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WandaWishing Post Season 1: What's Next?


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Consider this a catchall topic, including both confirmed fact, a wish list, and Speculation for everything WandaVision beyond Season 1--an existing topic seems to cover the season itself pretty well). 

Including, but not limited to:

1.) If there COULD be a Season 2, what should/could it be?  Let's set the practical rule that we're assuming Wanda survives Dr. Strange 2, and that this is set after that movie (keeping in mind we don't fully know what that movie is, or her full role in it). 


2.) What's next for the talent? This includes not just the actors, but also key creatives (Jac Schaeffer, Matt Shakman) involved with the show.  Feel free to fantasy cast if you want. 

Edited by Kromm
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Season two would need to address what became of White Vision when it was all done and dusted. Where did he go? Did he only have factual memories restored, or also the emotions that run alongside them? What is he going to do next? Can he and Wanda be reunited? What about the boys, is there any way to get them back?

I imagine potential storylines are a little more complicated by the need to sit alongside the movies - which also hampered AoS in the early days, before the show was cut loose completely. The current TV/movie relationship seems stronger, but even supposing that lasts, those in charge need to ask themselves questions along the lines of: do these shows need to be completely self-contained, so that it doesn't matter if future movie-goers haven't seen them, or are we willing to introduce meaningful plot developments that might confuse movie-goers who haven't seen the shows?

I'm thinking along the lines of how AoS brought Coulson back from the dead, but this development was never acknowledged in the movies. The last any movie-only viewers know, Vision is dead and Wanda left alone to mourn. So will the movies acknowledge the existence of White Vision? Or will he be streaming show only from now on? If he appears in a movie, will he get more than a line or two of exposition to explain where he came from, or will that whole plot point be given larger significance again? If he and Wanda are reunited in a streaming show, will that be reflected also in the movies?

I imagine the Falcon and Winter Soldier show will be asking similar questions - or then again, might simply move the characters around in a circle back to where they were at the end of the last movie. Which, arguably, is all WandaVision did, since it ended with Wanda alone, dealing with her grief, just as she was at the end of Endgame.

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There are a lot of things from the past I would enjoy a second season building on and flesh out more:

Wanda and Pietro's childhood

How Wanda and Pietro came to be radicalized by Hydra

The creation of JARVIS

The budding romance between Vision and Scarlet Witch

How SWORD acquired Vision's body

Where the other Avengers were

More sitcoms in the Hex. 

In terms of things going forward, I think there are a few strings that are pretty obvious.

1. More details about the Scarlet Witch mythology and Wanda's efforts to avoid it as her destiny and to wrestle with the evil she has done

2. Wanda's efforts to try to recreate/rescue Tommy and Billy

3.The fates of Agatha, Hayward, and a number of other players.

4. The fate of White Vision

Wanda became more powerful between each movie so movie goers will probably just see what she became in WandaVision as more of that. This article about the Scarlet Witch Prophecy helped me understand the role of he television shows.



So what, exactly, is the Scarlet Witch, according to the lore Schaeffer and her team cooked up? Defining the term was part of her mandate from Marvel, she explains. WandaVision, as conceived by the creative team at Marvel Studios, was a series about a woman processing her grief through TV shows. But the comic-book-level “Marvel” idea, Schaeffer says, was “let’s learn more about the Scarlet Witch and her powers. That was the directive from the very beginning.” For a longtime fan of genre storytelling like Schaeffer, that meant it was prophecy time. 

The prophecy as aired in the episode: 


“Did you know there’s an entire chapter devoted to you in the Darkhold?” Agatha says to Wanda during the episode’s big showdown. “That’s the book of the damned. ‘The Scarlet Witch is not born; she is forged. She has no coven. No need for incantation’…Your power exceeds that of the Sorcerer Supreme. It’s your destiny to destroy the world.” 

But originally the writers wanted to play it coy & a bit stand a lone-ish. Similar to The way season 1 of Buffy the vampire slayer did. But in WV the prophecy would be fulfilled with destroying the hex. 


