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Rogu is back! And Jeff is forced to sit out this time. And Rogu could speak English the whole time, but only talks slow to charm the ladies (and the men). Of course. I honestly liked that Rogu finally gets some development, and that Klaus is still an ass. Really, Rogu should't work, but it does. I think it's the voice.

I gotta love when the family is in to a random thing that's never been brought up before, and this time it was a dude ranch, and Stan with Tequila Joe. And Billy is so invested in Rogu's well-being that he sings a song about him.

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13 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

And Billy is so invested in Rogu's well-being that he sings a song about him.

The best part of the joke is that Franny has his phone number. And it's a real phone. 

It was a nice touch that the Smiths wore different clothes. 

Klaus needing just the right amount of water was hilarious. 

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That was a solid episode.  Also Rogu and Klaus have the same voice actor which added a little meta to my viewing.  Billy is surprisingly voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson (Principal Lewis).  


I've been streaming a lot of the series recently and I kind of forget how well the show does it's licensed music.  I don't think I've really seen it mentioned but their choice of songs is always pretty solid and fitting.

Funniest part was Barry trying to push coke on everyone.

I thought Steve was getting suckered into joining QAnon a New Age cult and he winds up astral projecting for real? Whatever. I was happy just to see Snot, Barry, and Toshi again.

Okay, I’ll bite: what did Klaus do that was heinous enough to get banned from a porn site?

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"Radio: It's like podcasts, but it works on OUR schedules, not yours!" 

You gotta wonder just HOW you get banned from looking at a porno site. But since it's Klaus, it was likely something nasty.

I love a good Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake shout out. Also loved Ric Flair's "Third Eye WOOOO!" book.

Definitely interesting that now when Steve goes bananas, he astral projects instead. I also liked Stan's obsession with tracking him by seeing how moist things were.

I got a big laugh out of the security guard voiced by JB Smoove that broke his ass. "They gonna put me in a big plastic diaper!"

Edited by Galileo908
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On 5/24/2021 at 8:29 PM, Spartan Girl said:

Okay, I’ll bite: what did Klaus do that was heinous enough to get banned from a porn site?

First question I had. 

Hahaha haha they had a sound bite of the Cilantro song on Steve's radio. I nearly peed myself when they first did the song. I sang it to my dog so much and she loved it. 

I listen to a lot of radio. There's always a place for it imo. Now, I listen on my Google. If you know the call letters, they play anything. 

The animation for astral projection was great. 

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Roger, as usual, is the worst. So are the Smiths in general, since they ditched Francine to keep their cruise— though Reenactment Francine/Isabella was actually pretty awesome. But framing Francine for child abduction to play her lawyer just to prove that he hasn’t lost his edge is a new low even for him. As was swapping for Isabella for Francine at the end.

So super speed is how Roger’s been able to pull this shit all these years. Explains a lot.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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I liked that Roger started making boring Personas. Even Ricky Spanish spent a week reading IMDB! Posing as a missing child pageant queen to throw Francine into prison while also playing her public defender, and then swapping Francine with her re-enactor to prove that he's still got his edge is a definite Roger thing to do. Good to see his super speed come back, too.

Loved that Isabella was from Johannesburg. It just made too much sense to make her South African.

I lost it at the cruise being called "Party Arty's Floating Family Shitshow."

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I needed to see *Ricky Spanish* reading imdb though. 

I always like Franny outside the family. Chilling with Klaus for chit chat, darts, and pizza was great. 

And Roger still ate the ice cream cake. 

I like that the rest of the Smiths knew it was Roger doing his deal. 

The fake Franny had some bosoms. I loved Hayley progressively drunkening. 

Of course, Roger is the lawyer. 

Edited by DoctorAtomic
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Ooh earlier tonight!

Yeah, Stan injecting everyone with his DNA backfired big time. Who didn’t see that coming? Wish someone had told Stan that he really is that much of a dick.

Roger, Jeff, and Lewis going on a ski trip together definitely wasn’t something on my AD Bingo card, but it was fun. Even when they got buried alive in an avalanche.

