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Extreme Sisters - General Discussion

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How old is John? He looks 15 and them in bed together is kinda creeping me out…

I'm getting convinced the Aussie sisters are really this batshit crazy and it's not for the cameras.

On 2/14/2023 at 12:08 AM, JeanJean said:

I actually liked the Aussie twins tonight. They showed a healthy amount of self-awareness about having babies, thinking more rationally than their mom.  They actually now seem quite sweet.

Ever heard of a nice place called therapy? It’d make a GREAT home for Anna and Lucy.

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Every time John speaks, I want to slap his tiny mouth shut. He's SO DUMB, yet SO ARROGANT, and SO CONTROLLING! Jess was actually right about him. He's a grade A fuckwit.

Crazy how those sisters from Texas WANT husbands who are barely interested in them and barely spend any individual time with them. Might as well have bought dummies and slapped some goofy bright white teeth on em and a cowboy hat cause that's really all they want. Just a spouse for show.

I feel like Vee is right on this situation cause Ashley's mom has such bad vibes but because Vee is loud and doesn't hold back people are going to walk away thinking she's the bad guy here. That grandma is SO shady and cruel. This is the type of person who ends up alone in a nursing home with no clue as to why no one comes to visit.

Why can't the Aussie nutcases be at the restaurant at the same time but do different things? Because they need to do everything togethaaaa!

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I like the Aussie twins now.  I think they're sweet and they are aware that their 24/7 together isn't normal.  No, the world doesn't work that way, but if more people could be with someone who wants to be with them most of the time, too, there'd be a lot less benzo addiction, maybe. That said, they do need to figure out how not to do the same thing at the same time at work. And a therapist could work with them on doing things separately without feeling like they're going to die. But overall, I think their natures are sweet.
I'm on John's side. The sister has been awful to him. And when he didn't automatically say sure, he'd forget all the trouble she caused in the blink of an eye, she immediately got vicious again, which suggests it was an act on her part. She needed to allow time, and she didn't.
In the case of the two sisters and the surrogate pregnancy, the mom is awful. I really like the sisters.

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I think one of the triplets (Hannah?) is starting to wake up to the fact that gaming is not a viable long-term job, and more to the point, that they have been entitled, rude and incredibly self-centered.  Not that she's perfect, but she said herself that she's the voice of reason.  I was flabbergasted that they just showed up at older sister's home with all their laundry, expecting her to drop her plans.  Maybe a good start for the mom is to stop calling them "The Girls". 

My best friends are twin sisters, and from early on they stopped dressing identically, stopped doing everything together, and asked me not to call them "The Twins", as if they were a unit. Today they live in different cities and are healthy siblings, not an enmeshed pair.  I've meant to ask what they would think of this horror show.

Did I really see that Anna and Lucy had to wipe the tables exactly the same number of swipes and carry the cups and orders exactly the same?  I think they have sweet sides to their personalities and are kind, but oh my gosh, therapy stat!  Life won't be kind to them, and they might have to get away from enabler Mom and even that boyfriend to even have a hope.  I do hope their job works out.

There's something offputting with Jessica and Christina.  Christina wishes John would shut up and let her have her way, which is really a marriage with Jessica, not him.  Jessica comes across as all light and love but is actually very aggressive when stood up to.  And Jessica doesn't really want a baby with a guy she's dated for a few months, she wants to be pregnant at the same time as Christina and to heck with his wishes.  If that boyfriend is smart, he'll not only refuse but split.  

Isn't a heart attack major information that Vee should have disclosed much earlier, before risking her relationship, upsetting Ashley's ex, and then having a screaming encounter with the witch of Ashley's mother?  That might put paid to the entire idea of being a surrogate.  The ex was right-they want a baby with each other, not with him.  He's just a donor and watch him never get to see the child.  Good on him to refuse.  Previews show the idea going down in flames anyway.  And this is only the first time they've looked at the costs?  Even if they get approved, a quick Google on my end brought up a range of $8500-$21000, for starters.  I started off liking these two, but that's fading.

ETA: Regarding the restaurant idea with the triplets, restaurants are a big risk and go under a lot (even Gordon Ramsay's). Has anyone done any kind of research into how much of a market for a "vegan Italian" restaurant exists in their neighborhood?  If your neighborhood wants beers and brats, and your concept is too woo-woo, it won't work even if everyone gets on board.

