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S06.E03: Model Behavior

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Wow. That escalated quickly! First, I can't believe Carole didn't hit Aviva when she threw out the "Which Kennedy are you still friends with" line. If that were referring to my dead best friend I would have lost it. Later when she's talking to Kristen she claims that she too is a writer and sites the fact that she was 1) an English major, 2) went to Law School which involves a lot of writing and 3) once had an essay published. Well by god then I'm also a writer! I mean I was an English major, I work at a law firm and that requires a LOT of writing and also I've had things published on the internet, I mean I have a tumblr guys, clearly I should win a Pulitzer. It appears that Aviva thinks that typing lots of words at one time and "writing" are the same thing. In the first discussion of this whole thing she said writing her book was like writing a long email and it was fun. Then she said "It takes a village to write a book" so many times I added it to my made up drinking game (it's the only time you drink, but you'd have alcohol poisoning she says it so much). I think that Aviva is dumb. 

On to the second drama, if I were Kristen I would be filing for divorce. I mean her husband is clearly a bully, I can't believe he didn't explain what a Spartan Run was to her and told her she could handle it. Good job for her finishing and all but I just think it was so mean to let her go in not prepared. And to then have him constantly telling her to suck it up? He's an alpha jerk. 

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I used to think Avery was such a calm, sweet little girl to be raised by Ramona, but as she gets older I am seeing more of Ramona in her. When she was getting ready for the prom and getting exasperated at Ramona's emotional reaction, she sounded so strident and harsh. Just like Ramona when she's angry. It was still a very sweet scene and so classic-every teenage girl has been through that stage, when you find your Mom's love for you embarassing. I like to see normal parent-child interactions on these shows, it's such a change from the constant catfighting.

Edited by Curtsy
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On to the second drama, if I were Kristen I would be filing for divorce. I mean her husband is clearly a bully, I can't believe he didn't explain what a Spartan Run was to her and told her she could handle it. Good job for her finishing and all but I just think it was so mean to let her go in not prepared. And to then have him constantly telling her to suck it up? He's an alpha jerk.

I completely agree!  My SO is all sporty and always wanting me to try things, but there is a way to be encouraging and supportive and Josh was not the least bit supportive or kind or encouraging.  He was a straight up ass.  He could have at least acknowledged that he just left her instead of sticking with her as he'd promised.  He could have apologized and made her feel better.  Instead, he chose to belittle her and make her feel worse.  I don't see that marraige going the distance.

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I finally caught up and thought I'd weigh in on the Spartan Race controversy.

For starters, I think Josh is a grade A asshole. He misled his wife intentionally. He said "If I had told you, you wouldn't have done it." Obviously, he is aware that Kristen isn't an avid runner/conditioned athlete, so what did he do? He set her up for failure and had the nerve to be annoyed with her when she was overwhelmed by the challenge. Was she a bit OTT with her reaction? Perhaps, but I can certainly see myself being emotional in the same situation. Adrenaline. Having an entire miserable race to think about your husband lying to you and then leaving you. It's a lot. I like Kristen so far, and I am rooting for her to leave the douche lord that is her husband. I wonder what ever drew her to him? Several posters on TWoP observed that he looked a lot like Lance Armstrong, and they nailed it. He may also be the only person who makes Lance's personality seem not so offensive.

I never really warmed to Carole, and that hasn't changed. It bugs me how she seems to think herself so superior to the other participants of this show. Hey, Carole, you're on a reality show. Any delusions of grandeur should have died rather quickly. I don't think she has any reason to be upset with Ramona, (Full disclosure, I love Ramona's crazy ass.) and I am fine with Ramona not defending Carole vehemently. I remember how charming Carole found George last season and said Ramona had no right to have him removed from her party. I think Carole's sudden dislike of Aviva has more to do with Aviva's steep decline in popularity than it does anything else. I think Carole caught wind of how distasteful found Aviva and her father and decided she'd better get on the right side of television or suffer a similar fate.

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I never really warmed to Carole, and that hasn't changed. It bugs me how she seems to think herself so superior to the other participants of this show. Hey, Carole, you're on a reality show. Any delusions of grandeur should have died rather quickly. I don't think she has any reason to be upset with Ramona, (Full disclosure, I love Ramona's crazy ass.) and I am fine with Ramona not defending Carole vehemently. I remember how charming Carole found George last season and said Ramona had no right to have him removed from her party. I think Carole's sudden dislike of Aviva has more to do with Aviva's steep decline in popularity than it does anything else. I think Carole caught wind of how distasteful found Aviva and her father and decided she'd better get on the right side of television or suffer a similar fate.

