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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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Oh yeahhh, gizzards! My mom makes a wonderful gizzard gravy, and we'd always stop after work and get fried chicken livers and gizzards and fried catfish. Cholesterol, shmolesterol, I'll eat anything fried.



I am a Southerner. Which means I'd probably eat a Buick if you could figure out a way to get it in a deep fryer.

When one of my sisters got engaged and brought her fiance over to our family home to have supper, my mom made smothered chicken (&etc.).

He took one look and said  " I don't eat things that have only one hole".

I can still see my mom frozen half way over the table with a serving ladle in one hand just as still as a statue. I looked at my dad and he had his mouth wide open and his eyes real big. (He had Daleface!)

Mom says....um, what?

Her fiance said "I only eat animals with two holes, one for defecating and one for sex. I don't eat one-hole meats."

My dad turned his head to me and rolled his eyes.

So much for the Sunday butt roast, then.

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fried catfish.


We discovered the joy of Cajun catfish on one trip to the US.  Simply scrumptious. I tried to duplicate it at home, but the results never measured up.


"I only eat animals with two holes, one for defecating and one for sex.


Now this is stuck in my head. I can't help but ponder where someone would have come up with the idea that it matters if your dinner once had a vagina. Did he require it had an external penis too? Turkeys have one, but it's hidden, so would they be on his "will eat" list?   This is one of the most WTF? things I've ever read. Not someone I would marry, that's for sure. Imagine going to a restaurant with him, saying to the waiter, "Excuse me, but...."  That's too twisted even for me.

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Ugh, I hate liver. Hate, hate hate! BUT - for some reason I love chicken liver. Chopped, broiled, deep-fried... yum. Chopped liver on a fresh, real bagel... mmmmmm. There's a fried chicken place here that makes fried livers and fried gizzards. It's a long drive for me so I usually only stop in once in a blue moon, but every single time I go there they are out of gizzards. Welcome to the south!

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I believe I've actually heard this one before - but it was so long ago (decades) I cannot remember the source. Some religious denomination with its own personal extensions on Leviticus, maybe?

They were very devout; devout nutjobs. The local yokel "newspaper" once did an interview with his mother at her home and they described the "beautiful decor, with many framed photographs of Jesus."

I knew she was old, but damn.

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They were very devout; devout nutjobs. The local yokel "newspaper" once did an interview with his mother at her home and they described the "beautiful decor, with many framed photographs of Jesus."

I knew she was old, but damn.


I like to begin my remarks by saying this and I mean this in all sincerity.  I've been reading articles for 34 years and I just read and heard one of the most disgusting, rudest, sick demonstrations on my 34 years.  Those are some sick, sick, SICK people!  Mentally Sick!  It Stunk!  People are sick when they do something like that.

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Hearing about religions that are deeply interested in the sexual organs of birds and animals makes me jump for joy that I have no religion.

Has more to do with obsession than religion, IMHO. There isn't anything on this planet a sufficiently disturbed wingnut can't turn into an unhealthy fixation. A few years back, one guy beat another to death out at one of the local driving ranges. Turned out the victim had touched the attacker's "lucky driver". If some idiot can make golf his religion, then I daresay anything is fair game.

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A few years back, one guy beat another to death out at one of the local driving ranges. Turned out the victim had touched the attacker's "lucky driver".


Yep, that's human behavior for you. You know, the species with the big brain? I always have to sneer when I hear a report of some heinous crime and the perpetrator is called an animal. Animals would never behave with the senseless savagery that so many humans display. It makes me feel I'm on the wrong planet.

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You can CALL it all day long. But me? I have just one word for you....


that's what I meant. MY SQWEWILL! Mine all mine!


Had free preview of HBO, Showtime and Starz so I watched a few movies and the premiers of Shameless, Girls, Togetherness (haven't actually watched but it's one I want to check out) so I had a productive rainy weekend.

Edited by nachomama
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Every now and then I get on a run of catching up on series which have been around for while, but (for one reason or another) I haven't been following. I'm on one of those runs now, weaving back and forth amongst the following:

  • Blue Bloods
  • Bones
  • Castle
  • Firefly
  • Twin Peaks (just finished)


I like Bones, Twin Peaks and I always watch Blue Bloods because it reminds me of TWD.

It's about a group of people who may technically exist in a larger world----yet the group has their own bizarre universe where everything in the city of NY happens to them, or was started by them, or was finished by them.

They are also like CDB in that they cannot go out to get a can of soup or put gas in the car without being involved in a shooting that will have repercussions for the rest of the season. Add the amazing powers of recuperation for the top stars who are mortally wounded but then bouncing around by the end credits.

