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Castle By The Numbers: The Ratings Thread!


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Thanks Wendy,  From the Chatter on Twitter, and Tweets from disgruntled crew members (EricA) there is a lot of drama going on and many are tuning out.  I expect Castle to wind up in third place for the next several weeks as viewers revolt over TPW and AH much like FBOFW, that's when the big slide started and now we are riding the downward wave  IMO

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And if the "TV Grim Reaper" is right, +3 ratings don't matter anyway. Those viewers fast forward the commercials.


The only thing I watch completely live anymore is sporting events. Even if I'm going to watch a show when it airs I record it & wait 20 minutes for a hour long show & 10 minutes for a 30 minute show. That way I can fast forward through all the commercials. I have read articles that they are working on putting flags in the digital stream which will eventually take away the ability to fast forward through commercials. Then I will just go back to my old standby of flipping channels.

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Thanks Wendy,  From the Chatter on Twitter, and Tweets from disgruntled crew members (EricA) there is a lot of drama going on and many are tuning out.  I expect Castle to wind up in third place for the next several weeks as viewers revolt over TPW and AH much like FBOFW, that's when the big slide started and now we are riding the downward wave  IMO

@EAkorn is a bit of a whiner. If the show goes down the tubes, it's not the fans' fault. If the fans are ticked enough that they want the show cancelled, the answer is not to say, "oh, those evil, evil fans". TPTB are making a product for a wide target audience, not a slim group of sycophants. The fans are not a charity that has to watch because TV JOBS are on the line. If the work is awful, fans move on. I'm sure if the ratings really cave in, he'll be longing for the days when people were complaining, but wouldn't just stop watching and leave him alone. He needs to go to the indie circuit, I guess, where a group of people watch and rave at each other's work, and nobody ever makes it out of the group, but nobody ever criticizes.

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The only thing I watch completely live anymore is sporting events. Even if I'm going to watch a show when it airs I record it & wait 20 minutes for a hour long show & 10 minutes for a 30 minute show. That way I can fast forward through all the commercials. I have read articles that they are working on putting flags in the digital stream which will eventually take away the ability to fast forward through commercials. Then I will just go back to my old standby of flipping channels.

I'll skip watching and buy shows on DVD. I only watch a few shows anyway, and that list has phenomenally shorter over the years!

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TOTALLY agree with you about @EAkorn, several of us went through the tweets he referenced and there was NOTHING of hate, several comments about not liking the direction or hoping they ended this arc quick and get them together, but he came off like he was the victim of a hate barrage.  I have blocked a few of the young Pyscho's  that have the mentality that if  you criticize the show you are not a fan and they make it their mission to fill your timeline with all of the tweets to prove you wrong.  Ratings are the result of the quality of the product and I for one am now watching Blindspot, if and when I feel a Castle episode is up to par then I will watch of the DVR, but the manufactured angst has really pushed a lot of fans over the top.  I am predicting that they have their worst numbers in years now that the ones who tuned in to see part 2 have watched the repeat of (S2 Demming, S3, Josh, S4 Mom's Case, S5 The job, S6 Left at the Altar as Rick saved the world unknown to anyone) of previous seasons

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Here are the early ratings


Castle       1.3/7.33
Blindspot    2.5/9.08
NCIS: LA    1.2/7.89


Note: ABC's Detroit affiliate carried the "Monday Night Football" game, so its ratings will be subject to greater adjustment than usual.


10:00 p.m.

ABC – Castle
Viewers: 7.81 million (#3), A18-49: 1.4/ 4 (#2)

CBS – NCIS: Los Angeles
Viewers: 8.15 million (#2), A18-49: 1.3/ 3 (#3)

NBC – Blindspot
Viewers: 9.87 million (#1), A18-49: 2.7/ 8 (#1)


10:30 p.m.

ABC – Castle
Viewers: 6.85 million (#3), A18-49: 1.2/ 4 (#2)

CBS – NCIS: Los Angeles
Viewers: 7.63 million (#2), A18-49: 1.1/ 4 (#3)

NBC – Blindspot
Viewers: 8.27 million (#1), A18-49: 2.2/ 7 (#1)

Edited by Chado
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Last week, with football, Castle started at 1.6 in the morning.  Finals brought it down to 1.2.  If it's 1.3 now....well, um.  It could go sub-1.0.


I know I didn't watch.

