn't horny. She's not made of stone after all! In our fantasies she de-virginized Spencer, lucky bitch.


And as an introvert, I've often a bit more, shall I say, a bit of a fille de joie when out of my usual day-to-day element. Not so long ago, I was at a wedding reception and zeroed on a fine-looking feller. I batted my baby blues a few times, and we ended up most of the evening in the back of his car, necking and a few other things I'm too much of a lady to comment on. Do I remember his name? Well, does it matter? Is there going to be a test?

Interesting article. I'm an innie too! My "alone" time has always been very early in the morning - getting into work an hour before everyone else gave me some calm alone time to get a huge amount done. Once the office was bustling with people my productivity fell away!

Alone time is pure heaven for me. After a crazy week at work, I'm going to spend most of tomorrow watching the CM marathon on ION, do some chores, makes some meals for next week, do some research for an article I'm working regarding mental health issues and just chill. Sunday I'll be busy with church and some social activity in the afternoon...hopefully.

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I don't know whether I'm an introverted extrovert or an extroverted introvert. Whenever I take that Meyers-Briggs thingy, it's never the same. I'm gregarious enough at work but I find all the talking and touching and being "on" kind of exhausting, so that on days off, I am usually pretty quiet and spend a lot of time alone. I do make myself respond to invitations from friends at least monthly so they don't forget about me. However one of the things that strikes terror in my soul is whenever I'm in class and the professor says, "Now let's divide into groups..." It's my most-hated thing.

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I'm trying to catch up. I've been gone for awhile. In April one of my best friends was in a horrible car accident and nearly died. Something was wrong with his truck and as near as we can tell, the tire rod came apart and the truck rolled several times. He had head trauma, bilateral subconjunctive hemmorage (the whites of his eyes filled with blood), broken arm in multiple places, broken wrist, punctured lung, fractured c7 vertebra, and bulged disc in between c5 and c6 vertebrae.


He's had a long road to recovery and is well enough to go back to work and doesn't need me to give him lifts to the doctor anymore. I was with him so often that the nurses thought I was his mother. Anyway, I have more free time now and can get back in to posting more.

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I'm trying to catch up. I've been gone for awhile. In April one of my best friends was in a horrible car accident and nearly died. Something was wrong with his truck and as near as we can tell, the tire rod came apart and the truck rolled several times. He had head trauma, bilateral subconjunctive hemmorage (the whites of his eyes filled with blood), broken arm in multiple places, broken wrist, punctured lung, fractured c7 vertebra, and bulged disc in between c5 and c6 vertebrae.


He's had a long road to recovery and is well enough to go back to work and doesn't need me to give him lifts to the doctor anymore. I was with him so often that the nurses thought I was his mother. Anyway, I have more free time now and can get back in to posting more.

I'm sorry but glad your friend is doing better now, my best wishes for him and welcome back!

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I'm trying to catch up. I've been gone for awhile. In April one of my best friends was in a horrible car accident and nearly died. Something was wrong with his truck and as near as we can tell, the tire rod came apart and the truck rolled several times. He had head trauma, bilateral subconjunctive hemmorage (the whites of his eyes filled with blood), broken arm in multiple places, broken wrist, punctured lung, fractured c7 vertebra, and bulged disc in between c5 and c6 vertebrae.


He's had a long road to recovery and is well enough to go back to work and doesn't need me to give him lifts to the doctor anymore. I was with him so often that the nurses thought I was his mother. Anyway, I have more free time now and can get back in to posting more.


Damn, zannej, I was wondering where you disappeared to. I will send good vibes in your friend's direction for his continued recovery, and in yours just for good measure.

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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I'm trying to catch up. I've been gone for awhile. In April one of my best friends was in a horrible car accident and nearly died. Something was wrong with his truck and as near as we can tell, the tire rod came apart and the truck rolled several times. He had head trauma, bilateral subconjunctive hemmorage (the whites of his eyes filled with blood), broken arm in multiple places, broken wrist, punctured lung, fractured c7 vertebra, and bulged disc in between c5 and c6 vertebrae.


