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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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I've just realized that they aren't having the usual July 4th marathon of Walking Dead. 


How unpatriotic of them! :(




I mean, I guess you could argue that the "Atlanta 5" are 'war veterans' by now - hell, pretty much they all are, but we've been with the A5 the longest.


- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Yeah, not quite that hot and humid last night... but can tell its summer in the midwest now.


Went to a cookout the boss threw for our department.  Had about 30 total there, with plenty of food to eat..... along with about 3 billion mosquitoes & flying insects, to feast on the people.

Edited by iRarelyWatchTV36
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I do not know how so many people in the south throw so many outdoor events. My old boss liked to have people over and they would cook shrimp and oysters and I get that it's messy and easier cleanup but then they'd just sit around a fire pit. IT'S HOT! the only good thing from the fire pit is if you are sitting in the direction of the smoke because that deters the mosquitos and biting critters but then you smell like smoke and my eyes would burn. And even if the sun has gone down, it does not cool off here, so I worry that I don't smell so great, that's after beer, smoke, sweat and fish. Hello! 


I smell great today :D I got some gain for my laundry, I do love me some gain. 

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I do not know how so many people in the south throw so many outdoor events. My old boss liked to have people over and they would cook shrimp and oysters and I get that it's messy and easier cleanup but then they'd just sit around a fire pit. IT'S HOT! the only good thing from the fire pit is if you are sitting in the direction of the smoke because that deters the mosquitos and biting critters but then you smell like smoke and my eyes would burn. And even if the sun has gone down, it does not cool off here, so I worry that I don't smell so great, that's after beer, smoke, sweat and fish. Hello! 


I smell great today :D I got some gain for my laundry, I do love me some gain. 


I'll bet a shower helped with that, too, nachomama!   :-D

Yes, I'm a good sqwiwwel and I scrub my nuts (food you pervs) regularly and my pits, stuff and thangs. :D


But when I read wedding invitations for "outdoor" in July or August, which means you gotta be dressed up...nope, we weren't that close. Sure she gave me a kidney and once saved me from a walker but naw, I don't need to be a bridesmaid or melt in the sun. Or even I don't know how restaurants with outdoor seating survive down here. I want to sit in the air conditioning! I want tons and tons of ICED sweet tea, emphasis on ICE.

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Happy Canada Day! How am I marking the day? Guess! Yeah, I'm at work. Me and a bunch of people at the Loblaws grocery store and the Starbucks and a depressing number of other retail and service outlets. What do we have to do to get a statutory holiday off around here?

This isn't the You Know You're Obsessed thread but I'm slightly concerned that my August vacation will clash with the Fear The Walking Dead debut. I need help!

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Karma's on me, went to a trivia night thing with some friends and it was allllllllll about Canadia. Turns out, we americans really do not pay attention to crap outside of our borders. They started off really easy, poutine question, "Mounty" question then they're like "what 3 provinces border Montana" hell we could only come up with 3! We won first place in a tie breaker, question was what year was the first Rush album?  They had a list of songs and we had to come up with the Canadian artists, we got all 10 correct. :D We also needed 5 Ryan Gosling movies that had been nominated for awards, I came up with the only correct one of the bunch (I think we had 2 total hahahahhah) 

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It's a July 4th miracle! I checked the schedule for tomorrow and I'm not working. A Sunday to myself. I don't know what to do. Jurassic World probably, maybe an overdue pedicure, time to catch up on Wayward Pines and Hannibal. Chocolate will definitely feature.

True confession time: I said if I was desperate for something to watch I'd reintroduce myself to NCIS, a show I tried on several occasions and did not like, mainly due to the characters of Tony, Ziva and Abby. I was there one night, dog tired, looking for an eyes-open, brain-off kind of show so I started season 12 of the show. Binged on it, then hit season 6 of LA and now I'm working my way through New Orleans. I find the shows incredibly easy to watch. I forget every episode almost as soon as I finish watching it, there's no sense of real jeopardy to keep me awake, and Mark Harmon and Scott Bakula are smokin' hot for slightly older guys. Perfect summer TV!

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I like Ncis New Orleans. Cannot stand any of the others. I used to like mark Harmon but his hair gives me seizures as does the dog on the trip advisor commercial when he barks "book, book". I like Scott backula and the "kid" on New Orleans I adore. I love his accent. He was the kid from "sling blade" and I just always liked him.

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I don't find the hair that bad. I think it's a mature male version of the severe regulation cut required by the Armed Forces. Or something. A cousin of mine served a couple of tours in Lebanon with the UN as a member of the Irish forces but that's my only connection to the military. You wouldn't think it to look at me but I have a severe aversion to being told what to do.

