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Would You Rather?

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Julian. Their prison bromance was Shakespearean.

Your an escaped convict, you've been shot, fallen from a bridge into an icy river, and crawled to a gas station with a pay phone. You have one quarter, would you rather call Morgan or Joss?

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Sam's ignorant locks. They may not be the smartest strands of hair, but they are gorgeous.

You just joined the Babysitters Club and have your first assignment. Would you rather have to keep Morgan from eating his paste (yes, current age Morgan) or keep Spencer from holding danceoffs in the catacombs of Wyndemere?

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Heh. I'd have to choose poor, dumb Morgan, as I'm pretty sure Spencer's already beyond hope.


You're Helena Cassidine. You have a choice between cutting Sonny's throat or Franco's. Choosing one means you'll never have another chance at the other. Who do you choose?

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Slit Franco's throat. Sonny at least says some unintentionally hilarious things from time to time.

You've been arrested and hospitalized. Would you rather have Felix or Liz as your nurse?

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Carly, she would stalk me for life.

Would you rather live in a world where Carly is Supreme Overlord or a world where everyone thinks Sonny's the best man who ever live (multiple statues to his magnificence erected everywhere included)?

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Carly, she would stalk me for life.

Would you rather live in a world where Carly is Supreme Overlord or a world where everyone thinks Sonny's the best man who ever live (multiple statues to his magnificence erected everywhere included)?

I thought Carly already was the Supreme Overlord?

I'll take everyone thinking Sonny is the greatest ever and all the statues. It'll be no different than watching the show.

Would you rather watch Morgan, Shawn, and Sonny face off on "Wheel of Fortune", or Spencer, Olivia, and Carly face off on "Jeopardy"?

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I would pay cash to see Olivia humiliate Carly on Jeopardy!.


You are Ron Carvilati. You have the opportunity to do a crossover with a crime procedural from another network, which will give ratings a big boost and make your bosses very happy, but it will result in your pets being forced to leave the canvas permanently when they get arrested. Do you go for it or not?

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Um. Um. Sonny's intention would probably be to kill me eventually, but Morgan might forget to bring me food. Eh, I'll take my chances. The kid's not bright, but he has a better heart than his father.


Would you rather


Have Emily come back to life, but she's Natalia Livingston




Have them recast Franco with Tom Pelphrey?

Edited by Cobalt Stargazer
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I miss Morgan Without Pity, and some small part of me still wants he & Ava together.

Would you rather watch Dante, Nathan, and Michael sing "Bootyliciois" or Spinelli, Morgan, and Jake sing "Independent Women" at The Nurse's Ball?

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That's an unfair question! I'll go with "Independent Women" because mid song, Jake has seizure and passes out. Morgan is dumb and Spinelli thinks it's dancing so it continues. It's so bad that he goes in this catatonic state where Monica runs up to him. He calls her mom. Carly's head explodes.

What do you think Morgan's job will be in 10 years- unemployed and still looking, bartender, or intern?

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Oh Sweet Jasus! Michael and Sabrina! Morgan can't tie his shoes, do you think he can read? Michael needs to adopt him too.

Your Ava. Who do you want as your judge and lawyer? Judge Gilmore Girls or Judge Monica's boyfriend or Judge Country? Lawyer Ric, Diane, or Alexis?

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If I'm Ava, I want Diane as my lawyer because she'll argue anything for a pair of very expensive shoes. And I'll take the Honorable Kentucky Fried Justice because he thinks N.Y. State is a Commonwealth.

Would you rather see Carly developed a male alter named "Carl Lee", or Sonny develop a female alter named "Sunni"?

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Carly become "Carl Lee", as it might result in UCG. Plus, LW looks great in ponytails.

You are a new ABC corporate employee. You can get a surplus in budget, but you have to either fire TG, but keep Roger Howarth as a relaunched character and get a teen set or kill off Sonny, and push Micheal Easton in a huge story and get a tween set and college age set. Which do you do?

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Adios Anthony! Have fun in Amsterdam . . .

Disney has decided tha ABC needs more Marvel. Would have rather see Captain America come to Port Charles as the new detective at the PCPD, or The Winter Soldier as Sonny's new hitman?

Edited by Tiger
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duh the first one b/c if Luke is gone I can deal with almost anything...even Spinelli and Patdick.


ooops jinks Tiger, but hey at least we both got rid of Luke so if he has an alter that's gone too. <wink>


I'll take the The Winter Soldier, b/c in my mind My det Special Kitty is just a costume away from Captain America:P


would you rather see Nina and Franco have a baby or Michael and Sabbrinnaa?

Edited by Cattitude
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Sonny needs to die miserable and alone, striped of all his possessions.

Would you rather Tony Geary do a duet as the two Lewq's at the Nurse's Ball, or put $1,000 on Morgan to win a spelling bee?

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death I chose death....no? ugh! I guess I'll take Morgan, b/c you didn't say I couldn't take lots of naps.


Would you rather have to team up with Luke to break out of the looney bin or help Sonny keep Avery away from Michael?

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Team-up with Lewq. The employees at Miscavagie or Shadybrooke or wherever he is now are apparently complete idiots so it shouldn't be too hard to escape.

Would you rather it be revealed that Spinelli is Michael's long-lost twin that Lewq snatched and sold, or that Nathan is Robert Scorpio's son and Dr. O drugged Robert to make him forget their encounter?