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Ratings were only adjusted down one tenth, so they were even with last week.


I'm surprised.


Ha. I was coming here to say that as well. Surprising. 


Then again, TVLine tweeted that 90% of those who responded to their survey on whether fans plan to stick with Castle plan to stay, if not till the wheels fall off, at least till the winter finale. So perhaps we're really down to Castle's core audience at this point.

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Ha. I was coming here to say that as well. Surprising. 


Then again, TVLine tweeted that 90% of those who responded to their survey on whether fans plan to stick with Castle plan to stay, if not till the wheels fall off, at least till the winter finale. So perhaps we're really down to Castle's core audience at this point.


I'm not that shocked, sure the break up was unpopular but I expected many fans would have wanted to see how they were dealing with the situation the following week despite their anger.  I expect the true test is if this separation story looks like dragging on into Christmas, at that point I can see the ratings starting to slide if there's no sign of any positive movement.

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The thing is, whether viewers are sticking around or not, 1.2 isn't a great base from which to fall. Historically, show ratings lower as the season wears on. If it is the final season definitively, it doesn't truly matter, but if ABC and/or the actors are hoping for another season, right now, it isn't looking great.

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The overnights don't matter. The show is nearing its end but it's not set in stone.


The final next-day ratings do matter, though, which is what WendyCR72 quoted.  People who think DVR ratings matter much are playing fan excuse bingo.  Nielsen does keep track of -- and the network cares about  -- who DVRs and ALSO watches the commercials.  But that is a small number, because the point of DVR'ing is to NOT watch the commercials!  Anyone who believes that the DVR ratings matter much is probably playing what (was)CancelBear calls "Fan Excuse Bingo" ;-).



According to TVBTN


So far as we can tell DVR viewing doesn't meaningfully add to a networks ability to make money, and more people watching shows via DVR isn't good news for the networks.

As you might expect, most people using DVRs usually avoid commercials. As of this writing our experience has been that the C3 data doesn't differ significantly from the live viewing, and that the relative performance of shows using the live plus same day DVR viewing is a good proxy for predicting success or failure. Particularly, the data for viewers aged 18 to 49, which brings us to..


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The overnights don't matter. The show is nearing its end but it's not set in stone.

If they don't matter why is so much attention paid to them the following day? Is this all shows specific or is it a matter of Castle's overnight numbers don't matter?? I'm a little confused!

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Then again, TVLine tweeted that 90% of those who responded to their survey on whether fans plan to stick with Castle plan to stay, if not till the wheels fall off, at least till the winter finale. So perhaps we're really down to Castle's core audience at this point.


An internet poll of "those who would seek out TVLine Castle recaps" would of course skew toward "watch until the end," but  has about zero scientific validity to evaluate the popularlity of a show, sooo....I'm sure you know that tho.

If they don't matter why is so much attention paid to them the following day? Is this all shows specific or is it a matter of Castle's overnight numbers don't matter?? I'm a little confused!


You aren't confused.

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Hal, I believe you. That said, Networks say a lot - and do the opposite. In the case of L+3, I can see it. But I understand the bottom line for advertisers - separate from the networks themselves as I understand - still comes down to live viewing in terms of what they charge for a TV spot.


 Whether a show lives or dies, network wise, I can see L+3. But if only CBS is embracing it (though they ALL do the PR spin in press releases, so who knows!) and the other three aren't quite there yet, the antiquated system still appears to reign supreme. (And CBS, as far as I have read, also puts a bit more stock in total viewers, where the other three don't, hence CBS maybe being the only one to start the progression of how things get counted.)


 As for Nashville, I can buy the DVR reason. I also think it's because ABC wanted to get it to syndication. Which is why a lot of shows that should have been toast ages ago seem to stick around.

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Monday 10/12/15 Prelims Ratings

#Blindspot 2.5 –8.55M
#Castle 1.2—7.3M
#NCISLA 1.1—7.79M
note w/ football preemption


Last week Castle prelim rating was 1.3 and 7.33 million and eventually adjusted down to 1.2 and 6.76 million

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'Fantasy Island' Revival in the Works at ABC - TV Media Insights - TV Ratings & News - Network TV Show Reviews and Daily Ratings

ABC capped off the night with two more hours of “Dancing With the Stars” at a 7.8/12 from 8-10 p.m. (#2), followed by tired “Castle” at a 4.5/ 8 (#3). Anticipate in the vicinity of a 1.7 rating in adults 18-49 for “Dancing With the Stars” and a 1.2 in the demo for “Castle.”


