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Small Talk: Ughngnggh! Ugghhnnn!

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3 hours ago, nachomama said:

I thought she was skippng Charles?

Short of a treason conviction or a bullet through Charles’s head, I’m not sure if that was Elizabeth’s call to make; short of really detailed palace intrigues, lines of succession are pretty much carved in stone. I’ve seen a fair bit of media muttering about Charles potentially abdicating and letting the throne pass to his oldest son William, though, so it probably wouldn’t be a great stretch to assume Elizabeth had made her wishes known to the family - and select others.

Of prime concern to the Royals now is the institutional health of the monarchy - which, like any bureaucracy, has continued perpetuation as its primary focus.  Elizabeth represented the longest (definitely) and most stable (probably) reign of any British monarch in history. A Charles reign could seriously destabilize her legacy, and (given Charles’s unpopularity with the populace) might very well be the tipping point for elimination of popular support for the British monarchy system.  Another consideration is his age; after his mother’s 70 year reign, Charles ascending the throne at 73 wouldn’t bode well for hopes of another long period of royal stability.

A Charles abdication in favor of William, though, would result in a relatively young and popular monarch wearing the crown - and might be the only option the Royals have for continued public support.

Edited by Nashville
Bad words! Bad!

Do youse guys know what love bugs are? It’s a southern thing and I had certainly never heard of them before I came here. Little black winged bugs that come out in fall. They’re attracted to white. So a white wall or white car they would gravitate to. They have a tiny orange dot on their back. And they’re always in pairs. As in they are mid “doing the deed” when you see them. A whole wall full of bugs getting their groove on. Usually the females are bigger and the dude is just getting dragged around. I found it hilarious and spied my first pair yesterday. It’s weird yo! 

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22 minutes ago, Superclam said:

No, it was a football thing. 

I keep forgetting about the footballs! The people I called this weekend were all "don't bother me when football is on" so I make sure to call them back on football day again :D

Watching Poldark I particularly despised the uncle and so I looked him up. I had declared in my head "good grief he must be the ugliest man on earth" and boom, he was Quasimodo in the 70's! Also a henchmen in "A Clockwork Orange" now I feel bad because I distinctly remember watching "Hunchback of Notre Dame" as a small child and having to be consoled that they killed him. I feel like it had to be his version because the cartoon wasn't out yet and it was not the 1930's version. And then the poor man actually died while filming Poldark. So I'm an a-hole.

50 minutes ago, Superclam said:

I spent all weekend on Cobra Kai. I'm all burned out on karate-based teen drama. 

I watched the first 2. didn't want to binge the whole thing. I still do not get the entire "biggest dojo in So-Cal" lust but as long as Johnny makes me laugh I'm good. I know one cameo I could take or leave, from KK3 I think

We had a guy who was our trivia host who was from somewhere in England. Actually we debated because some were convinced he was australian. I believe he used to be in the music business back over the pond and for the life of me I could not tell you what kind of accent he had. As americans we can maybe pinpoint about 3, a posh accent, Geordie and Cockney. I know there are others, Scouse, Yorkshire etc. Any time he asked a british question we gave him hell. One day he said "Buckingham Palace" and took us 5 tries to get it because he was literally saying "Buck num" there were no 3 syllables so what accent is that?  only clue I have. ha

Edited by nachomama
57 minutes ago, Superclam said:

I was a Webelo, which is a totally fine thing to name a group of 12 year old boys. 

Back around 5th grade or so, several of my school friends were heavily into Cub Scouts.  One of them asked me if I might be interested in joining his pack/den/whatever, so I asked my dad about it. 
Keep in mind my father was one of the first in his branch of the family tree to get away from the dirt farms WAY BACK in the Tennessee hills, which might help explain his response - which was to scoff and say, “Cub Scouts?  Boy Scouts?  Those are just clubs for city kids to try and learn how to do some of the same stuff country kids do their entire lives.”

Never made it into Scouts - but my dad taught me how to survive in the woods, which has come in downright handy at times.

43 minutes ago, nachomama said:

I wish I was a member of the KISS army! Kids in Satan's Service.

