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Klaus Mikaelson: Original Hybrid, Terrible Brother

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Yes, I've always viewed Mikael's "hunt" of Klaus and his reaction to be that this is more like a game to them than anything else.


I agree that Mikael enjoys toying with Klaus, and doesn't really want the fun to end by killing his plaything outright. Though I think it's always a real threat that he will -- like a cat playing with a mouse. Cats also do that thing with their prey, where they'll release it for a second just to have the pleasure of pouncing on it again. That's how I see Mikael doing things like letting Klaus escape the theater. He loves hunting and catching him so much that he'll let him go just to get the chance to do it again.


On Klaus's side, though, I don't think he *wants* Mikael to toy with him or sees it as just a game, I think he plays his part and goes along with the cat-and-mouse stuff because he knows that Mikael enjoys "playing" with him in that way, and that he can't stop him from doing so. I think Klaus used to have a fantasy that if Mikael died that it would stop, but then Mikael just kept on tormenting him from beyond the grave/in Klaus's own head and nothing much changed. Now that Mikael's back, I think Klaus's new idea for how to deal with him is to to flip the script by quickly setting the same cat-and-mouse game back up, but this time on his terms instead of Mikael's, so that this time Klaus is the predator and Mikael is the prey. Given that he let Mikael run off and was so pleased about it, I think he felt like that script-flip went well this time. Imo this is going to go nowhere good, though, because best case scenario seems to be that Klaus successfully out-Mikaels Mikael. Then what, Klaus is his own greatest fear? He has even less of an escape from Mikael, since he essentially *is* Mikael? Fantastic.

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I've noticed unlike previous interviews (The Vampire Diaries days) Joseph Morgan has basically politely shot down all relationship possibilities the interviewer brings up- across the board from Hayley, to Cami, to Caroline (TVD).

He basically explains how Klaus does not have the emotional tools to be in a relationship and destroys everything good that comes to him.... For reference please see "klaus kills bio dad within 24 hours of meeting him".

So while I agree he's not necessarily a catch per say.... This IS a CW show and Joseph Morgan is whole lotta sexy to be wasted on Cami or Hayley.

In my opinion the ideal solution would be a few crossovers per season with Caroline.


-Oodles of chemistry between the 2 characters and maybe some sexy time.

-Primary focus for Klaus stays on his family and struggle for power.

-The pairing seems very popular with the public.

-I don't have to try and believe a 1000 year old, mass murdering Original vampire finds boring Cami all that appealing.

Slightly off topic but this also work for Caroline on TVD since it's a little tiresome to watch her hook up with every series regular in Mystic Falls.

Either way curious to see how they handle that aspect of the character.

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Klaus and Caroline had a lot of chemistry, but her popping in and out between the two shows wouldn't make a lot of sense. Another thing that wouldn't make sense is Klaus having a meaningful relationship with a child. Caroline is how old now? 17? I'd rather they don't open that can of worms. If Klaus has to have a love interest it'd make more sense for them to bring in new interesting female characters that challenge his character in unique ways. 


I'm with Joseph in not being very interested in Klaus having a love life. His soulmate is his family. And there's too much defanging going on with Elijah by Hayley, Kol by Davina, and everyone by Cami. 

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Caroline is 19. Hayley can't be much older than that, right?


My problem with Klaroline in general is that Joseph is right. Klaus is a POS, and Caroline's character would suffer by being with him. You'd have to believe she would find his behavior acceptable, and I won't ever believe that. She, unlike Elena, still has some standards. Sure, she's willing to forgive a lot of her friends, but I don't think she would or should accept that kind of thing from someone she's in love with and in a serious relationship with. I liked their chemistry, but would never want to see them together unless Klaus changed dramatically, and I don't see that happening soon.

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I've noticed unlike previous interviews (The Vampire Diaries days) Joseph Morgan has basically politely shot down all relationship possibilities the interviewer brings up- across the board from Hayley, to Cami, to Caroline (TVD).


I'm happy to hear that! Hopefully Joseph Morgan isn't just in the dark and in the next script he reads, Klaus's whole storyline isn't introducing his new love interest.


Personally, I was OK with the Caroline/Klaus SL on TVD. It was bizarre that they started off with him just setting his sights on her for some unknown reason, but imo the hook up wouldn't have been more appalling than pretty much any other of TVD's hookups. Also, at that time, iIrc, Damon was compelling himself girlfriends and just generally being written as a rapist/love interest, which I couldn't take. In comparison with Damon, Klaus looked relatively datable. Heh.


What's changed for me, personally, is that after seeing the way that Klaus treated Rebekah last season I *do not want* to see him in a romantic relationship (at least not in the near future). He was so jealous and controlling, was always trying to isolate her, if he saw the slightest (usually imagined) hint that she might leave him or favor anyone else, he'd threaten her with "daggering" and/or murder whoever was close to her, and he'd put her through those horrible "tests" where if she happened to do/say anything loving to him, he'd start harassing her to tell the "truth" that she really hated him, and then pretty much whatever she said, he would physically attack her. Or he'd just physically attack her for his own convenience. That was all bad enough as it was, I have *zero* desire to see that play out in a relationship that has a sexual/romantic aspect, too.


In terms of Caroline coming over to TO, my main qualm is that I don't feel like her character fits the tone of the show very well. She's so sweet and peppy, and her overall SL seems like it's about growing up without growing cynical, and imo her loveliest scenes are still usually with her mom. I'm just imagining her coming over and basically being the ingenue, and her SL being about how she becomes jaded and wary, because how could she not with this horde of monsters on TO, and me being like, "well, that's a bummer." But yeah, a crossover would be interesting, because I can't really imagine her on TO at all.


If I could pick a character to crossover permanently, though, my personal wish would be for Elena to get written out of TVD, and for Nina Dobrev to move over onto TO to play Katherine. Probably would never happen, but I would absolutely love it. Especially since it's not like Elena is doing anything over on TVD anyway, they seem like they ran out of story for her after S4. W/r/t romantic storylines, Katherine would be a terrible love interest for Klaus, obviously, but I think she'd be great with Elijah or Marcel. NOT THAT I'M ASKING FOR ANOTHER TRIANGLE, TPTB. It would probably send poor Nina Dobrev over the edge if she had to play a part of a triangle for yet another five or six or infinity years.


So while I agree he's not necessarily a catch per say.... This IS a CW show and Joseph Morgan is whole lotta sexy to be wasted on Cami or Hayley.


What's funny is that even when they do hook Klaus up with somebody, though, it tends to be *ridiculously* not hot. It must be purposefully so, imo. That fling with Genevieve couldn't have been less steamy, even Genevieve seemed perplexed within the show. And was the last time Cami and Klaus supposedly had a romantic scene the time he just ditched her in the middle of a song at some bar? Even that time he slept with Hayley they were both so weirdly dorky about it. Her terrible pickup line about his paintings cracked me up, as did his sneer about it before I guess it dawned on him that she wasn't actually making fun of him, her game really was just that bad. Anyway, yeah, I have definitely noticed the lack of selling Klaus as a romantic lead (and appreciated it, frankly).


I'm surprised that the production company and the network and everybody is fine with having a lead be such a cold fish, though. The show doesn't even have him in a holding pattern because of unrequited love or anything at this point, he's just noromo as a character choice. While I personally am glad not to see the horror show of Klaus dating someone, this is also the same channel that pushed such supportive, healthy pairings as Delena and Chair, so I wouldn't have thought they'd be so sensitive. Or, "sensitive." Minimizing Klaus's sex scenes probably just means that the show will have to fulfill more of its male shirtlessness quota using torture scenes instead.


Not really complaining, but this maybe does explain why Elijah spent SO LONG just hanging around in that tomb with his shirt open instead of doing his supposed "sleeping" and "dreaming" on a bed with a shirt all the way on.

Edited by rue721
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Personally, I was OK with the Caroline/Klaus SL on TVD. It was bizarre that they started off with him just setting his sights on her for some unknown reason, but imo the hook up wouldn't have been more appalling than pretty much any other of TVD's hookups. Also, at that time, iIrc, Damon was compelling himself girlfriends and just generally being written as a rapist/love interest, which I couldn't take. In comparison with Damon, Klaus looked relatively datable. Heh.


