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A Tribute to the Late, Great, Robin Williams

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One of my favorite things in the world is to see comedians make other comedians lose it.  Tim Conway had a knack for that that gives me goose pimples.  There is a scene in this clip that had Ellen just cracking up, pure joy at the humor of this man.  That was great, thanks for sharing this.

Yea it's not very common. And it's really neat when they're able to do so. You're welcome, Biz.

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My mom just found this one on Yahoo tonight.


It's a rare 13 minute clip of him doing improv.


Also, PBS has finally posted the tribute they did in honor of him on their site.


Just came across this clip of him on Sesame Street on Youtube. Thank you Sesame Street for sharing it originally.



He was so silly in it XD. Reminded me of why I liked him so much as an actor and as a person.

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Don't apologize; I had wanted to post something else here, but I wasn't sure if there was still interest.  I had heard about this, but didn't find video until just recently. Robin testifying before a Senate committee on homelessness in 1990.  It combines all the best parts of him, I think: his intelligence, passion, humor, and great humanity:


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Don't apologize; I had wanted to post something else here, but I wasn't sure if there was still interest.  I had heard about this, but didn't find video until just recently. Robin testifying before a Senate committee on homelessness in 1990.  It combines all the best parts of him, I think: his intelligence, passion, humor, and great humanity:


This was great, thanks for sharing this. 


I for one am still not over the death of this man, so don't ever worry about posting here, there will be someone who will appreciate it. 

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I still can't listen to a song of John's without remembering the exact moment I heard of his death.  So yeah, good comparison.  Robin's passing will be with me a very long time. 


Same here in regards to Robin. It hit me really hard. I can watch his films and his stand up along with the parts he was in on tv, but it's still really sad.


On a lighter note: Came across this American idol bit he was in. Such a little imp :P.

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I had a surprising Robin moment today.  I was watching Eddie Izzard's documentary, "Believe," and Robin was in it, talking to him about the first time they met and their friendship since (I never knew Robin was so instrumental with Dress to Kill).  They met when they did a small film together, long before Eddie was really known in the US, but he was stunned to find out that Robin was already kind of a fan.


It was interesting to see them together because the only time I ever got to see Robin live, it was with Eddie.  


I tried to find a clip of it on YouTube, but couldn't.  But the documentary is on Hulu.

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I had a surprising Robin moment today.  I was watching Eddie Izzard's documentary, "Believe," and Robin was in it, talking to him about the first time they met and their friendship since (I never knew Robin was so instrumental with Dress to Kill).  They met when they did a small film together, long before Eddie was really known in the US, but he was stunned to find out that Robin was already kind of a fan.


It was interesting to see them together because the only time I ever got to see Robin live, it was with Eddie.  


I tried to find a clip of it on YouTube, but couldn't.  But the documentary is on Hulu.


I tried looking for it too. Came across this clip though, of Eddie paying tribute to Robin.


Just found this nice article on People, Zelda got a tattoo to honor her father, a hummingbird with his birth date under it.




"For poppo," she captioned a black-and-white Instagram shot featuring a hummingbird in flight, with her father's birthdate – 7/21/51 – inked below it.


"I'll always put my hand out to shake with a smile," she also wrote in the caption, after thanking Dr. Woo of Hollywood's Shamrock Social Club tattoo parlor "for so beautifully bringing my reminders to life."


"Dad was, is and always will be one of the kindest, most generous, gentlest souls I've ever known," she wrote. "And while there are few things I know for certain right now, one of them is that not just my world, but the entire world is forever a little darker, less colorful and less full of laughter in his absence. We'll just have to work twice as hard to fill it back up again."


A little bit from the article.



A nice article about hummingbirds as a spirit animal. A pretty interesting read tbh, it definitely fits him.

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I saw that.  Beautiful artwork.  Some people on Twitter asked her why she didn't get a robin, and she said because she never called him that, and that the hummingbird has special meaning for her.


Did you see this?  Zak Williams throwing out the first pitch at the San Francisco Giants game at the World Series, with Zelda and Cody next to him.  He pitches it to Billy Crystal.  It starts with a video tribute the stadium put together for him.

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The coroner ruled that there were no illegal drugs in his system.  He did have a prescribed anti-depressant.

Yea just read about it. And it also mentioned that he had Parkinson symptoms back in 2011.


link to it


Source: msn.com


He was starting to show signs of diffuse Lewy body dementia, according to a coroner's report.


Source: people.com


So sad :(.

The tribute Billy Crystal wrote of Robin in heaven was beautiful.  Kind of would have liked to see a mention of him meeting up with John Belushi at some point, but I guess Billy only picked the ones Robin would have the most fun riffing with.


God, I really miss him and seeing those commercials for the new Night at the Museum makes it worse. 

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