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S13.E04: Laws of Attraction


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Figures that the doomsday device of the week was one of Krieger's. And that he built it while high as balls. "Because science is weird!" is pretty much his motto

It was good to see the break room and the office again, complete with cheesy 80s graphics for the mission. Seeing Fabian, not so much. Getting a giant nail through his hand should only be the beginning of horrible injuries I want to happen to him.

And we finally got to see Pam leading a mission (after Cyril and a drunken Archer screw it up)! Sliding around in a metal box was something right out of Breath of The Wild, I loved it. I hope we see more of her flirting with Alessia.

Didn't peg Archer for a turtle lover (but then again, he loves turtleNECKS), and not liking Narwahls.

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I never get tired of Archer's inexplicable ability to connect to animals of all kinds. AJ inheriting that was a great touch last episode.

I feel like the show is trying to build up Lana as the ultimate leader by having her not trying at all for the job out of sheer apathy. That being said, Pam was great in this episode and she should be team leader.

Cheryl's disappearance was weird and I was surprised that she didn't make a sudden appearance at the strangest moment. Very unlike her. I hope she was off buying IIA - although I do love the idea of her as the team's demolitions expert now that she has no one to secretary for. (She was my favorite thing in Archer:1999, particularly because it showed that in Archer's subconscious, he believes she's actually very very capable.)

They're making an interesting choice putting Fabian in a vulnerable position. Before this it seemed like he was the Big Dick In Charge with sweeping powers to manipulate the entirety of IIA to his own whims. Now he seems scared of this unknown "board" which, it would be hilarious to find out is just Cheryl. And that she has no idea how or why she is the whole board but she'll run with it.

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It’s an interesting choice making everyone (except Cyril of course) reasonably competent.    It’s actually Archer who is the fuck up but seems to be no worse for wear for it.     Fabian switches from full blown evil corporate overlord to inept spy.  Which is interesting compared to Mallory.  She was evil too but when in the field she more then held her own but it seems that Fabian is more Cyril then Archer.  

I loved Pam flirting with the Swiss lady and would love to see it continue.   I hope both an apathetic Lana and a disappeared Cheryl is heading somewhere.  Like Cheryl keeps getting left out of missions because….why would Fabian include a secretary only to find out she is actually…..his supervisor.

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Archer really only screwed up spilling the drink on the device. Even after he was helping and following Pam's orders. There was nothing they could do when they got on the rig because the Swiss already triggered it to blow up. When they were on the rig, I loved Pam totally swooning for the Swiss woman. When everyone was talking, she was totally eyeblasting her. 

Pam clearly should be the leader. 

I'm sure you all caught at the end that Fabian actually *sold* them the device. I hope the team uncovers what he's up to. 

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Menthol-flavored chips. 🤮

Groin taxi.


Idiocy production factory he calls a mouth.

Cleverly Beverly. (I was today years old when I learned this is actually a person.)

Fabian out! Just not out enough.

Not sacrificing a goddess for a douchebag.
Lots of good lines but this still wasn't one of my favorite episodes. I zoned out on the magnetized battle scene.

Is it weird or wrong to feel bad for Cyril? I'm thinking that if he's driving on a cold day and he skids, he brakes against it. Just figure out how to use Archer while anticipate him doing Archer stuff. And have Pam sit him, because Lana has done that far, far, FAR too often. Cyril panics, the mission is FUBAR, Archer shits on him, and any unsoiled part of him is ruined by Fabian, because Fabian is the absolute worst.

Cyril looks even worse after Sunday night, where Jerry Smith (Chris Parnell's other emotionally-neutered male) got what could be considered a W. Well, at least Cyril didn't get laid out in the hospital like poor dumb Ray.

On the bright side, Pam forcibly volunteering to fill the leadership void worked out great, and she made a new friend. I' thinking letting that Valkyrie walk away will bite the Agency in the ass . . . but given that Fabian is shady (not to mention the absolute worst), it was the right call at that time. I'm really hoping she comes back. Happy Pam is always fun to watch.

On 9/14/2022 at 11:37 PM, Galileo908 said:

It was good to see the break room and the office again, complete with cheesy 80s graphics for the mission. Seeing Fabian, not so much. Getting a giant nail through his hand should only be the beginning of horrible injuries I want to happen to him.

I'm thinking all of the paperwork could have been filed on time, and the Agency would still get stuck with the menthol-flavored chips. Fabian seems determined to break their spirits . . . and, sadly for him, he doesn't fully grasp how hard that can be.

I kept expecting Cheryl to come back after she left. While it would be hilarious to find out she is somehow Fabian's superior, I don't think it's likely. If Fabian has anything precious that's flammable, he better get it protected. Or maybe she's just huffing glue. Shit, she might hit the racetrack and attempt to snort the horses.

Magnet Climax FTW. And Archer doesn't learn a blessed thing. Maybe he does convert alcohol to luck. And I'm thinking commandeering vehicles is the official running gag this season.

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