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It's an episode where Principal Lewis, Jeff, and Roger are in a plot together! Lewis seems like the type that won't care if Roger is an alien.

There's been episodes about how controlling he his to his family, but gene splicing them to act like him is the farthest he's gone, I think. Even growing his chin! But I loved everyone imitating Stan's cadence. EVERYONE in town getting CRISPR'd was horrifying, yet hilarious. Even Billy had Stan's chin! I love that singing the theme song is caked into Stan's DNA, as is crashing into the CIA. I also love that Tuttle is Stan's opposite.

God, love Klaus just charging at Steve. He's not respected at all, there's been several episodes about that. I liked that he wore a fake cardboard chin to look like the rest of the family.

I missed Bullock. "I'm friends with the editor, and he hates you."

This was definitely one of the best ones in a while.

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So Roger abused Klaus all these years because his sad faces made good art? That’s pretty on par with how many famous artists abused their muses.

Knew Klaus’ happy new life wouldn’t last.

I love it when Stan and Francine go cuckoo over their beloved Sharks. Going apeshit over a form letter answer to their suggestions. And when they wind up taking their suggestions at the last minute, they use the Killdozer to decimate Tuttle’s house instead. LOL this is why Stan and Francine are a more fun animated couple than the Simpsons and the Griffins.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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14 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Ned Beatty died yesterday , and literally the first thing that popped in my mind was Roger saying, "Poor Ned Beatty. He can play Rudy's dad all he wants but we'll always remember him being rammed in the woods in Deliverence!"

Same here!

Anyway, the episode aired early again, but at least it still airs at 10 so I can watch Duncanville first. I saw the Killdozer wrecking Tuttle's house scene with zero context and honestly, I should've stopped there. It was perfect on its own.

I appreciate a good "Family gets really into something" plot, and I loved Killdozer the first moment it showed up. Loved the old timey football helmet on it.

Two weeks in a row Roger got accused of losing his edge. But he's amazing at painting Klaus! I loved that first black and white piece. And of course since Roger is Roger, he's an insufferable artist who pushes Klaus aside once he sells his paintings. AND it's all to get inspiration for his art. Yeah, I love when Klaus escapes the family, he's successful. He has a family, and he's the manager of a Panera.

I loved Jeff cuddling Rogu.

"I'm not this corny-ass Mister Rogers!"
"Uh-oh, that's a quarter for the swear jar, Klaus!"
"Here's fifty cents, go buy some new tits!"

Absolutely savage, Klaus.

Edited by Galileo908
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As always, that escalated quickly.

Henderson should have known better to get involved with the Smiths. Everything they do blows up spectacularly. And Francine winds up so traumatized that she imagines her own life coach.

Only Klaus would wind up cooking himself alive just to have an impressive fish bowl.

The sad thing is no matter how fucked up this show gets, it’s still better writing than Family Guy.

Edited by Spartan Girl
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"Shithead, was it?"

So we get another piece of the puzzle that is Stan's messed up childhood: Jack paid some random drifter to be Stan's imaginary friend and skipped town when Jack did. I was surprised that Henderson was only killed in Act 2, and Act 3 was about Francine dealing with it. I was surprised that Coach Cathy WAS imaginary. I hope we see her again.

You can't go wrong with animating Stan dancing. Or Bullock being wasted.

Just now, Spartan Girl said:

Only Klaus would wind up cooking himself alive just to have an impressive fish bowl.

With a mongoose and TWO Pickle Ricks!

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23 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

I was surprised that Henderson was only killed in Act 2, and Act 3 was about Francine dealing with it. I was surprised that Coach Cathy WAS imaginary. I hope we see her again.

I was totally blown away. I didn't expect Henderson to die, but I figured it was going to end after Stan said that Dick wiped Henderson from the grid.

I'm a little surprised Franny was so traumatized given all the shit they have done.

Jeff blowing glass somehow makes sense. 

The dragon bowl looked great though. 