Henry is Herschel, Frank is Rick, Danny is Daryl, Jamey is Glenn, Erin is Andrea, Nikki is Beth, Sean and Ryan are just permanent redshirts (a contradiction in terms, but so what.). Jackie is Rosita, Linda is Michonne. They do not have a Lori or a Carl...probably because Henry would have slapped the snot out of both of them.

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Captain Tightpants was what he (Mal, on firefly) was called on TWoP, he did have nice set of leather pants but there's also an ep where he's stranded in the desert and we get to see his tuschy. :D I've pretty much given a shot to every cast member of Firefly on every venture they've embarked since Firefly. I watched Mad Men because Joanie was the prostitute who tricked Mal into marriage and left him stranded pantsless. 

I like Bones, Twin Peaks and I always watch Blue Bloods because it reminds me of TWD.

It's about a group of people who may technically exist in a larger world----yet the group has their own bizarre universe where everything in the city of NY happens to them, or was started by them, or was finished by them.

They are also like CDB in that they cannot go out to get a can of soup or put gas in the car without being involved in a shooting that will have repercussions for the rest of the season. Add the amazing powers of recuperation for the top stars who are mortally wounded but then bouncing around by the end credits.

Henry is Herschel, Frank is Rick, Danny is Daryl, Jamey is Glenn, Erin is Andrea, Nikki is Beth, Sean and Ryan are just permanent redshirts (a contradiction in terms, but so what.). Jackie is Rosita, Linda is Michonne. They do not have a Lori or a Carl...probably because Henry would have slapped the snot out of both of them.

I've just started watching this, too. The blond wife of the Wahlberg character seems like Lori to me. Always whining, giving him a hard time and second guessing his decisions.

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I've just started watching this, too. The blond wife of the Wahlberg character seems like Lori to me. Always whining, giving him a hard time and second guessing his decisions.

Yeah, that was a tough decision. I chose Michonne because Linda is a good mother, and a nurse (hell any productive job would be better than Lori). Also faithful. But, absolutely a constant nag and should shut up and be supportive.

Now that the real-life Donnie Wahlberg is marrying Jenny McCarthy, I guess he has his own unique qualifications for a wife.

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Captain Tightpants was what he (Mal, on firefly) was called on TWoP, he did have nice set of leather pants but there's also an ep where he's stranded in the desert and we get to see his tuschy. :D I've pretty much given a shot to every cast member of Firefly on every venture they've embarked since Firefly. I watched Mad Men because Joanie was the prostitute who tricked Mal into marriage and left him stranded pantsless. 


Kaylee called him Captain Tightpants in Shindig.


Mal: Does, uh... does this seem kind of tight?

Kaylee: Shows off your backside. Did you see the chandelier? It's hovering.

Mal: What's the point of that, I wonder?

Kaylee: Oh, mangos!

Mal: I mean, I see how they did it. I just ain't gettin' the why.

Kaylee: These girls have the most beautiful dresses. And so do I. How 'bout that?

Mal: Yeah, well, just be careful. We cheated Badger out of good money to buy that frippery, and you're supposed to make me look respectable.

Kaylee: Yes, sir, Cap'n Tight-Pants.


Quotes found on imdb for the episode.

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Kaylee called him Captain Tightpants in Shindig.


Mal: Does, uh... does this seem kind of tight?

Kaylee: Shows off your backside. Did you see the chandelier? It's hovering.

Mal: What's the point of that, I wonder?

Kaylee: Oh, mangos!

Mal: I mean, I see how they did it. I just ain't gettin' the why.

Kaylee: These girls have the most beautiful dresses. And so do I. How 'bout that?

Mal: Yeah, well, just be careful. We cheated Badger out of good money to buy that frippery, and you're supposed to make me look respectable.

Kaylee: Yes, sir, Cap'n Tight-Pants.


Quotes found on imdb for the episode.

I'm going to have to get out my dvd's and rewatch.  Browncoats forever! Nathan Fillion still does the comic cons, don't know how many of the others do.


Back on topic - I still hate Daryl's hair.

I need to do some rewatch myself. Been meaning to do Firefly and/or Deadwood since it's cold and I hunker down under a blanket after work anyway. 


I am so not interested in my job today. I need one of those SAD lamps, Seasonal Affective Disorder. It's so frakkin dreary. And either everyone has issues or my days are usually easier. blah

Edited by nachomama
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I am so not interested in my job today. I need one of those SAD lamps, Seasonal Affective Disorder. It's so frakkin dreary. And either everyone has issues or my days are usually easier. blah

This will cheer you up:

Someone called in sick and so I said sure I would go in on my day off. So I had to leave the house at 6 a.m., it's pitch dark except for thick thick fog, but I drive this road a lot so I'm not worried.

I have to make a sharp right turn to get to an intersection, but I find myself (and my vehicle) making a sudden descent at quite a sharp pitch, and I realize I have mis-gauged the distance, turned too early, and I am driving down into a retention pond.