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Nathan is a Scorpio because Michael has suffered enough. I'm sorry, but at least Anna could kill Dr. O and get away with it. Carly would do flips.

Would you rather change Jason's mother to be Monica and he's definitely a Quartermaine and hates Sonny/Carly or reveal Spinelli's parents are Tracy and Gino?

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For Jason's mom to be Monica. I like Spinelli, but not enough to saddle Tracy with him.


Would you rather have Shawn try to kill Franco, which means he'd likely miss and kill Dante instead




Have Sonny try to kill Michael, since shooting his kids is what he lives for?

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Sonny try to shoot Michael, only to see the mental gymnastics that Carly would use to justify, excuse and forgive what Sonny did.

Would you rather spend the day at Disneyland with Sonny and Spencer, and you can't ditch them, or spend the day in a car with Carly driving, and the roads are curvy and icy?

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Driving with Carly (with music blaring to drown her out).


This show has way too many characters.  If you were head writer and were told to get rid of characters, would you write off the Corinthos family or Nina/Franco/Jason?

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Write off the Corinthos family. Because Michael is a Quartermaine and I'd reveal Morgan is actually the son of Alcazar. Dante is actually a Falconeri, so it's actually goodbye Sonny, Shawn, Duke, Max, and Milo. Or I'd spin Morgan off to a Netflix comedy.

Would you rather flip a coin and change Emily to Spencer's mother or change Lucky to child Jake's dad?

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I do not want Lil' Douche related/connected/whatever in any capacity to the Q's, so Kid Jake as Lucy's bio kid.

Would you rather it be revealed that Jordan is the daughter of Patricia Spencer & Judge Walters, or that Shawn is really the son of Pat & Walters?

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Eh...... if it were an incest baby I'd say Shawn as it'd explain so much, but you said Judge Walters so I'll, no Jordan can't be a Spencer I'm saying Shawn. Shawn is a Spencer. But poor Judge Walters. He had to have been drunk.

You can give anyone on the canvas a long lost secret kid, but it can't be a baby not child. It must be college age to twenty-something. It can't be Sonny nor Luke, Scotty, Patrick, nor a Cassadine. Who do you choose and why?

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I would give AJ a kid via Nikki Langton. The kid would be a bit, but not much, older than Michael. I would do this to bring in more Q's, and to set-up a classic family rivalry and business story.

Would you rather Ron ripoff Days' Pawn story and reveal that Jason Morgan was never Jason Q, or rip-off The Princess Gina story and reveal that when everyone thought Brenda was dead from 98-02, she was really brainwashed into being a European art forger?

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Princess Gina Re Ronned. Because I think it might be good or UCG. Ron can't handle The Pawn.

Ron can steal one Days legend. In exchange three GH cast members go bye bye. Do you trade the actor who played Stefano for Felix, Duke, and Shawn, KDP for LLC, Patrick, and Nina, or Eileen Davidson for Sonny, Luke, and Franco?

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Why do you torcher me so? I really want SN back, but I like ED and I can get rid of Luke...oh my. humm. Well my love of SN trumps getting rid of Luke besides ED is Ashely to me. So I choose Stefan my first soap crush was Patch. MEOW!


Would you rather get to actually try out 50 ways to kill Helena with #50 actually succeeding or smother Luke with a pillow?

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Smother Lewq with a pillow.

Would you rather have Jason regain his Q memories and team up with Tracy to read Sonny & Carly for filth, or have Robert rescue Robin from Helena and then Anna pistol-whip Patrick & Nik?

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Sorry, Robin. I want Jason Q back. I crush on Billy Miller! Besides, um Y&R has TR so I don't want a recast!

You can steal one AW legend, but must trade off two GH characters. Do you trade Mark Pinter for Duke and Shawn, Lisa P (Lila) for Ava and Nina, or Tom Eplin (Jake) for Sloane and Luke?

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I'm not familiar with any of those AW alums, but I'd never pass up an opportunity to get rid of Lewq.

Would you rather "Once Upon a Time"'s Cruella or Maleficint come to Port Charles?

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Maleficent because that was Pam on True Blood and she was amazing. I love Kristen Von Stratten. Plus, can't she make Kiki sleep forever?

You're a Genie (a magical one, not the actress who played Laura ). You can grant three wishes to Morgan, Lucas, or Lulu- but the catch is after you do, one of their family members dies. Who do you choose, which wishes do you grant, and who dies?

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Morgan gets a brain, a heart, and courage, and Sonny dies (obvs!)


A big star is planning a 2-month stunt ego project a la James Franco. Do you choose Tom Cruise as an unconventional DA who steps outside the law to take down Sonny for good? Michelle Rodriguez as a private investigator who exposes everyone's secrets, ending in an epic cat fight with Carly? Or Kanye West as a music producer who recruits Spencer as the new Justin Bieber and takes him out of PC on tour?

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My God, M Rod would knock Carly's teeth down her throat. I choose her, I choose her!


Would you rather for Sonny to be really redeemed, to the point that he's as unrecognizable as Billy Miller's Jason, or for him to be unceremoniously killed off and not brought back?

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Spinelli. He would feed me. And I would have no relation to Sonny. I'd pray that Mac would raise me though.

A Disney character is guest starring. Is it Ursula, here to steal Luke's voice, The Evil Queen with an Apple for Sabrina, or Cinderella with a dance for Morgan?

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