This time last year I was angsting over the end of my job contract, the necessity of a new placement, finding a new place to live and so on. Now I'm angsting about ... my hair. I don't watch Murder In The First but I saw a commercial for it and I've fallen in love with Kathleen Robertson's hair style. I want it. The thing is it's way shorter. I've had long red hair forever. I wear it in a ponytail for work and it's largely how I define myself (and how people refer to me) I'm the woman with the long red ponytail. I cut it already this year because it was in bad shape after the stresses of transition. My hair was halfway down my back and now it's touching my shoulders which is the shortest I've worn it in years. The cut I like is even shorter. I wouldn't have a ponytail any more. It's just a haircut and hair grows back (in my case faster than average) but it's also changing a major part of who I've been for many years. I'm tempted but torn.

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It sounds crazy but a drastic hair cut can completely redefine a chicks outlook on life. Many many times women do this right after major breakups and 1) it does grow back 2) does give you a different perspective 3) less chance of getting caught by the hair when the ZA comes.

If you had more than 8-10 inches would be awesome too to donate.

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Hair does grow back. I'd suggest taking the plunge. I recently chopped off hair so long I could sit on it to a medium-length pixie. It was a bit weird to see my ponytail in the stylist's hand, but worth it to feel the air on my neck. Plus, I'm saving tons on hairclips/hairties since I don't break them any more and on shampoo/conditioner.

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I don't find the hair that bad. I think it's a mature male version of the severe regulation cut required by the Armed Forces. Or something. A cousin of mine served a couple of tours in Lebanon with the UN as a member of the Irish forces but that's my only connection to the military. You wouldn't think it to look at me but I have a severe aversion to being told what to do.

His hair is a combination of 2 things, I do have an aversion to the buzzcut/flat top because my father had that his entire life. But Jethro's (and his name is Jethro people!) has the buzzed sides and then he manages to PART IT IN THE MIDDLE up top. The parting in the middle is what gives me seizures. 

Thanks for the encouragement, guys. I think I'm devoting more thought to this potential haircut than I did to my new room mate and possibly my job! I will be cutting off quite a bit of hair but I can't donate it. I haven't seen my natural hair colour since I was about fourteen and chemically treated hair is ineligible for donation.

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I had a dream I was dating a gangster. And I'm in our room in my fancy sexy nightie slicing bacon by hand. Like literally slimy slab of bacon wiggling out of my hand. The guy who my guy worked for walks through and takes my bacon. Then he closed off our wing and I had to walk a mile in this Mansion to find a loo. Then I woke up with monster heartburn.

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I miss our talks.  It's just not Monday without me spending the day being totally useless because my priority is keeping up with the Walking Dead episode thread.


Irishmaple, go forth with that haircut!  (I haven't seen my real hair color for about as long as you haven't seen yours, for what that's worth.)  I just kept going shorter and shorter because my hair was never quite right, and now it is sassy and AWESOME (and, of course, Walker-safe).  

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Went out to dinner with some people last night and there was a woman who I didn't think I was going to like, she's a teacher and she was very "teachy" kinda like she knew everything but then...somebody started talking about netflix and binge watching shows and lo and behold WALKING DEAD. I thought she was going to poo poo the whole thing but what happened to her is the same thing as happened to me. I was dragged kicking and screaming into watching WD originally, then I watched a marathon of the first season right when season 2 was starting and boom, I was hooked. she had to marathon 3 seasons I think but she said her husband found her where he left her from the morning to the evening and asked "good grief, you're watching the same thing as when I left?" So i didn't hate her although she still explained how to pronounce words in too much detail. 


Tonight I'm watching "Sharknado 2: the Second One" with the MST3k guys. They have an awful lot to make up for with the horrifitude mess that this movie is. Wish me luck. 

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YOURE IN LUCK! next Thursday night July 16 they are showing in theaters. Granted I do not know if they have it near you. But I had it near me and I live in as backwards a place as any. I actually had several friends who attended in different locations. Pennsylvania And Houston. Of course the movie absolutely sucks balls. But that it the reason you have the dudes. Google rifftrax and it should let you search your location.

Edited by nachomama
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When I was just a tiny sqwiwwel my mother got very tired of is whining when she Would brush our hair because of tangles. I can remembered getting whapped in the head with the brush telling us to sit still and be quiet. So she chopped off all our hair. I had the Mia farrow/Rosemary's baby haircut when I was like 5. It was very traumatic for me. Ever since I can't stand to have a naked neck. My mother was just really really bad with hair. She would put a strip of scotch tape across our foreheads to get our bangs perfectly straight. And because she Didnt want to do it very often we would start out with bangs about 1/4" long. People thought I was a boy for years. I have some sad sad elementary school pictures of horrendous hair. She gave me a perm once right before picture day, huge Afro.

