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Global All Stars S01.E09: Re-United Nations Makeover

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RuPaul turns quizmaster to find out, amongst other things, which Queen is the shadiest, the messiest and the bossiest. And there's a surprise for the remaining Glamazons in the shape of a drag family makeover. The gang may be back together again, but as well as alliances to be renewed, theres old scores to be settled! Raven and Drag Race Germany's Dianne Brill join Ru, Michelle and Jamal, but the critiques lead to a shock when it's announced who will be lipsynching for their life.


Well, I can't write funny like @davidcalgary29, but I'm not sure I'd want to if I could. That was ... not a fun episode for me.

Where to start?

Can I just say, wtf Raven? Her corset was so tight her head was enlarged with blood like a tick about to pop, she couldn't even stand up straight.

Nehellenia rocked that challenge hard, and yes Kween, she deserved the win. Go Nelly!

Speaking of Kween, my god the bile. It's Nelly's first win and Kween, with 3 wins under her belt, is shitting all over her. My god it's ugly to see. She was spewing so much hatred she got some on Pythia. Pythia! Who in their right mind comes for someone like Pythia, one of the nicest , kindest queens in the franchise!? Ugh, Kween is being so vile. If she ends up winning, ima riot.

Kitty was almost as bad, but not quite. Not this time anyway, I think she was distracted by her bubble bursting.

Tessa is just there. I'm so neutral on her I'm glad I don't live on a hill. Alyssa's not making much of an impression either, but at least I already loved her coming in to this, so there's that.

Too bad Vanity didn't deliver another comedy lipsync. If she had, we might have been able to get that nasty little kitten off our screens. As soon as it started and I saw what Kitty was doing, I knew it was over for Vanity. I fumed through the whole thing. Oh well, despite that lapse in judgement, Vanity, I still love you, and I will miss you.

So now, after this, my preferred order of winners:

1. Nelly -- because she's gone through some shit

2. Alyssa -- because she's Alyssa fuckin Edwards I mean come on

3. Tessa -- because she's not Kitty or Kween

99. Kitty -- because she disgraced herself a little less than Kween did this week

1,000,000: Kween -- because Pythia, and everything else

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4 hours ago, Starchild said:

Can I just say, wtf Raven? Her corset was so tight her head was enlarged with blood like a tick about to pop, she couldn't even stand up straight.

A tick about to pop! I think she was trying to pull off a classic supermodel pose with the sucked in gut and the hunch. Her wig was bizarre. The whole thing was very distracting.

It was really good to see Miranda back again, and so funny when she nailed Kitty so succinctly and goodnaturedly in that segment.

4 hours ago, Starchild said:

Speaking of Kween, my god the bile.

I absolutely agree. I did enjoy the editing flashes to Kong pursing her lips in anger as Nelly's makeover was praised by the judges - while Pythia looked so pretty and happy. It is possible there was some blending issue I didn't notice or a lack of the sort of heavy contouring Kong would have done one Pythia, but I was stunned by the pretty makeover Nelly did. To be so foul on another queen's moment in the sun, after being ludicrously over-favored all season... And then that outburst in the untucked section - so ugly, so uncalled for.

It was especially jarring as Kong has always looked like a man in drag, in both her seasons, to me, that she repeatedly putdown Nelly's make-over and repeatedly hurt Pythia's feelings by saying Pythia looked like a man.

4 hours ago, Starchild said:

Nehellenia rocked that challenge hard, and yes Kween, she deserved the win. Go Nelly!


The only satisfying winner at this point would be Nelly, or the adorable Alyssa.

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4 hours ago, Starchild said:

RuPaul turns quizmaster to find out, amongst other things, which Queen is the shadiest, the messiest and the bossiest. And there's a surprise for the remaining Glamazons in the shape of a drag family makeover. The gang may be back together again, but as well as alliances to be renewed, theres old scores to be settled! Raven and Drag Race Germany's Dianne Brill join Ru, Michelle and Jamal, but the critiques lead to a shock when it's announced who will be lipsynching for their life.


Well, I can't write funny like @davidcalgary29, but I'm not sure I'd want to if I could. That was ... not a fun episode for me.

Where to start?

Can I just say, wtf Raven? Her corset was so tight her head was enlarged with blood like a tick about to pop, she couldn't even stand up straight.

Nehellenia rocked that challenge hard, and yes Kween, she deserved the win. Go Nelly!

Speaking of Kween, my god the bile. It's Nelly's first win and Kween, with 3 wins under her belt, is shitting all over her. My god it's ugly to see. She was spewing so much hatred she got some on Pythia. Pythia! Who in their right mind comes for someone like Pythia, one of the nicest , kindest queens in the franchise!? Ugh, Kween is being so vile. If she ends up winning, ima riot.

Kitty was almost as bad, but not quite. Not this time anyway, I think she was distracted by her bubble bursting.

Tessa is just there. I'm so neutral on her I'm glad I don't live on a hill. Alyssa's not making much of an impression either, but at least I already loved her coming in to this, so there's that.

Too bad Vanity didn't deliver another comedy lipsync. If she had, we might have been able to get that nasty little kitten off our screens. As soon as it started and I saw what Kitty was doing, I knew it was over for Vanity. I fumed through the whole thing. Oh well, despite that lapse in judgement, Vanity, I still love you, and I will miss you.