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I have to admit the first part of Hayley’s journalism ambitions being dashed hit a little too close to home for me. I got my master’s in journalism and so far it hasn’t panned out in a career that I hoped for. But at least it picked up with her joining a fitness cult.

LOL that Francine has a history of cults that she keeps in an album that the whole family goes ape to look through.

And the cult leader was a hologram operated by a fat pervert. Gross!!! 

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"Benevolent Neglect" is a perfect summary of Francine's parenting style. Why am I not surprised that Francine fell into plenty of cults? I loved how Stan, Steve, and Klaus, who were not in the episode up until that point (and promptly left the episode after the scene was done), all stormed in when she pulled out the scrapbook. 

I'm all for Hayley wearing her old school Reporter hat. I loved Stoned!Hayley's idea of going undercover is to toss the hat in a dumpster. I was honestly hoping for Hayley to be stoned the entire time...but she just fell into a exercise cult. And of course Roger went all in on it, too.

The real HG was perfectly disgusting. A fat, hairy guy...barely wearing clothes...sitting on a toilet...eating oysters...out of a garbage bag. Definitely didn't see that coming.

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This week was "Lumberjerk," instead of "Plot Heavy."

It's one of those episodes where Stan acts dumber than usual, while he has to bond with Jeff again. And Jeff is good at something (this time, lumberjacking) so Stan likes him now. I was wondering where Roger was all episode, but turn out he'd been in a massage chair before becoming an abusive alcoholic Lumberjack coach. Chainsawing the moon in half, along with the sudden twist of the pilot that wanted to be a lumberjack were my favorite parts of this dumb plot.

"I want all my son's friends to look hot." Oh, Francine, never change. Snot left that B-plot quicker than TBS speeds through the theme song. Okay, I wasn't feeling the Hardbody plot until the twist that Klaus was in the truck the whole time.

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Not the episode that was listed for tonight, but whatever.

So Stan has to spend time with Jeff because he lost a bet with Hayley about how long their marriage would last? Fitting.

Stan being obsessed with lumberjacks made for a lot of “jacking jokes.” Of course Jeff is better at it then him, and of course Roger helps him by cheating. And they sabotage Jeff’s saw and cause a plane crash. And Stan screws then over just so that he can play the hero. You’re the worst, Stan.

But I loved that Jeff told him to fuck off at the end. That was a long time coming.

The B plot of Steve and Francine holding on to a car contest had more laughs. I had a feeling that couple was playing them all along, but adding Klaus was a random twist.

Edited by Spartan Girl
  • Love 1
23 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

I want all my son's friends to look hot." Oh, Francine, never change.

It's the perfect Franny line. I totally buy it. 

23 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

Stan being obsessed with lumberjacks made for a lot of “jacking jokes.”

I was satisfied with the level of jack jokes. 

I liked the unseen plot of Hayley getting wasted with Denuta at the Pickle Palace because she was banging all the bartenders. 

Wow that was one plane crash. 


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"It's my mom's recipe. She was from the old country: Florida." Oh, Jeff. I also loved Klaus's lame dinner party, and Roger's existential crisis at being himself.

Love that the drive to the CIA only takes nine seconds, and Stan crashes his car at the sign every day, and leaves it there.

Of course when Stan and Francine travel back to see their younger selves, they'd hook up with the other version of themselves. Weird to know that the show shifted the timeline and "twenty years ago" was 2001. I remember Temptation Island quite well, sadly. I liked Present!Francine giving Young!Stan the highlights of the series, like Klaus and Roger, Rogu, resurrecting James Garfield, and Reginald. I miss Reginald. And wow, wasn't expecting Present!Stan to age in real time. And then get killed by Past!Stan at that.

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9 hours ago, Galileo908 said:

I liked Present!Francine giving Young!Stan the highlights of the series, like Klaus and Roger, Rogu, resurrecting James Garfield, and Reginald.

