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Survivor 43: Spoilers

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So I'm putting this here since it sounds spoiler-ish, but Jeanine seems to allude to Jesse using her idol (or maybe someone calling him out in front of the jury for having it):

Jeanine Zheng reveals reaction to Jesse having her Survivor immunity idol (yahoo.com)


Dwight was presumably gone from Ponderosa when you showed up since they usually clear it out of pre-jury people once the jury starts showing up, so when did you find out that it was Jesse and not Dwight that actually had it?

Well, we'll see when that comes about, but I definitely did not realize. I mean, you saw in this episode, I thought that my idol was flushed. I was devastated. Everyone else on the episode also was like, "Wow, Jeanine got her idol flushed." And so just, it's really Jesse's secret to reveal.

Whenever you did find out, what was your reaction when you found out that Jesse had the idol?

Oh my God. I was like, that's my baby! [Laughs] So in a way, I think it's bittersweet because I'm so bamboozled, but also kudos to you. Nothing but props. And also, at least it's still alive. I really thought that all the work that had gone into assembling it was down the drain going home with Dwight. So I think those were my reactions.

So the groupings for the next episode are believed to be (per Reddit):

-Owen, Karla, Noelle, Sami, James

-Cody, Ryan, Jesse, Gabler, and Cassidy

The first grouping I believe Noelle is a goner.  My guess is Karla clues James in on her using her steal a vote advantage, James uses the KIP to take it away, and she ends up going home.  

The second group might be interesting.  At first glance Cassidy looks like the goner with all the guys, but Gabler is more on the outs.  Of course there's still spoilers floating around believing Cassidy does well and/or wins, and that Ryan is in the final 3, but spoilers haven't exactly had a good track record this season.  However, even though Cassidy was the only person not to vote Jeanine last week, I think Coco is still tight and Ryan won't let her leave, and that Jesse and Cody will stick with those 2 and vote Gabler.  Hopefully something exciting happens, but I'm thinking this could be two boring boots.

5 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

The first grouping I believe Noelle is a goner.  My guess is Karla clues James in on her using her steal a vote advantage, James uses the KIP to take it away, and she ends up going home.  

Unless Noelle gives the KIP to Owen again (or she hadn't got it back from him yet), and is telling Karla this to get James to burn the KIP.

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13 hours ago, SVNBob said:

Unless Noelle gives the KIP to Owen again (or she hadn't got it back from him yet), and is telling Karla this to get James to burn the KIP.

I can't find the interview but posters on Sucks and Reddit said that Jeff claims the KIP burns someone 4 times (so there'd be Liana, Drea, Geo, and James would be the 4th).  So maybe that is what happens here.  I wonder, if Karla does let him in on Noelle's plan, if they think she'll give it away for safe keeping and ask Owen or Sami.  Which would be a gamble, since he can only ask someone once and if he's wrong, that's it.  It does seem interesting that Noelle would openly tell Karla of her plan when she knows she's on the bottom.  I'd love for them to pull something like that off and have James leave (or Sami, but I'd prefer James).  With Sami talking a big game about wanting to make a big move and take control this might be his only chance to do so.

ETA: And I feel like I'm justified worrying about Noelle, but I also forgot that James has a problem with Owen and wants him gone, so maybe James will dig in about voting off Owen.  If Karla doesn't like his attitude she could help lead to his demise.

Edited by LadyChatts
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3 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

I can't find the interview but posters on Sucks and Reddit said that Jeff claims the KIP burns someone 4 times (so there'd be Liana, Drea, Geo, and James would be the 4th).  So maybe that is what happens here.  I wonder, if Karla does let him in on Noelle's plan, if they think she'll give it away for safe keeping and ask Owen or Sami.  Which would be a gamble, since he can only ask someone once and if he's wrong, that's it.  It does seem interesting that Noelle would openly tell Karla of her plan when she knows she's on the bottom.  I'd love for them to pull something like that off and have James leave (or Sami, but I'd prefer James).  With Sami talking a big game about wanting to make a big move and take control this might be his only chance to do so.

