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Adult Swim: Now With 20% More FOX Cartoons!


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From CBR: Adult Swim: 15 Shows You Forgot Existed. I remember ("member"?) most of them. I disagree with Minoriteam being "dull." Where else can you see Abraham Lincoln sounding like Jimmy Stewart, smoking a bong that was influenced by Jack Kirby? Or Racist Frankenstein? "Racist Frankenstein love outer space! Except for the black parts!"

The specials last night:

- HOT STREETS: A cop (Mark Branski) from the "shoot first and think about it later" school of law enforcement and his scientist-ish partner (French) take on brain-monsters (who want to invade Mars) with the help of the cop's niece (Jen) and her dog (Chubby Webbers). Running gags ("You're over-thinking things again") and a fairly fast pace keep things interesting. Jen and Chubby Webbers seem like a shout-out to Inspector Gadget, with a generous helping of Courage the Cowardly Dog. This one struck me as the most entertaining of the three, but with the worst animation quality. Special mention needs to be made of the searing 70s-style heavy synthesizer music.

- Apollo Gauntlet: A guy with magic talking gauntlets and a bunch of wrestling moves has adventures in a sci-fi/fantasy setting. Notable VAs involved include Tom Kenny and James Urbaniak.

- Bad Guys: A small bad guy group needs money to get their plans for world domination on track. Everything about it reminds me of another franchise. The premise is similar to the first episode of Frisky Dingo. The group is Cobra meets Hydra. The big guy with the axe could be Baron Underbheit. The leader looks like Cobra Commander crossed with Baron Zemo, with the personality and planning of M. C. Pee Pants.

If Hot Streets becomes a thing, I vote we refer to Chubby as "Dog Morty." I didn't think of Courage, but the dog kept whining like he was going to ask Rick not to do stuff. I'll have to rewatch the episodes.

Anybody see the live-action stuff? I don't think those will go past the pilot stage. Mr. Neighbor's House was hella disturbing. The part where the puppet boy had an outburst and his operator fell from the rafters was hysterical.

CBR puts out their list of the top AS shows. Tom Goes To The Mayor is at #14, so the list is kinda crap. I'd put The Venture Bros. in the top slot. I never would have thought of Space Ghost Coast To Coast.

While I'm thinking about it . . . WTF was up with Chubby's vanishing nipples?

I think I could live with an Apollo Gauntlet series on the opening credits alone. So mellow. And while Apollo is too reliant on catchphrases, he's fun to watch with his hair, mustache and one-piece. And bowling over enemies yelling "KATAMARI DAMACY!!!!"? That was golden.

Heads up: there's only going to be one holiday-themed episode on tonight, as opposed to AS burning through most of the Robot Chicken stuff last Sunday. "A Huey Freeman Christmas" from The Boondocks will air at 12:30. In brief: Huey takes over production of his class's Christmas play, Riley assaults mall Santas and drops n-bombs in a letter, and Jazmine turns to Santa Claus for religion. Not bad for the first season.

Two notes:

1. Poking around the AS schedule . . . it looks like The Boondocks will be airing on Sunday nights at 12:30, starting with "The Garden Party." If you want to watch or rewatch and post around it, here you go.

2. Found this on YouTube. I posted it on the SuperMansion forum, which is barren as hell. Dunno if these are new episodes or stuff from Crackle.

I'm utterly gobsmacked by the Noise music collection that [as] has been promoting lately on their website. They have Merzbow!

Back when I was doing my college radio show, the whole thing revolved around playing the most...difficult...tracks that I could find, tracks that got everyone else to make a poo-face and ask "WTF? Are you on drugs?"*, and Merzbow was part of it. The Grav album he did with Asmus Tietchens was one of my favorites.

So you can imagine how surreal it seems to me that a national commercial TV network is pushing a collection of tracks by Merzbow and similar artists.

*No, I was not on drugs, just naturally twisted. I used no artificial chemicals or additives of any kind.

Heads up . . . tonight, [AS] ran Samurai Jack at 8:30, after Dragon Ball Super. It gets better . . . tomorrow at 8 p.m.? The Brak Show, Space Ghost: Coast to Coast, Harvey Birdman: Attorney-At-Law and Sealab 2021. To quote another Adam Reed series: "Boosh!" And/or kakow!" And The Venture Bros. will air at 11:30, starting with the origin story of The Monarch. Also, SuperMansion is still running at midnight, and I could use the company on that forum.

