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S03.E04: Health and Wellness

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Was it bad to wish that Allie just be trapped there forever?! 

I’m glad this show wasn’t too heavy-handed that it was Folsom who met Allie right when she got saved from the suspect. I expected Folsom to come running in there and scoop her in his arms and her crying hysterically and there be some kind of somber, romantic music in the background as they stare deeply into each other’s eyes. 

So it was a pleasant surprise it was Serena who met Allie instead.

I guess I kind of get why Max was against partners. She’s right in a sense that partners often lose accountability to their bosses, and their loyalties eventually evolve to their partners, to the point they’ll cover each other, etc. Grissom sent his people on who best fits the situation, and so does Max. Aside from the loyalties thing, there’s also the “familiarity breeds contempt” thing, which is now slowly happening between Catherine and Max.

The show should really clarify what Catherine’s role is. The way they strut her out as some CSI Level 1, 2 or 3 in the field drives me crazy, considering at some point in the past she ran the lab herself. 

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“Dining on the job” has a new, different meaning now. Creepy…👀

I’ve learned some new things today about Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD) and dust explosion. Thank you CSI Vegas!

Josh is back at work while Penny and Chris are MIA. The Catherine/Beau disagreement is just petty. Allie needs to sort out this partnering disaster soonest possible.

Allie has been told to wait. She then goes exploring and working the scene despite hearing weird noises, finds another 2 dead bodies. Doesn’t she think about her safety? Someone else could be down there too. Stubborn girl.

Nobody else thinks about her smart watch until brainy Allie reminds them with her bloody clue? Totally believable… 🙄

The episode ends with Folsom Prison Blues. How ironic…

🎶 I’m stuck in Folsom prison 🎶


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I hate the idea of permanent partners.  I always enjoyed the original CSI because it used to mix and match the pairings.  (don't get me started on season 5 though).

I wish Josh hadn't been reinstated, but at least he was trying to live up to his demotion, whereas Allie seemed ready to treat him like he was still at his previous CSI level. 

And the closing song was Folsom Prison Blues.  Wow show, could you be any less subtle?

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At this point I think the only likable character they have is Max, and that's only because she does her best to stay above all the nonsense the rest of the cast gets into.

I get that they had to demonstrate for the audience to understand how the victim asphyxiated but Catherine making such a big deal about needing to go look at a sawhorse only to stand beside it while expositing was lame.  Bad writing? Bad directing? Both?

4 hours ago, Ceindreadh said:

whereas Allie seemed ready to treat him like he was still at his previous CSI level. 

Thanks for pointing that out, I hated that part! Josh did a seriously, grave, criminal act, and while Max eventually forgave him for it, or at least gave him another chance if she hasn’t done the former yet, she’s still putting him at arms’ length distance and reminding him that he screwed up royally and she’s putting her ass on the line for him. Meanwhile, Allie is acting like all Josh did was forget to log in evidence with the lab, and speaking for everyone that they’re all fine with him. So unbecoming of a supervisor. He should be in jail for what he did - he kidnapped a suspect, injured him, and tampered with evidence. Just because he didn’t kill the guy doesn’t mean he gets a pass and a high-five. There’s nothing heroic about what he did. I’m glad Max and Serena are giving him the cold shoulder, which ought to always remind him of what he got away with.

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Question: why didn't Beau put on a mask when he saw that the dust was making him sneeze? 

I don't remember Catherine being as irritating in original version CSI. Speaking of Catherine was there a flirty tone in the coroner's voice when he was speaking to her, which wasn't there when he was talking to Max? Are we gonna have a Catherine/Coroner romance? (I hope not).

Given how stricken Ali looked at the end, I'm guessing we're gonna have some sort of PTSD storyline for her; I'd like Quentin's words to reverberate in her brain and for her to become a full on cannibal 😀 (why not? It makes about as much sense as anything else on this series). 

  • LOL 1
17 hours ago, christie said:

Question: why didn't Beau put on a mask when he saw that the dust was making him sneeze? 

I don't remember Catherine being as irritating in original version CSI.

I do remember her being as irritating!

In the real world, they'd all be wearing masks and full coverage suits when collecting evidence at a crime scene.   These days I'd settle for them at least having their hair properly tied back.

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14 hours ago, Ceindreadh said:

I do remember her being as irritating!

She absolutely had her moments but I do think in this conflict she was mostly right. 

She was annoyed with Beau when he was a sneezing mess and he shouldn't stay in a crime scene like that and risk contamination.

