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Just now, Spartan Girl said:

Francine’s long nails were just gross.

"See that bodybuilder woman over there? I'm gonna tickle her." Was worth the gross B-plot.

Also that she wasn't the only one growing long fingernails. Seriously, the Guinness Book of Records is known for three records, and one of them is the longest fingernails guy.

  • LOL 1

I liked that Roger was able to just catch a fly at the restaurant. 

Have we seen Steve in a while? He hasn't been in any plots. 

We haven't gotten just a Jeff/Hayley A plot. Roger wasn't wrong about them needing friends. 

I always love the SubHub callbacks. 

This was a cool Mindhunter reference. I really liked that show on Netflix. 

On 9/11/2023 at 8:33 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Man, Jeff might be the most tragic character on American Dad: crap dad, friends all dead, and he’s the family butt monkey. Poor guy. Good thing he always looks on the bright side of life.

Is the Sinbad plot canon? They never callback. He's got that. 

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On 9/11/2023 at 8:35 PM, Galileo908 said:

Seriously, the Guinness Book of Records is known for three records, and one of them is the longest fingernails guy.

I don't know where this comes from though because what are you doing if you're growing the fingernails? To make money to live. Telemarketing? You're certainly not in the service industry. Writer? You can't type. Mailman? 

Here's real life. My first question I think is all our question. 

  • Mind Blown 1

Orange: the shittiest color. It's about time it got Dadded.

I honestly love that there's an actual conspiracy between the Smiths, Greg, and Tuttle to drive away any new neighbors. They even got rid of the Memaris! Loved the bit with the cauldrons. Was not expecting it to end with everyone getting high on cocaine and invading a frame store, and then Roger blowing up the neighbor's house while riding a meteor. I just laughed so hard at this.

Roger's plot was so stupid, but I laughed at all of it.

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I was so hoping they’d have a “Don’t You Be My Neighbor” song to go along with the title and it didn’t disappoint.

Francine is all about wanting new neighbors until they won’t drink, then she’s ready to join the secret neighbor-hating club lol. 

Every time I think Roger’s personas can’t get any weirder, he starts playing inanimate objects.

Just now, Galileo908 said:

Was not expecting it to end with everyone getting high on cocaine and invading a frame store, and then Roger blowing up the neighbor's house while riding a meteor. I just laughed so hard at this.

So did I. The only way the characters in this show can get crazier is when they’re coked out. 😂😂😂😂

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Orange. True. I would have also eaten all the bleu cheese. 

I liked the Two Towers cauldron gag. 

That was a great take on Mister Rogers with the song. Great work by Rachel and right to licking the car.

I add water to the eggs. They did a bit on that on The Mentalist of all places. 

Wow the whole coked gang was wild. Roger's personas typically don't merge with the A plot. This was a great ender. The line reading of 'missedthepool' killed. 




  • Love 1

Wow, this was like a Twilight Zone episode, complete with the mind-screw in the third act. And it was all Francine’s panic attack.

I don’t know what made me laugh harder: Klaus saying Jared Leto is his enemy, or the way he asked that dog if he could sniff her butthole.

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • LOL 1

I, too, thought Gary Gogo was gonna be another Roger persona.

Small talk about what I'm up to is the absolute worst, I'm right there with Francine. Hell, people liking me and having expectations of me is probably even worse. I was not expecting the whole episode to have been one giant panic attack, but I like how it turned out. I've been there. Weird Francine episodes tend to be really good ones.

Loved Klaus's little PJs. We also got more Buckle, Delmonaco, and Jaspartanian! And an update on Jeff and Barry's project!

Just now, Spartan Girl said:

Wow, this was like a Twilight Zone episode, complete with the mind-screw in the third act. And it was all Francine’s panic attack.

Twilight Zone.

Just now, Spartan Girl said:

I don’t know what made me laugh harder: Klaus saying Jared Leto is his enemy, or  the way he asked that dog if he could sniff her butthole.

Getting splenda packets "for the road for Jurgen" was line of the night for me.

  • Like 1

Francine strangling a peacock tracks. 

I thought Roger was going to be Gary Gogo too. 

Always great to be on Morning Mimosa too. 

On 9/25/2023 at 8:31 PM, Spartan Girl said:

I don’t know what made me laugh harder: Klaus saying Jared Leto is his enemy, or the way he asked that dog if he could sniff her butthole.

