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S14.E02: Wise Up

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Not as good as last week, but better than season 13 so that's something.


A-Plot. Miles is a mess. His father is a mess.


I don't think the father-son outing was totally about publicity but knowing his father he probably thought he could get two birds with one stone. The main plot wasn't really resolved except for Mr. Hollingsworth buying his son's love so we have more of this to look forward to but I don't mind since it's pretty good stuff. Maya is butting in, but it's in her character to be concerned about this due to her missing all of Cam's signals. I also liked Zoe and Winston here, shielding Tristan from Miles. The both of them are pretty much over him, I love it. Tristan so was easily bought in by Miles's grand gesture; Frankie's point about Miles and his father being the same went over his head...


B-Plot. Enh, it was there. But I guess they heard all the complaints about Drecky. Dallas was cool here, and...that's about it really. It was just there.


C-Plot. Aw, I liked Zoemund. And kudos for Degrassi for skipping the sexting PSA. I'm really glad they figured out what they're doing with Zoe and not to make it so much like Paige (becoming nice and gaining a "nice" guy so suddenly). Zoe's still Queen Bee and not tied down to a guy, nice. Also liked Grace in her bit here, she seemed more normal instead of an exposition fairy.

Clare/Drew - I couldn't help but laugh when Drew started freaking out, "We'll have to get married, live together! Oh, I hope I can get my job back at the kiosk!" I found it quite silly that he was so easily OK with being written out of the baby's life, and that he was even chipper about it. Even his explanation at the end about always taking the easy way out so he didn't hurt people sounded like bullshit. I blame the writing, though... Drew's behavior felt like set up for Dallas to get pissed at him for ditching his responsibilities. I liked that scene, though, and the one where Dallas consoled Drew. I hope Dallas is an asset to Drew, as well as Jenna to Clare (if Jenna even exists anymore).


I completely agree that it's 100% Clare's decision what to do with the pregnancy because she's the one who has to carry the baby, but I did like that they brought up the father's right to be involved. I hope, if they're definitely decided on having the baby and that they're both going to be involved, that they're more of a united front moving forward because they've got a lot of shit ahead and they need to work together.


Zig/Zoe - OK, so what happened between them during the break?! They were flirty last week but I never expected them to be so sexual right off the bat. Slapping his butt? Wow. I disliked that Zig needed Grace (who seems to only exist to explain things to people) to explain to him how Zoe might feel about the sexting but I did appreciate Zig and Zoe's stances on the topic. Zig didn't want Zoe to feel pressured into sending sexts just because he was getting them from other girls, and Zoe affirmed that she consented to sending the photo and refuses to be a victim forever. I do worry that Zoe being so sexually forward is going to be a problem in the future... of course, I agree that she shouldn't hide away and that it's healthy to take back her power, but it might blow up in her face.


As for the cheer team stuff... I can't stand the bitchy cheerleader thing, so I'm not thrilled that Zoe's the HBIC, snapping her fingers and being mean to the other girls. She's powertripping so hard.


Miles - My heart broke for Miles when he thought his dad actually wanted to bond with him and was showing him affection (which clearly surprised him). Miles Sr.'s sentiment, that they needed to work on their relationship, was so valid, yet he was insincere about it. I wasn't expecting Miles Sr. to show immediate remorse after hurting Miles, so I guess that means that was a new element in their relationship, that it had never gotten physical between them before. I've been wanting some Hollingsworth sibling interaction so I was super happy to see all three of them together. The twins seem completely over Miles but I hope they'll eventually be made aware of the depths of things (I wonder if one of them will catch it happening, or if they'll stop heaping blame on him long enough for him to open up about it). It seems Miles is closer to his mom, if he was looking to talk to her... I'm curious what that conversation would have been like had Miles Sr. hadn't showed up and bought him off.


That last scene with Miles in front of the school was so strange... we've seen Cool Guy!Miles before and that wasn't him. He seemed very controlled, monotone and dead behind the eyes. I'm not sure if it was because his dad getting physical scared the shit out of him, if he's resolved to milk his dad for all he's worth, or what. Whatever's going on, it was very well acted. I'm glad Maya's somewhat tuned into what's going on (their locker room scene was very nice and was probably the best and most productive conversation they ever had) because I'm not sure that he'll let Tristan in on the madness yet, so he has no one on his side. But I'm very much looking forward to the day Tristan learns what's going on, and I hope he steps up to the plate.

