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Small Talk: The Library

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So the bad news is that I'm spending the day in a hospital cancer ward while my dad had a checkup. The good news is that I'm catching up on John Oliver's *Last Week Tonight.* Honestly, if that writing team doesn't win an Emmy, the awards are as rigged as Trump's version of the presidential election. 

There has also been a news item about a neighborhood in South Carolina where a man or men have been dressing as a clown or clowns to lure kids into the woods. Even before *It* was published, there are few things less likely to lure me than a clown in the woods!!   *shudder*

Edited by Hostile16

Oh, thanks, I appreciate it. He had to have a bone marrow test in October. Ouchy.

RIP Gene Wilder. *Young Frankenstein* is probably the movie I quote most, and, of course *Willy Wonka* holds a place in the hearts of all folks my age. This news makes me sad.

But this is a beautiful tribute.

Edited by Hostile16

AnnieF and the rest of you with kitchen skills: So I'm trying a new recipe that is sort of a zucchini-radish-white bean salad. Except it is supposed to be tossed with watercress, which I forgot to buy. Can I substitute baby spinach? And if so, and since I'm halving the recipe, how much is half a bunch of watercress? One handful?

Yes, you can certainly substitute baby spinach. It doesn't have the same peppery quality as watercress, but it's a fine substitute. Amount-wise, I would eyeball it. Does a handful tossed with the other ingredients look proportional? Start conservatively and add more if you think it needs it. I hope it's tasty. :)

Edited by AnnieF

Especially a clown with a lair in the woods, amiright?

Thanks, peeps, for the vibes for my Dad.They're appreciated. He's doing well, although his short-term memory is pretty bad. On the other hand, it took me ten minutes to come up with the term "flea market" this morning so who's to say.

AnnieF, thanks for the advice. It might be next week when I make it, which would give me time to get the watercress. I like the idea of peppery greens. Tonight is cko's eggplant. Hopefully, it will be better than the West Indies Crabmeat I made tonight, which was so bland I threw in a handful of bacon almost literally as I plated it. I should have just made crab salad. I make an awesome seafood salad. The relish is the key.

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Italy has the same demographic issues as Japan -- too many aging people, not enough children being born to support the aging population. Maybe that was it?

It is. It's just a campaign that completely overlookes the underlying issues of why people have less kids and reduces women to incubators with a ticking clock. Men of course aren't mentioned anywhere and aren't featured in any of the ads. Because procreation pertains exclusively to women.

Anyway, people are piiiiiiiissed. The site is being blocked and all the ads taken down.

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Petunia, is there a story behind that?

Today, I was down in my basement and felt something in my hair, and when I touched it, it ran into the shell of my ear (does that have a name?). Not understanding exactly what was happening, I put my finger in my ear and heard a highly magnified *crunch*, which I can only assume was a spider releasing a thousand baby spiders in my ear canal. I might never sleep again, or at least not until my brain is consumed by a thousand baby spiders.

It's been nice knowing you all. I'll arrange to pass along the trivia password before the end draws nigh.

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Without getting (more) graphic, it was way crunchier than a fruit fly, but don't think I didn't irrigate the hell out of my ear. Hydrogen peroxide, baby.  How do you like those cleansing bubbles?!

In case I don't make it, I'm having Talenti wild blackberry gelato for dinner. That's fair, isn't it?

ETA: That clown thing is spreading. There were two sightings in a neighboring town, and one here (who got chased by a man wielding a machete. We don't truck with no clowns, y'all). It's still creepy, but the newspaper coverage reports the costumes, which is really entertaining.

EATA: Jee-zus, I forgot to get watercress again!

Edited by Hostile16
On ‎9‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 0:20 AM, Hostile16 said:


Today, I was down in my basement and felt something in my hair, and when I touched it, it ran into the shell of my ear (does that have a name?). Not understanding exactly what was happening, I put my finger in my ear and heard a highly magnified *crunch*, which I can only assume was a spider releasing a thousand baby spiders in my ear canal. I might never sleep again, or at least not until my brain is consumed by a thousand baby spiders.

It's been nice knowing you all. I'll arrange to pass along the trivia password before the end draws nigh.

OMG, sorry but at your expense I just thought your  "thousand baby spiders" being released in your ear canal was so funny, so I had to laugh Hostile16.  Thank you!   I had recently saw a video of someone killing a spider and  a bazillion babies came scurrying out! I didn't even know that was a real thing! It was horrifying.


Well let us know if you somehow morph into a spider, you'll have eight legs so the typing will be fast!

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Hi all, newish Watcher here--my girlfriend and I are about 2/3 through season 4, on our first trek through the series. I've been listening to the Tiny Fences podcast, featuring the only other person on earth doing the same thing. Are there any other good podcast recommendations for someone in this boat, or should I just stick with FT for now?

