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S07.E07: The Battles Premiere

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My objection to their coaching of Luke was this:  Does EVERY man need to have a falsetto? Personally, I don't think so and it kind of bugged me that P/A were pushing so hard for it. Why? When did that become more than just "something some singers do--some successfully and for a good effect, but most as an affectation that adds nothing, and often detracts musically from their performance?" JMO, but I don't think they did him any favor putting all that pressure on re: something so unimportant for a soul singer.

That, to me, was the most impressive moment of Pharell's coaching. Not every man needs to have a falsetto, but if the man is capable of it, why not work on it? It's another tool in the tool box. And so many of the great soul singers of the past had and used their falsetto to great effect - listen to Jackie Wilson sing "Higher and Higher" for example. Or David Ruffin and the other Temptations use falsetto accents on "I Wish It Would Rain" or "I'm Losing You."

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I felt like Amanda had too much goat in her voice, and that her enunciation wasn't very clear at times. Not that Taylor was very much better. The vibe during their 2nd rehearsal when they could barely look at each other was so strange though.


I thought for sure that Adam would pick Jonathan and I was pleasantly surprised that he picked Chris (whom I love). Kinda funny that we lost two 4-chair turns in the first two battles they aired.


I am loving Team Pharrell! I still think it's his to win and his coaching (along with co-mentor Alicia who I thought was genius for that Aretha Franklin version of Maybe I'm Amazed) made a difference for his contestants. Griffin seemed so much more interesting after he let loose, and I'm feeling positive that Pharrell will steer Luke in the right ways. Also enjoyed his deliberation over who to pick, I think he was being strategic about keeping Luke and gambled that Griffin did well enough to warrant a steal.


Considering that I wasn't too excited with the 48, I thought this was quite a solid battle episode and that some of them really rose to the challenge.

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That, to me, was the most impressive moment of Pharell's coaching. Not every man needs to have a falsetto, but if the man is capable of it, why not work on it? It's another tool in the tool box. And so many of the great soul singers of the past had and used their falsetto to great effect - listen to Jackie Wilson sing "Higher and Higher" for example. Or David Ruffin and the other Temptations use falsetto accents on "I Wish It Would Rain" or "I'm Losing You."

Well, maybe I don't know enough about it. Does every man potentially have a good falsetto singing voice? Is it a technique you can develop proficiency in in just a day or two?


In spite of my feelings about that being unnecessary (and maybe I'm wrong and it's not difficult), I enjoyed Pharrell and Alicia the most as coaches and I'm looking forward to seeing what they can do more than any other team.

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Considering that I wasn't too excited with the 48, I thought this was quite a solid battle episode and that some of them really rose to the challenge.


This is exactly how I feel.  I thought this was one of the better battle round episodes we’ve seen.  I pretty much liked all the battles, with the possible exception of Chris vs. Jonathan, which I found kind of boring. 


I think my favorites of the night were Jean vs. Sugar and Maybe I’m Amazed.  I have to agree with Adam that Luke may just have the best voice this season.


While it's a surprise to me that she was stolen after that audition,



In the online videos, Jean comes across as a very likable person.  Maybe the coaches have noticed and had a chance to reevaluate their first impressions of her.

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Jean Kelly's sister (who has been seen briefly when showing her family), looks like an actress I've seen in something. Anybody else catch that, or am I just dreaming? (I have to say I have tremendous memory for faces, at home the significant other calls me "IMDB Man", for all my catches on various shows) But...this one is stumping me.

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I haven't been keeping up with this season - Voice fatigue - but I went online and watched the Team Blake battle to see the Little Big Town interaction mentioned upthread.  What a nice moment!  The shorter-haired guy, James David something, cracked me up when he told the woman from LBT that she has the best hair in country music. lol


Fun battle. I absolutely love Pat Green, so it was great hearing them do one of his songs.  I thought they both did a good job, but I totally agree with Blake's choice.  I think the other guy is just too outdated musically, and stylistically he's a mess (and I won't pretend that doesn't matter).


After that, I went back and watched JD?'s audition, and I've officially found my S7 horse.

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Well, maybe I don't know enough about it. Does every man potentially have a good falsetto singing voice? Is it a technique you can develop proficiency in in just a day or two?


No. Singing falsetto is a technique that many can do, but few can do really well.  And doing it in front of one of the few famous falsetto  singers in the world is intimidating, too.