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It might go down to 1.1 this week after adjustments

Football overran, so Castle's timeslot caught some football love. I think what you're saying is highly likely.

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Monday 10/12/15 Prelims Ratings

#Blindspot 2.5 –8.55M

#Castle 1.2—7.3M

#NCISLA 1.1—7.79M

note w/ football preemption


Last week Castle prelim rating was 1.3 and 7.33 million and eventually adjusted down to 1.2 and 6.76 million

10:00 p.m.

ABC – Castle

Viewers: 7.88 million (#3), A18-49: 1.3/ 4 (#2)

CBS – NCIS: Los Angeles

Viewers: 7.98 million (#2), A18-49: 1.2/ 3 (#3)

NBC – Blindspot

Viewers: 9.01 million (#1), A18-49: 2.7/ 8 (#1)


10:30 p.m.

ABC – Castle

Viewers: 6.73 million (#3), A18-49: 1.1/ 4 (#2t)

CBS – NCIS: Los Angeles

Viewers: 7.59 million (#2), A18-49: 1.1/ 3 (#2t)

NBC – Blindspot

Viewers: 8.09 million (#1), A18-49: 2.4/ 8 (#1)


More people switched channels half way through this week compared to last week (6.85m vs 6.73m)

Edited by Chado
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10:00 p.m.

ABC – Castle

Viewers: 7.88 million (#3), A18-49: 1.3/ 4 (#2)

CBS – NCIS: Los Angeles

Viewers: 7.98 million (#2), A18-49: 1.2/ 3 (#3)

NBC – Blindspot

Viewers: 9.01 million (#1), A18-49: 2.7/ 8 (#1)


10:30 p.m.

ABC – Castle

Viewers: 6.73 million (#3), A18-49: 1.1/ 4 (#2t)

CBS – NCIS: Los Angeles

Viewers: 7.59 million (#2), A18-49: 1.1/ 3 (#2t)

NBC – Blindspot

Viewers: 8.09 million (#1), A18-49: 2.4/ 8 (#1)

More people switched channels half way through this week compared to last week (6.85m vs 6.73m)

Do TPTB look at that because i find that (people switching channels) most telling

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Hal, I believe you. That said, Networks say a lot - and do the opposite. In the case of L+3, I can see it. But I understand the bottom line for advertisers - separate from the networks themselves as I understand - still comes down to live viewing in terms of what they charge for a TV spot.

Whether a show lives or dies, network wise, I can see L+3. But if only CBS is embracing it (though they ALL do the PR spin in press releases, so who knows!) and the other three aren't quite there yet, the antiquated system still appears to reign supreme. (And CBS, as far as I have read, also puts a bit more stock in total viewers, where the other three don't, hence CBS maybe being the only one to start the progression of how things get counted.)

As for Nashville, I can buy the DVR reason. I also think it's because ABC wanted to get it to syndication. Which is why a lot of shows that should have been toast ages ago seem to stick around.

Nielsen also collects C+3, which is how many commercials are watched over live plus three days. That number can have some effect although it doesn't tend to alter the trends. But DVR ratings like L+3, L+7, along with "total viewers" are just interesting metrics to help networks understand what is being watched. The numbers probably do help shape the genres of shows being produced, but won't have any effect on an individual show. Advertisers do not buy TV ad space based on who fast-forward through their commercials. They don't care about bragging rights. No advertising dinero, no show.

And yep, Nashville has survived because of syndication. It may also help that the state of Tennessee partially funds the show, since filming it there has been great for tourism. http://www.tennessean.com/story/money/industries/music/2015/04/29/nashville-receives-million-state-season/26604477/

As you essentially said, overnights are not antiquated. Viewership has changed, but what sells has not. The overnights are the most important.

10:00 p.m.

More people switched channels half way through this week compared to last week (6.85m vs 6.73m)

Do TPTB look at that because i find that (people switching channels) most telling

I think the channel change was because NFL overran. People finished watching the game, which was partly in Castle's timeslot and then turned the channel. Edited by TVWithPity
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Thx for the updates, about what I expected and agree once adjustments are in the number will be lower.  My question for those who know hell of a lot more than me, is how low does the show have to go to get some action from those holding TPW and AH accountable for running the show?  Not rhetorical, not hateful, just curious if someone knows or has history of other shows changing Show Runners to avoid the alternative.

