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S03.01: Long Time No See

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Nothing says adulthood like a girl who is completely dependent on her mother and lives with her  screaming 'I'm an adult! I'm an adult! I'm an adult!'  Good Lord save us all, Rachel and Brianna.

Rachel is still a complete mess and an irritable ungrateful one at that. Does she know that you can't just pull out your IUD on your own like that?  She's barely 18. Is she looking for baby number two now that baby daddy number one is a drug addict/petty criminal and in jail? I don't understand her end game here. She needs to be on birth control until she's thirty. At least if she doesn't plan on living in that trailer  with her mother for the rest of her life. Oh, nevermind. I forgot she's an adult!

Brianna is another one who is irritable and ungrateful and pushing the 'I'm and adult!' button way too hard for her circumstances. The fact that she spends all her time at the home of an older (for her) married woman with four/five kids would concern me too. She seems like she would like to be adopted by her new friend and now is kind of crowding her and depending on her instead of her mom. I just don't see it as an equal friends relationship. And I wonder if said friend wouldn't be so welcoming of her almost permanent visitor if MTV cameras and presumably cash weren't in the picture. She doesn't need a fifth/sixth child in Brianna.  And I don't care how much an adult one is, one doesn't treat their mother that way. She could do a lot worse in the mom department.

Kiaya is still an unstable codependent mess. She simply falls apart and has a crying fit whenever Teazha doesn't fall into romantic line. Teazha needs to cut ties and leave Kiaya behind. I suspect MTV money has something to do with her remaining in contact but damn, that relationship is so toxic. Amour is really handsome little boy though. I hate his name, but I imagine he'll be amour to a lot of women when he's older.

At least Kayla stopped yelling at her mom. At least we're not seeing it. She seems to think she can just magically shoo Stephan away and replace her kid's father with her current boyfriend who is nicer to her.  Fatherhood doesn't work like that. Luke can't just step in and adopt the kid just because Stephan is an inconvenient mess. Kayla needs to make better choices in fathering her kids if she wants good fathers for them. She choose Stephan and Stephan is who she got. If he wants to be dad then there's no fix for that.

I think Madisen and her dad are my absolute favorite people in this in entire franchise. They are so sweet and so grounded. Christian needs to accept that he has failed big time in the boyfriend dept and that she is done. He seems unable to understand that fact. I hope she doesn't move away though because she is so young and her dad is such a huge support for her. She really needs him right now.




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Oh, show. How I have missed you. 

There are not many places on TV to see a living, breathing stereotype like Rachel. She’s like the hillbilly in the collective imaginations of Beverly Hills, the Upper East Side, and Aspen. I keep waiting for someone with a banjo to walk into the frame. I guess the cast members sold theirs for meth.

Stephan remains pure garbage and as ugly as ever. How he can imagine himself to be a “dad,” I’ll never know. Father, ok, but dad? You have to know how old your kid is to be a dad.

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I guess Stephan is an apple that never even left the tree. It's a measure of my low opinion of him that I'm impressed that he acted like a human being for three minutes. His mom is going to sit down and give Kayla a lesson on manners? "You didn't send a thank-you...that's rude!" So is punching people.

Once again we see Rachel starting a relationship without ever discussing birth control. What's the over-under on how many months it will take before she's pregnant a third time?

I need to start fast-forwarding through Brianna's segments again. Her inappropriate rage and screaming at her mother in front of her toddler are maddening.

Kiaya's relationship drama = dull as dirt. Amour being a cutie pie is the only justification for watching her at all.

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I was surprised by Stephan actually being a voice of calm.  I’m sure he’s embarrassed by his “old ass” mom throwing punches. 

Brianna is an asshole to her mom.  They need some time apart.  Then she will appreciate having her help.  The adult friend is weird, why do they hang out so much?  And why is the friend speaking so negatively about Brianna’s mom?

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 I love that when Briana asked her mother what she ever did for her and Brayson, her mother started listing things off. And then she got angry because (?) her mother did those things because she asked her to? She lost me there. How dare she do something she was asked to do! WTF? I hope she does move out. Does she get support from Brayson's father? Does she know who it is? 

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