ETA: And I feel like I'm justified worrying about Noelle, but I also forgot that James has a problem with Owen and wants him gone, so maybe James will dig in about voting off Owen.  If Karla doesn't like his attitude she could help lead to his demise.

Even if they were going after Owen, if Owen does have Noelle's steal a vote or Noelle has it, and if James guesses wrong, and one of them do use it, Owen and Noelle would have three votes to the other two in the group of 5.

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The one reason I assumed Jesse wasn’t going home was Jeanine made it sound like he played her idol, or at least revealed he had it on the show in front of her.  Now I’m wondering if he actually makes the final 3 and that’s one of his resume moves when he reveals he got it from Dwight.  

Karla’s edit went down for me tonight.  If we’re basing it on that, sadly Jesse and Cody are looking the best.  

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11 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Karla’s edit went down for me tonight.  If we’re basing it on that, sadly Jesse and Cody are looking the best.  

I don't think Cody's looking that great. His edit has severely depleted since the early episodes. He has NOT gotten a confessional in a while, let alone a confessional that talks strategy, and it's showing Jesse as the mastermind who uses Cody mostly as a sounding board than anything. I actually think Cody goes before F4; I think Gabler's talk of splitting Jesse/Cody is going to fall directly on Cody if Jesse doesn't play both idols for both of them. 

I think only three have a shot at winning: Jesse, Cassidy and Gabler. 

Sami's edit was poor this episode, which Noelle calling him untrustworthy. Karla's edit went down this episode with Jesse knowing about her idol, and she was left out on the vote. Owen's edit is basically non-existent. 

Not that I think Cassidy's gotten a fantastic edit herself, but she's not the one to look like a fool in the end, and Survivor has never known how to edit women winners properly, anyway. Gabler's edit has been surprisingly strong, so I think he has a chance to win. 

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5 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

I don't think Cody's looking that great. His edit has severely depleted since the early episodes. He has NOT gotten a confessional in a while, let alone a confessional that talks strategy, and it's showing Jesse as the mastermind who uses Cody mostly as a sounding board than anything. I actually think Cody goes before F4; I think Gabler's talk of splitting Jesse/Cody is going to fall directly on Cody if Jesse doesn't play both idols for both of them. 

I think only three have a shot at winning: Jesse, Cassidy and Gabler. 

Sami's edit was poor this episode, which Noelle calling him untrustworthy. Karla's edit went down this episode with Jesse knowing about her idol, and she was left out on the vote. Owen's edit is basically non-existent. 

Not that I think Cassidy's gotten a fantastic edit herself, but she's not the one to look like a fool in the end, and Survivor has never known how to edit women winners properly, anyway. Gabler's edit has been surprisingly strong, so I think he has a chance to win. 

Yeah, after I thought about it, Jesse and Cody might be seen as a pair, but Jesse is playing the better game.  I thought back to their time at Vesi, and it was Jesse who came up with the idea for how Cody could get the beads from the tribe.  He got the big TH last night about pulling off a blindside.  Cody just grumbled around camp.  I do think it is more beneficial for Cody to get rid of Jesse, because even if they are seen as a pair and get credit for making the same moves, only one of them can ultimately win.  And some jurors may argue that Jesse was the mastermind and Cody was just his minion (kind of like Tommy and Laurel in S39).  