But ultimately, she explains, that premise got a little too restrictive. Her job, as showrunner of WandaVision, was to set up Wanda—and then send her out into the wider Marvel world for other creators, like Doctor Strange 2 director Sam Raimi, to play with. 

Also if you watch the Kevin Smith podcast he did with WV director Matt Shakman, in one sections it is mention that Wanda's small dialogue line, "I don't understand this power, but I will", was crafted in post production: Digital compositing. https://youtu.be/qFxn1q-KqW8

So WandaVision was all about setting up The Scarlet Witch. I see WV as a series length end credit scene 🙃 But it's creating an audience support for these characters beyond limited film screen time and the comics.

I think what Kevin Feige said about a potential Young Avengers can probably go for the leads of the Disney+ series as well.


As a comic fan, anything in the comics is always our inspiration and our guide point. How those things come together and in what shape, it's always subverting expectations, it's always half the fun as meeting them," Feige said. "But, yes, you can certainly see that Phase 4 is introducing all sorts of new types of characters with the potential being endless. Now, all of us at Marvel Studios feel like Nick Fury at the end of Iron Man 1, as new actors and new performers come in and we tell them they're part of a bigger universe. They just now have to do the work required to build their audience. I'm happy to say everybody that's here, certainly where I'm sitting now, is doing amazing work and can't wait to show them the world."



My own theories for the future? I think maybe Doctor Strange 2 will have a similar beat as Wanda Vision. Though it will be because Wando learning about her powers fast and alone. This time Wanda will break reality large scale-exposing the multiverse. And it will have to be put back together through trials and tribulations. What's real and what's not. One of the things Agatha says early on in episode 9 is that she takes power from the undeserving. That sounds very much like Doctor Strange's Mordo. I think because so much time has passed that Mordo won't be the large villain until Doctor Strange 3 or later. But because first Mordo and now Agatha takes from the undeserving, I sense a trend. Wanda's magic is going to pissed these people large scale. 

I  think Wanda's boys will be rescued from where ever MCU Chaos magic comes from but Wanda will have to do what she did to Agatha, to protect them from being used and abused. And Wanda will have to watch over them from afar as she learns to control her magic from Strange. Also taking Strange's arc full circle.

If we get another tv show, maybe it will about Billy and Tommy growing into their comic destiny. They'll learn that the little life they had the past few years were fake, they will learn they are twins, that they have powers and they they were forged from the the powers of The Scarlet Witch. Who is now someone people fear.  Meaning I don't think we'll have more WandaVision 😔

Edited by tarotx
1 hour ago, tarotx said:

I  think Wanda's boys will be rescued from where ever MCU Chaos magic comes from but Wanda will have to do what she did to Agatha, to protect them from being used and abused. And Wanda will have to watch over them from afar as she learns to control her magic from Strange. Also taking Strange's arc full circle.

If we get another tv show, maybe it will about Billy and Tommy growing into their comic destiny. They'll learn that the little life they had the past few years were fake, they will learn they are twins, that they have powers and they they were forged from the the powers of The Scarlet Witch. Who is now someone people fear.  Meaning I don't think we'll have more WandaVision 😔

I can't see the boys being 'rescued' in Dr Strange, although I guess it depends how standalone they want the show and films to be. But devoting scarce screen time in a blockbuster movie to explaining the backstory behind a couple of children that Wanda did not have last time movie-goers saw her just doesn't seem like something they would want to do. I dunno. But if the boys appear again, it's more likely to be in another iteration of this show than in Dr Strange's movie, I would think.

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1 hour ago, Llywela said:

I can't see the boys being 'rescued' in Dr Strange, although I guess it depends how standalone they want the show and films to be. But devoting scarce screen time in a blockbuster movie to explaining the backstory behind a couple of children that Wanda did not have last time movie-goers saw her just doesn't seem like something they would want to do. I dunno. But if the boys appear again, it's more likely to be in another iteration of this show than in Dr Strange's movie, I would think.

The events in WandaVision can just be a 2 minute exposition in a movie. 