She was annoyed that he was stumped and refused to bring in help. Max figured it out. And even if she hadn't, how does running the results by more people hurt? Catherine is far from a perfect person but one of her best strengths was knowing what she didn't know and relying on a solid team. There were always "bigger brains" around her and she knew when to go to them for some quick help. 

Her delivery could have been better but I thought she was right in these instances.

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6 hours ago, vibeology said:

She absolutely had her moments but I do think in this conflict she was mostly right. 

She was annoyed with Beau when he was a sneezing mess and he shouldn't stay in a crime scene like that and risk contamination.

She was annoyed that he was stumped and refused to bring in help. Max figured it out. And even if she hadn't, how does running the results by more people hurt? Catherine is far from a perfect person but one of her best strengths was knowing what she didn't know and relying on a solid team. There were always "bigger brains" around her and she knew when to go to them for some quick help. 

Her delivery could have been better but I thought she was right in these instances.

Oh, she was definitely right; her delivery was annoying but she was right.

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This one bugged me, but I always try to say at least one positive thing, so pros and cons list it is.


1. I like that we got to see Max helping out and contributing to the case with science. 

2. I liked that it was Serena who helped Allie out at the end and not Josh.

3. The guy playing the cannibal serial killer was amazing. He was so creepy and weird, I totally understand if Allie has ptsd after this.

4. I continue to love the new medical examiner. His quirky sense of humor tickles me.


1. I get Max is furious with Josh, and rightly so, but the little bit of "just do what I say and nothing more" bit at him when he was setting up at the crime scene and said "let me know if there's anything else you need" irritated me. Don't make it petty, Max, just keep him at arm's length. 

2. Allie acting all buddy buddy, you're baaaack to Josh was totally unprofessional for her and bad for him. She shouldn't be acting like nothing is wrong and nothing has changed, she should be following Max's guidelines and treating Josh as a subordinate. 

3. I get with Catherine was frustrated with Beau and I even agreed with her, but the way she went about it pissed me off. To dumb down Beau's efforts with the stereotype of a man refusing to ask for directions was callous and uncalled for. If it was a man doing that to a woman, heads would roll. 

4. Did the cannibal only eat the heart and thymus? It seems like a wasted effort to kill a person and then only eat two small parts.

5. How did Allie not escape from the killer when they were getting out through the window? That hole only looked big enough for one person at a time. If he made her go first, she could have run off after climbing out. If he went first, she could have run back through the basement. I doubt he would have risked climbing back in to chase her. 

Edited by emma675
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37 minutes ago, emma675 said:

How did Allie not escape from the killer when they were getting out through the window? That hole only looked big enough for one person at a time. If he made her go first, she could have run off after climbing out. If he went first, she could have run back through the basement. I doubt he would have risked climbing back in to chase her. 

#6. How did the people looking at the blueprints for the hospital miss the fact that there was a window! Instead, they had to (a) wait until it was declared safe and (b) wait until the debris was removed so they could open the door to the basement.

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To be fair though, I don’t think it’s a window? More like the cannibal guy saw a hole where sunlight passes through and started breaking out the weak concrete wall to get more sunlight while he stayed there. Allie herself had to do a lot of breaking and her hands bled as a result because she has no proper tools and it’s concrete.

But yes, I assume she broke just enough for one person to pass through. Why she didn’t run either way (she got out first, or was left behind) is puzzling.

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43 minutes ago, slowpoked said:

To be fair though, I don’t think it’s a window? More like the cannibal guy saw a hole where sunlight passes through and started breaking out the weak concrete wall to get more sunlight while he stayed there. Allie herself had to do a lot of breaking and her hands bled as a result because she has no proper tools and it’s concrete.

But yes, I assume she broke just enough for one person to pass through. Why she didn’t run either way (she got out first, or was left behind) is puzzling.

And how far was his car from the building? Because you'd think an officer would have noticed it and ran the plates during the hours they were trapped in the basement if it was right there somewhere. I get that it's a big place but there was a murder and then an explosion so secure the scene?

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7 hours ago, vibeology said:

And how far was his car from the building? Because you'd think an officer would have noticed it and ran the plates during the hours they were trapped in the basement if it was right there somewhere. I get that it's a big place but there was a murder and then an explosion so secure the scene?

I would assume not far because he went to the health convention, and he had to haul his victim from his car to the basement. Unless the victim was alive when he went into the building. But why would you willingly go to an abandoned building with a complete, suspicious stranger?

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