He's had a long road to recovery and is well enough to go back to work and doesn't need me to give him lifts to the doctor anymore. I was with him so often that the nurses thought I was his mother. Anyway, I have more free time now and can get back in to posting more.

Glad you're back, zannej. I'd wondered about you. Happy your friend survived and is doing better.

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Thanks guys, its good to be back.

My friend is actually a CM fan and his favorite character is Reid.


He's taking is recovery one step at a time. I pity him when the medical bills start coming in. He went in for one appointment where he waited for an hour just to have the doctor come in, tell him "I'll see you in two weeks", shook his hand, walked out, and then billed him $147. The helicopter ride to take him to the hospital after they used the jaws of life to pry him out of the truck was $27,000. He spent several days in the hospital and has no memory of that time. He also didn't know who his girfriend was when he woke up and has no memory of his step son. There are a few people he didn't remember. He didn't remember whether or not he liked certain foods. He hasn't told his family about the amnesia. Oh yeah, he also knocked his front teeth out. A discount dentist told him he needs to have all of his broken teeth pulled and then claimed that every single tooth is broken. They charge like $25 per tooth. He's waiting to make enough $ to go to a better dentist for a second opinion. He also had people who took advantage of his situation and stole from him while he was convalescing.


He needs to have some sort of treatment involving injections to the bulging disk area, but the doctor refused to do it since he doesn't have insurance and can't afford it (same doc that charged $147). He was told he has to live with the pain and hope that the disk doesn't get worse until/unless he can get insurance. The governor here basically did everything he could to cockblock healthcare reform so thousands of people can't get insurance and have to suffer.


But I'm venting... I'm actually in a pretty good mood.

Edited by zannej
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Glad to know he's getting better, although it's still gonna be tough, as you have outlined. Is there any way people like me can chip in somehow to help out? I live in a ACA/cockblock state, too, and am fortunate to have ObamaCare, but a lot of people fall in the big, big cracks left by governors in states who only care about their investors.

is there a way I might help?

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I'm trying to catch up. I've been gone for awhile. In April one of my best friends was in a horrible car accident and nearly died. Something was wrong with his truck and as near as we can tell, the tire rod came apart and the truck rolled several times. He had head trauma, bilateral subconjunctive hemmorage (the whites of his eyes filled with blood), broken arm in multiple places, broken wrist, punctured lung, fractured c7 vertebra, and bulged disc in between c5 and c6 vertebrae.


He's had a long road to recovery and is well enough to go back to work and doesn't need me to give him lifts to the doctor anymore. I was with him so often that the nurses thought I was his mother. Anyway, I have more free time now and can get back in to posting more.

My goodness! I hope your friend continues to regain his health. This story makes me so glad that I'm British - with all its flaws our National Health Service is a wonderful thing.

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normasm, thank you very much. I'm trying to get my friend to set up a gofundme page. He sort of feels guilty to ask for money, but the kid will never get ahead if he can't get out of this debt. If he ever does, I'll post the link.


It makes me sad that he has to live with the pain because they refuse to give him the treatments-- which cost $1200 a pop and he needs 3 treatments. The amount of $ that hospitals and such charge is just insane. They will charge several thousand dollars for a treatment that actually costs less than $100.


Moving along, I finally watched the Star Wars prequels. I really found it hard to care about Anakin. Kid in the first film was a terrible actor. Then they gave him awful dialog in the next two films. He was a whiny, leering, inappropriate, arrogant little prick. Did I mention he was whiny? I have no idea what Amadala saw in him. And his switch to the dark side just happened too quickly. I mean, I can see him turning on the Jedi council, but killing the younglings did not make sense. I know the head sith used his powers to influence him, but still. Ugh. The original movies were just so much better. Sure Luke got a bit whiny at times, but not anywhere near Anakin's self pity party.


I was also distracted by the very obviously computer generated stuff. At least the latter two movies had less of JarJar. He was intolerable in the first movie. I couldn't help but wonder just how much crack the writers/producers were smoking when they added that assclown in to the movie.


I'm hoping Episode 7 will be better.