The end credit scene of the WV finale had Wanda hearing the boys cries as the Doctor Strange theme played. But my guess also takes in count that the MCU likes to twist comic stories. Having the boys grow up in other homes because Wanda does something with their memories sounds more likely then the demon spawn to reincarnated boys that they are in comics. That power of Wanda's was introduced so it's possible to use it again.


Plus the two young actors were in England in November & December at the start of filming Doctor Strange. The actors' instagram posts showing that have since been erased. It might mean nothing but it did inform my guess about what happens next.



Edited by tarotx
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Putting aside Season 2 for a moment, I wish I knew where  Schaeffer and Shakman were bound next.  That team would have been perfect for She-Hulk (but they didn't get it).  Not that I expect to be disappointed by Jessica Gao.  

On 3/29/2021 at 2:55 PM, tarotx said:

The events in WandaVision can just be a 2 minute exposition in a movie. 

Yeah, it will be a little annoying, but I agree it can be done.

I will say that if there IS a Season 2, I wonder if there's a way to parallel Season 1 in some ways.  It won't do to have Wanda go nuts again (especially since chances are she could in DS2), so it would be interesting if there's some kind of reversal or mirroring.  Wanda is recalled back to Westview, because something an awful lot like the Hex is back up... but she's not the one doing it.  Something like that.  Something that will allow a little more poking into vintage TV (I'd deliberately go with a different genre this time) but also set up another set of mysteries. The obvious answer would be Agnes, but they could be clever and just imply it's her, when... it isn't.  There are a lot of magic creatures and characters in Marvel Comics, so it allows for some ways to do this.  

This would also allow a more compelling redemption arc for Wanda than we previously got, in relation to the town--if she can come and truly put her life on the line to save it this time.

Moon Knight director Mohamed Diab made the following comment about WandaVision in this recent interview...

Moon Knight director can see Oscar Isaac being part of the MCU for "10 years"
By Tara Bennett Contributions from Lauren Milici     March 21, 2022


Diab continues, "It’s like a crazy world. Even with the successful shows, like WandaVision, they’re not doing season two. She jumped into a film, maybe she’s going to come back or not. I don’t know. And that’s exciting."


Edited by tv echo
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“We wanted to satisfy the WandaVision fans.”



I was not satisfied. Wanda’s actions in WV were polarizing, to say the least, but to have her to an offscreen heel turn between then and MoM felt cheap and rushed. Sure, you can blame the Darkhold corrupting her, but obviously her hearing Tommy and Billy call out for help was all for nothing. It might have made more sense for the evil Wanda to be a variant and for our Wanda to fight her, but no…

It really felt like a middle finger to everyone who got so invested in the show. At least there’s a universe where Wanda, Vision and their kids are all happy together, I guess.


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If you saw Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, then here's an interview with Elizabeth Olsen that you might want to watch (regarding Wanda's future)...


Elizabeth Olsen On FUTURE Of Wanda Following 'Doctor Strange' SHOCKING Ending
Access   May 6, 2022

-- When asked if Wanda is really dead and what is her future, EO: "She could never go away, I don't think, especially with the multiverse. But I don't know... I think she's aware of what she's done... But no, I don't think she's gone. Not like I know any other reason why she wouldn't be. Maybe Kevin's sitting there and he's like, she's crazy... But I think there's more to be had with her."



Another interview with Elizabeth Olsen (while doing press for Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness)....


Elizabeth Olsen talks ‘Doctor Strange’ l GMA
Good Morning America   May 5, 2022

-- When EO was asked when Wanda would get her own movie and what would be her dream storyline for Wanda, EO: "There is no plan. And I’m serious. I’m not a good liar. I wish I had a plan. And I’m not sure. I really am excited for fans to see this film because it is something very different from what they’ve seen, and I’m really curious to hear what they want after, because I think it is a very surprising film." Also, when asked if she was open to the idea, EO: "I'm open, as long as the story's good."

-- When asked if she was appearing in the Agatha Harkness spinoff, EO: "I'm not appearing in it... Again, as far as I'm aware."

Edited by tv echo
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