But they were the heroes so we were supposed to look past all the Mystic Falls gang's misdeeds!  Even the idea of killing thousands of vampires, by killing an Original, just to save precious Elena!  That's one of the things I appreciate about The Originals- none of these fools are even remotely trying to act like they aren't  a bunch of  selfish a-holes.


I agree with all points previously made about Caroline/Klaus and personally would watch the hell out of a show that was just based on The Originals we were introduced to in TVD ( don't get me started on how I miss the original Kol, even if the current actor seems good as well) ..... However I'm not sure I trust The CW to not do what they usually do and come up with some contrived relationship drama between Klaus and Cami and/or Hayley. 


For example in previous episode where Mikael has taken Cami and Klaus is all " You'll pay for hurting her".  Ummm excuse me, but who the hell was that guy-  I mean when was Klaus ever THAT dude?  Even when he was being helpful or saving someone (pre-The Originals) he wasn't that guy.  Now I understand it's a different show and he is now the hero (anti-hero) or the protagonist vs the antagonist if you will....  but it didn't seem like the natural progression for the character, it seemed like "ohhh look Klaus and Cami are sooo cute together- jump on the CW promoted band wagon y'all!"


I agree the best option for Klaus is no romantic entanglements, however if that option is off the table I'll take a little sexy-time with Caroline, the one female character he has the right chemistry with IMO, and than they both go their separate ways (College vs world domination) with the possibility of being together in the way distant future. 




Not really complaining, but this maybe does explain why Elijah spent SO LONG just hanging around in that tomb with his shirt open instead of doing his supposed "sleeping" and "dreaming" on a bed with a shirt all the way on.

 I would not turn down a little more shirtless Elijah time.... What can I say, I'm shallow like that.

Edited by GraceAnne
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For example in previous episode where Mikael has taken Cami and Klaus is all " You'll pay for hurting her".  Ummm excuse me, but who the hell was that guy-  I mean when was Klaus ever THAT dude?  Even when he was being helpful or saving someone (pre-The Originals) he wasn't that guy.


Ikr? Remember when Mikael was threatening to kill Elena back on TVD and Klaus started screaming "Kill her! KILL HER!" like he was going to burst a blood vessel? Even w/r/t Caroline, remember when Klaus was upset because he was trapped in the Gilbert living room looking at Kol's burnt corpse for the weekend, and Tyler started giving him lip, so Klaus impaled Caroline on a coat rack and bit her?

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Caroline is 19. Hayley can't be much older than that, right?


Hayley seems more like 25+. She's young, but not childlike. But Caroline seems so childlike to me, as in early co-ed, barely legal, getting drunk off of jello shots. The only thing creeper than Klaus romancing her is Davina with Kol. Oodles of chemistry, but so much ick factor. 


For example in previous episode where Mikael has taken Cami and Klaus is all " You'll pay for hurting her".  Ummm excuse me, but who the hell was that guy-  I mean when was Klaus ever THAT dude?  Even when he was being helpful or saving someone (pre-The Originals) he wasn't that guy.  Now I understand it's a different show and he is now the hero (anti-hero) or the protagonist vs the antagonist if you will....  but it didn't seem like the natural progression for the character, it seemed like "ohhh look Klaus and Cami are sooo cute together- jump on the CW promoted band wagon y'all!"


I got a lot of second hand embarrassment there, and might've gagged a little too. But there were equally as cringeworthy scenes on TVD involving Caroline, like all the times they blatantly stated that Klaus was indeed in love with a teenager he had 3 conversations with. A teenager who repeatedly distracted him to his doom in the same lame way Cami did to Finn.


If Klaus has to have a love interest, I'd rather it be a grown woman who can hold her own, someone like Francesca or Sophie. Cami doesn't count because of the negative chemistry between the actors, and also because she can't realistically handle her own, hence needing to be rescued every other episode this season.




While I personally am glad not to see the horror show of Klaus dating someone, this is also the same channel that pushed such supportive, healthy pairings as Delena and Chair, so I wouldn't have thought they'd be so sensitive. Or, "sensitive."



I'm not so sure. By what I've seen with how they're handling Klami, if they did subject us to a Klaus romantic storyline, they'll probably just woobify him into a perfect boyfriend, give or take a few bar fights. 

Edited by driedfruit
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I don't think you can get too caught up with the ages of the ladies on these shows, since bottom line all these dudes are waaaaay too old for any of them and if you take the time to really think about its pretty icky... For lack of a better word.

I never got that about TVD. I SAW Klaus was intrigued by Caroline and I SAW they had chemistry. I don't need the writer to have the characters TELL me he's obsessed with her and TELL me he loves her. A little subtlety can go a long way.... Although to be fair every friggen person over there hooks up with each other so maybe they want to be real clear what pairing they are pushing... That week anyway.

Sorry quoting isn't working on my iPad -

" Cami doesn't count because of the negative chemistry between the actors, and also because she can't realistically handle her own, hence needing to be rescued every other episode this season."


Once I read this I realized it was just an episode or two ago Klaus was saving Cami from his father... And now he's gonna have to save her again but from his mom??

Note to Cami- "Honey, at some point all this "helping" is becoming a real liability. Learn from Matt over at The Grill- wipe the bar, smile sympathetically, and get the damn scotch!"

Really hoping Klaus deals with his siblings next episode and someone else goes after Cami.

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By what I've seen with how they're handling Klami, if they did subject us to a Klaus romantic storyline, they'll probably just woobify him into a perfect boyfriend, give or take a few bar fights.


I feel like Klaus of all characters has *got* to be woobie-proof at this point. He's too pathetic. On the one hand, his life is a constant shitshow and he's hot, that should lead to him being a pretty solid woobie already. But on the other hand, he reacts to everything like a little child, most of the time it's like he's an overgrown two-year-old. For a romantic storyline to work at all, I think that they'd have to push him OOC by making him much more mature than he ever is otherwise. Because I'm sorry, there's nothing romantic about a grown man with the emotional resources of a toddler.

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I feel like a love interest for Klaus could work, but they'd have to make her almost as old as he is and definitely as powerful. She'd need to be able to take care of herself so Klaus isn't constantly saving her, but she also needs to have that take no shit attitude to keep Klaus from trying to emotionally manipulate her, and she needs to have the ability to back that up. I don't think Klaus could be in a long term relationship, but someone who comes into his life that he can't just grind down would be refreshing and fun. I don't want Klaus to get soft (his crazy decisions and weepy eyes are half the reason I love him so) but I do think that a certain kind of woman could work with him without making him mushy. Cami is not that woman, simply because she's human and moralistic and constantly taking on more than she can handle. I'm thinking almost in terms of Batman and Catwoman, though not that exactly. Someone with ambiguous allegiances who can go toe-to-toe and has that confidence. Like Genevieve but more awesome. 

Edited by Smug47
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I'm thinking almost in terms of Batman and Catwoman, though not that exactly. Someone with ambiguous allegiances who can go toe-to-toe and has that confidence. Like Genevieve but more awesome.




The reason they haven't gone with this and instead Cami was created to fill the role of his love interest is that the writers aren't interested in giving Klaus an interesting romantic plot. The function of his love interest is to weave into the series long redemption arc as the angel who absolves him of his sins by forgiving him enough to love him. It's never been about Cami or Klaus as individual characters coming together in intriguing ways. Which makes sense given that the writers don't seem the least bit concerned about the pair lacking in chemistry.


That said, I have a bad feeling they're not about to go back on this. The best we might be able to hope for is a much slower progress between the two to the finish line.

Edited by driedfruit
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It's interesting, as much as I agree with the concept of Klaus needing an equal in a love interest (age and mentality-wise), I found Klaus and Caroline to be my favorite pairing on TVD.

Having said that, if the character of Rebekah was not his sister, I would have also enjoyed them pairing up romantically..... Not that the writers are as concerned as I am with the topic of incest.


I think for me it's all about the actor's onscreen chemistry.... and perhaps not being too logic defying.


For example...


If the writers were able to bring in a quality actress who had chemistry with JM AND stood on equal ground? Awesome!


If the writers want to do a crossover with Caroline where they hook up while living their own lives OR no crossover but make it obvious he is waiting for someone (random sex with guest stars allowed, just no true romantic entanglements at all).  Also awesome!


