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Somewhere Oprah is shrugging her shoulders and thinking 'there's no 'there' there'.


The timer continues it's countdown.


edited because I can't type

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Is it wrong that, whenever I see a new post here, I'm assuming it's a tragic announcement?


No, you're not the only one. I just read another article and it mentioned she turns 28 next month. About a year or so ago, I was wondering if she'd be another member of the 27 club. I'm actually shocked that she's (probably) going to make it to 28.


She looks like hell:



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Especially since there's no such thing as free.  if some weasel wants to let her move in there, he's going to want her to make appearances for him as "rent".  In his booze soaked, drug filled little paradise.  Constantly.

Well, that might not be hard for her, as she seems to be photographed stumbling in and out of there on a regular basis already.

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And as long as self centered jackasses are willing to use her for free publicity (and she's stupid enough to accept the freebie crash pads) the cycle will continue in it's downward spiral until she's found dead in her room. At which point there will wailing and weeping and gnashing of teeth for the terrible waste, wringing of hands about how they tried and tried to help her and whyohwhy wouldn't she listen.


Until then she will stay in the valley of denial, blaming the paps for tripping her, for taking her pic with her sitting with a glass of vodka in her hand (it wasn't hers, she was just holding it for a friend, swear to god) and pretending that she has important meetings to attend and projects in the planning stages which will be her big comebacks.


The beat, for now, goes on.

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Thanks for the update--I was getting so worried about our girl. I'll go out on a limb here and predict that this production will never open. (I know, big limb...)


I made my living in professional theater for over 30 years and the basic rules of rehearsal are to show up on time and prepared (ie, know your lines/blocking, have your designs/sketches ready to show the producer/director). Add to that the fact that in theater (as in film) the director is god. You follow his or her vision/plan/ideas/schedule. Sure, as a professional and part of a team you make suggestions and they're either accepted or not; period. Rehearsals can easily run all day. Theater is a collaborative art. It's also a business and canceling performances means offering refunds to all the ticket holders who show up expecting to see actor A and get actor B as an understudy.


Anyone remember Dustin Hoffman's character being fired in Tootsie when he refused to sit down filming a tomato commercial? Time is money--rental for rehearsal space, paying the cast/crew for their time and opening night is opening night; you have to be ready when the curtain goes up.


This bird won't fly.


I'd also like to add that I haven't seen any opening/production/run of performance dates posted. No mention when rehearsals start. No word of other cast members and I also don't recall seeing a director listed. Who's the backer here" Where's the $ coming from? Does LL have a run of show contract or a six month/six week contract?


This is BS.

Edited by Beden
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It certainly looks like she's back on something and it's sure as hell not three squares a day. Her skin looks bad as well--broken out.

The downward spiral spirals on. I actually feel sort of guilty watching this slow motion train wreck go further off the rails.

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its original foundation is correct above, so it may just be something a proofreader missed. So, you have a father with 6 mug shots and a resume of abuse and swindling, a mother with 1 with a .20 BAC on her DWI, a sister that may be the most notorious child-star screwup adult also with 6 mug shots, I think a missed use of its vs. it's is small potatoes by comparison. 

That sounds like an excuse for poor grammar.  "He had a hard life with no role models so he can't be expected to spell correctly." 

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Has anyone heard anything about the London play? What was it--Speed the Plow? Rehearsals? Opening date? Theater location? Other cast members? Memory serves that it was supposed to open in September which would mean it should be close to beginning rehearsals-- a play often has anywhere from a 2 to 4 week schedule leading up to opening night.


Anything? A new start date? Cancellation?


Crickets chirping?

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Has anyone heard anything about the London play? What was it--Speed the Plow? Rehearsals? Opening date? Theater location? Other cast members? Memory serves that it was supposed to open in September which would mean it should be close to beginning rehearsals-- a play often has anywhere from a 2 to 4 week schedule leading up to opening night.


Anything? A new start date? Cancellation?


Crickets chirping?


I just searched her name at The Daily Mail to see what's been up with her. Apparently, she's spent the last couple of weeks jet-setting between Ibiza, London, and now Greece, enjoying lots of beach time and partying.


As far as the play, this article says:

The Liz & Dick actress is enjoying her island vacation but will soon have to return to London to start rehearsals for her upcoming performance on the West End stage.


The former child star is set to make her live theatre debut in David Mamet's Speed The Plow beginning on September 24th.


There's also this:

Troubled actress Lindsay Lohan 'to write tell-all autobiography about addiction struggles and leaked list of A-list lovers'

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How can she afford these endless exotic beach vacations?

I'm guessing that clearly she isn't...some moron(s) is/are footing her bills, likely for cheap publicity regarding whatever it is they're trying to sell. 'Just like the producers who have decided to mount Speed the Plow and are going for the freak factor.

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Seriously why would I want to buy her book, even hypothetically? She's had her life splashed across the tabloids since she was 17, including all her parents toxic crap. She's often posted her "defence" online in her own words and on talk shows. Her list of A list lovers isn't going to be a big deal unless (to be horrible) it happened during The Parent Trap or there is someone *entirely* scandalous for whatever reason. The "list" that "leaked" a few weeks ago was a big shrug, even if a couple have "goody two shoes" images then or now. 


Plus this was supposed to be her side of the story and it was empty, boring, frustrating and sad at the same time, I can't see a book being much different.