I wouldn't trust these three to feed my cats for a week, let alone pull together a fundraiser spaghetti dinner for 100.




Edited by AR Traveler
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I'm trying to think of jobs that the Australian twins could do where they'd do everything together at the same time. So far I have synchronized swimming.  Maybe the restaurant they're at should advertise them as more of a feature than a hindrance - "synchronized serving" or something. 

It's always sad when people have to harden their natures to adapt. That's likely where a lot of our troubles come from. 

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1 hour ago, AR Traveler said:


There's something offputting with Jessica and Christina.  Christina wishes John would shut up and let her have her way, which is really a marriage with Jessica, not him.  Jessica comes across as all light and love but is actually very aggressive when stood up to.  And Jessica doesn't really want a baby with a guy she's dated for a few months, she wants to be pregnant at the same time as Christina and to heck with his wishes.  If that boyfriend is smart, he'll not only refuse but split. 


Jessica gives me major Hanibal Lecter vibes, she just looks like the type to turn up on Discovery ID as a major murder case. The way her attitude changes from "I want to be friends" to looking like she wants to rip off his face and then the throwing herself on the ground scares the living daylights out of me.

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Does anyone else find the white/gray/blonde-haired sisters really boring? I'm not even sure what their storyline is because I totally space out during their segments.

Jessica is nuts. Run, Josh! I think that, except for her sister and hopefully her kids, she doesn't see the other person as an actual person.


Edited by JeanJean
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Anna and Lucy may be sweet but they are seriously disturbed (I don't know the right word).  Their lives are centered on being exactly the same, almost a clone of the other. Are they going to be counting each other's grey hairs when they are old?  I'm sorry, I'm getting shades of the Papin twins, the French girls who lived in their own bubble and brutally murdered their employer's wife.

Jessica's boyfriend made the right choice.  I think he needs to break up with her, but at the least, abstain from sex.  I don't trust her not to have an "oops".

I wonder what Ashley's sons think when their mother pines for a daughter.  I would hear "Not good enough". She checks out when there's something she doesn't want to talk about or acknowledge.  I knew I was starting to sour on Vee a couple weeks ago, now I'm doing the same towards Ashley.  Many, many women can't have any kids, and you have two fine sons.  Grieve, but don't check out of the rest of your life.

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I’m confused. The twins that need to be pregnant together, she said her sister is due in 6 weeks, so how exactly are you going to be pregnant together? 

Also the blond/gray twins, the one is a bully and the other has just let her to avoid fights. She needs to put her sister in her place before she loses everything. 

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Clearly Anna and Lucy have severe anxiety and it's now full on OCD. If they're going to keep going they've got to get into therapy. Things will only get worse and worse for them. They've been doing this same stuff for so long they believe something bad will happen if they deviate from it. I hope someone can convince them to get therapy. Hell, Ben could by just starting with family therapy.

Imagine you're putting your life on the line to carry a baby for somebody else and while you're trying to talk about why you're upset at the sudden change in plans that person just takes their phone out and say, "I wonder what the weather's like..." I'd be pissed too.

I could deadass see Jessica taking a used condom from Josh and trying to get pregnant that way. Girl is fucking loony.

Getting in bed with a sick person is insane to me. You could be my soulmate but we're sitting in separate areas if you're throwing up.

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“Things happen for a reason” and sometimes that reason is because you stuck your dick in crazy.

The Texas sisters are just being ridiculous at this point desperately trying to create a storyline. The sister getting married thought it was as odd as the rest of us think about her sister coming on the honeymoon.

I really think Jessica and Christina are the most pathological of any of these sisters. Actively sabotaging each others lives and harming others in the process.

Fuck the Bratz dolls.

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Can't believe the boyfriend actually decided to have a baby with Jess.  They've been going out, what, a couple months?  That's a human being they created just so Jessica could be pregnant at the same time (or part of the time) with her sister.  That's 18 years of raising the child and being Mom and Dad forevermore.  How do they know their relationship will work?  I always say you don't know anyone well before about six months of steady dating.  You need at least one big fight or intense discussion, lots of discussions, about values and compatibility in those early months.  But what do I know, I just chose not to reproduce with someone I barely knew (and who is throwing off sparks of red flags at the same time, natch).  