ETA: Forgot to mention tnat Titan Maximum will run at 12:30. Space cocaine and a deadpan monkey! Kinda sucks this show only had the one season.

Heads up: Apollo Gauntlet and Mean Streets have been greenlit. Nothing about Bad Guys, though.

Looking at the schedule . . . either [AS] is radically rethinking their weekday late night lineups, or they're dicking with us. And that reminds me . . . tomorrow night is April Fools' Day after midnight. In light on how hard they screwed the otaku, I'm pulling for a One Piece marathon

Indeed. I'd see how far they take it, but I had to go to bed a few hours ago.

On 3/30/2017 at 10:54 PM, Sandman87 said:

Maybe I'll start a Chubby Webbers fan club.

You know that episode where Morty knocks up a robot and produces a bizarre alien? Okay, now imagine if he did that with Courage the Cowardly Dog. Chubby would be the product. Ladies, I'm single!!

Apparently, [AS] was saving the hardcore shit for this evening. Rick's origin!!!

ETA: Spoke too soon. Still a kickass episode.

ETA2: New season to air in the summer. Vague, but whatever. If anybody knows the episode title, I'd like to start a thread. And it's airing again. My guess: it'll run through to the Toonami block.

Yeah, same episode over and over and over again. Just remains to be seen when it stops.


21 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

You know that episode where Morty knocks up a robot and produces a bizarre alien? Okay, now imagine if he did that with Courage the Cowardly Dog.

Who would the authorities arrest? The kid who committed bestiality, or the pedophile dog?

Have you ever watched Courage the Cowardly Dog? He would not want that at all. Seriously, I think Chubby would owe him a small royalty.

Changes for Sunday: Sealab 2021 and Harvey Birdman: Attorney-At-Law are out at the 8:30 slot, replaced by The Venture Bros. Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell  has new episodes at 11:30. After that: reruns of Mr.Pickles (second season, I think), Metalocalypse (final season before the musical finale?), Superjail (third season) and Supermansion (first season).

9 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Have you ever watched Courage the Cowardly Dog? He would not want that at all. Seriously, I think Chubby would owe him a small royalty.

Changes for Sunday: Sealab 2021 and Harvey Birdman: Attorney-At-Law are out at the 8:30 slot, replaced by The Venture Bros. Your Pretty Face Is Going To Hell  has new episodes at 11:30. After that: reruns of Mr.Pickles (second season, I think), Metalocalypse (final season before the musical finale?), Superjail (third season) and Supermansion (first season).

That all sounds fantastic to me!

Quick question: should Cartoon Network/Adult Swim get any abuse for preempting Samurai Jack and Dragon Ball Super? I think that should be the case, because both programs were advertised going into Saturday. At no point did CN/as put in a disclaimer of "We Might Do Something 'Special' On April Fools' Day Beyond Midnight, So Keep On Your Toes." I like Rick and Morty, I get showing the same episode eight times in four hours, but six should have sufficed, especially since CN/as will be airing the episode from Sunday-Friday at 10 p.m.

Looked through the schedule. The 1 a.m. block is getting replaced by The Boondocks, starting on Monday/Tuesday, starting with the middle of the third season. In case you're new to the series, that was a good season. It's the fourth where everything falls apart. The episode: "The Fund Raiser," where Riley Freeman gets into the treacherous world of selling chocolate for charity. Sooooooo many f-bombs. Very funny.

Quick heads-up: tomorrow is May 4, traditionally pronounced "May Fourth," as in "May the Fourth Be With You." Tomorrow night, AS will run the final Family Guy parody of Star Wars, followed by all three specials from Robot Chicken.

Also, Mike Tyson Mysteries returns on May 14. There's a forum there, and I could use the conversation.

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Had an aborted date. Before that, I killed time at a comic shop. I have a weakness for blind box vinyl figures, and I found that KidRobot has a line of Adult Swim characters. That includes Rick and Morty, which has a figure line with Funko. I wound up with Samurai Jack; according to the box, there are two of those out of every 24. Great likeness, but I can't squeeze the sword in his hand. Here's the site . . . they got stuff from Samurai Jack (Jack and Aku), Rick and Morty (two Ricks, two Mortys and Cromulon from "Get Schwifty" in unknown quantities), Robot Unicorn Attack (the robot unicorn, of course), Squidbillies (Early), The Venture Bros. (four, including Blue Morpho), Fishcenter (two, if you're into that), Robot Chicken (two; Cyborg Scientist and Bitch Puddin'), and Too Many Cooks (Smarf and the Killer, which is a 1/96 figure).

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