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Party Down South 2: Season 1 Discussion

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A bunch of try-hards, IMO. But slightly entertaining, so I'll keep watching. I think they keep trying too hard to both BE like the old crew AND separate themselves as different and "better".

Ashton gets on my nerves. "But I called diiiiiibs!" Raven was right, this ain't middle school. At the same time, kinda shitty to go after Ashton's new crush, even if the girl crushes on someone if they breathe in her direction.

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PDS2 really misses a "Daddy."  There needs to be a really smart guy who can snark on everything.  I didn't see a whole lot of humor and I saw zero irony being played out with a wink.  The original cast liked each other from the jump.  There was some genuine Southern pride.  This new bunch seem to be a bunch of fame whores seeking debauchery for debauchery's sake.   It is sad that the original cast is pretty much doing the same thing now.


The one thing that absolutely made this premiere stand out - and that should be seriously studied by PhDs - is how willing the dads seemed to be about their daughters taking part in this mess of a show.  What on earth?!!!!  Seriously?  One of the alltime skeeve factors I have ever witnessed on TV.  Urging your daughter to chug moonshine?  Just wow.  

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he one thing that absolutely made this premiere stand out - and that should be seriously studied by PhDs - is how willing the dads seemed to be about their daughters taking part in this mess of a show.  What on earth?!!!!  Seriously?  One of the alltime skeeve factors I have ever witnessed on TV.  Urging your daughter to chug moonshine?  Just wow.

Amen.  When they were showing some previews and such I was saying wow I bet their parents are going to be proud...uh...oh wait....they ARE proud.  I found that disturbing.


I'll probably watch it but yeah they all seem to be trying too hard.  


I'm only watching basis I'm waiting for the new season with the old kiddos. These kids just don't have the same feel for me. I was interested in the original cast from jump, this cast is alternately boring and thirsty.

I will say I did like Bradley holding Raven's hair for her because he knows how much she values her hair. And I didn't blame him to saying they are just friends because he told her before not to catch feelings. OTOH, the way he's playing the girls against each other (to be fair, they are dumbasses for letting him) isn't cool either. All three are playing games, so there will be plenty of hurt feelings over the season. Ravens playing the sexy card, Bradley has the I'm torn but just wanna have fun" card, and Ashton's is the "I'm innocent and vulnerable, but not THAT innocent" card. I kinda hope Raven goes back to Tommy and just steps back from Bradley. Unfortunately, I don't think Ashtonwill learn until she is played hard & realizes it.

I sure hope the other people in the house get more airtime going forward because we've barely seen them so far.

The crew completely lacks the charm of the original cast so they are off my DVR. However, before I go, I must say that I think Raven should do something about that disgusting mess of hair. She's determined to keep it long and bleached, but it's so damaged that all she can do is jam it up in that weird bun. Either that or let it whip around while she's drunk in a bar, which I think she thinks is sexy. That mess looks like it has bugs living in it.

Edited by pasdetrois
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I can't even with these people. How old are they supposed to be- college age? In my whole life, I've only known one person as pathetic as Ashton - she was 200lbs and couldn't understand why guys always went for her more attractive friends, and her personality was as unattractive as the outer shell. Whiny/ nasty/ stage 5 clinger. Leave the boy alone, for Christ on a cracker.


Karynda, Tommy, Magan, and Grizzly Adams... The rest can GTFO

CMT needs to fire whomever cast this mess.


The best moments are when the Beach Club guys treat them with complete disdain (which is always) and simply order them to do their dang jobs.  When is the last time you saw any employer daaaaaare dismiss a doctor's note?  'Twas a beeee-yootiful thang to watch.

I still don't like any of these people. I tried. The three girls that wiped their leg on a hot exhaust pipe? Yeah. You get a burn. Who doesn't know this at their age? And um, get a note to NOT work, in the ocean water? Dumb. That water will heal that burn better than Silverdene. Hush your mouths and bless your hearts. And wash your hair.

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I am finally all caught up with this show. I got a little bit behind when we went on a vacation at the beginning of the month.  I didn't want to ruin any episodes so I can finally comment! The first episode was pretty boring to me, but I continued to watch and it got better. I wish I would have kept the first one on my DVR so I could rewatch now.


First of all, I feel like I only really know Raven, Ashton, and Bradley. Who are the others? We finally got to know Tommy, Magan, and Karyln (?) this episode a little bit.


Raven's hair...what is under than bandana? I'd love to see her hair brushed out with nothing in it. 


Curious what is wrong with Ashton, I am guessing just dehydration from drinking the night before...guess we have to wait until the next one!


All I keep thinking during this show is, who is going to clean up the house? They destroy it! The yard must be a disaster from the slip n slide.

Edited by CourtneyCourt
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I'm not liking this season at all.  The boys aren't that cute (ESPECIALLY Brad), and that little trick Raven needs the bitch slapped out of her.  I have had some major hangovers in my life, but I never ended up in the ER. Even at Ashton's age I knew no matter how sick I was, I had to down water in between episodes.  When did kids get so dang ignorant????

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Another Bradley centric episode. I was laughing at Tommy's little double date fiasco :) They are such lazy workers for such an easy job! Bradley hitting on the boss's daughter was also hilarious.


I find myself liking the show more and more every week though!


Why can't these people put some sheets on their beds? I get so skeeved out watching them sleep on mattresses!

Edited by CourtneyCourt

Overall, I enjoyed this season. The cast grew on me. The last episode was good, any idea what happened with Bradley and Raven? They post pics together so I imagine they stayed together.


I knew when Pat wanted them all to come to work he had something planned for them. Pat was great! 


Are they using the same house for the first cast?

Edited by CourtneyCourt

When the first cast had their first reunion, it was obvious that Maddie and Little Bit weren't friends anymore.  It was obvious last night that the Trashy Barbie and Bradley Luvvvvv Story was over.  Once real life sets in, (just like the Bachelor/Bachelorette), the fairy tale love stories/friendships are over! Probably due to footage and interviews being seen for the first time.....

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