I still have the (now semi) long, straight, thin, baby fine hair I've had for over half a century.   There was one time when I was young that my grandmother cut my hair in my sleep (it was down to my bum and never grew that long again) - my Mum disowned her.  :-)    Even my Mum has given up trying to get me to cut it any shorter than shoulder length.  Nothing can be done with this hair except enjoy the silkiness felt by running one's hands through it.   Also, these disabled arms prevent any form of blow-drying, styling or maintenance.  And short hair would just make me look like a fat old balding pixie ...

The universe really hates me. Wisdom teeth this coming weekend. That's gonna cost me some money. Then I get a letter from insurance that they're not gonna cover my house anymore. Asbestos siding (which it has ALWAYS been) anf it's supposed to be all right as long as its painted. And it is. They see peeling paint but it's only trim and thats wood. and roof shingles which I'm aware of but if I have no roof money how am I suppsed to do anything about it? I just started getting out of my house. I've been a shut in for over 5 years because I have no money for a life. after I got downsized I juggled 4 jobs for several years scraping by. I'm finally down to 2 jobs. And trying to get the rest of my debt down after paying my sisters bills when her husband got squished by a drunk driver. I'm swimming upstream.


Sorry to be so absent this weekend, but Friday we got word through the local PD - my wife's father apparently passed away up in Peoria, IL.  It took the Peoria coroner the better part of a day to identify, track down contact info for, and notify us. 


What makes the situation worse is, he and my wife have been severely estranged - the parents divorced, and he ended up bailing and disappearing to dodge paying the child support.  He and my wife haven't laid eyes on each other in almost 30 years, they haven't had more than two or three phone conversations since, and their last phone conversation was about a decade ago - after which he pulled another in a series of disappearing acts (moved, no phone, no forwarding address).  He only had two children, my wife and her sister; when her sister passed away in '95 (diabetic complications), he didn't even show up for the memorial service.


Now, after all that, he's dead - and as my wife is his only living relative, she/we now have to start making funeral arrangements and figuring out how to sort out the estate of somebody with whom we've had almost zero contact since Reagan was President.  Toss in on top of that everything my wife has to process through, and I think you can understand what I mean when I say we've had better weekends.  :(


P.S.: Did I mention he died in Peoria - as in, some 450-odd miles away from Nashville?  So right now we're trying to coordinate all this long-distance - although it's already becoming rapidly apparent I'm not going to be able to avoid having to take several days off work to drive up to Illinois to deal with this....

Edited by Nashville
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Any Mike Holmes fans in these parts? I haven't seen the man himself but one of his crews is replacing a rain-damaged roof in my neighbourhood. There are no camera crews so you'll have to take my word for it!

Finally went shopping yesterday. No wonder I was having issues with the pants. I was wearing 12; stress reduced me to a 4. This is uncharted territory for me. I am in the novel position of needing to regain some weight in a job that doesn't give me time to eat.

Because my inner child appears to be a teenage boy, I saw Jurassic World and Terminator Genisys on successive weekends. I enjoyed the hell out of both of them. I was impressed with Chris Pratt, he had great screen presence and charisma for days. I like Jason Clarke as a rule but, for all his later troubles, Edward Furlong is still the best John Connor of all time IMO.

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What is the quote? "I think; therefore, I am" ? Mine is more "My life sucks; therefore I'm not dead yet". Meh, roof? ZA? roof? ZA? Tomato, To-mah-to


Roof, schmoof - mine has leaked almost constantly since 1988.  Redone thrice, repaired more times than I care to remember, but who gives a fuck, we're in a drought, and I have plenty of catch pans and buckets!  I'm much more concerned about the one remaining toilet that barely flushes every few tries (because if I have to start pooping in a bag in the back yard, I'll be a Level 5 Hoarder).  The other toilet has a strange looking bush growing up from where the water should be.  Nevermind the bathroom light that died last year, or the shower and kitchen faucet that barely dribble, or the furnace that no longer functions, or the rotting house trim that's growing some sort of mushroom fungi, or the weeds that are driving my neighbors batshit ... the list just keeps getting longer as I grow more feeble.  I am in SERIOUS need of a very cheap or free handyperson.  Preferably one who won't murder me in my fractured sleep!


Life is good, though.  My critters don't give a shit, so neither do I.  It's called self preservation, y'all.  :-)

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