What I don't find awesome or believable for that matter is Klaus falling for a human, an annoying one at that, then being put  into the conventional Friday night dinner and a movie boyfriend stereotype. 


That actually touches on some of the issues I initially had when it was clear the 1st two seasons were going to revolve around a baby storyline.  While I'm not against the fight for Klaus's daughter, and in the grand scheme of things fighting for his family, I don't need to see too much of Klaus actually with the baby.

Which is why I'm not so intrigued by the promo pictures of Klaus holding baby Hope. Yeah yeah it's the holidays, I get it. Heck, I have a baby, they ARE cute... but I aint watching this show for babies. So I only hope all this baby one on one time is just a fleeting moment.  I much prefer watching Joseph Morgan bring the cray cray than cuddling a baby. 



The reason they haven't gone with this and instead Cami was created to fill the role of his love interest is that the writers aren't interested in giving Klaus an interesting romantic plot. The function of his love interest is to weave into the series long redemption arc as the angel who absolves him of his sins by forgiving him enough to love him. It's never been about Cami or Klaus as individual characters coming together in intriguing ways. Which makes sense given that the writers don't seem the least bit concerned about the pair lacking in chemistry.

This is a really interesting theory..... and even a concept I could MAYBE get behind if they had done a better job casting the character of Cami and tweaked  "The love of a good woman saved him!" concept to the character of Klaus we've seen over the past few years.

Edited by GraceAnne
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This is a really interesting theory..... and even a concept I could MAYBE get behind if they had done a better job casting the character of Cami and tweaked  "The love of a good woman saved him!" concept to the character of Klaus we've seen over the past few years.


If they were to go the "the love of a good woman saved him!" route for Klaus, I wouldn't be able to tune into the show for the rest of its run because I'd be so busy vomiting the whole time. First of all, because that poor woman who has to sacrifice her life to saving Klaus's crazy ass. What does she even get out of the deal? Second of all, because the idea of "the love of a good woman" saving a man is an irritating and ridiculous concept in the first place imo. Third of all, because I don't even want to see Klaus saved or not crazy. A little bit of growth? Ok, that's fine. But I sure don't want to see a show about him chilling out with the bestest girlfriend ever (and maybe his baby).



I feel like a love interest for Klaus could work, but they'd have to make her almost as old as he is and definitely as powerful. She'd need to be able to take care of herself so Klaus isn't constantly saving her, but she also needs to have that take no shit attitude to keep Klaus from trying to emotionally manipulate her, and she needs to have the ability to back that up. I don't think Klaus could be in a long term relationship, but someone who comes into his life that he can't just grind down would be refreshing and fun.


I do like when people mess with Klaus, it's always fun when he doesn't win. But I'm not seeing why a woman so awesome that she could do that to him would *ever* want to be with him. Wouldn't she by definition be out of his league?


Klaus brings basically nothing to the table as a boyfriend imo. All he's got is that he's hot, and possibly that he's super strong/indestructible. If they'd wanted to go the "random hookup" route and just had him slutting it up, that would have made sense to me and been fine imo, though I think it's actually more in character that he doesn't do that. But if they're trying to actually get him with a woman? Idk, it would take a lot for me to think that someone even sort of his equal would want to to be in a relationship with him once they've dealt with him for more than like, ten minutes, yet also not be so convincing of the woman's messed-up-ness that the relationship would just be some supernatural, TV version of "Love the Way You Lie" anyway.


Idk guys, I just also have ZERO interest in seeing an abusive relationship with the abuser as a romantic lead. I know this network likes to do that, but it's actually been great imo that they have somehow managed *not* to do that with Klaus (or on TO generally) by basically not making him a romantic lead. It would be a shame to me if they managed to ruin that after four years of doing a fairly good job of it (w/r/t Klaus being on either TVD or TO). I also just don't even see the need, since Marcel and Elijah are just hanging out, single for no reason I can see. It actually doesn't even seem plausible to me that Elijah *wouldn't* have a girlfriend or wife, since he's Mr. Duty and you'd think he'd consider that part of what he's "supposed" to do as a grown man. Marcel's a workaholic, so I can see better why he's single, but I still see no issue with giving him a love interest, and frankly wish they would (and a better story altogether).


What I *think* could happen is that they put Rebekah in Cami's body, and Marcel and Rebekah get together again. Since he's also been interested in Cami, I think that could work.

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I feel that Klaus is a super crazy monstrous dude, for sure. But, as we've seen in his interactions with his family, he does have some semblance of a heart and emotions. I definitely agree that Klaus in a relationship would be the complete opposite of the character they've developed so far: He demolishes everything he tries to hold close, and that would ruin any kind of relationship he might have. I think he would be an interesting companion for someone who could draw out that emotional side of him and share emotions as well without them being used as emotional weapons or manipulations, but also allowed him to be who he is. I think it would be an interesting plot to put him through, but of course a woman like that is a tall order, and, while I love the show, I just don't see the writers having the ability to write a story like that. So, random hookups and Forever Alone Klaus it is!

Edited by Smug47
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What does she even get out of the deal?


What does Cami get out of her friendship with Klaus? From what she has said, I gather that he's charming to be around and she gets an ego boost for saving him. I don't think it's enough for her to want to become romantic with him, but what I'm seeing is that they won't be romantic for the entire stretch of the show until the very end, when he is forgiven and deemed worthy. If his relationship with Cami wasn't being written for that purpose, there would've been no need for her to get involved in his short fling with Genevieve.


If the writers want to do a crossover with Caroline where they hook up while living their own lives OR no crossover but make it obvious he is waiting for someone (random sex with guest stars allowed, just no true romantic entanglements at all).  Also awesome!



Caroline would be an interesting character to permanently bring over (my second favourite option, the first being Katherine). And her relationship with Klaus could go in many different directions, so that's something refreshing. But on TVD she is romantically involved with Stefan. Unless they do a substantial time shift between the two shows and move The Originals further along, it wouldn't really make sense for her character to start up something with Klaus for a couple of episodes and go back again to being in love with Stefan. 


I wonder if the actress would be willing to sign a new contract with The Originals if TVD were to end after this season. 

Edited by driedfruit
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I feel like a love interest for Klaus could work, but they'd have to make her almost as old as he is and definitely as powerful. She'd need to be able to take care of herself so Klaus isn't constantly saving her, but she also needs to have that take no shit attitude to keep Klaus from trying to emotionally manipulate her, and she needs to have the ability to back that up. I don't think Klaus could be in a long term relationship, but someone who comes into his life that he can't just grind down would be refreshing and fun. I don't want Klaus to get soft (his crazy decisions and weepy eyes are half the reason I love him so) but I do think that a certain kind of woman could work with him without making him mushy. Cami is not that woman, simply because she's human and moralistic and constantly taking on more than she can handle. I'm thinking almost in terms of Batman and Catwoman, though not that exactly. Someone with ambiguous allegiances who can go toe-to-toe and has that confidence. Like Genevieve but more awesome.

Rebekah? Honestly Klaus is always one barware throw away from screaming "Am I not merciful??!" at her. I really think the only thing keeping him from going all Commodus is Elijah. And with the random killing of all her lovers, dude really is the worst brother ever.

Edited by slayer2
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What does Cami get out of her friendship with Klaus? From what she has said, I gather that he's charming to be around and she gets an ego boost for saving him. I don't think it's enough for her to want to become romantic with him, but what I'm seeing is that they won't be romantic for the entire stretch of the show until the very end, when he is forgiven and deemed worthy. If his relationship with Cami wasn't being written for that purpose, there would've been no need for her to get involved in his short fling with Genevieve.


This is exactly why, when it comes to Klami, I find Cami so off-putting. It's creepy (albeit plausible) to me how she tries to baby this mass murdering immortal in order to feel like she's "bird with a broken wing"-ing him, because she wants the ego boost that comes along with playing Sexy Florence Nightingale. In that context, I would think it gets her off even more that he's The Worst and not just a run-of-the-mill screw up like she keeps insinuating her exes were. Though they haven't written Klami well at all imo, I actually also find it perfectly plausible -- theoretically -- that Klaus would go for the Sexy Florence Nightingale thing. After seeing Esther in action, for sure I think that's plausible. But that relationship dynamic (Florence Nightingale/Screw Up) is repellant to watch imo. And they haven't written it well anyway.