Well, that episode was pretty lame. Everything about Zig grates, from the fact that he never wears sleeves to the fact that he just seems like a moron. I find it a little surprising and weird how casual Degrassi is with the idea of underage kids sending each other naked photos. Snapchat didn't exist when I was in high school, but the casualness with which they gloss over the idea that girls do this is a little unsettling. They made it sound like tons of girls send Zig naked pics as an introduction, which is... weird. I see Zoe's point about her being a victim of nonconseual sexual harrassment doesn't mean she ceases have sexual interests she can choose to partake in, but it's very hard to root for her overall, even if she makes a valid point. Zig was also right to be mindful of it, even if he's a dumbass and Grace had to connect the dots for him. The thing with Zoe is, I see empathy is still beyond her as treats the other cheerleaders like peons.


I don't think I could be less interested in Clare and Drew's baby drama -- as a general rule, I hate baby storylines -- but I like that Drew and Dallas are responding to the situation in a pretty level-headed, decent way. That's all I can take away from that.


The episode was really about Miles and I have to say, I like how ambiguous this is. I still really think he isn't gay and this is all just a manipulative ploy to annoy his dad, which the episode did hint at for the first time in this storyline. It's also just as possible he is gay and annoying his dad is just a side perk. After all, if he wanted to annoy his dad, there is no shortage of ways he could do that without kissing a guy. We may be seeing the beginnings of a Maya/Miles reunion, which will be a major drama love triangle situation with Tristan. Sounds fun.


This episode didn't have many great lines or moments, except one: I really appreciate that when Miles started to walk into the school at the end of the episode after parking along the curb, Tristan said "Are you just going to leave it there?" Hah. That is such a TV trope that people park in front of buildings and leave it there, despite that not being the place to park cars.

Edited by Falafel

I liked this episode. I both love and loathe Zoey, and that's great, because that means she's a complex character. I love that she knows who she is, and that she still knows how to be confident and own her sexuality despite her past traumas.  Zig was very sweet after his talk with Grace, and I expected Zoey to take him back, but I was pleasantly surprised that she shot him down. 


Grace needs to become a main character. I love her wisdom, not to mention her gothy/rocker style.


I hurt for Miles. How sad that he wants his father's love so desperately, but all his father will throw at him is money, material possessions, and a side of emotional manipulation. This is all going to end in a huge mess. 


With the Clew baby storyline...I hate baby storylines, but I liked seeing things from the male perspective.  Drew was freaking out, weighing his options. The decision of whether or not to have the baby is out of his hands, so the only thing he can decide is whether or not he's going to be in the picture.  I loved his talks with Dallas; Dallas is a great supporting character. 

Did anyone else catch the irony (or was it symbolism) of Simpson's voice over the PA system saying, "Take a moment to memorize your fire exits" as Drew was agonizing over his baby daddy options?


If Power Cheer needs to raise funds so badly they should take a cue from Darcy and sell pictures of themselves online.  They're already halfway there with Zoe and her sexting, and it would be a nice callback, what with Darcy's little sis being knocked up and all.  


I think that by now Miles is wise to what Hollingsworth's up to and ready to milk the situation - what kid that age would turn down [game show announcer voice] "a brand new CAR!!" 

Did anyone else catch the irony (or was it symbolism) of Simpson's voice over the PA system saying, "Take a moment to memorize your fire exits" as Drew was agonizing over his baby daddy options?


I did hear that but I connected it to the fire that's going to happen some time in the future (as shown in the beginning of Smells Like Teen Spirit). It got me thinking that I should start paying attention to what's said on the intercom, might be useful information, heh.

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I did hear that but I connected it to the fire that's going to happen some time in the future (as shown in the beginning of Smells Like Teen Spirit). It got me thinking that I should start paying attention to what's said on the intercom, might be useful information, heh.