Are you saying that you normally sniff dog butthole, but that's not the proper way to ask? 

On 9/25/2023 at 8:32 PM, Galileo908 said:

Twilight Zone.

cc had it TwilightZONE


  • LOL 2

“Multiverse of Dadness” indeed…although this felt more like a spoof of Everything Everywhere All At Once, which of course was a far superior movie, but either way I loved this episode. All the universes were nuts…and a South Park universe?! Lmaoooooo.

All the Lewises made me laugh so hard. Of course our Lewis would corrupt Revenge Lewis by educating him on porn and drugs. Having Shaggy be the one that stole Lewis’ wife just to use the “it wasn’t me” line? GOLD. And Exposition Lewis showing up to randomly explain stuff lol.

It so figures Steve hooks up with a female Snot variant.

See even the American Dad writers are better than the idiots that wrote Avengers Endgame, because they point out that replacing your loved ones with variants is NOT the same thing as having your version back. So take that Steve Rogers!

”I’ll move to France! It worked for Polanski!” 💀💀💀💀💀

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • LOL 1

Oh man, Infinite American Dads! Honestly, some of those intros should've been the original one. So the show pulls a Rick & Morty and has an Evil Steve killing all the other Steves to absorb their Steveness to become The Ultimate Steve. And then (our) Principal Lewis runs him over. As someone also named Steve, this was pretty disorienting. 

So some of the Christmas episodes and a few other episodes (I'm assuming the Tearjerker ones) are all separate universes.

Loved Vengeance Lewis and Exposition Lewis interacting with Principal Lewis. Honestly tickled that Vengeance Lewis's universe didn't have drugs, porn, or STDs. And it was all a setup to quote the Shaggy song. Love it.

Loved seeing Reggie again, and the 4:3 American Dad (with Roger wanting Pecan Sandies)

Got a big laugh out of Francine eating Steve's ashes. 

9 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

See even the American Dad writers are better than the idiots that wrote Avengers Endgame, because they point out that replacing your loved ones with variants is NOT the same thing as having your version back. So take that Steve Rogers!

I mean, it was also one of the lessons in Guardians of The Galaxy 3!

Edited by Galileo908
  • Like 1
7 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Honestly, the only thing this episode was missing was a Bullock variant. Or several.

Absolutely. But all the Lewises was a good consolation prize. I love Exposition Lewis. I was expecting to see a White Lewis considering we saw a few Black Steves.

Also, the Keith David character had red skin for some reason and never explained.

10 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

It so figures Steve hooks up with a female Snot variant.

Still voiced by Curtis Armstrong not changing the voice. And in a universe where babies love stress and wine? Roger would love it there!

Line of the night was "Gwen rarely comes to visit and Stan's brother is barely even canon."

Edited by Galileo908
  • Like 2

American Dad Halloween episodes are just as fun as the Christmas ones. And you can’t go wrong with an homage to Scooby Doo, especially with Jeff and Klaus as Shaggy and Scooby. Those two really are great together.

”Old Man Bullock?!” ”Old Man?! Fuck you!” NEVER leave us, Patrick Stewart. And I love Bullock imagining himself as different hot actors in the flashbacks.

They even managed to throw Roger’s London subplot in less than two minutes and it was priceless.

  • Like 2
8 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

”Old Man Bullock?!” ”Old Man?! Fuck you!” NEVER leave us, Patrick Stewart. And I love Bullock imagining himself as different hot actors in the flashbacks.

The spitting image of Henry Cavill!

Yeah, this was totally a fun one tonight. Scooby-Doo parodies are done to death, but I loved this take on it. We even got some new Scott Grimes songs out of it!

Loved Klaus's pile of old, unread New Yorkers that stretched to the ceiling.

9 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

They even managed to throw Roger’s London subplot in less than two minutes and it was priceless.

He wasn't even in the show! He was the fifth understudy! That was the best part.

  • Like 2

I love that the family hated their trip to Gettysburg. 

Out of all things for the family to be outraged by, it's Klaus replacing a cheap, cardboard picture frame with a nice one. 

"And roses?! My favorite old lady smell!" 

Was not expecting this episode to be centered around Dick, and he's pathetic the same way Klaus is. And then they become squatters. And Klaus STILL burnt down the house in the end. Love it.