I do think she'll make it to the beginning of the show and then pull out after two weeks. Or maybe that will be how long she's actually contracted for. Long enough to bring some publicity for everyone, but not long enough to totally ruin the show or prove her staying power. 

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I wish her luck--truly I do--but unless she's found Jesus or sobered up (doubtful if she's partying through Europe) I'd put my money on a continuation of the trainwreck we saw on the Orrah show. At this stage I just find the whole thing sad and pathetic.

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The Daily Mail is doing at least one article a day on her lately. She's still partying in Greece, with some guy who has a beard. He's in most of the pics with her partying with a hookah pipe, hanging on the beach, in the water, on a boat, etc. Also, she's been sporting a very large diamond ring on her left ring finger and it looks like an engagement ring.


I do think she'll make it to the beginning of the show and then pull out after two weeks. Or maybe that will be how long she's actually contracted for. Long enough to bring some publicity for everyone, but not long enough to totally ruin the show or prove her staying power.


As far as the play, one of the articles says:

The 28-year-old starlet has moved to England where she will make her stage debut in David Mamet's Speed-the-Plow, running September 24-November 29 at the Playhouse Theatre in London's West End.

If she actually makes it through the full nine weeks, it will be a miracle.

Edited by LuckyBitch
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I maintain that she was added to the cast list to generate publicity--case in  point; would anyone beyond London's theater community care about a restage of Speed the Plow if she hadn't been attached? Stunt casting at it's most classic. It's also my belief--prove me wrong, Linds--is that bird won't fly and if it does it will crash and burn. To the best of my knowledge she's never done professional theater, never had to deal with day long rehearsals, never had to deliver a performance 8 times a week in front of a live audience. And, JMO, she's simply not a good actress. She was fine in children's roles but doesn't seem able to convey adult emotions conviningly, hasn't had any real training in the last decade that I'm aware of and seems convinced that she's still god's gift to the industry. Her performances in Liz and Dick and with Fallon in a short comedy skit were an embarrassment to her.


I remain dubious.

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After jet setting around Europe all summer, she's back in NYC. She's supposed to debut in the play in London on September 24th, so when does she start rehearsals?


LiLo’s Ice Bucket Challenge fail

Lindsay Lohan’s triumphant return to New York night life continues to be a disaster.


After a lengthy trip to Europe, La Lohan is back in Manhattan and ready for drama. Not deterred after her credit card was refused as she tried to pay a $2,500 bill for a table of vodka at 1Oak Southampton on Saturday, the starlet headed back into the city for more action.


She appeared at Up & Down on Monday, where sources tell us she insisted on doing the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge in the middle of the venue, using two Champagne buckets.


While the former OWN star did drench herself with ice water, unfortunately nobody appears to have been focused enough to catch it on video for the ensuing social media blitz.


Tuesday night, Lindsay was back in action at 1Oak in Chelsea, where a huge commotion kicked off after she sat herself at the “high-roller table,” and then “was furious when the person who had a reservation for the table arrived and she was asked to move. She stormed out of the club.”

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Obviously I'm not privy to the scheduling of the Speed the Plow rehearsals, but 2-3 weeks rehearsal is normal enough on the professional level. More/longer can certainly happen with a complicated production involving choreography, large casts, double casting, music or complicated production details (moving sets, computers, mega costumes, flying--that kind of thing) but with something relatively simple several weeks is common. This also assumes that the actors arrive prepared as to knowing their lines and what's going on.

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She's back in London and in rehearsals for the play:


'I can't help that I'm so popular': Lindsay Lohan talks about fame in magazine interview ahead of London theatre debut

PUBLISHED: 16:01 EST, 25 August 2014 | UPDATED: 16:12 EST, 25 August 2014


Things seem to be going well for Lindsay Lohan.


Not only is she set to star in David Mamet's play, Speed The Plow, she's also gracing one of three limited edition covers for next month's issue of trendy magazine, Wonderland.


With the coverline reading: 'I can't help that I'm so popular,' a classic line from her famous movie, Mean Girls, it seems the actress is back to her confident best.


Lohan appears to be thrilled with her latest cover and simply tweeted: 'thank you @wonderlandmag.'


The star is set to make her London theatre debut in just a few weeks.


And clearly excited, the redhead took to her Instagram account on Monday and shared a photo of herself during rehearsals, alongside a couple of colleagues.


Underneath the snap, she wrote: 'Rehearsals!!! #SpeedThePlow with my wonderful cast mates! It’s good to be back at work!!'


Talking exclusively to MailOnline recently, Lindsay admitted she was nervous about her role in her upcoming play.


'I think it's just the idea of when it starts, on opening night, that's what makes me the most nervous. I'll probably mess up on the first night just out of fear,' she confessed.


'I'm excited about the rehearsals, I'm going to be nervous at first obviously, even in the rehearsals.


But I think the more I get comfortable on the stage in rehearsals, the better it will be. I'm nervous for the show. I'm scared.'


The show, which is directed by Lindsay Posner, will run for a limited time at London's Playhouse Theatre from September 24.


Check the link for pics.

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It opened.   Lindsay actually showed up.   There was no mention that she was late so probably even showed up relatively on time.   She had to be prompted on her lines but she got through the whole play.   


Given what a train wreck she has been, this is quite the accomplishment.   Baby steps.

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