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I haven't been keeping up with this season - Voice fatigue - but I went online and watched the Team Blake battle to see the Little Big Town interaction mentioned upthread.  What a nice moment!  The shorter-haired guy, James David something, cracked me up when he told the woman from LBT that she has the best hair in country music. lol


Fun battle. I absolutely love Pat Green, so it was great hearing them do one of his songs.  I thought they both did a good job, but I totally agree with Blake's choice.  I think the other guy is just too outdated musically, and stylistically he's a mess (and I won't pretend that doesn't matter).


I really enjoyed the battle of the two country boys with the three names, because it was more like a performance than a battle.  James David has a smooth, rich tone; Craig Wayne is rough and gravelly (another Bob Seger type voice on The Voice - imagine that!) and their vocal differences worked together to create some lovely harmony.  If neither makes it to the final, and considering how well they got a long with Little Big Town (agree with prior posts - that jam session was a wonderful show moment), they should join forces and form a band or something.  Seriously.


I'm not at all surprised that Maiya is gone.  There was nothing unique about her style or her voice.  On any given Sunday I could cruise around town, hit a dozen churches with a gospel service and find a Maiya.  Yes, I live in a large metropolitan area but the point still holds - she wasn't that special.  There's a reason some seemingly great singers are back-ups - they don't draw focus from the main act when on stage.  There's a lack of charisma, no It factor.  And once the battle rounds come, you go home.


Speaking of It factors, I'm glad Chris went through over Jonathon.  And was also pleasantly surprised by that. 


I was fine with everyone who got through except for Sugar.  She and her growl of coolness are already on my nerves.


Alicia Keys and Stevie Nicks are Goddesses.  There are no likely limits to the embarrassment I would have caused myself if I had walked into a room containing either one of them.  And Alicia's "take it to Aretha" moment was inspired.  I got chills.

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Speaking of It factors, I'm glad Chris went through over Jonathon.  And was also pleasantly surprised by that. 


Alicia Keys and Stevie Nicks are Goddesses.  There are no likely limits to the embarrassment I would have caused myself if I had walked into a room containing either one of them.  And Alicia's "take it to Aretha" moment was inspired.  I got chills.

True. But it felt awkward when Gwen had to introduce Gavin (fortunately, a few knew him and his band, but I'll bet many didn't) and Blake with LBT probably had the same problem. (Of course, worse would be someone --maybe too young, maybe too old-- who would walk in and not recognize Stevie Nicks or Alicia Keys. That would be embarrassing!)


I was also pleasantly surprised by Chris over Jonathan--and all the praise Chris got for his "star power".  If I remember Jonathan's blind audition, he had some awkwardness and took some bullying as a child and I suspect that he may still be kind of a vulnerable guy who hides it. But on stage, his persona didn't work for me, didn't seem sexy and sincere, just kind of arrogant. But I thought he dominated the song, so was pleasantly surprised when Chris, with his less affected, more genuine, singing style was chosen and Jonathan didn't get a save. I think so far the judges have been making good calls. I wonder how much these four (esp. Gwen and Pharrell, but maybe all of them) are sharing notes about the singers off camera, maybe even having a heads-up ahead of time re: saves.

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Good lord, Alicia Keys is incredibly sexy.  Forget even the gorgeous looks, the world-class talent, the beautiful voice and incredible musical insight: her speaking voice is like warm butterscotch, oh. my. freakin'. god.  Also, I loved that exchange of

  Alicia: "Let's do the Aretha version of this!"

  Luke: "I didn't even know that existed!"

  Alicia: "We're making it up right now"

because that WAS a good arrangement, fresh and with a 3/4 swing that brought it to life since we've heard it multiple times on this show at this point (and with Adam having repeatedly called it one of his all time favorite songs, I'm curious if the song choice was partly a nudge at Adam).  I'm just further convinced that Pharrell might be the best coach this season, and bringing in brilliant advisors like Alicia is an example why.  He really provides some great feedback- actually, all the coach advisors were pretty helpful including that great Little Big Town moment.


Thought Maiya would go further, but I wasn't that into her singing- I really liked her initial audition, but I've never been a fan of big belters because they start to wear thin very quickly for me.  Elyjuh was very muggy in his facial expressions, which I could have done with out.  In this case, though, Maiya seemed a clearer choice: you only have a few weeks for "potential" to fulfill itself, whereas Maiya is gifted, very skilled, smart, and experienced- and is ready right now.  But Pharrell is the hit-maker, so what do I know?