I knew Tall Jeremy was real. I mean, it's a world where Santa and Humbaba exist, of course he'd be real, too, and be able to see through Roger's persona.

  • Like 1

I'm disappointed that Jack Hardass wasn't Roger. Instead he tried to be the magic walls from Encanto. I just love that the Smiths trying to act normal just kept failing so spectacularly. And then the REAL Jack Hardass showed up. Was NOT expecting the Hobbit actors to be the one that kidnapped Steve.

Stan's come a long way from thinking Elvish is the Jewish Elvis, and now buys LOTR props to flip to collectors. It was great seeing Buckle again and his lack of an inside voice.

"Pernicious Boyd has my Precious Boy and wants My Precious, boy!"

  • LOL 1

Wow after all this time, they finally continued the “Jeff lost his hat” plot. And it ends rather anticlimactically.

Can’t believe we saw Roger’s home planet again. If I had a nickel for every time Roger got a human imprisoned and then killed on his home planet, I’d have two nickels, which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it’s happened twice. (Yeah, Jeff was resurrected but still)

  • Like 1

We finally got to see the saga of Jeff's new hat! 

Loved all the old callbacks on top of THAT. Morning Mimosa! Shoutouts to Regananomics Lambourghini, Twill Ogenbone, and Ricky Spanish (everyone waiting for the whisper killed me)! Roger being on the run from the CIA (and that he has several personas that hang out with and/or had sex with Bullock)! All the old clips but with the guy in the Roger suit! 

I was dying at Audit Dogs. "We're making The Wire, but good!" And I loved everything about Stan and Roger making plans while getting drunk on mimosas. And then they went to a taping of Morning Mimosa. Then drank more mimosas.

Also, Roger's species eats humans. That's certainly new. Odd that it never came up in Lost in Space. (But it does explain why Jeff was the only human there)


  • Like 2

Completely wild episode.

So it's the clothes that make Roger's personas work. Makes just as much sense as anything. Weird, since Stan needed a Roger suit to wear under them. I was dying at Roger's Kohl's Cash Cab. 

We got callbacks to Vince Chung, the ep where Steve had boobs, and Bar Mitzvah Hustle! AND Toshi got to speak!

XXXX Tavern looked exactly like Moe's but with a different sign. And interior.

  • Like 2

The blackboard had all sorts of great gags - but2, t n a, 420, 69/x. 

I never thought the personas worked on everyone! I'm surprised they haven't thought of that before. I don't get how their personas worked on Klaus and Hayley though. They should have seen right through them. 

I would have shopped at Kohls. 

  • Like 1
  • Love 1

Got a giant laugh out of Stan not getting out of bed for the theme song and everyone waiting for him. I love how he lost all his money investing in, of all things, porn pogs. And I got an even bigger laugh out of the image of Stan's caved in face. The taped up face was slightly more horrifying to look at.

Man, Hayley's selling out by pushing snake oil armadillo arthritis medicine onto doctors for Big Pharm. And taking it attracts bears, coyotes, and komodo dragons.

I loved the chimputees, and that one showed up at the end.

  • Like 1

Wow, that episode was tight and packed with gags. Every plot point got picked up with a rare Frannie/Hayley plot coinciding with Stan. The show is still genuinely good, but this script was something else. 

They riffed off the theme. Roger didn't have anything for a costume, so he just put on garbage; the photographer even called him garbage lady. Frannie and Hayley get tarted up with a wild montage; Stan's montage was even wilder. The captions were brilliant - One was for the cast of Goonies with Stan just in an office presentation. Even at the end Frannie knew Stan was 'all over the internet'. 

Then there was the running gag of all the ways to say money, and Frannie just mispronounced a bunch of words for no reason. 

Perfect song that fits both plots! And the chimp joke pays off at the end! The name of the drug was perfect, and the commercial was dead on. That was like a Saturday Night Live commercial. 

Porn pogs doesn't actually sound like a bad idea. I wouldn't sink my money in it, and you'd probably want to trade them digitally, not real objects. 

  • Like 1

This year’s Christmas episode: Stan makes a deal with Santa just so that he can give cooler presents than Steve.

Stan really should’ve known better at this point than to trust Santa. Although it was funny that they bonded over their shared hatred of millennials.

Man, the Jingleverse CGI was freaky. The ugly animation style reminds me of some crappy Christmas special from years back.