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Caroline would be an interesting character to permanently bring over (my second favorite option, the first being Katherine).


.................Sorry, I lost myself for a moment thinking how strong and enjoyable the cast of actors on this show would be if we could "swap"  Hayley and Cami for Katherine and Caroline.  Heck, even if you couldn't fit them into the storyline, I would take watching just the two of them hanging at the bar snipping at each other..... throw in a little karaoke with Marcel and I'm a happy camper!


Never having to watch those stupid faces Cami makes at Klaus, or anyone else for that matter ??

Not cringing every time Hayley massacres the word "Wolf"??


It might be a pipe dream, but sign me up! LOL


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I feel that Klaus is a super crazy monstrous dude, for sure. But, as we've seen in his interactions with his family, he does have some semblance of a heart and emotions. I definitely agree that Klaus in a relationship would be the complete opposite of the character they've developed so far: He demolishes everything he tries to hold close, and that would ruin any kind of relationship he might have. I think he would be an interesting companion for someone who could draw out that emotional side of him and share emotions as well without them being used as emotional weapons or manipulations, but also allowed him to be who he is. I think it would be an interesting plot to put him through, but of course a woman like that is a tall order, and, while I love the show, I just don't see the writers having the ability to write a story like that. So, random hookups and Forever Alone Klaus it is!


I was thinking about this, because the truth is that as much as I might bust on him, I do really like Klaus. Mainly because, as infantile and horrific as his decisions are, his feelings are very relatable imo. Just in general I think he's easy to relate to and basically always has been, way way way more than I'd expect him to be, anyway, considering that the character's literal circumstances are so utterly ridiculous.


How much of his "relatability" comes from the writing and how much comes from Joseph Morgan's acting, I can't really tell. What usually happens w/r/t Klaus that I love and that makes me kind of love Klaus altogether, though, is that a character will do or say something and my blood will get up hearing/seeing it, and then the camera will go to Klaus and the look on his face is just what I'm feeling -- but then instead of doing what most anybody would irl and covering that up with a game face and going along to get along, Klaus will FLIP OUT. He starts screaming, yelling, killing or daggering people, smiling and acting super friendly, crying, throwing together the most aggressive "revenge" plot possible, giving his opinion or asking questions even if they're not at all appropriate or his business -- he always *reacts.* Not just reacts, but dials that reaction up to the most ludicrous extreme it could possibly be. If nothing else, it's so cathartic to watch imo, especially if the feeling he's expressing is one that you're familiar with in real life but have to keep bottled up yourself because of, you know, not being a monster or having to be sensible, etc. Like with his interactions with Esther, I loved seeing all of that. I identified with him to an awkwardly extreme degree in those scenes and when he would just not even play and actually get very upset with her/in front of her, it was great to watch. My fingers are actually crossed that Esther pulls some other (specific) tactics from the crazy mom playbook just because I want to see Klaus react to them. I'm also delighted with the idea that Esther committed her worst sin (trying to murder Hope imo) to save her children, including Klaus, because of how complicated that makes things.


Oh, along with that, I don't actually want to see him kill her or "triumph" over her completely or even get rid of her. I want to see how their relationship takes shape over time. I also think that Finn's relationship with her is interesting, since he's "the good son" and is actually relatively good at managing her imo. My favorite thing about this show being about a family is that they're bound together forever, regardless of whether they hate that, so seeing how they all try to deal with each other over the (extremely!) long haul is one of the best parts of the show to me. YMMV, of course.


Anyway, since Klaus's dialed-up reactions are what make me love the character even despite myself, I don't really want him to become cool/calm/collected -- even if him never becoming cool/calm/collected also means he doesn't ever get "redeemed" or even gets to have a plausible-yet-not-repulsive romantic plotline, either. Learning self-control and learning to be more cool-headed, practical, and understanding kind of undermines the point of the character for me and what I personally enjoy about him. Not that he has to constantly be a total asshole and murder people, etc etc etc, forever, but as frustrating as it might be to watch him screw himself and everyone he cares about over *constantly,* it's also so great to see him just *react* to everything with no holds barred the way that he does and I really don't want the show or the character to lose that.

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How much of his "relatability" comes from the writing and how much comes from Joseph Morgan's acting, I can't really tell. What usually happens w/r/t Klaus that I love and that makes me kind of love Klaus altogether, though, is that a character will do or say something and my blood will get up hearing/seeing it, and then the camera will go to Klaus and the look on his face is just what I'm feeling -- but then instead of doing what most anybody would irl and covering that up with a game face and going along to get along, Klaus will FLIP OUT. He starts screaming, yelling, killing or daggering people, smiling and acting super friendly, crying, throwing together the most aggressive "revenge" plot possible, giving his opinion or asking questions even if they're not at all appropriate or his business -- he always *reacts.* Not just reacts, but dials that reaction up to the most ludicrous extreme it could possibly be. If nothing else, it's so cathartic to watch imo, especially if the feeling he's expressing is one that you're familiar with in real life but have to keep bottled up yourself because of, you know, not being a monster or having to be sensible, etc.

You're spot on with this.

IMO it ain't the writing, it's Joseph Morgan's acting, mostly, as you mentioned his facial expressions. 


Klaus may not react like a normal person but his emotions are the most basic human ones, all be usually the most unattractive ones- Jealousy, Envy, Anger, Hurt, Loneliness, etc. 

His methods leave a lot to be improved upon, but in most cases a small part of me understands where the emotions he's acting on are coming from.  I'm just not a complete crazy pants so I don't get to have family dinners where I tell all those bozos what I really think about them.


It is somewhat liberating to watch someone really embrace their craziness and go balls to the walls with it- And JM is able to sell this where you partially understand where he's coming from but you still feel like he's a selfish lunatic with the reasoning skills of a toddler....but, hey, I still kinda like this dude!

Personally I immensely enjoyed watching Klaus on the TVD but it seems TO hasn't quite figured out how to move him into the "leading man" role on a long term basis without somewhat neutering him. 




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Personally I immensely enjoyed watching Klaus on the TVD but it seems TO hasn't quite figured out how to move him into the "leading man" role on a long term basis without somewhat neutering him. 


I think it would help if TO stopped having so much go well for Klaus. It's no fun when things go right for him, he doesn't deserve it and he really comes into his own when he's got to scramble anyway. I don't think the character himself is neutered so much as the show isn't really showing him at his best because they're turning his life into a (relative) cakewalk. Maybe the reason things have been going so well for him lately, though, is to give him more to lose when things turn to shit? I'm hoping so, anyway!

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After watching this latest episode, I'm struck by how Klaus' siblings love and fear him in equal measure. Kol needs a specially modified dagger *just in case* Klaus gets annoyed and decides to box him, and in the very next scene Klaus is promising Rebekah that he'll be there to pull her out if she needs it (counterpointed by her earlier scene where she agrees to help take him down). It's like their love for him as a brother is in constant competition with their fear of him. He's not even an older sibling, he's a rash and impetuous middle child. I find these sibling dynamics fascinating, and no matter the action taken, it usually rings true to me. I dig that they're exploring the different sides of Klaus through the eyes of his siblings, because he does care for them but his abandonment issues and constant need for reassurance are always getting in the way.

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I agree with you, smug47. The dynamic between the siblings is one of the most fascinating parts of the show for me.  I have loved Klaus since TVD and when you add all his siblings to the mix, he just becomes more interesting.  I know a lot of people talk about the inappropriate relationship he has with Bex, but I adore their weird interactions.  And seeing him with Hope this week just melted me.  I hope this show lasts long enough to have Hope as a bratty teenager (I expect an age jump at some point) because I am dying to see Klaus deal with her acting exactly like a female him!

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I feel like we get a chance to understand Klaus more deeply when we see him through his siblings, and we get a greater sense of both his love and his dangerous need for power. He's so much stronger than them that they are always looking for a way to get the upper hand, and that totally translates into normal sibling behavior patterns. I like Klaus when he gets those extra layers and becomes something more than just a one note, power hungry villain. I think Hope helps with this as well. I was dreading the baby subplot because I felt it would make Klaus more weak, but I think it's actually made him more dangerous and those dynamics are fascinating to me.

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My problem with Klaroline in general is that Joseph is right. Klaus is a POS, and Caroline's character would suffer by being with him.