SOMEWHERE tucked away in a closet or dresser at my father’s house was my original KISS Army membership kit; haven’t seen it in decades, though, so my parents probably chucked it.  They weren’t exactly fans.   ;>

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56 minutes ago, Nashville said:

Back around 5th grade or so, several of my school friends were heavily into Cub Scouts.  One of them asked me if I might be interested in joining his pack/den/whatever, so I asked my dad about it. 
Keep in mind my father was one of the first in his branch of the family tree to get away from the dirt farms WAY BACK in the Tennessee hills, which might help explain his response - which was to scoff and say, “Cub Scouts?  Boy Scouts?  Those are just clubs for city kids to try and learn how to do some of the same stuff country kids do their entire lives.”

Never made it into Scouts - but my dad taught me how to survive in the woods, which has come in downright handy at times.

I suppose this is true. I never learned to survive in the woods, but I could buy weed and get back home on the subway at 3 in the morning completely wasted. My father didn't teach me that. 

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18 minutes ago, Superclam said:

I suppose this is true. I never learned to survive in the woods, but I could buy weed and get back home on the subway at 3 in the morning completely wasted. My father didn't teach me that. 

Those are good survival skills too! I'm amazed I made it anywhere on the subway sober in the middle of the day. I think by day 3 my legs locked up because we had been climbing the stairs in and out of the subway. I do not know where we were going but we went down like 7 sets of stairs. I took a cab over the brooklyn bridge.

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Should I travel down to London, join a five mile queue standing in whatever weather should appear, taking up to 24 hours to reach a coffin draped in flags, which takes only 30 seconds to shuffle past or should I order a Chinese and try watching ‘Tales’ again?

My word that’s a tough one 🤔
Now I know how Eisenhower felt on June 5th.

Edited by OoohMaggie
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18 minutes ago, OoohMaggie said:

Should I travel down to London, join a five mile queue standing in whatever weather should appear, taking up to 24 hours to reach a coffin draped in flags, which takes only 30 seconds to shuffle past or should I order a Chinese and try watching ‘Tales’ again?

My word that’s a tough one 🤔
Now I know how Eisenhower felt on June 5th.

I had assumed you were in line already. 

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Friend of mine was making plans for thanksgiving. Going home to Iowa because her parents are 82 and daddy broke a hip this year and she hasn't been in a few years so in case she has no chance next year might as well go this year. So I texted my friend Marcy in New Mexico saying we should plan a trip...bam she says "hey we are going to hawaii for my sisters birthday, you should come". Now I do not invite myself on other people's trips. I do know her sister, she is 1 year younger than us and if you know anything about navajo people, they have no concept of "permission". They're rather utopian in the sense that your cousin is your sister and nobody owns anything, everything is kind of share and share alike. Much of this comes from being trapped on a reservation for such a long time that if your neighbor had food they shared, if your neighbor is going to town and they have a truck you are automatically invited to go. Things are changing somewhat but it was not uncommon to see a truck going down the road with 3-4 in the cab and then the back just full of kids and people. Obviously not so much legal anymore but basically if someone was going to town anybody could just jump in for the ride. no questions asked.

but I did clear who was going (adults only, how many people) because I wanna make sure it's not 27 people going, trust me they do travel in large packs...so for the moment it's under 6 people, no kids so that can be 1 rental car and a condo/house rental that's doable. IT's really dumb dates but I dont get to choose that. Her birthday is in November and I think logic would dictate just choose it around thanksgiving because you already have built in days off...not so much Nov 15-22 which means I get home 1 day before taking 4 days off. Actually, for me, it becomes the 23rd because of times zones so I get home just in time for actual thanksgiving holidays. Which in my brain is stupid but I'm gonna be tired so just stfu and go and be tired and do your damn bucket list thing. I have purchased a ticket with insurance so if anything changes I can get my money back.

