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S01.E08: Boy's Trip

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This was my favorite episode so far. Loved that there was growth from everyone and Pilar and her mom at the end was so sweet. That was great seeing Simon and Bram again. Nick Robinson looks even younger than he did in his own movie. Such a babyface.

21 hours ago, starri said:

I can't believe they managed to keep a lid on that through all of the promotion.  I'm so glad they did.

Also, mad props to them doing a story about Saturday detention without dipping into any overt Breakfast Club references.

Felix did do the fist pump at the end which made me lol.

Wow, Victor is turning into quite the liar/manipulator. Lying to his parents about going to some made up basketball camp and then guilt tripping them about how they must have forgotten because of all the problems they've been having lately was just cold. And where did he get a credit card to buy that bus ticket to New York? My parents used to think I was a devil child (despite the fact that I was very well behaved and did not cause trouble). I'm going to have to remind them that another thing I never did was use their credit card to pay for a ticket so that I could lie to them and go on a trip somewhere 800+ miles away.

On top of that, it was really rude of Victor to just invite himself to stay at Simon's place for the weekend with NO notice.

I totally cracked up when Justin said he preferred to be referred to as Simon and Bram's flatmate (not roommate) because it sounded more European. We had a guy in another department who was from the UK and shortly after he started working at my company, a couple of people (who did not live with him, by the way) started saying, "Come by my flat." They were born and raised Americans so we were all puzzled and then chalked it up to thinking that flat sounded fancier than apartment.

Anyway, how the hell did 16 year old Victor get into a bar? What are the odds that someone recorded him onstage with Katya and that's how Mia, Lake, Felix, Pilar, and/or his parents are going to find out about his big trip? I'm sure that Victor & co took lots of pictures while he was in New York so hopefully he was smart enough to tell Simon, Bram, et al not to post them or tag him.

Maybe I'm old so punishment in high school has changed, but Saturday school for texting during class? That seems a bit harsh. My school had regular detention (one hour after school) for most minor stuff (like being tardy). You had to do something really bad to get Saturday school. And detention was always just sitting in a quiet room not talking. Saturday school was not cleaning the school.

Ugh, Andrew continues to be an ass. Referring to Felix as lone stone for this long is so rude and juvenile. And of course Andrew doesn't think he's a bad guy for openly mocking Felix for an alleged medical condition for, you know, like a decade. He's just a funny guy! FUCK OFF, ANDREW. No, you're not a nice guy when "messing with people" means you are mean to them.  And even after all that, Felix still invited Andrew to go eat with them after detention.

The Lake/Felix hot girl secretly hooking up with a social pariah was giving me Cordelia/Xander vibes. I guess now they're Claire and Bender. I laughed every time Lake gasped when Mia revealed something else to her.

I was cracking up about how once again Isabel and Armando were YELLING about stuff they didn't want the kids to hear while the kids were home and just assuming that their kids can't hear a word of it. If you're that hell bent on keeping Armando's secret (which I'm assuming is that he had a retaliation affair), then maybe don't yell about it in the common areas of the house when your kids are home?

The tattoo and piercing shops I've been to are very strict about making sure that they are very clear on what is going to get pierced before they take anyone back to actually get pierced. I don't know what the piercing laws are like in Georgia but in other states that require parental consent for minors, they have to have the parent sign off on exactly what is getting done. They don't just have your mom sign something and then take you in the back by yourself and pierce every body part that you point to.

Guys I accidentally went to put this in the Season 2 episode 8 thread and wondered why I didn’t understand any of your responses!!! Lol. 

Felix is adorable. The actor is so good, he has the vulnerability and the charm. Lake needs to realize how great he is, she’s got no cause to be embarrassed. Andrew is a jerk- he “punches down” for no reason. He picked on Victor, a new kid, physically smaller than him just because he could- Knocked his lunch out of his hand in episode 1. I haven’t seen him be redeemed.

Victor’s little trip to NYC, he just went uninvited to see Simon in NYC and impose! Dude!! The group hug oh I am dying, it was so warm. Victor showed up in Simon’s life asking for advice and then copped an attitude when Simon tried to help him. Victor is so insecure (which I understand) but don’t take it out on people who are trying to help you.


On Pillar and her issues with her Mom- I think Victor is more forgiving because he is working through his own sexuality and relationship stuff right now (also his personality is just more nurturing). Given that the Mom is Pillar’s same gender parent, who I am sure has told her how to behave sexually as a young lady etc etc, Pillar probably feels her Mom is a hypocrite and it’s hard to aline the “ideal” of your parent to the “reality” of your parent.

Shallow Bus- Pillar’s hair so pretty! Lake also looked really pretty in that green sweater (although who wears that to detention?)

On 6/22/2020 at 8:46 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

Wow, Victor is turning into quite the liar/manipulator. Lying to his parents about going to some made up basketball camp and then guilt tripping them about how they must have forgotten because of all the problems they've been having lately was just cold. And where did he get a credit card to buy that bus ticket to New York? My parents used to think I was a devil child (despite the fact that I was very well behaved and did not cause trouble). I'm going to have to remind them that another thing I never did was use their credit card to pay for a ticket so that I could lie to them and go on a trip somewhere 800+ miles away

I do think Victor was wrong for lying to his parents (he should’ve told them he was invited to check out NYU or something) but I don’t think he stole from them. He probably used his own savings (bday, Christmas, part time job money) to buy the bus ticket. I had a reloadable debit card at 16 in 2001 that my allowance was on, so I’m SURE kids these days have debit cards with their student checking/savings. Given Victor works, $80 isn’t that unusual to have saved up for a ticket. I know his parents don’t have a lot of money but I could see the teen kids having a couple hundred saved in their accounts from part-time jobs and gifts. 

On 6/22/2020 at 8:46 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

The tattoo and piercing shops I've been to are very strict about making sure that they are very clear on what is going to get pierced before they take anyone back to actually get pierced. I don't know what the piercing laws are like in Georgia but in other states that require parental consent for minors, they have to have the parent sign off on exactly what is getting done. They don't just have your mom sign something and then take you in the back by yourself and pierce every body part that you point to.

I could see Isabel not reading the consent all the way through and just signing. But yes I thought of that. 

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