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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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5 hours ago, nachomama said:

On one hand you could just NOT tip, quite frankly as a "foreigner" we expect you to be a jerk therefore our expectations can't be lower.

Well as a foreigner thanks for that 😱, I’ve experienced two occasions in which I’ve refused to tip, once in the US and once in Can, the dumb assed waitress in the US completely forgot one of our parties selection on the meal ordered, the dumb bitch was ready to call out the Police when I pointed out that total incompetence will never be rewarded whilst I’m alive. The Canadian incident involved a cab driver from Pakistan who obviously thought he was still in Islamabad and dealing with a complete fool, Oh the joys of world travel 🙄

Edited by OoohMaggie
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I literally have better chances of winning the lottery than finding my rich hawaiian.

I do not know if I should be flattered or offeneded, someone yesterday told me "congratulations" and I'm all "on what?" she said "the baby" THIS WOMAN THOUGHT I WAS PREGNANT. I laughed and said "I am 800 years old" she laughed and said "you really not pregnant?" I said "No just old and fat"

flattered she thinks I could still get pregnant. offended shes calling me fat.

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On 11/12/2022 at 3:33 PM, Superclam said:

Here's some pics. 



The pit was for Kreator, and I stayed tf out of it. I'm old. 

Horsespit - if my 60yo ass can jump in the pit for Tetarch, you can do Kreator.

On 11/12/2022 at 7:19 PM, nachomama said:

CHICKEN! you’ve got 2 hips you only gotta break 1. Seriously, what are you even doing with your bones? Break a few. 

40 years in the pits (as of this year), and all my long bones and dental work are still intact.  Who knew?  😁

  • Wink 1
7 hours ago, Nashville said:

40 years in the pits (as of this year), and all my long bones and dental work are still intact.  Who knew?  😁

My hips and teeth are ok, my knees are not what they used to be. I'll be titanium in 20 years. 

21 minutes ago, nachomama said:

I've got boarding passes! I think I'm packed, I'm sure I'll forget something vital. Starting to freak out just a little bit. Driving to Atlanta tonight, 8 am whoosh off to hawaii.

Have a safe trip. And a good time! 

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survived haven't seen the walking dead finale yet.

Here are some pictures, Road to Hana which is windy road up in the mountains where you get all kinds of waterfalls, swimming holes etc. couple rainbows we encountered, couple beaches and I got a turtle tattoo. His name is Wendell, for my sister, she was Wendy but we had a cat when I was little named Wendell and I was so stupid I thought his name was "Window" because he just sat in the window all the time. Wendy lked turtles and the myth in hawaii that the islands were formed onthe back of a turtle or that what you see above the water is just the back of the turtle and under the water is a turtle. So meet Wendell.







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I kicked the crap out of a coffee table at our condo and so my pinky toe was all swollen and purple most of the time, going out to the beach the waves knocked me down and I fell on some rocks so my hand was all scraped up. I spent 12 hours in the airport yesterday leaving because I turned in the rental car and they all left at 8 am so I had to wait til my flight at 8 pm. lord I am sooooo tired.

  • Mind Blown 1

But we did have a fantastic time, there are crazy roaming chickens all over the island, like in parking lots and gas stations chickens, chickens everywhere. Why? no idea but Michelle tried to touch a baby and the mother chicken flew at her it was hilarious and no one got it on film. I got shave ice, I got dole whip, if it existed to eat or drink I ate or drank it.   We went to swap meets, they made me go to church which was fine but honestly we did everything.

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Jimmy Osmond and Randy Jackson should have formed a duo.

I think I forgot to tell you we were almost on Cops Hawaii. Coming home one evening 2 cars sped past us and I didn't think too much of it, just kids I assumed. Next thing we know the car in front is faking a right turn and then hopping back into traffic to avoid the truck following them, trying to fake them out. Truck kinda nips them. Then totally rams them, there were sparks, I thought the car was gonna flip. Truck came at them one more time and fully pushed them off the road. We were bad citizens because we failed miserably in getting plates or even our stories straight. All of us differed on what kind of car it was. We immediately slowed down because we didn't want to get in the path of mr. big truck in case he just wanted to push other people off the road. We kinda followed him a minute from a good distance but we gave up because we do not know where we are and have no good witnessy statements. Also didn't really check on the car, last we saw thy were on the side of the road, we did go look next day for marks on the road or parts of car that might have fallen off. It was freaky man. We couldn't find a local news channel, the cable at the condo gave us CBS los Angeles, Chicago any freakin city besides local.

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  • LOL 2
6 hours ago, nachomama said:

Jimmy Osmond and Randy Jackson should have formed a duo.