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Thx for the updates, about what I expected and agree once adjustments are in the number will be lower.  My question for those who know hell of a lot more than me, is how low does the show have to go to get some action from those holding TPW and AH accountable for running the show?  Not rhetorical, not hateful, just curious if someone knows or has history of other shows changing Show Runners to avoid the alternative.

I think (and this is just my opinion) that the show will get a full season regardless of what happens in terms of viewers. Whether the show sticks at 1.2 for most of the season or if the show crashes to 0.7/0.8.


It doesn't feel like they are accountable at all because the worst case is the show doesn't get a season 9 (which has felt like the realistic end point for some time anyway). There are rumors that AH is starting a new show next year/season so he isn't going to lose anything over this. I don't know anything about TPW but the situation is easily defended as far as he is concerned. Rumors of BTS issues, increasing demands by both leads forcing show changes, etc, etc. They will always say they are making the best of a bad situation (they've talked about how stale the show has got countless times).


Does a massive drop in viewers concern ABC? Will constant negativity and tangible drops in ratings make them put pressure on AH to TPW to fix things/to bring Caskett back together sooner? We can only hope.


The problem is that by the time they fix things (or are told to)...half the season is already written and filmed anyway.


Season 8 is likely to go ahead as originally planned regardless of what happens, both in terms of fan outcry and any drop in ratings.

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Sometimes I think they're deliberately sabotaging the show because they know that BTS issues are going to end it anyway. Imagine the uproar if it was cancelled with good ratings and they couldn't say what really happened. It's better if the story is that their hands were tied by the advertisers ;-).

Or, since the showrunners know the show will end soon regardless, theyre playing around with it.

AH'S new show is more than a rumor. He retweeted himself about it....although whether it will go from the writer's room to the air remains to be seen.

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I think their (the showrunners) attitude is entirely built off the fact that they know this is the last season and they can do whatever they want with Caskett.

Edited by Chado
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Given that the network and other factors like BTS issues could be partially driving what the showrunners do, it's hard to say when they may or may not get thrown off.

If Castle stays sub-1.0 over many weeks, it could go down if the network has something else they could put in place. But given the 8 season longevity, the network knows better than to kill it off without an ending. The ratings would have to be spectacularly bad to do so. I tried to find a show cancelled mid-season after a long run, but couldn't.

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Take this for what's it's worth, but again in the comments of the preliminary numbers, someone claims Castle adjusted down a tenth. The last time there was info in the same way, it did turn out to be true.


But if it is, that makes a series low of 1.1.  :-(

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I figured this was ratings-related.  I just read that 19 episodes have been ordered for Quantico.  TBTN speculated about the reason for the shorter season:


The network has picked up six additional episodes of the thriller starring Priyanka Chopra, bringing its total to 19. That's due mostly to the fact that ABC has a lot of original shows coming in the winter and spring; there's an option to add three more hours to bring "Quantico's" total to the standard 22.


I don't see Castle being completely cut this season.  However, if the ratings continue to nose dive, I do think it's completely plausible for its season to be SHORTENED to make room for the new shows, given that Quantico is doing better than Castle and they've only given it a somewhat shortened season....

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I still stand by my guess of it hitting 1.0 before 8x07. They are taking too long to make progress between Castle and Beckett.

The Slaughter episode! in more ways than one ;-).

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I agree that by dragging this out for too long they risk getting hurt ratings wise if fans get fed up and start drifting away but they knew what they were risking when they pulled this stunt, they only have themselves to blame if the decline continues.

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The Slaughter episode! in more ways than one ;-).

It probably won't be the slaughter episode though, it will be the one after it. I mean really...what % of Castle viewers even know Beckett is barely (if at all) in the episode yet? Probably not that high.


So if it gets moved to 8x06 then 8x07 is in for a world of hurt.

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It probably won't be the slaughter episode though, it will be the one after it. I mean really...what % of Castle viewers even know Beckett is barely (if at all) in the episode yet? Probably not that high.


So if it gets moved to 8x06 then 8x07 is in for a world of hurt.


I just don't know how many casual viewers are left, those who don't follow the show in the media.  It's really hard to say.  But maybe part of the remaining viewer base is the Firefly contingent?  Maybe Slauuughter will boost the show. YIKES.

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