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"M-ld-r, -t's m-": The X-Files Hangman Game

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Switching things around a bit, this exchange contains a (IMO) terribly clunky line in an otherwise great ep.



----, -- ---'-- ------- --- -- ----- ------ -- -- ----'- ----- --, - ---'- ---- ---.


- --. --, --, -- ------ -- --- --- ----- -- --- -----, - --------- ----- ---- -- -------- -- -- ---- ---------- ---. - ----- -- -------- ---- ---- -- -------- ----.

Yep.  Makes sense now, LOL.


Switching things around a bit, this exchange contains a (IMO) terribly clunky line in an otherwise great ep.


----, -- ---'-- ---t--- --- -- ----- t----- -- t- ---t'- ----- --, - ---'t ---- ---.


- --. --, --, -- ------ -- --- t-- ----- -- t-- -----, - --------- ----t t--- --- ---t---- t- -- --t- ---------- ---. - t---- -t -------- ---- ---t -- -------- ----.


Christmas shopping:  T

Christmas shopping:

Switching things around a bit, this exchange contains a (IMO) terribly clunky line in an otherwise great ep.


----, -- ---'-- ---t-n- --- -- ----- th---- -- t- -h-t'- ---n- -n, - --n't h--- -n-.


- --. -n, --, -n ------ -- --- th- ----n -n th- -----, - --------- ----t th-- h-- -n-th-n- t- -- --th --n--n---- ---. - th-n- -t -n------ ---- ---t -- --h--n-- ----.


Christmas shopping:  THN

Christmas shopping:

"Clunky" is not really the right word, but I couldn't find a way to get across what I think of this line.  Baffling, out of character, and mean-spirited, perhaps?  I just really hate it.



Switching things around a bit, this exchange contains a (IMO) terribly clunky line in an otherwise great ep.


-e--, -- ---'-e ---t-n- --- -- -s--- the--- -s t- -h-t's ---n- -n, - --n't h--e -ne.


- --. -n, --, -n -e---- -- --- the ---en -n the -----, - se----s-- ----t th-s h-- -n-th-n- t- -- --th --nsens--- se-. - th-n- -t -n----e- s--e s--t -- --h--n-- ---e.


Christmas shopping:  THNES

Christmas shopping:

We--, i- ---'-e waitin- --- m- -s-a- the--- as t- what's --in- -n, I --n't ha-e -ne.


I --. -n, -h, -n -e-a-- -- a-- the w-men -n the w----, I se-i--s-- ----t this ha- an-thin- t- -- with --nsens--- se-. I thin- it in----e- s-me s--t -- --h--n-- -a-e.


Christmas shopping:  THNESAWIM

Christmas shopping:


Missed an 'H' earlier.

Edited by Taryn74

We--, i- -o-'-e waitin- -o- m- -s-a- theo-- as to what's -oin- on, I don't ha-e one.


I do. On, -h, on -eha-- o- a-- the women in the wo--d, I se-io-s-- do--t this has an-thin- to do with -onsens-a- se-. I thin- it in-o--ed some so-t o- -oh--no- -a-e.


Christmas shopping:  THNESAWIMOD

Christmas shopping:


Missed more letters. Apparently updating half-asleep, heh.

Oh, I get it now (duh, finally) -- you wrote out the little "Uh" part that my brain sort of skips over when hearing her say it. 


Well, if you’re waiting for my usual theory as to what’s going on, I don’t have one.


I do.  On, uh, on behalf of all the women in the world, I seriously doubt this has anything to do with consensual sex.  I think it involved some sort of Rohypnol rape.

Edited by Bastet
  • Love 1

Heh, I was going by the transcript, I didn't remember the 'uh' at all.


The part of the line that bothers me is the "on behalf of all the women in the world" thing.  I just thought it was strange that Scully would act like no woman in her right mind would sleep with Eddie.  He was a bit geeky and he definitely needed to learn what constitutes consensual sex, but he wasn't some hideous awful monster.

Scully’s assessment doesn’t bother me since it came not from looking at Eddie, but from listening to him during questioning.


I’ll continue the “Line I don't like from an episode I do” theme (with a line it seems most people do like):


------, ------.  ---- --------‘- -------- -- ----- -- -- ----- -----.  ---‘- ----- -- ---- - --- -- -------- -----.


Redux II:


Edited by Bastet
  • Love 1

Yeah, as soon as I started filling things in, I realized S was a big giveaway for a first letter! 


(My first choice for "quote I don't like from episode I do" was the first Memento Mori voiceover, but just thinking about it in trying to decide where to cut it off made me too cranky to write it out, so I switched.)


---s-n, S-----.  ---- --------‘s n---n--- -s ---n- -- -- ----- -----.  S--‘s ---n- -- ---- - --- -- -------- S---n.


Redux II: S, N


  • Love 1

Prison, Scully.  Your cellmate's nickname is going to be Large Marge.  She's going to read a lot of Gertrude Stein.


Tasteless quote, certainly.  But since it's the only time in nine seasons that we ever see Gillian Anderson break character, I love the moment.

Continuing this theme -


-- ---- - ----- - ---- ------ --- -- --- -----?


--. -------- ---- --- - ---- ----- -----.

Edited by Taryn74
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