So now, after this, my preferred order of winners:

1. Nelly -- because she's gone through some shit

2. Alyssa -- because she's Alyssa fuckin Edwards I mean come on

3. Tessa -- because she's not Kitty or Kween

99. Kitty -- because she disgraced herself a little less than Kween did this week

1,000,000: Kween -- because Pythia, and everything else

Loved the weecap! I don't have access to Crave while I'm out of the country, so your summary is great.

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I was sad to see Vanity go, I really liked her.  

And I totally agree with the Raven evaluation, YIKES!  There was just nothing attractive in any of that, legend or not.  And I don't like clothes that deliberately highlight the bare male ribcage/abdomen area.  Just my thing. 

Also agree that if Qween could spit on them all, she would.  The rampant ego is just so out of proportion to actually having the goods she thinks she has.  She's more delusional than any in the bunch.  

I think the Nelle aspect that annoys me the most is the constant sing-song voice.  Really, just for 2 seconds, maybe let go of that toddler-speak.  The makeup challenge WAS great though, a well deserved win.  Now maybe she'll quit whining.  

I just want Alyssa to go all the way to the win.  I also really like the way Alyssa starts the Werkroom day very nicely dressed, usually a suit of sorts and always already put together.  Just comes off respectful and a showing of self-worth.  No shredded jeans, worn out sweats, cut-offs or Crocs on that queen!  I think it's classy.  

Edited by SnapHappy
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Kween Kong was overpraised in her original season, also with horrendous runways, and was also a bully to the weakest-seeming member of that cast, encouraging a group bullying and/or derision of Beverly Kills. I guess that's just her way, and now it has exploded along with her ego being on Global All Stars.

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On 10/6/2024 at 9:11 AM, Starchild said:

Can I just say, wtf Raven? Her corset was so tight her head was enlarged with blood like a tick about to pop, she couldn't even stand up straight.

Hilariously, in the workroom chat with Ru, Soa and Kween, she was at least fifty shades darker than any of them.


Tessa is just there. I'm so neutral on her I'm glad I don't live on a hill.


Edited by Fake Jan Brady
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I just saw the Nelly video live where Nelly shares that she, plus other queens, asked for Kween to be removed from the competition. 😲

And there have been a few random posts that Alyssa stood up for Nelly and it almost became physical. Plus, Soa posted that Nelly shouldn't be sharing anything that wasn't aired.

If this is true, anybody but Kitty or Kween to win is my preference. Heck, I'd take boring Tessa.

If you want to see the clips and get the background, you can watch the latest Bussy Queen video.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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I thought Kitty made Miranda look exactly like Juno Temple in Ted Lasso to me!

Kween's attitude was so stank. I may be done with her. Nelly nailed the main challenge, was praised for it by the judges & fellow queens and Kween just went nasty on her. I thought Kween did a great job with Soa, she was one of the top queens of the challenge yet she just could not take anyone else taking the spotlight from her. This is the first time I'm seeing her and the more her nastiness rears its ugly head now, the more I do not like her. 

I will miss Vanity, she had entertaining talking head segments. 

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I thought I had posted in this thread. Wonder if I did it somewhere else by mistake?  Gist of my post was. I’m very happy Nelly won well deserved and I think she should’ve won the roast. Karen is becoming/has become very unlikable along with Kitty. Kween acted like it was impossible for Kitty to be in the bottom. 

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On 10/7/2024 at 11:26 AM, SnapHappy said:

Vanity had a smirk I would kill for!

Agreed! I'll miss her.

I kept wondering if I missed something or something happened off screen because Kween's attitude towards Nelly was uncalled based on what was shown. It's telling that no one agreed with her. Pyhthia absolutely didn't deserve that. She's one of my faves! Keen was one of my favorites at the start. Now she's at the bottom.

I think they all did good to great with their runway. I mostly agree with the judges as far as the critiques. Miranda was spot on when talking to Ru and Raven. I wondered if something happened to Raven because she was walking funny. I also feel like she was wasted. She barely spoke.

I do think they need to mix up the challenges more to highlight a variety of talents. 

I'm glad Kitty got knocked down a peg a bit. 

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On 10/5/2024 at 3:11 PM, Starchild said:


Speaking of Kween, my god the bile. It's Nelly's first win and Kween, with 3 wins under her belt, is shitting all over her. My god it's ugly to see. She was spewing so much hatred she got some on Pythia. Pythia! Who in their right mind comes for someone like Pythia, one of the nicest , kindest queens in the franchise!? Ugh, Kween is being so vile. If she ends up winning, ima riot.

Kitty was almost as bad, but not quite. Not this time anyway, I think she was distracted by her bubble bursting.


I loved the recap!

I agree with you and the other posters who said Kween's sour attitude over Nelly's first win is a turn off, particularly since she was in the top and has already had three wins.  Very mean spirited.  And, to go on and on about Pythia was very mean girl.  

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On 10/13/2024 at 11:12 PM, SemiCharmedLife said:

I loved the recap!

I agree with you and the other posters who said Kween's sour attitude over Nelly's first win is a turn off, particularly since she was in the top and has already had three wins.  Very mean spirited.  And, to go on and on about Pythia was very mean girl.  

I have tried to stay neutral because, you know, this is an exploitative reality show with poorly-compensated contestants, but I was fuming while watching Kween being unnecessarily cruel (and inaccurately so) to Pythia, who hasn't really said an unkind word to anyone, and who was clearly bothered by it. Ugh.

Edited by davidcalgary29
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