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S19.E04: Week 2: Results & Elimination

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The one exception was Mark and Sadie.  I'm not sure what we were supposed to think about that, but it annoyed me.  The criticism, such as it was, that she received was very mild.  Mostly Len saying it didn't work for him.  If it causes her such distress that she's sitting there all mopey and downcast reminding herself she's a "tough little duckling," then what is she going to do if she has an off-dance and gets some real criticism?  And I was annoyed with Mark for choosing to diss Len rather than take that moment to explain to Sadie that she did a good job but not everyone is going to like everything and not to sweat it.  You can't please all the people all the time.  But Len's point was a good one - I know I had the exact same reaction - it didn't work for me.  From reading some of the boards, it didn't work for a lot of people.  Just dismissing it as Len doesn't know jazz or country was understandable, but it was the easy way out and ultimately is not really going to help Sadie learn to deal with this show or with criticism in life, which is inevitable.


In the moment, in the middle of a live tv broadcast, the pros comfort their stars in a way to pump them back up and get them through the show in reasonably good spirits.  The more serious discussions are for later and quite probably off-camera.  I would guess quite often the pros have to discuss the judges comments with their star and put it all in perspective for them.


Yes, Sadie needs to toughen up and learn to roll with the punches. I've no doubt Mark will work with her on that. But during the live show, all he wants at that moment is to put a smile back on her face to finish out the show.


If Mark had told Sadie not everyone is going to like her performance and don't worry about it, what would have been her reaction?   She probably would have agreed, "yea, you're right", and continued to look defeated as she stewed over who else didn't like it or maybe the whole audience didn't like it or the whole world didn't like it.  (Teens do have a way of globalizing things).


She saw Len as the "bad guy" of the moment so Mark threw Len under the bus saying he didn't know what he was talking about.  Len's been at this for so long, I've no doubt he understands this and he knows Mark far longer than either have been on this show.

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You're no doubt right, Uke.  But I can't help but wonder why her parents allowed her to go on the show knowing how apparently hyper-sensitive she is.  If she was having a  hard time with such mild criticism that wasn't even really directed at her, what is she going to do if she really struggles with a dance, and the judges have to tell her *she* wasn't good. 

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You're no doubt right, Uke.  But I can't help but wonder why her parents allowed her to go on the show knowing how apparently hyper-sensitive she is.  If she was having a  hard time with such mild criticism that wasn't even really directed at her, what is she going to do if she really struggles with a dance, and the judges have to tell her *she* wasn't good. 

 Good question. I don't know.   I expect by the next time, she'll understand to just keep smiling and let the comments just fly right past her.

I was totally mesmerized in a WTF way watching that dance with Val and his brother's two ex-girlfriends. 

That thought ran across my mind, too. Awkkwaaard!


I didn't see any pixelization with costumes.  I did think Alison was a man in drag for a few seconds when the dance started. Seriously I thought they were spoofing it like Jimmy Kimmel. Girl has some major muscles.


Julianne somehow manages to look dowdy and matronly while wearing plunging necklines and body suits. She needs a new stylist. Plus that hair.......

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In the moment, in the middle of a live tv broadcast, the pros comfort their stars in a way to pump them back up and get them through the show in reasonably good spirits.  The more serious discussions are for later and quite probably off-camera.  I would guess quite often the pros have to discuss the judges comments with their star and put it all in perspective for them.


Yes, Sadie needs to toughen up and learn to roll with the punches. I've no doubt Mark will work with her on that. But during the live show, all he wants at that moment is to put a smile back on her face to finish out the show.


If Mark had told Sadie not everyone is going to like her performance and don't worry about it, what would have been her reaction?   She probably would have agreed, "yea, you're right", and continued to look defeated as she stewed over who else didn't like it or maybe the whole audience didn't like it or the whole world didn't like it.  (Teens do have a way of globalizing things).


She saw Len as the "bad guy" of the moment so Mark threw Len under the bus saying he didn't know what he was talking about.  Len's been at this for so long, I've no doubt he understands this and he knows Mark far longer than either have been on this show.

Sadie has been a very, very sheltered, privileged child and teen. She is pretty, skinny, outgoing, articulate and gets a lot of praise for being a 'good girl' role model. This is probably the first time in her life she's received any criticism and hasn't been the very best at everything she's attempted. I think it's good for her to realize there's a great bit world out there, in which most don't care if she's a straight A, modest, homecoming queen, Duck Dynasty heiress. If someone outdances her, then the scores reflect it. I don't think anyone was harsh or hateful to her. 

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I have to say I wish that with the switch up you had the option of seeing same sex partnerings. I still keep hoping each season that the show will have at least one same sex partnership but it hasn't happened yet. I think it would be interesting to see.

I don't think prime time is ready for same sex partners performing a steaming Rumba. Just not gonna happen and to be honest, I'm not ready for it either. Now, Hip Hop  Jazz or Contemporary is another thing. SYTYCD does same sex partner dances quite frequently, especially in the finals. Those are some of the best routines.Actually, we were treated to a same sex Contemporary on this past results show with Allison and Maddy.

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I don't think prime time is ready for same sex partners performing a steaming Rumba.


No one is ever ready for change. That's why we need brave networks willing to step outside the box. Nothing will ever change unless someone's willing to take that first step. Some people will always bitch about it, some people will threaten to never watch again, some people will get all up in arms and want the show to be cancelled for being "gross" or "immoral," but in great contrast there will also be people whose eyes and minds may be opened a little more because they got to see something amazing that happened to be performed by same sex dancers. And then there are those who are LGBTQ who may have been waiting and wanting to see better representation on TV... they might appreciate those baby steps taken toward equality.


I'm talking in general in this paragraph, not to anyone specifically here, but I really and truly don't understand homophobia. Seeing same sex dancers dance doesn't change anything about the viewer's own personal or sexual interests. It won't destroy the definition of marriage, or of anything else for that matter. If it is a tastefully done dance between two men or two women, with gorgeous movement? It could be remarkably powerful. I would love to see that.

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Did anyone else notice that Michael Waltrip was "not necessarily the bottom 2."  He seems good for a chuckle but I hope he doesn't stick around longer than his expiration date. I hope Tommy & Betsey are there for a bit longer.  They both are working so hard and actually better dancers than Michael who must be 20 years their junior.


He's brought up Bill Engvall so much that I can't help comparing both men.  And Michael has not endeared himself to me the way Bill E. did.  He's kind of annoying.  

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