EDIT: I did not mean for those spoilers to be nested. I'm currently at (but haven't watched) S04-E20.

I guess I'm moderately spoiled? Thanks to cultural osmosis, I knew about

  • Kendra being a Slayer
  • Faith being a Slayer
  • Angel being the big bad of S2, and Spike being motivated to take him down through helping Buffy
  • Angel's death/rebirth
  • Xander/Cordelia
  • Willow/Oz
  • Angel leaving (duh)
  • The Mayor's villainy
  • Xander/Anya
  • The Initiative's existence, but not the fact that they were responsible for Adam
  • Adam
  • Willow/Tara
  • Buffy/Riley
  • Harmony returning, but not as a vampire

Most of what I know yet to come (as of S04E19) involves


the death of Tara, Willow's face-heel turn and various names of characters/plots coming up. Meaning, if you mention the Potentials, I know that they're a thing on Buffy, but not what that means. I know Warren is a person, but I don't know what he does. I think Kennedy is a person who dates Willow and people think she's deplorable? I also know that Spike does end up having a relationship with Buffy, but that some people consider it rapey or actual rape. Also, Dawn is the key and Ben is Glory, and I think he's eventually dispatched by Giles.

So...yeah. Such is the risk one takes when you watch Smallville/Merlin/Veronica Mars/The Vampire Diaries/Warehouse 13/Supernatural/True Blood. Comparisons are inevitable.

Edited by DigitalCount
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2 hours ago, peaceout said:

Hi guys. I've recently gotten into the show (first time viewer!) and just wanted to ask here if there's any place to post about the show here? Or if it's even active enough to post? I'm about halfway through season 2 right now.

Oooh I see we have some new meat in here, that hasn’t happened in a while. *rubs hands together*  Hope you guys aren’t too spoiled.  Welcome newbies peaceout and Digitalcount!


Peaceout- there are some episode threads you can comment in, by all means...post away. It's not as busy as it once was,  but I'm sure others would love to read what newbies have to say about certain episodes,characters or storylines!  I know I would.

Digitalcount-  I listen to a bunch of Buffy podcasts, some are really good.... others…well it just depends on your tolerance to the hosts. Some are annoying.   But I will second Erratic’s suggestion for Potentialcast. I think that’s the first one I ever listened to, it’s a lot of fun and bonus…Erratic and I have even been a guest on a couple of shows.

Erratic-did you do more than one podcast? I remember you guested in season five right? But was there another?   I was on episode #19 in season 4.

Another podcast I really like is called Sue Watches Buffy. There are two sisters, Emily and Sue and the latter is the one who has never seen Buffy.  And another one I listen to weekly is called Dusted….which is a husband and wife who have both watched and they are more analytical than other podcasts.  There’s also a new podcast coming out, I think it’s called Buffering the Slayer? I don’t think they have recorded the first ep yet.

I listen to Tiny Fences too. They are into some good eps now and soon they will be on Season five which is my fave.  A little while ago I found out the newbie on that show was spoiled about something pretty major. I was not happy .

  • Love 1

Peaceout- there are some episode threads you can comment in, by all means...post away. It's not as busy as it once was,  but I'm sure others would love to read what newbies have to say about certain episodes,characters or storylines!  I know I would.

Thanks, Valny! I'm actually not that spoiled at all. My younger siblings were very much into the show when it originally aired and spent years trying to get me hooked on it, to no avail. Recently, with one of them having moved in to my place for a little while, I finally decided to give it a shot. I know very basic info like Buffy's death apparently occurs at some point and there were some spin offs I think. 

  • Love 1

I regret taking your dad literally, trudi_tru, and not realizing that of course he'd be cool and ironic. Blame my own dad, who doesn't do (or get) whimsy, sarcasm, or irony.

He also hated the radish, zucchini, and watercress-less salad. So into the recycling bin goes the recipe, and the rinsed radish and zucchini slices go into a regular tossed salad.

Edited by Hostile16

We upgraded our 20' trailer with a 29' 5th wheel because camping with a toddler is no fun when he wakes at 5am and there is no floor space in the trailer and it is storming up a treat outside. But, dudes, this ain't camping.*

The nice thing is that I got a stinking great deal from my old workplace because the Sales manager hates his boss and likes me, so he stuck it to him by giving me wholesale price and a fantastic trade in deal.

* and at 44 yrs old, I am quite okay with that.

Edited by Erratic
Because inches are not the same as feet
  • Love 3

I have hopes for my Saturday.  After fifteen straight days of dealing with "Mom stuff" I'm  taking a break. Friend are driving over and we're going out to a brewpub for lunch and hopefully a little hike then caramel apples at an orchard. 

Sunday its back to sorting photos and cards but my big sis is taking lead on that. Congrats on the fun new unit Erratic.  Loandbehold you know I love you right? 

What about everyone else?

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