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I think I got grave shamed. This lady who is not a relative of mine but who is kind of a niece in law? anywho grew up with my niece and apparently always thought of my mom as her grandma. She sends me a picture of my mom's headstone and says one of the vases looks like it got smooshed so she'll replace it. I've been to my mom's grave 3 times in 32 years. I live 2200 miles away. I did actually see it last year (on my mom's birthday!) and wasn't going to replace the vase. My mother isnt in the hole. The hole has no meaning for me. Eventually I will put my sister there (ashes/urn) but can't do that until everybody is out of prison/rehab. Don't I always make everybody super happy to not be me? mission accomplished.

Got a house sitting gig the week before christmas hopefully offset some of the hawaii debt. wheeeeeeee!

Can't even make this up...my niece writes me "you know whose in here? I recognized her, she's got an accent and she was the one who trafficked those kids for the guy who killed himself" Ghislaine Maxwell?????? I thought she must be mistaken. Googled her, she is indeed in tallahassee. I said stay away. Far far away.

Edited by nachomama
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15 hours ago, Nashville said:

the 1930 release, at least.

It’s always worrying when an absolute classic is re-imagined, in my opinion they couldn’t have made a better start than to have the dialogue in German, rather than having German / French  soldiers speaking English, Das Boot is the perfect example of what a difference it can make as to what language is used in the movie, the German spoken version is many times more enjoyable than the English version.

It looks pretty good, it might even encourage me to visit a cinema and risk those hot dog chewing, popcorn chomping, cheese covered nacho munching, half gallon slurping ignoramuses that have ruined so many of my previous visits.

As long as there are enough bangs and explosions to cover the annoying fools I might give it a go 🙄

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23 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

It looks pretty good, it might even encourage me to visit a cinema and risk those hot dog chewing, popcorn chomping, cheese covered nacho munching, half gallon slurping ignoramuses that have ruined so many of my previous visits.

Always glad to hear things are the same on the other side of the pond. 

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4 minutes ago, Superclam said:

Always glad to hear things are the same on the other side of the pond. 

I was on holiday in Portugal with the girlfriend one year and we went to the cinema, we were sat down and people were walking in with armfuls of food and drink, the girlfriend thought Oh shit here we go, another fist fight on the cards as they were slurping and chomping away. Yet honestly, from the second the lights went down until the intermission, which was a pleasant blast from the past, we didn’t hear so much as a rustle from a sweet wrapper, slurp or the crunch of a chip, it was absolutely heavenly and left us both amazed.

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45 minutes ago, Superclam said:

I know 2 things about the new Christmas Story:

  1. It will be terrible. 
  2. There is no way in hell I'm NOT watching that. Probably more than once. 

They've got original Ralphie AND his brother. Original Scut Farkis. I think original buddies as well. I always find it odd how much "wizard of Oz" stuff is background to themovie. In the mall visiting santa there are winged monkeys and I think in the parade. Which I always figured the original was somewhere post WW2 and wizard of oz was 1939 so it existed but seems random. Maybe it's more of a 1939 timeline and it was advertising to get you to see the movie.

My mother was the dolt that got her tongue stuck to a flagpole. Grew up in Iowa and somebody told her to do it and she did.

Edited by nachomama
28 minutes ago, nachomama said:

They've got original Ralphie AND his brother. Original Scut Farkis. I think original buddies as well

yeah, I saw the trailer for the first time yesterday (first time I heard about it!) and it looks like they've captured the feel of the original. Not like most of the original cast was doing anything, but still... 

30 minutes ago, nachomama said:

I always find it odd how much "wizard of Oz" stuff is background to themovie. In the mall visiting santa there are winged monkeys and I think in the parade.

Yeah, the parade goes into the store IIRC. 

The doofy kid behind Ralphie on line goes "do you like the the Wizard of Oz? I like the tinmin." I know a bunch of girls who have been saying "I like the tinmin" for the last 30 years. 

20 minutes ago, Superclam said:

The doofy kid behind Ralphie on line goes "do you like the the Wizard of Oz? I like the tinmin." I know a bunch of girls who have been saying "I like the tinmin" for the last 30 years. 

I never quoted that but "you'll shoot your eye out kid" and "fra-jee-lay" are big in my house. I even have a little night light leg lamp. You plug it into a wall socket so mom doesn't have to break it in a tragic vacumming accident. FUUUUUUDDDDDGGGEEE

  • LOL 2
20 minutes ago, Superclam said:

I can't see the word "fragile" without thinking "fra-jee-lay!" 


