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S01.E06: The Madness Method

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A murderer is on the loose and is headed towards Gibsons. In a race for time, the suspect’s psychiatrist notifies Alberg of the potential threat after receiving a haunting text message. Alberg launches an investigation that takes an unexpected turn.


Air Date: Nov 12, 2024


Guest Stars — Paula Patton, Keenan Tracey.











Edited by Snazzy Daisy
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I've been a fan of this show, but I thought this episode was just abysmal.  Most of the blame falls upon Paula Patton, who I think was a spectacularly awful actress here.  The line delivery, the intense stares, the overacting.  I had her pegged immediately as the big bad.

And then the business with Cassandra.  Last episode when she pulled back at the end, I thought it was just because she was traumatized.  Now it turns out that she blames Karl 100% for getting her kidnapped, and she can't handle being with a cop.  Well OK then, she can just go away.  He can live his own life.  But since these are two characters in a TV show, now we are going to get all these scenes of angst and them trying to avoid each other and then probably eventually getting back together. 

I truly hate angst on TV.  I don't know why TV producers and writers think it is enjoyable to see angst on TV.  I find it annoying when teen characters do it, but it's even worse when it's two grown ass 40 somethings.  Move on, Karl.  Surely there's someone else in town who appreciates him.  And Cassandra has been alone by choice forever, so she can keep staying that way.  I don't care what happened in Sacramento, but I'm sure we will find out.

Soooooo... two cops, one a fairly inexperienced newbie and the other out of shape, approach a house that they highly suspect is the location of a suspected murderer.  They don't call for backup.  They decide that the best thing to do is to split up.  Mmm hmmmm.

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I read somewhere — this is the first installment that’s not based on one of L. R. Wright’s novels.

They won’t cast Paula Patton to play a damsel in distress. So, this is a spoiler in its own way.

Am glad that Edwina gets to shine in this episode. We know her backstory on why she transferred to Gibsons. Her scene with Cassandra is good as she reminds her that her own action kept her alive.

The twisted Dr. Lewis is right about one thing — even if you’re victimized, it does not make you a victim.

I don’t really care about Karlandra. Together or not, it doesn’t matter as it’s the most uninteresting part of this show. 

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I'm not a fan of how Karlandra is progressing/regressing either. Let's get her history out and get over the angst. However, I really enjoyed the Patton character with Karl. It was fun. And I was surely happy with Edwina's bit of story this week. The Keystone Cops maneuver was not well planned. Karl, they may need more direct instructions. 

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This small town sure does get its fair share of crazies.

So Cassandra would have been okay if her kidnapper had been Carl's Moriarty or a more memorable criminal in his career? Kidding. Sort of. But because Carl is a cop, she's blaming him for her kidnapping and she can't handle it. I would be okay with Cassandra needing space because of PTSD and coming to grips with everything that happened, but this is too much. Let her go, Carl. But we all know he won't and they will end up angst-ing and running into each other constantly, because there is literally nothing else for Kristin Kruek's character to do on this show unless they do.

And did I see right that the season finale is next week? That's an incredibly short season.

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Hey y'all.  I see my table of really, really disliking Cassandra is pretty full.  I just have no words for what she did to Karl.  How can he find her total self-obsession attractive?  I also vote for Karl to find someone else.  This woman is a whole bag of trouble and to me, she is not worth it.  Yes she is pretty but pretty only goes so far.  Character, empathy, intelligence and unselfishness are of much more value in a deep relationship.  That is what Karl wants(a deep relationship).  She will never give those things to him.  As a viewer, Cassandra is a waste of time to me.  All of the other characters are so much more interesting and worthwhile.

It is a bit far-fetched to call this a "small town" when there are murders all the time.  Mix it up and at least try to make it believable writers.

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