I don't know if I completely agree with this.  Yes Klaus is cranky and homicidal, and sociopathic and a ton of other terrible and unflattering adjectives, but that's not all he is.  You don't live for over 1000 years and learn to love and appreciate art, music and Shakespeare, and then be so moved by an act of cruelty to save and mentor a child slave by not having any redeeming qualities.  Yes he is often a POS, but the people who learned to care for him (Rebekah, Marcel even Caroline) wouldn't have done so if there wasn't something more to him beneath the surface.  The problem (one of the problems) with Klaus, is that the raging, temper tantrum throwing, lunatic Klaus is almost always one wrong remark, glance or perceived slight away.  


I don't think Caroline's character would suffer from being with Klaus.  I think he would cure her of some of her naivety and "perfection" and that she would allow him to understand that love is never and should never be unconditional (well that's my belief, YMMV).  He'd have to work to keep her, which to me is much better life lesson for Klaus than the "unconditional" love of a child.  However I'm not really looking for a relationship between the two of them right now on either show, because I don't think it would work or make sense.  Maybe in 100 years or so... :)


For example in previous episode where Mikael has taken Cami and Klaus is all " You'll pay for hurting her".  Ummm excuse me, but who the hell was that guy-  I mean when was Klaus ever THAT dude?  Even when he was being helpful or saving someone (pre-The Originals) he wasn't that guy.  Now I understand it's a different show and he is now the hero (anti-hero) or the protagonist vs the antagonist if you will....  but it didn't seem like the natural progression for the character, it seemed like "ohhh look Klaus and Cami are sooo cute together- jump on the CW promoted band wagon y'all!"


I agree the best option for Klaus is no romantic entanglements, however if that option is off the table I'll take a little sexy-time with Caroline, the one female character he has the right chemistry with IMO, and than they both go their separate ways (College vs world domination) with the possibility of being together in the way distant future. 


 I would not turn down a little more shirtless Elijah time.... What can I say, I'm shallow like that.


He was kinda that guy on TVD. I remember him telling Caroline that if Tyler was still sired to him, then he would never have let him hurt her. Which made me laugh since this is the same Klaus who told Tyler to bite her, and also stabbed and bit her himself.


I agree no romantic entanglements for Klaus, random hookups I can deal with but they better keep Cami away from him or imma riot.


Also totally down for more shirtless Elijah.

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It's funny I just caught up on the new season this past week, and as I watched Klaus with baby Hope, I realized how much I wish they had taken this in another direction.  Trying to force Klaus' redemption through his own child is too simple and easy.  "A horrible and conflicted tyrant finds peace, love and acceptance through the smile of his baby girl..." Gag.


Imagine if instead the child had been Rebekah's?  If Esther had body swapped Rebekah off screen pre-season and she had entered this show pregnant.  I know some people make a big deal about the incestuous vibe between Klaus and Rebekah, and I do think the writers play into it a little, but last season it became apparent that his messed up relationship with her is less about him being into her and more about his fatal flaw.  His fear that everyone who has, does and will love him, will eventually stop in favour of loving someone else more.  Who better to symbolize that then a child for Rebekah, a child that he would both love and simultaneously want to kill... much like Marcel.


I don't like the idea of Klaus needing unconditional love.  This IMO is not one of his many issues.  I would have preferred to see him "find peace" through learning how to be in healthy relationships with the members of his family.  Learning how to be happy for his sister and not attempt to control the things that make her happy.  Figuring out how to be proud of his son/brother Marcel without needing to best, one up and keep him beneath his boot.  Letting go of past conflicts by allowing Elijah to be with a woman he was briefly involved with.  Plus all the stuff with his two dads, Finn, Kol, his mom...


Of course part of me just prefers angry bloodthirsty, long winded teary eyed pontificating Klaus, and I don't see how we can still have that with Daddy Klaus.

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I really wish they had not had Klaus kill his bio dad.  It would have brought some much needed growth to the character.  I can imagine a lot of good storylines with the two of them, with Klaus learning what it means to love a child from the man who DID love him, even though he couldn't protect him. 

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Trying to force Klaus' redemption through his own child is too simple and easy.  "A horrible and conflicted tyrant finds peace, love and acceptance through the smile of his baby girl..." Gag.


I don't think that's how it's going to go down the road, and I doubt it'll be easy. I'm going with the opposite--Klaus' unconditional love for the eventual devil Dahlia turns Hope into will be the route of his redemption. Perhaps he won't be able to get rid of the image of her unconditional love as a baby all through the cruelty of her later years, the same way Rebekah continued to love him as the caring brother who gave her toy knights. I can't see Hope growing into anything other than a teenage version of Klaus, with all his worst traits multiplied, and certainly not a stable, unconditional loving angel by his side.

Edited by driedfruit
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I don't think that's how it's going to go down the road, and I doubt it'll be easy. I'm going with the opposite--Klaus' unconditional love for the eventual devil Dahlia turns Hope into will be the route of his redemption. Perhaps he won't be able to get rid of the image of her unconditional love as a baby all through the cruelty of her later years, the same way Rebekah continued to love him as the caring brother who gave her toy knights. I can't see Hope growing into anything other than a teenage version of Klaus, with all his worst traits multiplied, and certainly not a stable, unconditional loving angel by his side.


IA that Klaus's love for Hope might already be a bad thing -- he really shouldn't have murdered Ansel, it was a big mistake imo, even though I really do think he thought he was doing it for Hope. Let's see how much he destroys for Hope before he's done, lol.


Anyway, it's easy for Klaus to love Hope now. She doesn't speak, he barely gets to see her, she's just a beautiful, happy little baby that he hardly knows. We'll see how he feels about her once she starts threatening to have some autonomy. I'm sure he'll still love her, but since he's absolutely atrocious at expressing love for anyone, I doubt that will mean it'll be all rainbows and sunshine in any case.


I also wonder how Hope will feel about Klaus, once she's old enough (or aged up enough, lol) to really consider the issue. He's difficult and frightening -- even if she loves him, I doubt it'll be easy for her to be around him.

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I don't know if I completely agree with this.  Yes Klaus is cranky and homicidal, and sociopathic and a ton of other terrible and unflattering adjectives, but that's not all he is.  You don't live for over 1000 years and learn to love and appreciate art, music and Shakespeare, and then be so moved by an act of cruelty to save and mentor a child slave by not having any redeeming qualities.  Yes he is often a POS, but the people who learned to care for him (Rebekah, Marcel even Caroline) wouldn't have done so if there wasn't something more to him beneath the surface.  The problem (one of the problems) with Klaus, is that the raging, temper tantrum throwing, lunatic Klaus is almost always one wrong remark, glance or perceived slight away.  


I don't think Caroline's character would suffer from being with Klaus.  I think he would cure her of some of her naivety and "perfection" and that she would allow him to understand that love is never and should never be unconditional (well that's my belief, YMMV).  He'd have to work to keep her, which to me is much better life lesson for Klaus than the "unconditional" love of a child.  However I'm not really looking for a relationship between the two of them right now on either show, because I don't think it would work or make sense.  Maybe in 100 years or so... :)



He was kinda that guy on TVD. I remember him telling Caroline that if Tyler was still sired to him, then he would never have let him hurt her. Which made me laugh since this is the same Klaus who told Tyler to bite her, and also stabbed and bit her himself.


As some who liked the pairing, I like you're assessment of how it could work with them.


The funny thing is, when I watched that scene I totally thought Klaus's was full of shit when he said that to Caroline.

It was just another cheesy line of his. For as much as I enjoyed the two together I always felt whatever his crusade of the week was ( The Cure, Hybrid, etc.), not Caroline or anyone else would not get in his way. Now he's all  "Okay Cami I shouldn't kill Mikael, guess you're right... by the way, can you hold the White Oak stake that is the only thing that can kill me?  Cool thanks".




It's funny I just caught up on the new season this past week, and as I watched Klaus with baby Hope, I realized how much I wish they had taken this in another direction.  Trying to force Klaus' redemption through his own child is too simple and easy.  "A horrible and conflicted tyrant finds peace, love and acceptance through the smile of his baby girl..." Gag.


