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S03.E10: Looking Ahead

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(Season Finale)

Shane and Sophie challenge old patterns, while Alice discovers "The One" may be closer than she thinks. Dani distracts herself from Dre, until a surprising reveal force her to choose what she really wants. Micah and Maribel make moves toward becoming parents, while Finley takes a big step into adulthood as all of the season’s love, lust, loss, laughs and longing come to a head.

Original Streaming Date: January 20, 2023        Showtime OnDemand
Original Air Date: January 22, 2023      Showtime    8pm

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This show... 

So Bette and Tina are stuck in the walking fridge. That was all so contrived. The fire department can't come for a few hours? And then all firefighters that show up are female? And one of them has the time to stay around for the wedding whilst on duty? 

I've only been to one lesbian wedding, but jeez everyone is so horny all the time. 


Micah and Maribel... Do you really go home with a canister like that? Their argument was valid, probably should've happened a long time ago though. 



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8 hours ago, hurrrz said:

I've only been to one lesbian wedding, but jeez everyone is so horny all the time. 


Micah and Maribel... Do you really go home with a canister like that? Their argument was valid, probably should've happened a long time ago though. 

I've been to a lot of lesbian weddings and yikes, they're usually just full of nice people celebrating the marrying couple and not so damn horny!

That was really disappointing that they played Tess's very catastrophic and humiliating relapse with so much comedy. That cheesy cut to Chrishelle Whatever and her wife raising their hands all cutely when Tess was yelling about who wanted Shane to f*ck them or whatever it was? Just really tacky. The show continues to completely avoid a POV for Tess and just keep her as this isolated problem with no real inner life or perspective. It's too bad because actually one thing the show usually is good at is congruence when it comes to the comedy/drama balance. But that wasn't comic relief, it was just off.

Of course, same with Micah/Maribel on the lack-of-POV-investment front. They were barely there even though these huge things were happening, but we know virtually nothing about who either one of them is as a human being. And it did seem odd that they just brought the canister home, I had assumed a medical professional was involved? But they just bought a sperm donation online with a DIY plan? And had not looked up how to do it in advance? WHAT.

I guess if that's the series finale (again), I'm glad there's hope for Tasha and Alice? Otherwise, Shane's exactly who she always was, zero growth. Angie's big story got shrugged off in a deus ex machina "oh he's moving anyway and is immediately a dick about it so she sees the light!" 10-second scene. I guess Carrie was just a temp. I could go on. Everything felt both too rushed and too open-ended for me to believe they had to rush everything in case this was the end.

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Ugh, the cliche wedding tropes. Did they really have to get the wedding couple stuck in a freezer and have a drunk person fall and smash the cake? Plus drama with guests unexpectedly running into exes? And that whole thing with Dani dancing while high was so  cringeworthy. I was happy to see Bette and Tina remarry, but this wedding was such a clusterfuck.

I’m glad Micah and Maribel aren’t going through with the insemination. I can’t freaking stand her and feel sorry for any kid she eventually has—not because of her disability but because of her bitchy personality. Micah deserves so much better.

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13 hours ago, CarpeFelis said:

I’m glad Micah and Maribel aren’t going through with the insemination. I can’t freaking stand her and feel sorry for any kid she eventually has—not because of her disability but because of her bitchy personality. Micah deserves so much better.

I think both of these two are very selfish people and have no business having a baby at this stage in their lives. 

The whole thing was just cringe. I had to stop it and start it again in a few places. I dont think Shane even knows what the word monogamy means (I doubt she was even faithful when she was with her other partner - the one she left or left her back in season 1).  

I feel bad for Tess. I really did like her character.  I hope she cleans up if there is a next season.

Glad Angie finally saw what a dick Professor whatshisname is.


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I think Shane's character is reverted back to the one dimensional sex freak. There's no chance in hell a real person would just screw around during their best friends wedding. There is stuff to do, and it's obvious that none of these people can function on their own. 

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Wow, that was...okay, Bette and Tina in the fridge was silly, but fine, especially with Tina wanting Bette to be Bette. I had to rewind to find out exactly what that phone call to Finley was at the end. Of course Tess would be in the hospital even without driving herself. Can't remember why Tess would even say Shane killed her mother?