Johnathan and Chris were forgettable to me, but I agree with choosing Chris; Johnathan seems too... pretty?  Like if Zoolander tried to sing, I just wasn't connecting to him because he smiled like rigor mortis.


Jean Kelley was to me MUCH better than Sugar, who growled every phrase (honestly, I started counting, and it was far more surprising when I heard her sing a lyric that didn't have a growl to start it).  Not sure about the supposed drama/dive actions during Jean's blinds, but she seems decent and presumably she and the coaches have moved past that silliness.


Amanda and Taylor didn't wow me too much; I actually thought they harmonized fairly poorly, and I found myself split where at times I loved Amanda's tone and found Taylor too nasally and lacking power... and then a few bars later, I'd flip flop on how I feel.


Craig Wayne Boyd vs. James David Carter I dubbed while watching "Battle of the Serial Killers", because other than small children being scolded, when do you hear middle names like that?  I think it was James who was critiqued during rehearsals for "over-singing" or straining his voice, and I was hearing that during this performance.  Glad Craig stuck around, and agree it was weird that Gwen wanted to play with his hair.


Best for last: I thought the Luke/Griffin battle was one of the most fun I've seen on this show, and I've watched it multiple times, but I get why Luke was picked.  More interesting, polished voice and stage presence.  Griffin really took it up a notch this week with his clear tone and that incredible belting voice (which I hope Blake doesn't make him overuse) that showed he was more than his original audition.  He actually seems like a nice guy, and was polite during the judging, but a part of me almost wishes Gwen had stolen him: he desperately needs a style coach, because between that haircut, that awful undersized leather jacket, and the pacing on stage (someone earlier compared it to a shark circling its prey) he looks like a high-school drop-out who beats up the freshman for their lunch money.

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Good post Hincandeza.  I generally agree with most of it except:

Jean Kelley was to me MUCH better than Sugar, who growled every phrase (honestly, I started counting, and it was far more surprising when I heard her sing a lyric that didn't have a growl to start it).



I may be the only person around who likes Sugar’s voice.  I thought her rasping growl brought a real oomph to the song that really made it different than the original Destiny’s Child version.  I would add that I also really liked her personality based on her Before the Battles video.  It doesn't hurt that she´s kind of hot.


But I also like Jean Kelley and am glad she got a steal, even if I worry about how long she’s going to last on Pharrell’s team.  In her place I might have chosen Adam purely for strategical reasons.

Griffin really took it up a notch this week with his clear tone and that incredible belting voice (which I hope Blake doesn't make him overuse) that showed he was more than his original audition.


My fear is the opposite.  Given Blake’s history, I can easily see him letting Griffin relax back into his bread and butter crooner standards rather than challenging him.  If that happens, please wake me up when he’s done singing.


Finally, I really liked Amanda and wish she had gotten through.

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My fear is the opposite.  Given Blake’s history, I can easily see him letting Griffin relax back into his bread and butter crooner standards rather than challenging him.  If that happens, please wake me up when he’s done singing.


I would love it if Griffin walked in to meet with Blake and said: "I've found my inner rocker.  I'd like to do a rock classic for the knock-outs - perhaps Led Zeppelin's Black Dog."




Griffin of the Battles was nothing like his blind audition.  And that's a good thing.

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Blake has at least 5 songs in regular rotation on Country radio right now, in addition to the new album Universal & Mels mentioned.  He's getting more air time than any of the other judges right now.  


And I definitely like what he pointed out to the other judges.  They are all played on Adult Contemporary stations, but only he has Country locked up.  And Country is a LOT wider genre than it used to be.  This ain't your grandpa's Country music.  ;) 


I'm not a Little Big Town fan, but if I hear their song "Tornado", I'm singing it for days!

No your grandpa's country music occassionally allowed women on the radio. Country music is just so mysoginistic now. It's almost impossible for a female artist to get consistent play on the radio. It's all bro-country now 24/7.

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No your grandpa's country music occassionally allowed women on the radio. Country music is just so mysoginistic now. It's almost impossible for a female artist to get consistent play on the radio. It's all bro-country now 24/7.