I think I forgot to tell you we were almost on Cops Hawaii. Coming home one evening 2 cars sped past us and I didn't think too much of it, just kids I assumed. Next thing we know the car in front is faking a right turn and then hopping back into traffic to avoid the truck following them, trying to fake them out. Truck kinda nips them. Then totally rams them, there were sparks, I thought the car was gonna flip. Truck came at them one more time and fully pushed them off the road. We were bad citizens because we failed miserably in getting plates or even our stories straight. All of us differed on what kind of car it was. We immediately slowed down because we didn't want to get in the path of mr. big truck in case he just wanted to push other people off the road. We kinda followed him a minute from a good distance but we gave up because we do not know where we are and have no good witnessy statements. Also didn't really check on the car, last we saw thy were on the side of the road, we did go look next day for marks on the road or parts of car that might have fallen off. It was freaky man. We couldn't find a local news channel, the cable at the condo gave us CBS los Angeles, Chicago any freakin city besides local.

Don’t feel bad; you get anywhere in Hawai’i outside the tourist concentrations, and the locals have a way of dealing with things all on their lonesome - and unless you got GPS coordinates, any calls to the police are going to go something like this:

”Maui Police Department.”

     ”Yes, I’d like to report a motor vehicle accident.”

“Where at?”

     “On Highway 360, a few miles outside Hana.”

”…care to narrow that down a little bit…?”

Jason, the college roommate who lives on Oahu, says road rage and really bad driving are a thing in Hawaii. We did learn the shaka wave thingy that if you want in to traffic or some such polite driving ness is required so in case we did something stupid we would not get rammed off the road. I felt like this was personal, kind of a gang/drug/young people thing but still not taking any chances. Everyone we encountered were super duper nice. 

I always avoided getting a tattoo, mostly because I didn't want to get anything I'd regret in a year or longer, nothing cliche or a flower or a butterfly. (My sister got a unicorn on her boob and it looks like a goat now) My niece tattooed a flower on her stomach then had a baby so now she has a wiiiiide flower. So Wendell isn't gonna sag or stretch, and I think I love him.

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It always amazes me how you ever get “road rage” in the US, we obviously get it here but it generally involves swearing and shouting, the odd occasion where a stick, or odd golf club is produced, very rarely do we get a blade of some sort shown for the ultimate intimidation. 
Not knowing whether the person you’re getting involved with will pull out a firearm, is all the reason I need as a UK Citizen to just let things go if I were driving in the US, I held this thought in all my travels around the US. I did get a revolver pointed at me, held by a worryingly shaking hand by the Baton Rouge Police Dept, it was a great experience!

Edited by OoohMaggie
15 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

Not knowing whether the person you’re getting involved with will pull out a firearm, is all the reason I need as a UK Citizen to just let things go if I were driving in the US, I held this thought in all my travels around the US. I did get a revolver pointed at me, held by a worryingly shaking hand by the Baton Rouge Police Dept, it was a great experience!

back up, what did you do to warrant a gun pointed at you?????????????

My father always kept a pistol under the seat of his car. He was fond of Dirty Harry so it was a .357 magnum that could blow your head clean off, if necessary. I don't think my father ever encountered a need for said pistol in any of his travels. He did not do road rage. However, when we were little and took road trips with evil grandma (his mother) he would pull over to help someone with a flat tire or go fetch a can of gas if he saw people in need. And always cautioned my grandma if anything happened, the pistol was under the seat. Now, what on earth did he think was going to happen? These people were lying in wait and shoot him....whats grandma really gonna do? grandma gonna take them out? plus, grandma don't drive. In 75 years bitch never drove...so once she kills these people you gonna get the 4 year old in the back seat to drive? Pre cell phone so can't call for help. anywho my dad was a moron and the one time he needed a gun, leaving a shady place of business (both shady as in dark and shady as in no business being there) he got robbed walking out of said establishment and they marched him to his car where they proceeded to steal the gun from under the seat. My dad was also the dumbass that had $500 cash on him at all times. He couldn't be bothered to carry a checkbook and didn't believe in credit or debit cards so if he was going to the grocery store, restaurants he was paying cash so he always carried plenty. They got his money, his CB radio and his gun, didn't take the car it was a piece of crap. From then on he took to carrying a teeny tiny pea shooter in his pocket.

  • Mind Blown 1
On 11/30/2022 at 1:21 PM, nachomama said:

back up, what did you do to warrant a gun pointed at you?????????????