Honestly, though, I’m not quite sure how I feel about the whole “30 years later” sequel thingie - particularly considering Jean Shepherd (the author of the original Parker Family stories) is no longer around to narrate.

1 hour ago, nachomama said:

I always find it odd how much "wizard of Oz" stuff is background to themovie. In the mall visiting santa there are winged monkeys and I think in the parade. Which I always figured the original was somewhere post WW2 and wizard of oz was 1939 so it existed but seems random. Maybe it's more of a 1939 timeline and it was advertising to get you to see the movie.

According to the crowdsourced Internet Detective Agency, the original movie is set in 1940; the dead giveaway is the Little Orphan Annie Decoder Pin Ralphie receives in the mail, which is the 1940 “Speedomatic” model.

5 minutes ago, Nashville said:

According to the crowdsourced Internet Detective Agency, the original movie is set in 1940; the dead giveaway is the Little Orphan Annie Decoder Pin Ralphie receives in the mail, which is the 1940 “Speedomatic” model.

dang you're good.

I know Jean Shepherd is not around to narrate but also I think the director of the original movie also directed Porkys (also amongst my favorites) and he and his son were killed when a drunk driver hit them. I know the dad from the movie died but the mom is alive (84) but they've recast Julie Hagerty

Next Tuesday I'm headed to hawaii. I'm freaking out. I have so much to do. This weekend I was cat/house sitting for my friend and her cat hates me. Won't come out when I'm there so I took myself out of the house so the poor thing can eat or poop in peace. Went to this barbecue place which was great. When I gave my credit card to the waitress I stacked my "to go" box on top of my phone/wallet and took 2 steps to go wash my hands and was gone less than a minute. When I got back my box and phone were gone and I started freaking out. The girl was back very quickly, she essentially thought I forgot my stuff and had gone to look for me outside. So panic over I signed my receipt and went on my way. Back at home it wasn't until 7 pm ish that I looked and couldn't find my credit card. In my panic I had forgotten to take it out of the sleevey thing they give you to pay with. Called them, yes they have it I can fetch it after work when I go back up to see if the cat has pooped or eaten. I had just made my reservation for the rental car in Hawaii, says I need to present the credit card and my ID to claim the card so I sure didn't want to have to cancel the card. Can I make my life any more complicated?

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Hawaii is one of my bucket list destinations, I’m extremely jealous of your upcoming trip, as an Englishman I was rather put off by my last trip to the US in regards to the level of ‘tips and gratuities’ expected by even the most mundane of services provided. 
It probably seems ridiculous to those of you over there, but it can play a huge part in the thought and planning of any trip to the US or Can, most especially if you’re on a budget.

Our two countries are so far apart from the ‘tipping culture’ and how it impacts people’s ability to earn a decent wage, that it can be shocking.

Edited by OoohMaggie
16 hours ago, OoohMaggie said:

It probably seems ridiculous to those of you over there, but it can play a huge part in the thought and planning of any trip to the US or Can, most especially if you’re on a budget.

this is very true. I try to be a halfway decent tipper but I'm poor I did leave some poor girl a bunch of quarters because I was scraping the bottom of the barrell money wise but I did make a smiley face out of them. :D

On one hand you could just NOT tip, quite frankly as a "foreigner" we expect you to be a jerk therefore our expectations can't be lower. Hee! Hawaiians are like Canadians, just infallibly polite. Jason used to joke that even criminals in hawaii if they robbed you they'd say please and thank you.

Hawaii is most def a bucket list for me. I did retrieve my credit card which is a Phew! Now I'm down to my packing list, get my car serviced, get my hair cut (gotta look fabulous to land me a rich hawaiian dude) of course the week I'm going to be gone is our sign up for health care week at work. So I have to do it tonight. Usually I thought they gave us a whole month, usually from mid November to Mid December but it just opened yesterday and closes the 18th and I'm gone.
I voted early so I don't have to do that today. Just collect my $1.9 billion dollars when they finally declare me as the winner.

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