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Season 1 Discussion

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On 11/6/2022 at 10:23 PM, mansonlamps said:

With free porn everywhere, showing sex just for its own sake is pointless, you have to be invested in the characters to make it interesting. 

It's like "Red Shoe Diary" for Zoomers. Completely pointless but nice too look at.

Before this and Euphoria I had no idea that the only two thing high school & college kids do are parties and the sexual intercourse 24/7. 

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Somehow this popped up so I watched it. I can't say much that hasn't been said but I'm almost mad at myself for watching the entire thing. I couldn't understand Diana pushing to get that narcissist cheater back. Whhhhyyyyy? The completely ridiculous accident is exactly why I ended up hating the book Verity which pulled the same BS. Although nothing was answered, I'm mad that there is another season. Even though they've changed some of it, I'm half-tempted to read the damn book so I don't have to watch.

[In a weird coincidence, I've been listening to Rick Springfield's memoir. He is talking about his drummer Jack White (not that one) and how he married Katey Sagal and they had 2 kids. So then I see a post from Rick that Jack died today. So I knew he couldn't still be married to Katey, so I looked it up to then see the actor that plays Stephen is her son with Jack White!]

Edited by AheadofStraight
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