I'm sure you're right; it's foreshadowing.  I just thought it was (probably unintentionally) funny because at that point Drew was looking for a way out of his situation and here comes Snake's omniscient, disembodied voice telling him to memorize the fire exits.

This episode wasn't as good as last weeks, but it had it's moments. 


I think what I liked (I was seriously tensing up for Daddy Miles to beat up Miles) when he pushed him hard into the painting - both were equally freaked out. (Actually, i'd say Daddy Miles was more freaked out than MIles). then he bought the car. This can only bring trouble. 


I do find it very weird that everything that happened to Zoe last season (and how it all blew up in her face at the trial), that she thought sending naked photos of herself was a good idea, then she states 'She's tired of being judged' Everyone gets judged. It's sad, but true! But seriously.... i'm not ... getting her. 


Clare irks, as usual. 

If Power Cheer needs to raise funds so badly they should take a cue from Darcy and sell pictures of themselves online.  They're already halfway there with Zoe and her sexting, and it would be a nice callback, what with Darcy's little sis being knocked up and all.  

The previews for next week's episode suggest that you're onto something here.

I'm already tired of the pregnancy storyline. And seriously, where's Jenna and why isn't Clare asking her for advice? Has she disappeared to wherever Dave went last season?

I liked Maya's chat with Miles in the boys' locker room. It felt like a return to the relatively level-headed Maya who doesn't care what people think of her. Remember the Maya who threw the chicken cutlet thingy at Owen's head? I liked that girl.

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Do girls nowadays dress up like Clare does for school?  Teen shows generally showcase dressier wardrobes on their casts, but she doesn't look stylish exactly either like the girls on Pretty Little Liars -- she seems dressed like a 45 year old newly ready to find work in an ad agency after having taken  time off to raise her kids.  I find her wardrobe sort of strange to look at. The other girls like Allie and Drew's girlfriend  and Zoe also are more "dressed up" but they still look young  and what I assume would be considered stylish among younger people -- Claire just looks odd to me in her wardrobe. 

Edited by bantering
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I'm not sure why Degrassi decided to build the show around the Hollingsworth family but I will say that it's nice to see a family dynamic again. We've gotten a lot of false starts throughout the years. Also, Miles is an idiot for thinking his dad was just not going to punish him with no ulterior motive.


Still loving Zig and Zoe. There's something so sweet about the way he got that big growth spurt and tries to act cool but at times he acts in just the same goofy, boyish way as he did before the growth spurt. He's like a little kid in an adult body. Like a big puppy. I'm not sure the sexting thing makes sense. How would that many girls have his number and why would they just randomly be sending those kinds of pictures without any provocation or reciprocation (not of pictures but of attention)?


Still not into the pregnancy thing but I do like the idea of bringing in Dallas who... oh, yeah, has some perspective on this situation. 


Why is Drew sometimes super responsible and other times an incredible screw up? Even though she's decided to keep the baby, Clare is still thinking of this whole thing in a rather... indifferent way. 


I just don't find Miles' drama with his father that compelling right now. And it's not ridiculous enough to be unintentionally hilarious.


And we're back to Grace as sounding board. Will she ever have her own plotline? Her own desires? Her own relationships? Is this plotline supposed to be something about Snapchat? I can't be bothered to keep up with all the new social media apps. 


No, Zoe! Not that you should sext to begin with but why would you send one with your face in it?


Hopefully we finally address how screwed up Miles is and how nothing in his relationship with Maya was every truly healthy. I feel like these issues have not been addressed for a very long time.


Ugh, go away, Maya. It's not all about you.


I love that Zoe has a herd following her. I'm also interested in seeing a character who really owns her sexuality. They've backtracked on Zoe a few times but I think she really has potential and the writers seem to have discovered it.


Wait. Hold up. How long have Drew and Becky been a couple? Maybe I'd buy it if he were saying these things to Bianca but this is some nonsense.


Normally, I'd be like, cool, take a break from guys, but Zoe and Zig is one of the best things on the show right now. Don't ruin this for me, Degrassi!


LOL. Miles trying to act cool and Maya being upset with his relationship with Tristan. OK. You got me back, Degrassi. But I want a Zoe/Zig reconciliation pronto.

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