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S02.E03: Promise

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For someone so concerned about coming out to people, Nick sure does like kissing Charlie in spaces where he is very likely to get caught. The amount of times I've shouted at the screen 'You idiot' for the relaxed approach to keeping his identity a secret is ridiculous.

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On 8/4/2023 at 8:38 AM, Bill1978 said:

For someone so concerned about coming out to people, Nick sure does like kissing Charlie in spaces where he is very likely to get caught. The amount of times I've shouted at the screen 'You idiot' for the relaxed approach to keeping his identity a secret is ridiculous.

Given Imogen's reaction the the previous ep ("didn't you realize how obvious you are") and also that look from the black rugby teammate in this episode I don't think it's nearly as much of a secret as Nick and Charlie think it is.

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It does seem o me that a lot of the other kids have noticed, and it's actually a problem for me with the show that Nick is sooooo worried about coming out when he's surrounded by a lot of very supportive people and really isn't in any danger of being ostracized or bashed.

This may be a generational thing, but I can't believe how easy it is for people these days, compared to what it was like when I was growing up, and yet this show acts like Nick is living in some throwback hellhole where he's in danger of being excommunicated or bashed.



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13 hours ago, possibilities said:

It does seem o me that a lot of the other kids have noticed, and it's actually a problem for me with the show that Nick is sooooo worried about coming out when he's surrounded by a lot of very supportive people and really isn't in any danger of being ostracized or bashed.

This may be a generational thing, but I can't believe how easy it is for people these days, compared to what it was like when I was growing up, and yet this show acts like Nick is living in some throwback hellhole where he's in danger of being excommunicated or bashed.



I chalk up Nick's 'throwback hellhole' level of concern to him having grown up with David as an older brother.

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15 hours ago, possibilities said:

It does seem o me that a lot of the other kids have noticed, and it's actually a problem for me with the show that Nick is sooooo worried about coming out when he's surrounded by a lot of very supportive people and really isn't in any danger of being ostracized or bashed.

My response contains spoilers for Schitt's Creek. Not using spoiler bars.

In so many ways the Nick/Charlie story mirrors the Patrick/David story on Schitt's Creek. (almost point by point in the first season and in more small ways in season 2) Nick's hesitation to coming out (especially when given the opportunity to by Imogen and then the rugby friends) doesn't seem rooted in a fear of danger but more similar to Patrick's feelings about coming out to his parents. Patrick says "I know my parents are good people, I just...I can't shake this, this fear that there is a small chance that this could change everything. That they might see me differently, or treat me differently." I think Nick is feeling similarly about coming out, even to friends who are clearly asking and would be great about it.

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Ok, it took me way too many times through this series to see it, but there is a parallel to Nick getting Ben off of Charlie in the very first episode and Charlie getting Harry out of Nick's face at the bonfire in this episode. They both punctuate their actions by saying "Piss off." I love how many moments in this second season are callbacks and comparisons to similar moments in the first season.

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Yall. I straight up got teary-eyed when Tao was sobbing Charlies shoulder about their date. I don't know when or how but he's my favorite and I hate how sad and alone he feels!

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