Imagine if instead the child had been Rebekah's?  If Esther had body swapped Rebekah off screen pre-season and she had entered this show pregnant.  I know some people make a big deal about the incestuous vibe between Klaus and Rebekah, and I do think the writers play into it a little, but last season it became apparent that his messed up relationship with her is less about him being into her and more about his fatal flaw.  His fear that everyone who has, does and will love him, will eventually stop in favour of loving someone else more.  Who better to symbolize that then a child for Rebekah, a child that he would both love and simultaneously want to kill... much like Marcel.


I don't like the idea of Klaus needing unconditional love.  This IMO is not one of his many issues.  I would have preferred to see him "find peace" through learning how to be in healthy relationships with the members of his family.  Learning how to be happy for his sister and not attempt to control the things that make her happy.  Figuring out how to be proud of his son/brother Marcel without needing to best, one up and keep him beneath his boot.  Letting go of past conflicts by allowing Elijah to be with a woman he was briefly involved with.  Plus all the stuff with his two dads, Finn, Kol, his mom...


Of course part of me just prefers angry bloodthirsty, long winded teary eyed pontificating Klaus, and I don't see how we can still have that with Daddy Klaus.


I am SO over this baby business.  I usually just  pretend the root of every scene isn't about trying to protect the miracle baby.

Although if at some point they're going to delve into discover Hope's super natural ability, it's going to be more difficult for me to do that.

Personally I would have rather watched a story were the baby was killed/died.

Clearly being The CW it wouldn't have happened but IMO it could have been an interesting story.

I also would take shipping the little abomination off to boarding school and moving onto other stories.... but hey that's just me.

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I don't think that's how it's going to go down the road, and I doubt it'll be easy. I'm going with the opposite--Klaus' unconditional love for the eventual devil Dahlia turns Hope into will be the route of his redemption. Perhaps he won't be able to get rid of the image of her unconditional love as a baby all through the cruelty of her later years, the same way Rebekah continued to love him as the caring brother who gave her toy knights. I can't see Hope growing into anything other than a teenage version of Klaus, with all his worst traits multiplied, and certainly not a stable, unconditional loving angel by his side.


Interesting.  So you think they are going to age Hope on the show?  Some how I don't think so, I think (hope) they intend to keep her as this beacon of light and redemption for the Mikaelsons and growing her into a tempestuous teenager would alter that too much.  Besides we already have one of those in Davina.


However I've been kinda hoping that TVD would do a time jump between this season and next and if they do perhaps The Originals will as well.


 I have to say as much as I hate the baby plot I'd hate the daddy/ angry daughter plot even more so. If they grow her up, magically, time jumpy or otherwise I'm out.  They need to drop her off with a nice family in the mid west a la X-files and be done with it.  Bonus points if they send Haley with her.

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IA that Klaus's love for Hope might already be a bad thing -- he really shouldn't have murdered Ansel, it was a big mistake imo, even though I really do think he thought he was doing it for Hope. Let's see how much he destroys for Hope before he's done, lol.


Yes, that's kinda what I mean.  It's not the real redemption for Klaus that Elijah is seeking because it's not like Klaus is changing or modifying his behaviour, he's just now got this pink wrapped adorable excuse to do whatever the hell he wants.  


I actually liked that he killed Ansel, because it annoyed me that they introduced him in the first place.  They've already run through about 100 plots in the 1 1/2 seasons this show has existed and done very few of them any justice.  


I'm still pissed about how the Celeste story line went down.

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Yes, that's kinda what I mean.  It's not the real redemption for Klaus that Elijah is seeking because it's not like Klaus is changing or modifying his behaviour, he's just now got this pink wrapped adorable excuse to do whatever the hell he wants.  


I actually liked that he killed Ansel, because it annoyed me that they introduced him in the first place.  They've already run through about 100 plots in the 1 1/2 seasons this show has existed and done very few of them any justice.  


I'm still pissed about how the Celeste story line went down.


IA about Celeste -- she was interesting, imo, and that was such a waste.


What I disliked about Klaus killing Ansel was that Klaus obviously had *no* idea how to relate to him, and I wanted him to have to learn. I also wondered how this "time traveler" who is still used to how the world was 1000 years ago would take to the modern werewolves and how they would take to him. Somehow I doubt that he'd be OK with the young woman/hybrid Alpha thing, though maybe that's unfair (just as a side note, how is Hayley an Alpha? If she's the Alpha of the hybrids, then is she Klaus's Alpha? Because I can't imagine that's true, lol. But maybe he's not included because he's an Original/werewolf rather than a vampire/werewolf? Clutching at straws, I know).


I also agree about Hope being an adorable excuse for Klaus to do whatever he wants. She was the excuse he used to kill Ansel, imo (though like I said, I think he made himself believe his own bullshit). I wonder what's going to happen when someone calls him on it -- I think probably Rebekah rather than Elijah, because she's the one who was actually caring for Hope and who is most likely to love her as an actual, individual kid, not as ~miracle baby.~


I hate the fluffy happy little ~parenthood~ story. There is no way that Klaus would be a good father. It's not just that his own father is crummy, he also doesn't seem to have moved beyond that. He acts a lot like Mikael all the time, imo. And he was bewildered by how loving Ansel, the most deadbeat of deadbeats, acted toward him. But tbh these writers really seem to know what they're doing, so even though I'm not very keen on the current Hope storyline, I'm happy just watching things play out. (If this were going on over on TVD, though, I probably would have thrown in the towel a long time ago!).


Something that I actually liked last season was how Klaus practically had a fit when pregnant!Hayley and Elijah became close, because he thought they would become a little family with the baby, and would all turn against him/force him out. He has been trusting in Hope's love for him so far, but...he knows that not everyone loves their father, lol. I want to see what happens when he first feels she's threatening to turn on him.

Edited by rue721
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Interesting.  So you think they are going to age Hope on the show?  Some how I don't think so, I think (hope) they intend to keep her as this beacon of light and redemption for the Mikaelsons and growing her into a tempestuous teenager would alter that too much.  Besides we already have one of those in Davina.


Maybe seven instead of teenager--played by a baby faced 18+ actress as it often happens. I doubt they're going to keep her as a baby around as they're already struggling and there's only so much babysitting Cami can do. They could Conner her as in she comes back older once Dahlia is done with her, but instead of changing dimensions, they could do a time jump of less than a decade between seasons two and three so characters like Cami and Josh's Romeo don't have to be aged up physically. I doubt Dahlia is just going to be defeated come the season final and everything will be fine and rosy. 


There is a chance that Dahlia will kill Hope. Or Klaus and his gang do it accidentally since that's not really Dahlia's goal. I like the last option a lot, but I'm not getting my hopes up.  

Edited by driedfruit
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IA about Celeste -- she was interesting, imo, and that was such a waste.


Thinking about it still irks me.  Celeste was supposed to be one of two (possibly three) great loves of Elijah's life, and he killed her without batting an eyelash.  Don't get me wrong, I love that he can be a cold and calculating killer when he needs to be.  But their reunion could have been a lot more dramatic.  Celeste figured out a way to come back from the dead, and instead of seeking out her lover she plotted her murderer's/his brother's downfall.  There is so much story there, what she's been doing, how she survived, wether or not she looked for Elijah, etc etc. Plus it would have put a nicely placed wedge between him and Haley.  Ahhh the possibilities...


What I disliked about Klaus killing Ansel was that Klaus obviously had *no* idea how to relate to him, and I wanted him to have to learn. I also wondered how this "time traveler" who is still used to how the world was 1000 years ago would take to the modern werewolves and how they would take to him. Somehow I doubt that he'd be OK with the young woman/hybrid Alpha thing, though maybe that's unfair (just as a side note, how is Hayley an Alpha? If she's the Alpha of the hybrids, then is she Klaus's Alpha? Because I can't imagine that's true, lol. But maybe he's not included because he's an Original/werewolf rather than a vampire/werewolf? Clutching at straws, I know).




They introduced Ansel too early, or at least told us his real identity too early.  I think you're right, there was story to mine there, and they blew it.  I believe Haley is an alpha because she is the last of the crescent pack.  Jackson's pack is descended from Klaus' pack aren't they, so technically Klaus could claim the title of alpha of that pack if he wanted to.  He'd just have to challenge Jackson, and then I guess he could marry Haley himself (oh god, I hope that doesn't happen...).