Edited by zannej
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So my friend got a "new" used vehicle and put about $300 into it getting it fixed, registered, and insurance... An hour after he got it street legal, it threw a rod and needs a new engine. It's too expensive and time-consuming to get that replaced so he's trying to sell it for parts and get another used vehicle. Meanwhile when he was out of work recovering from his injuries, the bills didn't get fully paid so there are late fees and he owes for some rent-to-own furniture. He was promised a promotion at work, but then they turned around and hired someone else for the spot so he's basically getting minimum wage. He had a better job before but he got laid off when the company moved out-of-state. So he finally caved and started a gofundme page.




He thought the amount was high, but that helicopter ride alone was more than half and he probably had about $300k in medical bills.

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Thanks, guys. My family has already helped him quite a bit. My family has helpled him out with buying some things he needed and even paying some of the medical stuff, but we can't help with everything. He appreciates even small amounts because they can help him pay down bills and keep his lights and water on.


Even if he makes 1/10 of his goal or less, it will help.

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He (and you) may have looked into this already, but hospitals have federal funds that help cover those without insurance or other means to pay.  It won't erase the bill entirely, and he would probably have to meet with a financial counselor, and show some documentation, but it may help him out, at least with the hospital part of the bill, if not the emergency services and outpatient treatment.  If he has the option to get the treatment through an outpatient hospital clinic or neighborhood health center, there should be some relief for the medical bills there, as well.


I'm with Old Dog----can't wait for the day we have single-payor, universal health care here in the USA.  And I would gladly pay the tax increase, to help out my fellow citizens.  I'm pretty sure that's what money is for.

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And now for something completely different, weird little moments brought to you by the internet. From the Commercials section:



Apartments.com is now owned by CoStar, which is a research site for commercial real estate.


I felt really odd at first, but now its just funny. :-)

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Zannej, I am so sorry about your friend. I hope he's on the mend as best as he can be. I'm sickened over the amount of medical bills he owes. We desperately need single-payer health care in this country. Good health care (along with education) is a right, not a privilege.


I'm going to donate some money to your friend's gofundme fund once I get the chance. Every little bit helps.


As for me, I'm up for a freelance assignment working on some customer resolution issues for a local company. I sent them my resume and some writing samples. I've worked with this company before in other capacities so I think I have a good chance. However, they take forever to make a decision. The best thing to do is just relax and chill. If I don't get it, another opportunity will come up.

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Thanks, Jen! It is very much appreciated. He found a vehicle he wants to buy as a replacement to the one that totally crapped out on him, but he's having to scrounge for money. He was at a dealership trying to figure out if he could finance on a vehicle (he made the mistake of having the guy see what he qualified for prior to seeing a really good vehicle and the guy did a "hard check" (when only a "soft check" was necessary) on his credit and instantly dropped it 29 points which brought it too low to qualify for a loan from a bank). Then it turns out the guy was trying to sell him a vehicle for $3k over its bluebook value and it wasn't even remotely what my friend was looking for and after wasting almost 3 hours he had to decline the offer. Dude kept trying to tell him that the total amount paid for the vehicle wasn't important and that it was the monthly payment that mattered. I was like "Bullshit." My friend also took some hits to his credit score becuase someone stole his identity two years ago and continues to open up credit cards in his name and then doesn't pay. I'm sort of wondering if its a relative of his. His own father stole a bunch of checks from the grandparents, forged their signatures on the checks and cashed them. Robbed them of several thousand dollars. If it weren't for the theft, his grandparents would have been able to loan him some $ for the vehicle.


Meanwhile, it seems my mother has the same stomach bug I had a couple of weeks back. I was trying to sleep becuase I had to get up early and she kept waking me up-- several times to ask me to let the dog out but the dog didn't want to go out-- and then after 1am she wanted to go to the ER. They gave her a shot for nausea and then something for other symptoms. She managed to keep it down for awhile. We left after 3am but she threw up as soon as we got home. She's been in bed sick all day. I've had to keep checking on her to make sure she's ok.


I'm currently trying to look up landlord tenant laws for some friends because they just entered a lease with a guy that is a total scumbag and I want to make sure he doesn't jerk them around. I went in and inspected the plumbing and already found code violations. The kitchen sink has an S trap which means the water can be siphoned out of the trap and allow sewer gases to come up and the bathroom sink's plumbing is even worse. The drain pipe slopes upward and doesn't appear to have a vent. It needs to slope downward at 1/4" per foot and have a vent pipe within 5' of the trap. I'm pretty sure the house doesn't meet the code standards to be rented. The guy will have to fix it up more first.