Things I like: obviously that teacher revealing himself to be a dick no matter what was much better than having that go forward. Especially his bizarre reasoning. His book got "a bite" (which sounds like they've simply showed interest in seeing the book when it's done, not that he's got any kind of deal) at a major publisher so he's...moving to NYC? Why? Writers don't have to live in the city where they might have a book published if they write one. It's not going to help his career to be in NY rather than LA. It didn't sound like he was supposed to be just lying thought. So strange. Dude, you need a job. And not in academia.

The other good thing was Mirabel smashing that vial. Why did they even take the stuff out if they hadn't already both decided they needed to do it right then? (Bad question-that's how they've dealt with just about everything so far.) But more importantly, thank God one of them realized how very much not ready they weren't to have a kid. What a nightmare couple. Especially Mirabel, I have to say. When she said she "didn't want to think about" what Micah was worried about I thought yeah, that seems to sum her up completely.  That and smashing a vial somebody just paid 700.00 for on the floor in a huff. She does love her sudden, dramatic declarations. At least we got Max and his partner as better examples.

Max! That's who Micah was calling at the end! I totally didn't make the connection and knew the person was obviously supposed to be significant but didn't know why. Now I do.

It's a shame if Carrie and Misty were gone. And almost surprised that the show didn't come up with some contrived reason for Carrie to have to be at the wedding too. It's nice that they gave her some happiness but now I like her being a regular.

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As someone who has been 100% team B&T since 2004, I was happy to see them get married. It didn't have the same emotional resonance for me that it probably would have had in my 20s or 30s, but I was happy to see it. I just wish the rest of the episode hadn't been so farcical. 

Who invited Pippa??? If memory serves correctly, she and Bette didn't have the most amicable of break-ups so I don't understand why she was there. 

The stuff with Dani rolling was so juvenile and contrived. As was her dilemma over who to be with. And again, who would have invited Dre to the wedding??? (I know I give too much thought to dumb shit like that, but these writers frustrate the shit out of me.)

I absolutely HATED that they turned Tess into some cartoon character and the only person who seemed to show an ounce of realism about it was Finley. WTF? 

Micah and Maribel needed to have that conversation MONTHS AGO, not when they're looking at a speculum wondering what type of torture device it could be. What a poorly written storyline. I'm so happy for Micah that he high-tailed it the hell out of there. Don't look back, Micah! 

The less said about Shane, the better. 

I love the idea of Alice and Tasha going on to live happily ever after with each other. I freakin' LOVED Tasha and it was so good to see Rose Rollins' smile again. 😍

I suspect this is the last we'll see of The L Word but even if it does get renewed, I'm fine with that being the end for me. I can't torture myself anymore. 

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2 hours ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

Who invited Pippa??? If memory serves correctly, she and Bette didn't have the most amicable of break-ups so I don't understand why she was there. 


This is why I was surprised that Carrie wasn't there with Misty, since they were apparently inviting exes with whom things ended badly. At least with Shane and Alice there were super-contrived reasons for them to be there!

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14 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

This is why I was surprised that Carrie wasn't there with Misty, since they were apparently inviting exes with whom things ended badly. At least with Shane and Alice there were super-contrived reasons for them to be there!

Well I wouldn't call it contrived at all. Shane and Alice are B&T's best friends. 


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18 minutes ago, MicheleinPhilly said:

Well I wouldn't call it contrived at all. Shane and Alice are B&T's best friends. 


Sorry, I didn't mean it was contrived for Shane and Alice to be there. I meant it was contrived for Shane and Alice's exes with whom they have an awkward situation to be there. Tess was there because Alice forgot she was supposed to be providing booze and Tasha was there to get Bette and Tina out of the freezer.

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10 minutes ago, sistermagpie said:

Sorry, I didn't mean it was contrived for Shane and Alice to be there. I meant it was contrived for Shane and Alice's exes with whom they have an awkward situation to be there. Tess was there because Alice forgot she was supposed to be providing booze and Tasha was there to get Bette and Tina out of the freezer.


Personally I'm glad they didn't find a reason to shoehorn Carrie into the situation. Given the fact that she nearly had a nervous breakdown when she and Tina broke up, no good would have come of that. 

BUT I'm also saying this as someone who has hated Carrie from the jump so I'm biased. 

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