Something that I actually liked last season was how Klaus practically had a fit when pregnant!Hayley and Elijah became close, because he thought they would become a little family with the baby, and would all turn against him/force him out. He has been trusting in Hope's love for him so far, but...he knows that not everyone loves their father, lol. I want to see what happens when he first feels she's threatening to turn on him.


I liked that too, but at the same time I'm glad he's over it and is comfortable teasing Haley about her relationship with Elijah because they literally had a one night stand and I've got enough brothers in love with same woman drama to deal with on TVD.

Edited by wednesbury
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I do want to address monica1992's posts about Klaus vs his siblings.


I think that each and every single Mikaelson (and vampire...and some werewolves...and some witches....and some humans....) are monsters and although can be sympathetic to some degree, aren't really redeemable at this point and they probably should be put down at one point or another. Klaus just happens to be one of the more vocal monsters in the family because he wants to be. If he didn't want to be the monster, all he has to do is, you know, not do bad things. He's lived a thousand years at this point. It's ok to change, evolve and GROW from your shitty, abusive past. I know none of them really and truly have. Elijah hides behind his red door of doom (but is just all around a badass and tries to keep the peace and nobility). Rebekah's trying to run from her family and would easily turn against them. Hell, even look at Kol and his psychopathic ways.


I enjoy Klaus very much when he's not being an inconsiderate dickhead with an ego complex and when he's not abusing his siblings, like daggering, stabbing, biting or killing their significant others. He's enjoyable as a badass monster, but the reason why it does fall short is his abuse toward his siblings. And yes, it is very much abuse for what he does. Just because he can't kill them, it doesn't mean it's not right. His siblings may have tried to kill him, and hey I'm not condoning Rebekah's major mistake with Mikael or whatnot. I'm just saying....Klaus? He's abusive. He's abusive like Mikael and he needs to stop with that. It's been a thousand years, man. Try a new trick like...*gasp* being nice! I know, a strange concept. But it works! 


And I think that is what surprises me. He hasn't grown much over a thousand years. I liked Elijah's first introduction because he felt like a vampire who has lived a thousand years. Now, maybe not so much, but Daniel Gillies carries a different vibe that seems to indicate Elijah's age. Rebekah and Klaus both act like children. Yes, they were turned as young adults, but....a thousand years should have them make progress. 


That's why I feel certain writers capture the right essence about Klaus, and others fall back to TVD season 2/3 Klaus, whom I hated. It feels easy to just write him as a murderous evil villain. It becomes complex when he doesn't harm his siblings and is actually smart. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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I do want to address monica1992's posts about Klaus vs his siblings.


I think that each and every single Mikaelson (and vampire...and some werewolves...and some witches....and some humans....) are monsters and although can be sympathetic to some degree, aren't really redeemable at this point and they probably should be put down at one point or another. Klaus just happens to be one of the more vocal monsters in the family because he wants to be. If he didn't want to be the monster, all he has to do is, you know, not do bad things. He's lived a thousand years at this point. It's ok to change, evolve and GROW from your shitty, abusive past. I know none of them really and truly have. Elijah hides behind his red door of doom (but is just all around a badass and tries to keep the peace and nobility). Rebekah's trying to run from her family and would easily turn against them. Hell, even look at Kol and his psychopathic ways.


I enjoy Klaus very much when he's not being an inconsiderate dickhead with an ego complex and when he's not abusing his siblings, like daggering, stabbing, biting or killing their significant others. He's enjoyable as a badass monster, but the reason why it does fall short is his abuse toward his siblings. And yes, it is very much abuse for what he does. Just because he can't kill them, it doesn't mean it's not right. His siblings may have tried to kill him, and hey I'm not condoning Rebekah's major mistake with Mikael or whatnot. I'm just saying....Klaus? He's abusive. He's abusive like Mikael and he needs to stop with that. It's been a thousand years, man. Try a new trick like...*gasp* being nice! I know, a strange concept. But it works! 


And I think that is what surprises me. He hasn't grown much over a thousand years. I liked Elijah's first introduction because he felt like a vampire who has lived a thousand years. Now, maybe not so much, but Daniel Gillies carries a different vibe that seems to indicate Elijah's age. Rebekah and Klaus both act like children. Yes, they were turned as young adults, but....a thousand years should have them make progress. 


That's why I feel certain writers capture the right essence about Klaus, and others fall back to TVD season 2/3 Klaus, whom I hated. It feels easy to just write him as a murderous evil villain. It becomes complex when he doesn't harm his siblings and is actually smart.

I am gonna have to disagree. I know he can be dick sometimes, actually most of the times, but he loves elijah and rebecca in his own twisted way. His siblings turn on each other really quick and with mikael being after klaus for almost thousand years who could guarantee that becca , elijah or kol couldn't be persuaded to help mikael to take klaus down. Look, i am not in denial i know he is a monster, but we are not talking about regular family here. After hope was born, klaus really hasn't done anything terrible to them. He saved Elijah from Ester, found the right words to bring him back after the red door īncident, offered himself instead of rebekah, when ester wanted to stake her body,allowed freya into his mind to save her, fully trusted elijah with hope , even though he wasnt fully there, forgave him for tatia's murder, not even once mentioned it since, was there for kol when he was dying. but they still turned on him. and for what??? because he was the only one thinking rationally about not trusting freya, he agreed to share his plan with elijah if freya wasn't involved. It didnt take much persuasion for them that to decide that klaus shouldn't be involved in his daughter's life. HIS daughter, when he fought for her safety since that day she was born and was willing to risk his life. and what makes hayley a better parent? the fact that she pretended to be friends with 12 kids just to lead them to horrible death?? Edited by monica1992
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Terrible brother? If you ask me its Klaus that has got terrible siblings. They all act like he is such a vicious monster. Might I remind everyone that when we first saw Elijah he beheaded a vampire that begged for his forgiveness with his bare hands. He has killed several people. Used Elena as leverage to get Damon and Stefan to stop his mother. And then lets come to dear sweet Rebecca. Who killed countless people too, tortured Damon, Stefan, Elena, etc, brought Mikael to New Orleans to 'occupy' Klaus. And then there are the other two brothers. Kol and Finn. All Finn ever wanted was to destroy their family. Kill them as vampires by sacrificing himself or Kill them with magic when he became a witch again in Vincent's body. Kol on the other hand was a vicious and selfish vampire who slaughtered thousands and drew attention from Mikael. And because Klaus AND Elijah put him down a few times he becomes obsessed with revenge on Klaus. And then there is big sister Freya. Freya who has been dead to the family for a thousand years. Suddenly she comes out of nowhere and they are supposed to trust her? 


To me Klaus has his faults just like all of them. He is only more formidable because he is a hybrid. Everything he did to them even though twisted was for the good of their family. His plan was always to have a home for them. Where they can all be a family but they don't hesitate to turn on him every chance they get.


Now when we first met Klaus on TVD, he was a horrible horrible vampire. But we've since come to understand that this monster was created. By those he would call family. His mother, his 'father', even his siblings. He has lived a thousand years not feeling truly loved and everytime something is done against him, it is perceived as betrayal. But Klaus has actually shown mercy. Shown forgiveness to Rebecca, to Elijah. 


And now, they all decide that he shouldn't have a chance to be with his daughter?? HIS HOPE. His one chance for true and unconditional love should be stripped from him? No. His siblings have crossed the line and deserve everything that is coming to them. And who the hell does Hayley think she is. Is she perfect. She helped Shane kill 12 hybrids. People who were once werewolves like her. Why because of information of her family. Is that enough reason to kill people. Does she think she hasn't made a few enemies? Last we saw her on TVD, the same night Hope was conceived she was on the run. Luckily for her Katherine is dead but who knows who else she has crossed on her mission to find her family. And now she tries to take baby Hope away. Away from the best form of protection she has. I don't trust those damned wolves. They didn't think twice about taking moonlight rings from Esther and killing their own or sacrificing their youth. Who's to say when push comes to shove they wont give up Baby Hope. Family is who you trust. 


People keep talking about a thousand years worth of enemies. I know at least 4 vampires (one newly cured doppleganger) who would love to see Klaus dead but wouldn't dare because after all Killing him will be suicide. Not to talk of the fact that he is super powerful. Whether Hope can be used against him or not noone is stupid enough to try. Tyler did and he went back with his tail tucked between his legs. So far his main threats have been family. Hayley can run from here to China with hope and Dahlia will keep hunting her. Nothing she does can change that.  So how is this a good idea. 