Sami's edit confused me even more after last night (I still want to know about his vote against Karla-did he know Noelle was leaving or was he out of the loop?)  Gabler's edit has been the most interesting.  He went from being seen as chaotic and out of the loop with everything, to seemingly having a decent grasp of what's going on.  And maybe just playing the middle for now may actually work.  If he manages to blindside Jesse/Cody then his stock will go way up.  Plus, he had that moment in the half hour long IC where he was giving shout outs to everyone and their pet turtles.  Cassidy would be an underwhelming winner, as I don't feel like she's gotten much content.  Since the rumor is that production didn't like this season as much as S42 or 44, I'm wondering if she is the winner-maybe a bitter jury costs someone like Jesse?  I can see James being bitter, and if Jesse is involved in voting out Cody, he will likely be a bitter juror (I think Cody could be a bitter juror regardless).  I'm not ruling out Cody as winning, but right now I agree with your picks as to who has the best shot.  After last night I'd be shocked if Sami or Karla win, and Owen is just a nice guy whose getting the most out of the Survivor experience (while being on the wrong side of the vote).

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Finale week coming up, so time to look back on the rumors that were circulating this season.  It seems like pretty much everything that was speculated was either wrong or grossly exaggerated.  What I can believe is that production didn't like this season as much as S44 (we'll see what we think when the time comes) and if there was anything "dark" about it, maybe it was mostly the women getting picked off (and taking part in the picking off?)  I don't really see what else would be considered dark.  There were rumors of a last minute quit/medevac, and I do hope that them highlighting Karla's injuries doesn't lead to her having to be taken out of the game.  Though nothing was mentioned in the preview for next week, and I feel like they might touch on something that dramatic.

I am wondering if Jesse pulls off a win.  I think production might have liked this season if someone like Jesse won, and they are really highlighting how well he is playing this game.  Cody not only let him hang on to his idol, but also gave it back after showing it to Karla.  And Dwight, for whatever reason, trusted him enough to give him Jeanine's idol, and he's kept that to himself.  Jeanine claimed in her interviews that her idol didn't go to waste and it was awesome so odds are Jesse plays it in the final 5, surprising everyone.  I really don't think Karla will win given her edit the last few episodes (and she was once again out of the loop for the Cody vote) but I think everyone else has a chance.  However, I am wondering if Karla goes at the 5, Jesse loses in fire, and we end up with a Cassidy/Gabler/Owen final 3.  I can see where production might not be enthused with that.  

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1 hour ago, LadyChatts said:

Finale week coming up, so time to look back on the rumors that were circulating this season.  It seems like pretty much everything that was speculated was either wrong or grossly exaggerated.  What I can believe is that production didn't like this season as much as S44 (we'll see what we think when the time comes) and if there was anything "dark" about it, maybe it was mostly the women getting picked off (and taking part in the picking off?)  I don't really see what else would be considered dark.  There were rumors of a last minute quit/medevac, and I do hope that them highlighting Karla's injuries doesn't lead to her having to be taken out of the game.  Though nothing was mentioned in the preview for next week, and I feel like they might touch on something that dramatic.

I am wondering if Jesse pulls off a win.  I think production might have liked this season if someone like Jesse won, and they are really highlighting how well he is playing this game.  Cody not only let him hang on to his idol, but also gave it back after showing it to Karla.  And Dwight, for whatever reason, trusted him enough to give him Jeanine's idol, and he's kept that to himself.  Jeanine claimed in her interviews that her idol didn't go to waste and it was awesome so odds are Jesse plays it in the final 5, surprising everyone.  I really don't think Karla will win given her edit the last few episodes (and she was once again out of the loop for the Cody vote) but I think everyone else has a chance.  However, I am wondering if Karla goes at the 5, Jesse loses in fire, and we end up with a Cassidy/Gabler/Owen final 3.  I can see where production might not be enthused with that.  

The only way I see Jesse losing is if he goes out in the fire making challenge. If he makes final 3, he will be the winner, hands down. I don't think Owen or Gabler have a chance. Cassidy might, only if Jesse isn't there. I can't see Karla winning anymore. I agree that production would love a Jesse win. If not Jesse, then I'm not sure. 

We know Jesse hasn't been that strong at challenges; he's the weakest competitor left so I can easily see him losing at fire making and leaving a lackluster F3. 

It would be a shame that they've built up such a strong story for Jesse, only to see him just miss out on F3. Plus, none of the rest left (except maybe Karla) have a strong case at the end, and even Karla is iffy. 

