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S02.E05: The Front

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I kept waiting for Robert Langdon to pop up.

That is a hilarious comparison ;).

BTW, my husband just watched the episode, and he noticed that Glenn said he found the girl partly "because of an FBI search" or words to that effect. So when Red asked Aram to check, he wittingly or not helped Glenn.

Any bets on whether Red knew this would happen? ;) Moreover, did he guess that Aram would tell Liz, setting her up to see her reaction? Sneaky devil.

A couple of posts have mentioned how subtle the writers are - implying the writers are good and have a cohesive sense of plot - at least to me.


I disagree.  I find the plotting incomprehensible and silly, not subtle.  There seems to be little cohesion from episode to episode, perhaps I mean continuity, not sure.


I think the main problem is that TPTB haven't laid out a clear plot line nor have they defined the characters (except for Spader, but I think he kind'a took control there).


I appreciate that some people are really involved in the show, but I just can't get into it - the entire plot, such as it is, seems disjointed and not focused.


I would be really surprised if the writers and the show runner(s) have any idea what the story is for the rest of the season.  If you have no idea where your story is going how can you get to the end in a way that has watchers/readers involved and caring about the story you are telling.


And, of course the lack luster acting by all involved EXCEPT SPADER (love the guy and would love to share a drink at the local watering hole with him) doesn't help.  He is conducting a master class on how superb acting (and more than a bit of scene chewing) can trump bad plotting and writing.

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A couple of posts have mentioned how subtle the writers are - implying the writers are good and have a cohesive sense of plot - at least to me.


I disagree.  I find the plotting incomprehensible and silly, not subtle.  There seems to be little cohesion from episode to episode, perhaps I mean continuity, not sure.


I'm the one who mentioned subtlety...I didn't mean it as a positive. I took the word at its face value, meaning there's something faint you can see although you really have to look to find it. It can be a good trait, but here, it's not.


I actually agree a lot with what you're saying. I'm just of the opinion that I think there are a lot of great stories this show could tell if it bothered to actually tell them instead of simply dropping hints all the time. I think this ties into what you're saying, because at this point, it seems like the show is dropping hints of storylines all over the place because it can't decide on the storylines they want to go with, so they're hoping that by starting all these mysteries they'll eventually find one that sticks, with the hope that we won't notice the onces that don't. Problem is, we do.

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A couple of posts have mentioned how subtle the writers are - implying the writers are good and have a cohesive sense of plot - at least to me. I disagree....

As teenagers my friends and I lazed around all summer watching "The Young & the Restless", "General Hospital", and "All My Children". We'd three-way call each other to gossip about the characters, backstories, and plot twists. It didn't even matter that we'd missed three-fourths of the plots during the school year. We thought the shows were campy and unrealistic, but we studied hard to deserve this summertime junk/luxury. Soap operas were a grown-up equivalent to Saturday morning cartoons, but better because they were on every day!

For me this is another guilty pleasure, a ludicrous action-suspense soap with an unusually compelling character. Didn't the producer call the show a fantasy or wish-fulfillment? Someone earlier compared it to "Miami Vice".

. And where is Lizzie getting fat stacks of Benjies to pay her stunt double ? That had to be a several thousand dollars she paid her with.

This. But I guess it will be revealed later along with the door, and the keys, etc.

It also bugs me that Harold walks with a cane and huge limp while Ressler runs to and fro after almost losing his leg not so long ago.

And how is Mossad agent not able to take down a stupid cultie dude? And then he even manages to somehow hold both her hands, while on top of her, reach into his man purse, grab his inhaler, put it up to her face, and spray her, all while she just lies there like a baby?
All that was missing was some mustache twirling exposition.

Finally, Red wouldn't have gotten the key if this group hadn't surfaced and spread the 'plague.'
So I guess it was coincidence? Really? Edited by stacey
fixed quote box
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Can we just have a show with Red, Dembe, Mr. Kaplan, Aram. And of course Ressler running around shirtless as much as possible!

Agreed, though I'd throw in Mr. Vargas too. He's been pretty cool.

Oh, and while we're wading in the shallow end of the pool, if you get Ressler shirtless as much as possible, I want the same for Mozhan Marno. I want some eye candy too you know. :p


And where is Lizzie getting fat stacks of Benjies to pay her stunt double ? That had to be a several thousand dollars she paid her with.

By saving money staying in that nasty motel?


I really wanted a ton of people to get infected only to then have the CDC discover something really mundane, like aspirin, cured it. You know, Day of the Triffids or War of the Worlds style.

By saving money staying in that nasty motel?


I really wanted a ton of people to get infected only to then have the CDC discover something really mundane, like aspirin, cured it. You know, Day of the Triffids or War of the Worlds style.


Well, if you were to book the Motel 6 in Fredericksburg, VA, not far from where Keen works in Quantico, from today (October 25, 2014) to November 21, 2014, it's $990.52, on a military rate. So make that of what you will. It's certainly cheaper than a house, I would think.

So the CDC, the world's premiere authority on contagious diseases, can't deal with this pneumonic plague because it's old. But a bunch of enviro-terrorists not only manage to mass produce it, they also develop a cure that only the boss gets. Riiiiight.

Looks like Lizzie is going to adopt that baby. If the way she treats her dog is any indication, Pee Wee Herman should be handing the baby over to someone else within two episodes.

Catching up - loved these comments.  Lots of good snark up above.


I like the ideas proposed above that Lizzie is somehow related to Berlin.  I'm going to run (ok, maybe walk quickly) with this new speculation to the So Red's her father thread.


ETA: Not sure why Aram is so popular on the boards.  Is it only because he is competent?  The Mossad woman is the best supporting character on the FBI side, in my opinion.  

Edited by ToxicUnicorn

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