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S10.E07: The Freelancer - Part 2

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Once again, the Blacklister o' the week gets away.  Can't wait for the upcoming episode of Kings of the Highway, Pt. 2.  #sarcasm

Wujing's men have to be terrible at surveillance if they haven't figured out where the Post Office black site is -- I'm sure Herbie has already figured out where it is, and he was taken there with blackout goggles on.

Considering the way that Reddington was broken up about Vesco's death, I'm starting to think that in addition to Reddington being Lizzie's mother that Vesco is Lizzie's father.  :)

Really don't care about Ressler's personal issues.

Reddington crashing on Rogelio's couch was just .... odd.

I think Siya was a little pissed that she was stuck with babysitting Herbie.

Still no sign or mention of the dogs, Robert Vesco's cat, or Sierra the cat.

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So some sad sack of a dude shows up at Ressler's NA meeting just in time to be sponsored by him? Obvious plant is obvious, no? They keep mentioning security measures for the Post Office but by now you would think they'd understand that the security must also follow the Task Force members around too because every single one of them has been compromised repeatedly. Well, except Siya, who also falls into the "obvious plant is obvious" category.

A bunch of people died on the ferry... that sunk beside the dock? I guess due to budgetary constraints we are left to imagine the disaster since we couldn't actually see it. Maybe the ferries in New York are different but I recently traveled on the Queen of Oak Bay which is still in service and basically just had to be repainted in a few spots after trashing Horseshoe Bay. You're going to have to do better than that convincing me that a ferry is that vulnerable. Although having said that, the Queen of Oak Bay crashed for lack of a cotter pin.

Weird that the Post Office has its own lab but no staff for it. Weirdly... convenient. But I like Herbie and I don't get why the Task Force feels so put out by having to babysit him for a few hours. He's certainly not the most obnoxious character they've had in there by a long shot. Damn, they really have forgotten Liz.

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2 minutes ago, dwmarch said:

So some sad sack of a dude shows up at Ressler's NA meeting just in time to be sponsored by him?

But I like Herbie and I don't get why the Task Force feels so put out by having to babysit him for a few hours. He's certainly not the most obnoxious character they've had in there by a long shot. Damn, they really have forgotten Liz.

I was thinking the same when they kept focusing on the new member. I mean, I would hope Ressler would see that as odd, but then again, it's Ressler.

I agree about Herbie. He's a geeky goofball. I know Aram used to be that guy, but Herbie's actually funny (to me). 

I'm glad we haven't heard about Liz. I've been over her for a long while. I don't miss her.

That was all I could take of Herbie.  I FFed the second time he appeared.  Of course, there's no problem with him seeing all the covert information gathering and whatever else the team does in there.  

So Ressler puts the contaminated glove right up to his nose and smells it.  Idjit!  Herbie tells him the bacterium is harmless to people, but the Freelancer is then shown wearing a respirator when he applies it to the water line in the apartment complex.

The Freelancer escapes because neither Dembe nor Ressler thinks to handcuff him.  I expect that of Ressler, but, jeez, Dembe?

So, Wujin's plan is to expose the fact that the FBI is working with The Concierge of Crime, the Sultan of Suave?  Quick, someone call one of those talk radio wackdoodles!  We gotta scoop here!  More likely, people will shrug and say something like 'Who's left on Survivor this week?'

  • LOL 2

Oh boy.  I didn't get Dembe or Ressler not handcuffing The Freelancer and agree some new guy shows up at Ressler's AA meeting and needs a sponsor who conveniently is going to be Ressler?

Who the heck was Wujing's lackey meeting with?

Also, I find it hard to believe that the Post Office is THAT secret.  How many times has it been broken into and not buy people that weren't Reddington?

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On 4/10/2023 at 9:02 PM, edhopper said:

Did we ever get a resolution to the Red is Elizabeth's mother thing, or just suggestions about it. Did they drop the main mystery of the whole show?

I thought that was pretty much answered/alluded to in Konets, the episode in which Liz was killed.

At any rate, I think the showrunners are banking on us not remembering much that's happened over these past ten years. 😂


On 4/10/2023 at 7:43 PM, milkyaqua said:

Oh boy.  I didn't get Dembe or Ressler not handcuffing The Freelancer and agree some new guy shows up at Ressler's AA meeting and needs a sponsor who conveniently is going to be Ressler?

Who the heck was Wujing's lackey meeting with?

Also, I find it hard to believe that the Post Office is THAT secret.  How many times has it been broken into and not buy people that weren't Reddington?

Hi everyone, new aboard!😄😄
I wanna say smth about Wujing's lackey, I'm just as puzzled as you are. I mean, who was that guy meeting with? Was he working for Wujing, or was he up to something else entirely? I guess we'll have to wait and see how that plotline unfolds in future episodes.
And about the Post Office being so secret, I hear you. It does seem a bit hard to believe that it hasn't been broken into by anyone other than Reddington. I mean, how many times has it happened already? It does raise some questions about their security measures, for sure.
Anyway, I have so many questions and so I can't wait to see what twists and turns come next in this season. Fingers crossed for a sooner result.

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2 hours ago, jnetjj said:

I wanna say smth about Wujing's lackey, I'm just as puzzled as you are. I mean, who was that guy meeting with? Was he working for Wujing, or was he up to something else entirely?

Previously, Marvin Gerard hired mercenaries to kill Red. The Boss Mercenary was captured but many minions escaped. One of these minions is the mystery man in the bar.

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