Being poor we were sleeping one night in a motel one night in the hire car, this particular night we chose a silly place to stop and were woken by a semi encirclement  of five Police cars, the occupants of which were all hanging over their doors pointing a variety of weaponry our way. Three of the brave souls approached to find out what the hell we were up to, including Officer shaky hand. After discovering we were English their mood lightened somewhat, although it wasn’t helped by the fact that we were both laughing our heads off throughout the whole encounter. Having now seen so many Cop interactions on UTube, we did so many things wrong I’m amazed one of us wasn’t shot.

Who needs a picture with Micky Mouse as a holiday memory! 🙄

36 minutes ago, OoohMaggie said:

Being poor we were sleeping one night in a motel one night in the hire car, this particular night we chose a silly place to stop and were woken by a semi encirclement  of five Police cars, the occupants of which were all hanging over their doors pointing a variety of weaponry our way. Three of the brave souls approached to find out what the hell we were up to, including Officer shaky hand. After discovering we were English their mood lightened somewhat, although it wasn’t helped by the fact that we were both laughing our heads off throughout the whole encounter. Having now seen so many Cop interactions on UTube, we did so many things wrong I’m amazed one of us wasn’t shot.

Who needs a picture with Micky Mouse as a holiday memory! 🙄

wow! I do not know what silly place that might have been usually I just sleep in a walmart parking lot.

The day after I graduated from high school, my mother was in the hospital and couldnt attend so my niece and I were driving to Albuquerque to go show her the video. I got pulled over doing like 80 and the guy went easy on me but my niece and I were laughing our heads off because when he asked for proof of insurance and we opened the glove compartment toast fell out. We had been to some restaurant the night before and my niece didn't eat her toast so she wrapped it in a napkin and logically stored it in the glove box. How he didn't think we were high or up to shenanigans I dont know.

This is my same prison niece who has always been a bit whacky, she used to snack on raw rice. As in minute rice, on the shelf, just pour a little handful and chomp away. I feel like she said it once and then because everyone was so freaked out she had to keep up with it. I don't think it was ever a thing she "really" did but we had to witness her doing it so she wasn't a liar. We had frozen cherries in the freezer and we would put a few in a cup and stab them with tooth picks to munch on and I remember her racing into the room with a skewered cherry and shoving it in my face and screaming "CHERRIES!" I'm reminded of this because for christmas the prison lets them buy special commisary gifts and it's got flavored instant cocoa, coffee and creamer, candy things, cookies and those chocolate cordial cherries and she's super excited to get her hands on some. Last year at christmas they let them order mini pies and she ordered 12, 3-4 of each flavor she only ended up with apple and pumpkin but then proceeded to eat them all in one day.

  • Mind Blown 1
1 hour ago, nachomama said:

wow! I do not know what silly place that might have been usually I just sleep in a walmart parking lot.

It wasn’t so far off, it was in a dark corner of what we call here an industrial estate, a group of different company buildings that operate on a 9-5 basis. Having said that, even when we parked in locations that were literally in the middle of nowhere, up quiet country  roads that we thought we’d never be spotted, we would inevitably be found by a Police patrol. It was uncanny how often they found us, some of the guys were cool and let us stay where we were after explaining ourselves, some not. We honestly believed that the “night shift” stayed in the office drinking coffee and chilling, how wrong we were 😱

My boss' mother will be 85 in February. While I was gone she fell getting out of a golf cart going to a Georgia Southern game. I think her adrenaline kicked in and she popped up and claimed "I'm fine, I'm fine" but couple weeks go by and she aint feeling too good. When I got back I thought she sounded a little hoarse and thought she might have a cough or something. turns out she's got a cracked sternum! and if you're 85 you aren't gonna heal from that right away. If you're 18 they'd tell you don't jump from high places and you'll be good in a couple of weeks. If you're 85 I guess they shoot cement into you. Literally gluing you back together. I assume it's not something i could just go pick up at home depot.

Also I'm getting quote from painters/handymen for my house because insurance is yelling at me. Over 5 years ago I got a quote on siding from Home Depot and it was $11,000. That was siding only, no windows or repairs. I've got 1 quote so far for siding, repairing my shed, repairing my porch and replacing the 3 windows in the front of my house. $13.5 it's steep, I don't like it but I think it will shut the insurance company up forever. I have asbestos siding and if you keep it covered supposedly no danger, siding is permanently keeping it covered. trust me, can't afford the abatement. I got another quote coming today.

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2 hours ago, nachomama said:

Also I'm getting quote from painters/handymen for my house because insurance is yelling at me

  • Do your insurance companies keep a track of what levels of maintenance you’ve either carried, or not carried out on your property? We don’t really get that over here, yet we all know that the Devil’s salesmen will refuse any claim if they can possibly hope to get away with it👹👹

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