That was my favorite part too. Along with “Forget Klaus. Klaus is nobody.” Except Klaus’ party did turn out to be bigger than Steve and Roger thought. Too bad Stan and Francine were about to sabotage it at the end.

Time traveling never goes well for the Smiths. They always screw something up. Although I had to laugh about how blasé both Francine acted over the possibility of Steve being erased from existence.

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Klaus has got to be delusional of he thinks Denuta is coming to his dinner party. She bangs bartenders. I can't believe she showed up. 

Nice Sinbad callback. 

I liked that older Frannie gave up all the future, but young Frannie was all horned up. Then got totally pissed off. 

I'm surprised Stan didn't get rich off betting. They didn't give the year but Washington did win the superbowl in 91, no? 

It took an interesting dark turn with Stan living out the 20 years though. I liked that he found Roger. 


Edited by DoctorAtomic

I'm a sucker for a time travel story, no matter on what show they occur. I like that American Dad goes all in on them. (One of my favorites is when they go back to make sure young Francine hooks up with the coatroom guy in case he's Hayley's father. "Look at you understanding time travel," Stan says to her.)

On 7/13/2021 at 8:15 AM, Spartan Girl said:

Time traveling never goes well for the Smiths. They always screw something up. Although I had to laugh about how blasé both Francine acted over the possibility of Steve being erased from existence.

I would have liked it if Steve had been someone else and Francine never even noticed. In reality, he shouldn't exist, right? Because Young Francine left Old Stan before Steve was conceived, but obviously after Hayley was (and that's all Hayley cared about).

And when Stan and Radika were riding the elephant at their wedding, was that a young Jack Smith in the crowd? It looked like him, complete with eye patch. I wondered if that was going to go anywhere, but it didn't.

I'm sure it started as a joke the first time Roger referred to Stan as "Stanuel," but I get such a kick that Francine refers to him like that too when she's mad. You'd think that Stan's formal first name would be "Stanley" (although "Stanuel" is a real name).

Francine goes to the library to poop, and Stan is devastated because she might be a bookworm. And Rogu collects the family's poop, while Roger becomes a turd detective who can transport people into books. All over taking a really smelly airplane poop. This was delightfully silly.

I liked how Roger said that looking in the toilet would be the first place Stan would look for Francine, and it actually was! It led to a fun Tuttle cameo, too.

Omaha got DADDED! Finally!


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2 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

LOL that "flat chest" was actually a typo for "fat chest." That's the price of self-publishing -- although I have caught some regularly published books with typos too.

I believe Stan's design in his book is very similar to his apology mural in Mural of the Story.  


I love how quickly this episode spiraled out of control.

On 7/24/2021 at 9:35 AM, SmithW6079 said:

I turned this off the moment Rogu came out of the toilet. It made me want to vomit. I hope the writers' vomit fetish doesn't turn into a scat fetish too. 🤮

NGL I almost did too. I’m starting to wonder if I’m finally burned out with the show. Tonight’s episode hopefully will be a return to form but I think I might be ready to walk away once this season ends.

"Is that a hard truth you're muttering?" Hey, an actual callback to Stan being bald! I liked the swerve that Stan got the hair five minutes in, and the rest of the episode was about him dealing with a bad haircut. What I didn't really buy is that Stan JUST NOW learned how to lie, and once again dug himself deeper and deeper in a hole just to keep Roger from crying. This was all just an excuse to have Roger talk in that silly voice for a whole episode, wasn't it?

Loved that Tuttle was both a kidney AND hair donor match for Stan. And how the surgery kept going horribly wrong. Not to mention how Josay Bosay only knew one haircut: Rod Stewart's "Forever" cut.

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1 minute ago, Galileo908 said:

What I didn't really buy is that Stan JUST NOW learned how to lie, and once again dug himself deeper and deeper in a hole just to keep Roger from crying.

Yeah, he’s lied tons of times! So much for continuity! But still a better episode than last week. Too bad we didn’t get to see more of Francine, Hayley and Steve as night crawlers.

Was that really Rod Stewart voicing himself? I think it was, but you never know with this show.

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