I'm on Carol's side in bookgate only in a technical sense. I think she's right or at least more right than Aviva. I also think she's a nasty piece of work. I've thought this from the get go. She's just so smug and full of herself. I couldn't believe her TH about how she expected more from Ramona since she'd always been so good to her. What. The. Hell. One, Ramona hasn't done anything to Carol except not be the attack dog on your behalf like Heather. She told Carol what Aviva said and recommended Carol talk to her. What else was she supposed to do? Carol's just used to being the "special" girl in the room. I think she doesn't handle thing well if people aren't subtly kissing her ass all the time. Two, When was she supportive of Ramona? Seriously, when did that happen? I mostly remember her ignoring Ramona and Sonjia or being condescending them. Maybe Carol feels like if she isn't out right nasty to those she deems below her, like Luanne, then people should be grateful? Whatever, Princess. I've dealt with enough of your particular brand of hipster special snowflake to see you coming a mile away. But, all that aside, Aviva is crazy town and Carol most likely wrote both her books herself.

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ITA. Carole came off as jealous and nasty with LuAnn (full disclosure: I really dig LuAnn) so she never charmed me. And her insecurities were in full view in that scene with Aviva. Don't feed the beast; smile, wish her luck and leave.

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I think Carol was very much supposed to be the new Bethanny (who I reallly liked), but she really lacked Bethanny's hummor and self awarness. Bethanny kind of got why she might be in the wrong in many situations. Even in her orginal altercation with Kelly she was pretty cognisant of the fact the she started it, Kelly just took it to crazy town. I feel like Carol completly lacks this ability to really see her own behavior. If anything she actually reminds me of a meaner, more confident Alex. She really seems to belive that all the other women should thank her for showing them how uncool and bougie they really are.

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I think Kristen's husband seems like an asshole. I think she overdid it a bit after she finished the race in terms of having her mini meltdown with Josh, but I absolutely understand her frustration and felt like he had it coming. He flat out admitted that he didn't explain how challenging the race would be for her and since he knows she isn't used to participating in something like that, I thought his behavior was pretty inconsiderate. I also wanted to throw mud in his face when he shouted at her to "show some heart!" It's like she's doing her best and he's bitching at her because she isn't smiling or talking about how much fun she's having? I also thought that Heather made it seem like she wouldn't ditch Kristen. I don't think it's anything Kristen should hold a grudge over but I thought Heather did exactly what she said she wouldn't do when it came to leaving Kristen behind in the race.

I didn't get a jealous vibe from Carole regarding Luann at all. I just felt like she thought Luann was annoying. The comments that bothered Luann were usual when Luann was being a little silly. Whether it was Luann's habit of name-dropping or Carole's crack about liking British accents on British people it seemed like she was often commenting on something that didn't really have to do with her being jealous of Luann for any particular reason. 

I'm completely on Carole's side on Bookgate. That being said I was a bit disappointed in the way that she handled herself particularly when she put her hand on Aviva's mouth and when she went out of her way to tell Reid that his wife is not a nice person. I thought it was a little over the top also the comment about Aviva being nothing because she's never had a job outside of the home. I do understand Carole's anger though and am willing to cut her some slack since Aviva was being so incredibly nasty and seemed like she was going out of her way to offend. 

I don't really understand Ramona's irritation at Heather's defense of Carole. Ramona expects her friends to defend her when it comes to Housewife drama (she especially expects loyalty from Sonja), but for some reason she can't understand why Heather is defending Carole over Bookgate? I don't really buy the idea that she was simply confused as to why Heather brought up the subject because that's the way these shows work and Ramona is a long time veteran so she knows the deal. 

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"You are NOT a well-wisher!" has got to be the most hilarious put-down in history. You are not a thumbs-upper! You are not a break-a-legger (ironic!)! You are not a hail-fellow-well-metter! You are not pretty-blank-card-with-a-handwritten-encouraging-message-inside-sender! You are not a sympathetic-shoulder-squeezer! You are not a you-go-girler!

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I didn't get a jealous vibe from Carole regarding Luann at all.

Neither did I, in fact I more got that Carole was annoyed that Luann was sort of fangirling about the fact that Carole was a real princess whereas the Countess was sort of not. 

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Neither did I, in fact I more got that Carole was annoyed that Luann was sort of fangirling about the fact that Carole was a real princess whereas the Countess was sort of not.

I just got straight up immaturity. I agree that Carol wasn't jealous of Luanne so much as she just found her annoying. Her way of dealing with that however was straight out of the Jr High mean girl play book. You don't click with someone (because I'm sorry, that's all it was. Luanne wasn't doing anything more than being annoying) so you mock them at dinner in front of everyone? And you don't stop until you drive her away from the table? And then in your TH you recap it with a smug little "ain't I a stinker?" grin on your face? That is so shitty. And she NEVER really apologized for it. We all have our less than stellar moments, but say I'm sorry! The only time as an adult I ever came close to pulling something like that I apologized. That's the thing that gets to me about Carol, she's not a nice person but she thinks she is. She's like Piper from Orange Is The New Black.

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