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"The Daily Show": Week of 9/15/14

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It was pretty awkward. They referenced it in the bit, but it's hard for any farewell to live up to what John got last December. That one was just beautiful in so many ways. Even Stephen's "impromptu" tribute this year felt small by comparison... although I'm guessing they have something big and emotional in store for his last show. (I wonder what Jon's last show would be like? Would he try to sneak out the back door, so to speak, or would he get the grand send-off like Letterman or Colbert? I get the feeling that he'd rather retire with as little fanfare as possible.)


Back on topic (sorta): I wonder how much of a given it is that Clinton will be the Democratic candidate in 2016. Who else could run with any hope of success? It's definitely not Biden. I wish Warren would run, as I frankly prefer her to Clinton, but she's said no pretty unequivocally, hasn't she?

Back on topic (sorta): I wonder how much of a given it is that Clinton will be the Democratic candidate in 2016. Who else could run with any hope of success? It's definitely not Biden.


For the most part, I think anyone else who's given it some thought has laid low, expecting that Clinton will run and certainly for now, has a huge amount of expectation she'll get it.  I presume Biden will at least give her someone to compete against, but I think everyone expects it to be token at best.  That said, didn't Obama pretty much come out of nowhere to run against Clinton before?  I know Edwards was already in the race, but at least for me, Obama was really unexpected and he was able to get a huge amount of momentum going pretty fast.  So I suppose there's always the possibility that someone will try that again.

Things I look forward to finding out:  Whether the Republican hissy fit over President Hillary Clinton is more or less pronounced than the Republican hissy fit over President Barack Obama.


I expect the level of hissy will go unchanged, if and/or when Hillary Clinton becomes president. There's plenty of unfounded topics the right will try and use against her (Whitewater, Vince Foster, Benghazi). Not to mention some less than subtle coded messaging of a woman as U.S. president.

I just got caught up on the episodes from this week, and I liked the mocking tone of the Michael Che sendoff, especially when Jason called him Wyatt.  Except I was enjoying the casual racism bit and wanted it to continue. 


The "Threatflix" segment on the ISIS video was rather ho-hum, but I did like Jon's comment, "You can always get a job creating graphics for CNN."


I loved the NFL segment, from the alliterative descriptions of the players to the fucked-up nature of needing an "in-house special victims unit" to the "beer pressure" joke I saw coming a mile away yet still laughed at when it got here to the takedown of Hannity's special brand of spiteful ignorance to the proposed Madden cover of Michael Sam kissing his boyfriend.


The only thing better this week was the segment on Lindsay Graham's reputation for even-keeled understatement.  That could be a weekly bit and I'd never get sick of it.

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