Well, Dad always said if something weird happens on the road just keep your foot on the gas and bluff your way through. So I drive down in, across the pond, and steadily up the other slope and come out across someone's front lawn and from there I make it to the intersection.

That's what I get for volunteering.

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So I drive down in, across the pond, and steadily up the other slope and come out across someone's front lawn and from there I make it to the intersection.


Your life makes mine seem so very, very dull.


I've been thinking of rewatching "Dexter", but the final "Fuck you!" Buck and his Strahovski-induced woody gave all of us loyal fans has turned me off, perhaps permanently.


I remain TV-less until TWD returns, and it better be good.

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I never watched Dexter and I'm glad I didn't after all the talk of the season finale.  Which reminds me of the final season of True Blood which was nothing but a big ole fuck you to fans of the show.


I hope they have been thinking about the ending of TWD, when it happens, since the very beginning, which is doubtful, or that, too, could be disastrous.


Kikismom, that is a perfect example of why I like football.

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Today. 6:07 pm


I never watched Dexter and I'm glad I didn't after all the talk of the season finale.


Oh, I very highly praise and recommend it! I was completely dazzled when I started watching. It was totally original, quirky, filled with great black humour and with many flashes of was the real brilliance in making us root for a serial killer. For anyone who wants something never seen before, watch this series.


If you do decide to watch, just stop at the end of 7. I'll tell you what happens in 8 and spare you the rage.

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Anybody else sick of the bone-chilling cold?  I thought winter was bad last year, what with the pre-Christmas ice storm, but this one sucks as well.  I went out for coffee this morning at 11am and, factoring in the windchill, it was -30.  It felt like it too.  My allergies kicked in this week for some reason so I had to go around with a scarf over my mouth to keep the icy air out of my limp lungs.  When I got back to work, the section of the scarf actually covering my mouth had frozen solid.  And tomorrow promises more of the same.  I don't usually take a winter break but I actually have some transferred vacation time so I'm taking it.  My room mate had a trip planned and one of her friends had to drop out due to a family situation so she asked if I'd be interested in going along.  I was very interested!  In one week from tomorrow, I will be heading to the Mayan Riviera.  I've never been to Mexico before so I'm looking forward to it.  I only speak enough Spanish to be polite and order drinks, but I don't plan on doing much more than politely ordering drinks so I should be fine!  One more week of breathing subzero air, clearing snow off the steps and trying to get inside before my coffee freezes, and I'll be on a beach drinking something sinful with an umbrella in it.


kikismom,  that is one truly unsettling post!

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I thought winter was bad last year, what with the pre-Christmas ice storm, but this one sucks as well.  I went out for coffee this morning at 11am and, factoring in the windchill, it was -30.


Same here and two week ago, we lost power for 24 hours because of the torrential freezing rain. I nearly went into full-blown withdrawal due to no internet. After the rain, the temp plummeted to -25 and the garage door was totally frozen shut so I had to go out with a crowbar and pickaxe to break it free.


So here I was, in 2015, lighted by oil lamp, cooking on propane and rising at dawn to feed the woodstove. Twilight Zone moment.


kikismom, those pictures are VERY unsettling, but I do love the "My think my grandpa was an electrician" one.

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So, yesterday I had to take a road trip to help my daughter take care of some stuff. It took me by the chicken place I love so of course I stopped in. And, of course, they were out of gizzards! I wasn't in the mood for livers, so I just got some okra for the road. When I got back in the car I flipped on the radio and Golden Earring was playing. Sadly it was "Twilight Zone" but my first thought was If this were "Radar Love" this would the perfect PTV message board moment!

In other news, I started watching "Dexter" on Netflix but I had to take a break. During episode 1. But with your recommendations, I will start over and give it a fair shake.

I'm afraid to watch Twin Peaks because I was such a hardcore fan the first time around I'm afraid it won't live up to my memories. That's what happened when I started watching The X-Files again.

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Don't cry for me, Argentina.  The coldest it's been overnight here in sunny SoCal was mid 40s - I've even used my little portable heater a couple of times (because I sit in an uninsulated converted porch/room).  Last week we hit 82 one day; today it was around 72.


walnutqueen ducks and runs for cover, 'cause I know you're lighting torches & hefting pitchforks right about now  :-)

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Make sure to turn the heater off when the earthquake starts.



So far, I've felt 2 very mild tremors in the 30 years I've lived here.  I did, however, get thrown out of my bed by an earthquake in Hawaii, fer fuck''s sake!!! 



This is for all of us who watched LOST for the first two seasons; then suspected as much:




Motherfucking, cocksucking, titlicking sons of whore mongerors - I KNEW it.  Thanks for reminding me how pissed off I was, and apparently still am, kikismom.  :-D


By the way - you either never sleep, or have a job that lets you surf the net all day long, am I right?  ;-)

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