I actually like Anna and Lucy but life is going to be very hard and very cruel to them as it won't coddle their disfunction.  Theit boyfriend, I think, was getting around to that.  They are never going to be able to work and still remain exactly the same.  I blame Mom far more for allowing this to go on for 30+ years.  It's like she just gave up.

Anyone else who foresaw the triplets screwing up the fundraiser?  Show of hands? *all hands raised up*.  I would be livid, but if I were in the mom's place, I'd have only myself to blame; the short term of the fundraiser, and how I managed to raise such entitled, lazy humans.   I'm not giving Hannah a break either-she allowed that to happen and this was a few weeks after the restaurant discussion.  There was time to get it together.  I don't trust any of them.

Jordan wants to come on Randi's honeymoon?  Oh heck no.  They don't even seem to like their men-just go on the damn trip together.  I  hope that wedding never comes off.


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24 minutes ago, AR Traveler said:


I actually like Anna and Lucy but life is going to be very hard and very cruel to them as it won't coddle their disfunction.  Theit boyfriend, I think, was getting around to that.  They are never going to be able to work and still remain exactly the same.  I blame Mom far more for allowing this to go on for 30+ years.  It's like she just gave up.


I like them, too. I feel sad because the woman who owns the restaurant was so encouraging and accepting of them, and had given them a safe place to grow. Maybe with this exposure, they can end up doing something in showbiz together.  Or they could start a business where their twinness is a feature. They could fit it in to some jobs - real estate, maybe. They're very personable in some ways.

I don't have a twin, but I get their wanting to be together all the time. Life is so stressful and can be very lonely. And it's better they hang with their twin than get addicted to something. 

It's sad because they were learning to dial it back a bit, though, and make some money.  They could still work together and live together.

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Anna and Lucy lives are dysfunctional. Their job was so good for their independence and confidence. There definitely is a degree of self-awareness as they knew even in their short-term job that they were changing. But it seems like it didn't "give them anxiety" then only later after introspection. 

Their mom and boyfriend are huge enablers. 

That being said, I'm a real live and let live person, and these women are harming no one. If they are happy, they are happy. Problem is, I don't think they are happy.


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I don’t believe they are happy either. I think doing everything the same was a comfort for them originally and is now becoming suffocating. I think they were enjoying the tiny bits of doing things separately at the restaurant and were scared of that and had to quit.
They both need intensive therapy  both jointly and individual sessions.

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Jessica and Christina. They make me physically ill. They have a very grifter vibe to them.

Everything with the triplets must be fake. TLC is paying for that apartment. Don't the other two sisters feel embarrassed? You're standing in a room giggling and fighting over a mic while your other sister is uncomfortable and everyone in the room is staring at you like you're insane.

"I've got to protect myself." You let this woman put her marriage on the line, you let her go through the process of mentally and physically preparing herself to have a baby, and now you're throwing a tantrum all because you couldn't be bothered to look up the cost of surrogacy before making it your life's mission to have a daughter.

Trying to convince your fiancé to let your sister come to your honeymoon....at what point do you not feel embarrassed?

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Last week that triplet left to be on her own for a bit and we just never got an update on that?

It’s funny that NOW Anna and Lucy are having this wake up call. Mom needs to stop enabling their OCD.

Vee's right though. If you can just brush it off and be like, "Well I'll just get a dog then." then you're not looking to have a child tbh you're just looking to introduce something into your life because of your emotional trauma. Get the dog, get some therapy, and get a REAL plan and a REAL idea of who the father's going to be before you try and bring a child into this world.

Holy fuck, they showed the whole birth! You can tell how much John cares and how excited he was. He just needs to make sure they let him be a father.

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7 hours ago, Hotel Snarker said:

Vee's right though. If you can just brush it off and be like, "Well I'll just get a dog then." then you're not looking to have a child tbh you're just looking to introduce something into your life because of your emotional trauma. Get the dog, get some therapy, and get a REAL plan and a REAL idea of who the father's going to be before you try and bring a child into this world.


People do that, though, when they don't want to admit to others how much pain they are in. It's very common and a normal defense mechanism.  I suspect it was more for herself than her sister.

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