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S02.E02: I Shall Now Perform a 180 Flip-Flop


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Well, I guess the showrunner saw too much commentary last season that Bree was the only Good Person on this show, so they had to go and take her down a few notches right away. (But as it was in the first season, it's all very understandable Dumb Shit We Do When We're 20, however infuriating.)

Okay, so Lucy's new guy might be less of a outright sociopath than Stephen, but clearly he's going to have a hair trigger temper and probably end up abusive. My only hope is that before his arc ends, he beats the living hell out of Stephen at least one time.

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19 hours ago, mandymax said:

What on earth happened to this season?  This isn't the same show we left.

The previews seem like it gets back on track - I hope so.  It doesn't have the same feel as last season.

I'm assuming that since the first season followed the book in terms of storyline and characters (albeit strayed and changed certain parts), the second season had to come up with completely new stuff on its own. I agree; the show seemed to not focus so heavily on just Lucy/Stephen and spread it out among the supporting characters. But I'm sure their toxic relationship will still dominate as the season continues. 

Does anyone know if there's a good Season 1 recap anywhere? The one they tacked onto this season barely scratched the surface for me and I've forgotten the finer points -- particularly of the first-night death and then the way that played out with Drew and Wrigley.

I'm assuming the thing Lucy's hometown bestie will never forgive her for is... maybe advocating for assault charges to be pressed against her brother or something?

This is the stupid show I can't quit. I mean do these people ever study or stress over a test? Its all about costume parties and hooking up. 

And as a retired professor, I was just howling over some of the non reality of college life. Bree crying in the registrars office doesn't get you into a closed full class. What gets you in to to beg and plead with the professor. And while some faculty may entertain students in their home, its almost always graduate students. The only way an undergrad would be invited is to serve food or do other slave labor

And there are all kind of issues and policies  about having events off campus.

I just laugh laughed about the professor who doesn't use a computer because it impedes her flow. I only hear that from faculty in their 80s . 


This show slays me.  

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What I noticed about this (and also last season) is how the 18- and 19-year-olds are all served alcohol in bars, apparently without even being carded. Ok, so I can imagine they have fake IDs, but at least show them whipping them out. I went to a university in southern California. The town was super strict about drinking. We were constantly carded, and many times we were refused alcohol because they weren't convinced our IDs were legitimate. Have things changed that much over the last few decades or is this lazy writing? Heck, I got carded two weeks ago and I'm decades older than these characters. 

I can see the set-up of Lucy once again getting sucked in by Stephen, and it sickens me. Ugh. The guy is horrible and not even that attractive or charismatic. What does she see in him? The new guy seems sweet, so I guess that means she will use him and dump him like she did Max. She wants the "bad boy." 

The blonde hair makes Pippa look ever older. Bad move. She looks 45 years old and it takes me out of the show. 

Bree is a mess. Why did they have to make her unstable? I liked her last season. 

Did Grace Van Patten get more filler in her lips? They looked filled last season but bigger now. She is beautiful, and I hope she stops now before she is in Real Housewives territory. 

Also, can someone help me understand why Lucy and Stephen look exactly the same in 2015 as they did in 2008? Last season when they showed 2015, Stephen had longer hair and a beard. Now suddenly that has disappeared, and he looks like he just walked out of his dorm in 2008. Is there not a continuity person on this show? 

Edited by Sweet-tea

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