No kidding.  There`s only one song sung by women not named Carrie Underwood in Billboards current Country Airplay Top 20.  That song does poke fun at bro-country (including at Blake Shelton), while also effectively making the same point Pivot makes above.  Though the song is mostly lighthearted and humorous in nature, this hasn't kept if from being met by howls of protest from the legions of bro-country fans.  Here, check it out for yourselves (but avoid the comments section unless you feel like subjecting yourself to a litany of misogynistic bitching).


Edited by viajero
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interesting night.


Maiya vs Elyjuh- Those names made the red go crazy on my comp, LOL. So if Elyjuh at his best could barely keep up with Maiya who wasn't "singing for her life," WHY WOULD YOU PICK HIM? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but Diva singers  rarely make it to the live show ( I only remember Frenchie, and the two from season four). You're  missing out on a legion of voters. Hopefully Xtina fixes that next season.


Chris vs Johnathon-  Chris was definitely the right pick here.  Johnathon was fine but Chris has the greater potential to win. Two show enders going first two is crazy ( I know it's edited, but still, wow).


Jean vs  Sugar-  It was obvious that Sugar had this in the bag after hearing about Jean's antics at the blinds. The performance was good. It wasn't great. I agree that Jean probably should've won, but really? This is the first steal? Unless you're looking for fodder in the knockouts, it made no sense.


James vs Craig- Country, not really my thing, sorry.  Gwen don't do that Usher thing of waiting for the very last moment to save a contestant anymore. That's, lame.


Taylor vs Amanda-  Amanda did more with the song, had stage presence and was just overall better so Taylor wins, Wait what?


Luke vs Griffin-  Another person whose shenanigans at the blinds probably cost him a place in the next round on his coach's team. That being said, Luke was the easy pick here. Vocal gymnastics will only carry you so far on a show like this. Nice argument by Blake.





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No kidding.  There`s only one song sung by women not named Carrie Underwood in Billboards current Country Airplay Top 20.  That song does poke fun at bro-country (including at Blake Shelton), while also effectively making the same point Pivot makes above.  Though the song is mostly lighthearted and humorous in nature, this hasn't kept if from being met by howls of protest from the legions of bro-country fans.  Here, check it out for yourselves (but avoid the comments section unless you feel like subjecting yourself to a litany of misogynistic bitching).


I'm not a country fan at all, but I watched that video and thought it was awesome!!!!  Thank you for linking to that. 

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I'm not at all surprised that Maiya is gone.  There was nothing unique about her style or her voice.  On any given Sunday I could cruise around town, hit a dozen churches with a gospel service and find a Maiya.  Yes, I live in a large metropolitan area but the point still holds - she wasn't that special.  There's a reason some seemingly great singers are back-ups - they don't draw focus from the main act when on stage.  There's a lack of charisma, no It factor.  And once the battle rounds come, you go home.

Maiya vs Elyjuh- Those names made the red go crazy on my comp, LOL. So if Elyjuh at his best could barely keep up with Maiya who wasn't "singing for her life," WHY WOULD YOU PICK HIM? Somebody correct me if I'm wrong but Diva singers  rarely make it to the live show ( I only remember Frenchie, and the two from season four). You're  missing out on a legion of voters. Hopefully Xtina fixes that next season.


I started watching the show in season 2, and there have been quite a few backup singers and "divas" who have made it to lives. Particularly from Adam's team.  Meanwhile Christina likes big voices but tends to advance the younger contestants.  


These are the ones I remember:

Jermaine Paul (Alicia Keys' backup) - Team Blake, season 2

Kim Yarbrough - Team Adam, season 2

Amanda Brown - Team Adam (originally Team Cee Lo), season 3

Judith Hill - Team Adam, season 4

Sasha Allen - Team Shakira (originally Team Adam), season 4

Tessanne Chin - Team Adam, season 5

Sisaundra Lewis - Team Blake, season 6

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Jermaine Paul (Alicia Keys' backup) - Team Blake, season 2

Kim Yarbrough - Team Adam, season 2

Amanda Brown - Team Adam (originally Team Cee Lo), season 3

Judith Hill - Team Adam, season 4

Sasha Allen - Team Shakira (originally Team Adam), season 4

Tessanne Chin - Team Adam, season 5

Sisaundra Lewis - Team Blake, season 6


By Diva singers I mean those women that  sing big all the time.  Jermaine doesn't fit that category and I'd consider Amanda more of a rocker who had pipes. Even if they are included this still speaks to the fact that this type of singer is a dying breed and could probably get their own votes since there's not many singers left in that category.