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I'm no proponent of single-payor but I am definitely hoping your friend is able to work out something with a financial counselor at the hospital; it's a travesty when people have to suffer/face financial ruin over medical bills.

He's lucky to have a friend like you, zannej.

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I'm no proponent of single-payor but I am definitely hoping your friend is able to work out something with a financial counselor at the hospital; it's a travesty when people have to suffer/face financial ruin over medical bills.

Just out of curiosity, why don't you think a single-payor system is a good idea?

A lot of money in the US is wasted on administrative healthcare, sorting out all of the different insurances and payment methods/sources, and overall US spending (%GDP; public + private spending) on healthcare is way more than any other OECD country, which is largely due (both directly and indirectly) to the multi-payor system. It's also worth noting that the public spending is a bit above the OECD average as well, so it's not like this system is really saving the US government money compared to what other OECD countries' governments are spending. Of course, this doesn't even consider the astronomical costs for individual people with significant healthcare needs. I'm well-versed on the negatives of the American system, but not so much on the benefits.


The biggest downside I can think of to the single-payor system is wait times, and even that usually isn't a huge issue - we often hear about the cases where it's a problem because they make the news, but as a proportion of overall cases, there are very few where wait times impact quality of care.

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I'lll have to talk to him about negotiating down some of the prices with the hospital and such. He has had so much other stuff on his plate that I don't think its high priority. I know with some of the things, you can't get them to lower the price because the money is supposed to just be sent to some place out of state and they refuse to negotiate.


I think one of the biggest problems is that hospitals/clinics/doctors arbitrarily charge enormous amounts for treatment and visits. I think that its total crap that just having insurance means that a hospital or doctor will charge less for something. I once had to go to the ER with my mother and we both had the same thing and same treatment. The total amount for the doctor bill for her was $120. They charged me $640 for the same doctor. I've read articles about the arbitrary prices and some hospitals will literally charge $100k more for the same exact treatment using the same type of equipment in the same area-- just like a mile apart.


I personally think they need to start having price "menus" for treatments that are available for patients to see at each hospital/doctor's office so they can see which places charge more for certain treatments. There needs to be some sort of price regulation to stop the bullshit astronomical prices. They should tell you before they do something how much it is going to cost you and make sure they have permission-- and they should not give your info to any doctors without your permission. Like, if you tell them not to give your tests/files to a specific doctor, they should not be able to go and give the info to him/her even if that is their preferred doctor.

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Oh, I completely agree that the US healthcare system needs a lot of work. A lot. I simply don't think single-payor is the solution. I know there are lots of opinions about it; I'm just not inclined to try to "prove" my point here. :-)

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Back on the haiku theme, I spotted these this morning and thought they were funny - especially as mine (Taurus) says I will meet a dark, handsome strangler! Kind of appropriate for a CM fanatic. They are a bit British for you guys in some of the references but still amusing overall



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*raises hand*


I didn't even know who Ray Thorburn and Doug Mountjoy were until I did a google search, so I guess impersonating them would be right out. :-P

Sorry Cobalt - the Virgo one is a pretty obscure UK snooker reference - there is another famous snooker player called John Virgo. I was afraid this would be a bit too British!

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Sorry Cobalt - the Virgo one is a pretty obscure UK snooker reference - there is another famous snooker player called John Virgo. I was afraid this would be a bit too British!

*sigh* The Colonies and their ways...

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I gave your friend $10. I hope for a speedy recovery...and for your state legislature to get a clue. No should have to pay $300K in medical bills, that's insane.

Just donated. Hope it helps.

Back on the haiku theme, I spotted these this morning and thought they were funny - especially as mine (Taurus) says I will meet a dark, handsome strangler! Kind of appropriate for a CM fanatic. They are a bit British for you guys in some of the references but still amusing overall



The Pisces one is so apt for Matthew, this Pisces not so much.

Edited by Bookish Jen
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