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S01.E08: One Step Closer


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I think it's rich for the last player (287) in line to be talking smack about how someone with a low number (278) plays the bridge game.  

Don't you dare feel guilty 278!   Oh.  Wait.  You still expect others to cover for you?  Now you can feel guilty.

You're wasting time with all the hugs. Move people.

Can you skip the last set of 2 and just jump to the stage end? 

I keep forgetting to talk about 286's eyelashes.  They are long, thick, and luscious to the point of being distracting.

My oh my, how the song 287 was singing earlier has changed.  Is her own character as questionable as she believed 278's to be in the previous game?

Sorry to see 018 & 286 go. I swear 286 was not eliminated because I mentioned his eyelashes.  

278 & 287 look at each other and don't like what they see.  What they don't seem to realize is they look the same.

278 was uber selfish, and 301 got eliminated due to her behaviour. I didn't like that, so I'm all in with 287, her sense of justice meant she wanted to dole out some well-deserved payback to 278, so I don't blame her one little bit and in my view, no that isn't the same thing at all. 278 acting all righteous when her own actions went against the group agreement and caused another player to lose out - nah not having it.

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The could have lost everyone at the back of the pack with how slow they were moving.  Move!  There's a clock ticking.  Move!  Stop hugging and cheering and declaring your love.  Move! 

Saying it's not that I don't like Ashley but she lacks character, um, maybe rethink what you're saying, Mai.  How many people of low character do you like then? 

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What I couldn’t understand is how NOBODY understood Mai’s rationale for choosing Ashley. They all made an agreement in the bridge game, and Ashley broke it. How could any of them trust her after that? And why were they so quick to forgive her? I would have wanted to eliminate the bad seed, just as Mai did. And yet somehow, in the others’ eyes, that makes Mai the sneaky, untrustworthy one. WTF. 

I do find it interesting that their numbers (278, 287) almost mirror each other, just like the women themselves.

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Oof, I found this episode so annoying. During the bridge game, I kept screaming at people to stop hugging and get moving. And why did every person who was going to be next to choose a tile wait on the stage first, instead of going ahead and moving to the penultimate safe tile so that, when their turn came up, they only had to move forward one more tile and then make their pick? So freaking slow and inefficient. I was really expecting someone to get eliminated for time.

And then during the dice game we had ten idiots - nobody even bothered to check with Ashley to see if she'd commit to nominating herself? not that I'd believe her either way - and a total hypocrite in Ashley, who risked nothing at all during the bridge game, and one sensible person in Mai. I was totally with her. If I'd been part of that game, I would have pushed for everyone nominating Ashley until she was eliminated, and then implement the self-elimination plan.

And mind you, the only reason I would have agreed to the self-elimination plan, once Ashley was gone, is because the odds would be better for me to be in danger only on my own roll (I'm not like Bee, I don't roll sixes constantly) than if I could potentially be targeted by multiple players. And my problem with the ten idiots is that nobody articulated that as a reason - it was all kumbaya nonsense. I really need these people to remember that this is a game. I hated seeing Bee go, but woman, you knew you were good at rolling sixes, you should have broken the chain.

I do not believe Ashley would have nominated herself even if she hadn't been nominated by Mai. She did have just enough sense, this time, not to say that.

The show producers must have been pretty dismayed at this point. Almost all the competitive people are gone except for Ashley and Mai. It's not Ashley's choices in the bridge game and dice game that make me dislike her, because unlike almost everyone else present she's actually competing to win; it's the lack of self-awareness in her whining in her interview about Mai nominating her. If she'd just owned in her interview that her bridge game decision made her an understandable target in the dice game, I'd like her just fine.

Fingers crossed that people start actually competing in the next episode. Sheesh.

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