Wait.  I knew about what Jean did on the blinds.  But what did Griffin do?



Trying to sell Pharell on his bow tie line when Pharell's trying to talk to him about singing.  I don't imagine that doing such things shows that one is a serious singer.

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By Diva singers I mean those women that  sing big all the time.  Jermaine doesn't fit that category and I'd consider Amanda more of a rocker who had pipes. Even if they are included this still speaks to the fact that this type of singer is a dying breed and could probably get their own votes since there's not many singers left in that category.

I was responding to both your diva post and someone else's backup singer comment.  Jermaine and Amanda fit in the backup singer category.  

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By Diva singers I mean those women that  sing big all the time.  Jermaine doesn't fit that category and I'd consider Amanda more of a rocker who had pipes. Even if they are included this still speaks to the fact that this type of singer is a dying breed and could probably get their own votes since there's not many singers left in that category.



Trying to sell Pharell on his bow tie line when Pharell's trying to talk to him about singing.  I don't imagine that doing such things shows that one is a serious singer.

Oh, I forgot about that (cringe-worthy, as it seemed his main concern and interest were the ties not the singing). That said, did he wear bow ties both times? Somehow, I don't think so which is kind of dumb when iyou're trying to promote it as your "brand".


I had no interest in Griffin before but now hope he continues for a couple of rounds more. That was the greatest improvement in a short time of coaching that I've ever seen on this show.

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More love for the Wave on Wave battle of the country boys and the last Luke-Griffin duet from Team Pharrell.  I love the first song - why, I don't know.  Maybe it's because I can remember the lyrics.  I actually preferred Craig Wayne Boyd (he of the fringe) this time but I think both he and clean cut David James Carter clearly are talented enough to keep going.


I have always HATED the original Maybe I'm Amazed song.  That, along with You Are So Beautiful (to me), make my teeth hurt.  However, I loved what the Luke-Griffin Pharrell-Alicia Keys team did with it.  Such a good version.  I would have loved to be at that rehearsal.


Survivor was really awful.  I wanted both Jean and Sugar to go away.  Too bad Gwen had to keep one.  Also, that song is overdone.


Did not care for Gwen's look in rehearsal or Pharrell's look during the show.  Please tell me they dress themselves.  I would hate to think a stylist can suggest looks like that and remain employed.  I have a caged pet at home who could do better, and he wears a sock on his head every day.


I know Dolly Parton is very talented and all, but the song Jolene gives me the creeps.  Always has, always will.  

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I think Gwen went with Jolene because of that John Mayer/Nora Jones rendition that they did at the Grammys a couple of years back. However, somehow that version was more successful, or at least I don't remember Mayer having to sing the girl's pov lyrics so prominently. So far, I think Gwen's song choices were not so good, while I think Pharrell's song choices were perfect for his singers. While I guess Maneater came off okay, I just think that song is so lounge. Anyway, I get the feeling that Pharrell knows how to pick songs that bring out good performances, unlike that time Usher gave Josiah and that other guy Roxanne. That was painful. On another note, I love Alicia Keys. I vote for a panel with Alicia, Pharrell, Usher and Jill Scott. LOL And maybe Blake. I love Blake. :)


Did you know Blake and Usher are performing together for charity in Texas coming up soon? Yeah man.

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I think Gwen went with Jolene because of that John Mayer/Nora Jones rendition that they did at the Grammys a couple of years back. However, somehow that version was more successful, or at least I don't remember Mayer having to sing the girl's pov lyrics so prominently. So far, I think Gwen's song choices were not so good, while I think Pharrell's song choices were perfect for his singers. While I guess Maneater came off okay, I just think that song is so lounge. Anyway, I get the feeling that Pharrell knows how to pick songs that bring out good performances, unlike that time Usher gave Josiah and that other guy Roxanne. That was painful. On another note, I love Alicia Keys. I vote for a panel with Alicia, Pharrell, Usher and Jill Scott. LOL And maybe Blake. I love Blake. :)

I'm not that crazy about any of the song choices in the battles.  I also don't think the coaches are that involved with the song selections and pairings.  They don't know much about their teams at this point, and good game strategy seems to be lacking.  A lot of pairing strong against strong going on.  