Owen hasn't made a move on his own (his move this past episode was one others had discussed before him), Cassidy's edit has been shit (she's done....not much in general and only has her revenge arc story that really wasn't her sole credit anyway), and Karla's edit has gone downhill and she was made to look like a fool this time. Gabler's edit has been messy. He has potential to win but it doesn't seem like people respect him on the jury. Nobody mentions him as a threat and he talks a lot but hasn't made a move since Elie. 

So if anyone but Jesse wins, it's probably a disappointing end to a mediocre season for me.

I do remember the rumour that Jesse and Cassidy would be in F3 but even with us so close to the end, I don't see that as an option. 

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The only one of the 5 I can't see winning is Owen, unless he goes for the underdog arc of defying the odds.  But I don't see who he could be up against where he'd win; I see him losing against Jesse, Gabler, and maybe even Karla, and at least one of those 3 will be in the final 3.  I guess it's not impossible that Owen is just seen as more likable than the other two he's sitting next to, and that his game gets respected more.  But I'd be surprised if he did pull off a win.

Karla's edit hasn't made her look good, so unless she gets some sort of huge redemption in the finale I can't see where she'd win, when she's come off looking so out of the loop with everything.  Her idol wasn't even the best kept secret she thought it was (I'd be curious to know if Cassidy did tell anyone in advance or if they did just assume she was the likely person to have it).  

I'd argue that Jesse has the best chance of winning, as even if some of the jury were bitter, I can't believe that they wouldn't at least respect his game.  I mentioned in the episode thread that Noelle seems like a Jesse fan.  I think Ryan, James, and Sami would respect his game play.  With his edit either they are setting him up for the win or hoping Sia takes notice when she doles out her award and also justifying his return in a future season by making it seemed like he was robbed.  I feel like Gabler maybe has a shot, but it will depend how much respect he gets and whether he can back up any game play.  From my living room couch watching the edited version, it seems like Gabler talks big but hasn't done much to back it up.  He kind of got in the numbers by default because he was willing to go along with the group.  I don't know, he's a wild card for me.

I really can't see Cassidy winning, but this could be an Erika type edit where her game play has been non-existent all season and suddenly, she gets face time in the finale.  Her arc has been revenge based (whoever comes after her goes).  One thing that has interested me is that people talking about getting rid of her claim that it will weaken Karla.  I guess that could mean she's just a number for Karla, but why not get rid of Karla to weaken Cassidy?  So has Cassidy been playing a stronger game than we've seen?  I don't know, I won't rule her out.  She also has joked about being a purple fox on her IG page, so maybe she was hinting around that she did more than she was getting credit for.

Edited by LadyChatts
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9 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

I feel like Gabler maybe has a shot, but it will depend how much respect he gets and whether he can back up any game play.  From my living room couch watching the edited version, it seems like Gabler talks big but hasn't done much to back it up.  He kind of got in the numbers by default because he was willing to go along with the group.  I don't know, he's a wild card for me.

Gabler was giving me Survivor AU Kristy vibes a bit in this episode. Survivor AU spoilers:


If he makes F3, convinces the jury he was some kind of mastermind, and wins like she did, I will roll lol.

46 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Gabler was giving me Survivor AU Kristy vibes a bit in this episode. Survivor AU spoilers:

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If he makes F3, convinces the jury he was some kind of mastermind, and wins like she did, I will roll lol.

Gabler's edit has me intrigued, I'll admit that.  He was the first one that we saw that said Cody/Jesse needed to be broken up, but Jesse actually orchestrated Cody's blindside.  Or did he?  Now I'm wondering if he got in Jesse's head about voting off Cody lol  I think Gabler truly believes he's a mastermind, although I don't see it.  Like I said, he seems to talk big.  I just can't tell if it's all talk or he'll have something to actually back it up with when the time comes.  Against Jesse he loses, but the other 4 I'm not sure.  

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