Yeah, compared to the family’s other Christmases, this was pretty good. For them, anyway.


Edited by Spartan Girl
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"There, you happy? Loud Man like variety."

So Klaus is canonically 58? That tracks.

We've had a "Stan can't deal with Steve becoming a man and overtaking him," but this time combined with his intensity towards Christmas. We even got a new Scott Grimes song out of it.

I knew Nice Santa couldn't be trusted. Oh, THIS was the virtual world that's been in the trailer. Love that Hayley's model was just Matrix code. I appreciated the show taking advantage of Roger's super speed to get to the North Pole quickly.

Gotta love Klaus and Rogu saving the day. And everyone having to smell Stan's nog farts the whole way home.

4 minutes ago, Spartan Girl said:

Man, the Jingleverse CGI was freaky. The ugly animation style reminds me of some crappy Christmas special from years back.

Honestly, I would've died if this was the last line of the episode: 


Edited by Galileo908
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22 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

We even got a new Scott Grimes song out of it.

Did you mean Grimes singing a new song? Because that was from Wham! in the mid 80s. It's a real song. 

I think the plot took way too long to get to the Jingleverse and didn't spend enough time in there. We didn't need half the first act since it was all set up for the VHS tape. They really could have done a mad Family Guy chicken fight with Stan and Santa. 


  • Like 1

Hooray, we’re back!

It was fun to see Stan and Francine get caught up in a hypothetical heist at the grocery store bank. Of course they decide to carry it out for real and of course that Detective Turlington gets involved. And the whole grocery store winds up destroyed without them getting their loot.

I would’ve liked a more Halloween themed episode. Guess I’ll have to settle for the Christmas one later on.

  • Like 2

"I love seeing a wolf after robbing a bank."

Man, this was a good one. Loved Stan, Francine, and Roger going all in on the fake heist, and being suspicious with each other, then they actually did the heist and wiped their memories. Loved seeing all the named characters going crazy over the money, like Sky Crooner.

It was good to see Turlington again! Loved his delivery of "MY KEYS ARE IN THERE!!"

Steve brought up that Francine's parents haven't been on this show in years. And he's the only one that cares.


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Where can I find a grocery store with a bar?
In that first sepia flashback Roger was dressed up as John Cazale in Dog Day Afternoon. 

Risky to have the InstaShopper get the flour because he could get the wrong bag. I was saying the same thing about the rice until Stan flatly stated 'broownnn rice!'. 

I didn't guess where the money was. It was so obvious.



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“The Brown Lotus”

Jeff really would do anything for Hayley. Even bully the resort staff and let Hayley think it was her politeness that got results over Roger going full Karen. Yeah, I’m pretty sure some service workers fantasize about giving other people the same treatment they get. No wonder Hayley lost it.

Roger’s persona of the week to spread the ashes of his assistant…and then it turns out the assistant just gave him an urn full of ashes and a photo flipping the bird! 💀💀💀💀💀😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 That made me laugh so damn hard.

Wish we got more of Stan and the CIA making cakes. 

Edited by Spartan Girl
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lol, the CIA is less popular than Groff Community College and Johnny 50s Food.

You know, if I had a nickel every time a long running animated series had a White Lotus parody as their second episode of the season, I’d have two nickels. Of course Roger was the Jennifer Coolidge character.

Also, Steve, Francine, and Klaus weren't in this episode at all.

1 hour ago, Spartan Girl said:

Wish we got more of Stan and the CIA making cakes. 

Biggest laugh I got out of the episode was Dr. Weitzman setting off the sprinkle blaster.

  • Like 2

I always like the continuity that Hayley is at SubHub. No wonder she smokes weed. 

I only know about The White Lotus from the SNL skit and that Aubrey Plaza and Jennifer Coolidge is on it.

American Dad is weird in that a lot of the B plots would easily be solid A plots. I liked the A plot because it was good for Jeff.


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You gotta love the episodes where they interrupt the intro.

Being fused with Roger would be its own hell. I honestly don’t know why him and Stan are friends after everything, but some friends you just love to hate and you don’t know why.l.

It figured the family would prefer a paper mache Klaus to the real thing. At least until Klaus switches it and the family automatically throws him away. I don’t even want to know what Rogu did to him…

Edited by Spartan Girl
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