The song choices seem pretty boring to me.  "Jolene" has already been used quite a bit on this show.  We have yet another Hall & Oates song with "Maneater".  Not surprisingly, they are using a song by a mentor with Alicia Keys' "If I Ain't Got You" (past seasons had songs by coach advisors like Aloe Blaac, Ryan Tedder, etc).  And yup, there's another Bruno Mars song.  


I agree that Pharrell's team performances have been good, but based on what we're shown, Alicia Keys is the one making a difference there. The songs themselves could have led to very generic performances.  

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So, is that right that when Alicia turned to the piano player and told him to do an Aretha version, she was just asking him to come up with an arrangement in a bluesy soul kind of style, not copying something Aretha actually did? If so, I'm impressed!

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So, is that right that when Alicia turned to the piano player and told him to do an Aretha version, she was just asking him to come up with an arrangement in a bluesy soul kind of style, not copying something Aretha actually did? If so, I'm impressed!

Yup, which is an example of how people who've "made it" on talent, such as Alicia, Pharrell, or the obscenely talented Our Band: House, are really much more musically gifted than the average person or even average contestant.  It's why shows like this should be taken with a grain of salt: most of the contestants aren't really musicians, they're just decent singers.  Over in the "Past stars" thread, it's been discussed how Melanie Martinez is having some of the best post-show success, probably because she is her own thing, and a songwriter.  She isn't waiting around for someone to hand her a song to sing, which is the difference between the many dime-a-dozen, utterly replaceable vocal contestants on these and similar shows, and those few who have even a chance to go on to be the kind of star that might occupy a coach or mentor chair at some point.


By the way, I say "Our Band: House" because that's how some of us old school RockStar: INXS watchers (especially on the rockband.com site, before it was sold to Harmonix for use in the video game franchise; anyone remember that place?) referred to Paul Mirkovich and the other musicians... most of whom now make up "The Voice" band.  There was a few times where in addition to their regular duties, they'd pretty much help the contestants come up with on-the-fly rearrangements of their songs.  I remember once when eventual winner J.D. Fortune (whatever happened to him?) came in with just a vague idea for a B.B. King-ish cover of Alanis Morrissette's "Hand in my Pocket", and given just cues like "whack-whack-whack-whack" from JD, Paul, Nate and company whipped up a pretty smoking version of the song on the spot.

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Paul Mirkovich and the band are awesome.  They work with the contestants far more than the coaches do.  Paul has done interviews here and there over the course of the show where you can get a lot of insight on how the show works behind the scenes.  

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Elyjuh's going to be exhausting, isn't he?

I am so tired of him. Also, if those are the "jidges" (Cat Deeley) next season, I really hope Pharrell hands Christina her pompous ass in that eloquent way he has. What was it? "Adam's a great singer!" or something like that.

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Not sure if it's okay to answer this here, but since it was asked above, JD from Rock Star: INXS toured and recorded with INXS, had drug problems, was living in his car again (I heard, not sure) got clean, got back together with the band, and toured with them again. His first tour of the US with them was very successful. His last was not.

Still, he is an example of someone who actually had a successful music career off of one of these shows. And I've heard that what clinched that win for him was his songwriting ability. So yes, being more than just a voice did make a difference.

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I'm listening to the first few battles again to see if I can get any impression of them.  Chris and Jonathan's Young Girls battle was sort of a roller coaster ride.  I thought they both started off strong and then it lost steam.  I'm surprised Chris and his smoother voice went through, although I agreed with the decision at the time.  I liked Jonathan much more this time around.  He's talented enough to keep singing, I think.  Jury's out on whether Adam can get the so-called superstar in Chris to emerge in time.


The Survivor battle between Jean Kelley and Sugar was better this time as well.  I think Jean was, hands down, far more musically interesting than Sugar.  Trouble is, Sugar was so much louder and her growl is too growl-y to ignore, and Jean's singing was much thinner by comparison.  I can understand why Gwen chose Sugar.  I did not enjoy watching Sugar perform, though.  Jean put so much more into the performance.  All in all, I think Gwen must have done a great job.


When Gwen was making her decision between Amanda and Taylor (not that I liked either of them too much), I found her comments easy on the ears.  She seems to be finding her footing.

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