As for jackson. I hope he dies a truly cruel death in front of Hayley and I hope Rebecca and Elijah learn their lesson once and for all

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Terrible brother? If you ask me its Klaus that has got terrible siblings. They all act like he is such a vicious monster. Might I remind everyone that when we first saw Elijah he beheaded a vampire that begged for his forgiveness with his bare hands. He has killed several people. Used Elena as leverage to get Damon and Stefan to stop his mother. And then lets come to dear sweet Rebecca. Who killed countless people too, tortured Damon, Stefan, Elena, etc, brought Mikael to New Orleans to 'occupy' Klaus. And then there are the other two brothers. Kol and Finn. All Finn ever wanted was to destroy their family. Kill them as vampires by sacrificing himself or Kill them with magic when he became a witch again in Vincent's body. Kol on the other hand was a vicious and selfish vampire who slaughtered thousands and drew attention from Mikael. And because Klaus AND Elijah put him down a few times he becomes obsessed with revenge on Klaus. And then there is big sister Freya. Freya who has been dead to the family for a thousand years. Suddenly she comes out of nowhere and they are supposed to trust her? 


To me Klaus has his faults just like all of them. He is only more formidable because he is a hybrid. Everything he did to them even though twisted was for the good of their family. His plan was always to have a home for them. Where they can all be a family but they don't hesitate to turn on him every chance they get.


Now when we first met Klaus on TVD, he was a horrible horrible vampire. But we've since come to understand that this monster was created. By those he would call family. His mother, his 'father', even his siblings. He has lived a thousand years not feeling truly loved and everytime something is done against him, it is perceived as betrayal. But Klaus has actually shown mercy. Shown forgiveness to Rebecca, to Elijah. 


And now, they all decide that he shouldn't have a chance to be with his daughter?? HIS HOPE. His one chance for true and unconditional love should be stripped from him? No. His siblings have crossed the line and deserve everything that is coming to them. And who the hell does Hayley think she is. Is she perfect. She helped Shane kill 12 hybrids. People who were once werewolves like her. Why because of information of her family. Is that enough reason to kill people. Does she think she hasn't made a few enemies? Last we saw her on TVD, the same night Hope was conceived she was on the run. Luckily for her Katherine is dead but who knows who else she has crossed on her mission to find her family. And now she tries to take baby Hope away. Away from the best form of protection she has. I don't trust those damned wolves. They didn't think twice about taking moonlight rings from Esther and killing their own or sacrificing their youth. Who's to say when push comes to shove they wont give up Baby Hope. Family is who you trust. 


People keep talking about a thousand years worth of enemies. I know at least 4 vampires (one newly cured doppleganger) who would love to see Klaus dead but wouldn't dare because after all Killing him will be suicide. Not to talk of the fact that he is super powerful. Whether Hope can be used against him or not noone is stupid enough to try. Tyler did and he went back with his tail tucked between his legs. So far his main threats have been family. Hayley can run from here to China with hope and Dahlia will keep hunting her. Nothing she does can change that.  So how is this a good idea. 


As for jackson. I hope he dies a truly cruel death in front of Hayley and I hope Rebecca and Elijah learn their lesson once and for all


I respectfully disagree. I guess we all have our biases when it comes to certain characters. Personally, I like Klaus when he's being badass and even a monster, because that is how I imagine the Original vampires of being. It's why I even cheer when Elijah and Rebekah get their moments. It's when Klaus paints himself as a victim that gets me frustrated with him. He's not a victim anymore. Once upon a time? Absolutely. But now? No way. Just like Elijah and Rebekah are also responsible for their own actions. The difference is that Klaus has put them down for many years. Rebekah's spent more time in a coffin in the last two hundred years than she should have been. That takes away her right to live and her freedom. If Klaus punishes his siblings for rightful reasons, it doesn't mean he should keep them in a box for 50-100 years. A year or two, fine. But 50+? Nope. But is is a monster, just like Elijah and Rebekah. And, more to the point, he wants to be painted as the monster. Yes, it might be mostly because of Mikael not loving him and calling him a monster, but he's embodied what he's been painted as and that was his choice to make. Therefore, of course people will think of him as a monster. It's Klaus' doing too.


Klaus spent centuries trying to become a hybrid, just so he could have more power. Was part of it to save his family? Sure. But the other part was that he wanted that power. Which, ok, fair enough. Except that he's also slaughtered thousands of people to get to this goal. Man, I liked Klaus of season 2 and parts of season 3  (when he wasn't, you know, romancing a young newbie vampire). I enjoyed that he was a villain and I know he's capable of being likeable for me. I've seen it happen. But now he has his own show, and is supposed to be anti-heroic at best, but it's just the whining and excessive 'boo, I'm a victim, everyone should fear me, booo' and honestly, some of his acts aren't that villainous. Sometimes they're good, like him fighting that whole crowd of vampires in season 1 (now THAT is what I expect out of a Mikaelson!) but then there's the lame ones, such as his most recent goal of going to supposedly kill Hayley. I don't like Hayley; I'd rather she died (and I personally think Hope needs to get away from them all and go live her life elsewhere) but killing her is for pretty lame reasons. He's not a victim, he really isn't. No matter what his siblings do, he'll never be a victim to them because they can never win against him (until now...ish). He'll bite them and make them hallucinate because they go against what he says. Remember last season, when Elijah dared to question Klaus' motives and Klaus bit him as a result? He could have had a mature conversation. He knows Elijah means well, but both of them have done questionable things that would even warrant Klaus to question Elijah if his motives were blurred.


I just think Klaus can be a better anti hero than how they portray him most of the time. I just think it's incredibly immature for him to use his own strengths of daggering and biting to punish people who dare defy him. He loves his siblings, yes. I get that. Trust me, I see the creepy incestual relationship between him and Rebekah (and how he always manages to kill her boyfriends...the only one I understood was Alexander). Elijah would do anything for his brother and obviously refrained from making his brother angry enough to dagger him until recently. Despite the acts that his siblings do toward him, I can see it's because they're fed up with his ways. I would actually love more backstory on their time over the last nine centuries. Rebekah and Elijah have been implied to have stayed with Klaus all this time. How did he treat them back then? What happened that made his siblings angry enough to do bad things to him? Well, besides Klaus killing Rebekah's boyfriends. 


And I think that's the point. They've never been able to kill, or even put down Klaus, while he's been able to put down his siblings a thousand times over. Now that they have that chance, can you blame them for wanting to bring them down to their level a bit? But they would never leave him daggered for long, BECAUSE they care about him and have a Stockholm Syndrome with him. How is it good that Klaus can dagger his siblings for years and years? No, honestly I want the show to answer this fact because I personally don't get it. All I see is him wanting his siblings to never leave his side, or question his actions, or try to overthrow him because he wants to be in charge. These acts make it less about his love for them, and more about his obsession of power. I don't doubt Klaus loves his siblings, but he doesn't show it in a way that makes me really root for him half the time. 


All of them are a thousand years old. They are bound to kill people as they are vampires and they've lived far longer than most. I personally am not dissing their kill count. I expect them to be smart about it, though. Hayley's obviously an idiot if she thinks this will work. She's been around the Mikaelsons long enough to know this. But she's also a twenty two year old girl (or so...they never did specify her age). She's going to be as dumb as I am, because I'm also around that age. All she knows what to do is to run. The Mikaelsons have much more experience so they're obviously going to have smarter plans. 


Also, it would have been nice if they actually tried to live up to the show's 'he has a thousand enemies' motto early on, because having Klaus' enemies come through one by one would have been great. But then I realize that he's probably just killed them all, which makes for a boring story. I get why they have to have villains that cannot be killed and are powerful and stuff, because it would make for a really boring show if Klaus, Elijah and Rebekah could just kill them in one hit. I just wish Klaus would work together with his siblings to achieve this. He needs to learn how to compromise, because all I see him doing is 'my way or the high way to hell' path and that's boring too. Having him work together with people, just like he did with Mikael, is fun. Him not listening to people and bitching and whining about how people turn against him when he doesn't even share his own plans, is not fun. 

Edited by Lady Calypso
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