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Season 7 Wish List


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With Hollywood, etc. facing issues with how to continue production on shows, I think Season 7 could be a good time to experiment with an animated episode. The characters have already been used in animation, so it's not a completely new idea.

I wish the show would step back a bit from the serialized format and do more villains-of-the-week. (The writers still have issues pacing things out.)

After Crisis, I think they need to work on making the show a little lighter, instead of throwing trauma after trauma at the characters.

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I'd like to see Barry and Iris having a kid, whether that be Nora or going the comic book route. 

Stop sending Cisco and Joe out of town!

Make Caitlin/Killer Frost better and make more sense. Man, I wish they'd have gone with merging them the way they seemed to be heading at the end of season 3. Or use this weird illness of hers to just kill off Killer Frost. 

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I hope they kill CS/KF. Think of the great emotional arcs you could have from everyone as they lose a member of the team! Think of the drama as one of the original characters is gone! There's so many story opportunities with her dying. The tension of how to address medical emergencies when they can't just bring Barry to a hospital! Maybe she's murdered by a meta-hunter and Team Citizen reports on it. Barry as a CSI investigates her death trying to make sense of it. Cisco can't vibe his way out of it. Joe being a father helping all his kids grieve. If another actor wants to time off they can go on a personal journey offscreen to make sense of life. So much there! That's my only hope for S7.

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13 hours ago, bettername2come said:

I'd like to see Barry and Iris having a kid, whether that be Nora or going the comic book route. 

Yeah, I'd like to see the Tornado Twins! It doesn't even have to be Iris being pregnant and all that, but they could do a few episodes set in the future.

Less cast members. Wallace has mentioned that it's challenging to give all the actors screentime/stories. Well, there's a solution to that.

Mini-crossovers with the other DCTV shows. Like one or two characters visit another show for an episode.

Introduce Avery Ho, a female Flash that's in the current comics. (Not as a regular, though.)

My yearly wishes: show Iris investigating and building her media empire; let Carlos have a beard; let Cisco build Ramon Industries; let Barry be the genius CSI he's supposed to be.

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23 hours ago, Trini said:

Yeah, I'd like to see the Tornado Twins! It doesn't even have to be Iris being pregnant and all that, but they could do a few episodes set in the future.

Less cast members. Wallace has mentioned that it's challenging to give all the actors screentime/stories. Well, there's a solution to that.

Mini-crossovers with the other DCTV shows. Like one or two characters visit another show for an episode.

Introduce Avery Ho, a female Flash that's in the current comics. (Not as a regular, though.)

My yearly wishes: show Iris investigating and building her media empire; let Carlos have a beard; let Cisco build Ramon Industries; let Barry be the genius CSI he's supposed to be.

If The Flash gets renewed for season 8, it'll be the perfect time to get rid of dead weight. We all know some have 7 season contracts, but they need to leave afterwards. Ofc, I'm talking mainly about Danielle. We don't need another season of the writers trying to find a story for her character.

Also, I assume she would be another Stephen. Part of the reason he wanted Arrow to end was because he was missing seeing his daughter grow up. His family lives in LA.

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On 5/15/2020 at 11:02 AM, shantown said:

I hope they kill CS/KF.

Don't forget the cautionary tale that was Laurel's death on Arrow. She was killed off and then elevated to sainthood with the characters all but wearing What Would Laurel Do bracelets. I guarantee that would happen if they killed off Caitlin.

I vote for them writing her as moving away to work in a fancy lab offscreen and we never hear from her again.

In general I want the show to be fun again. Whatever the plan is for the main villain(s) they need to let the characters have lives and that's where the fun can happen. Game nights, karaoke, trivia competitions, etc., are all things that would allow for fun and provide a balance to the more dramatic stuff.

I'm also hoping that Cisco returns from Atlantis geeking out HARD about the experience.

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Out of everything I'm hoping most of all that with the "Death of the Speed Force" and Barry and Co making an artificial one means they can finally do what I've always said they should do: Slow Barry down, a lot, and keep it that way. Barry has been so much faster and more powerful than nearly any threat he has faced for several seasons now. Only another Speedster can even begin to threaten Barry now, and they keep on not having Barry use his powers effectively like a moron over and over so that he doesn't utterly kill the plot.

Season 6 got massively more interesting once The Speed Force died and Barry had to actively conserve his speed because it meant Barry finally had a reason he couldn't just magically Super Speed away nearly every problem Team Flash was ever faced with and even when he did use it The Speed Force tended to frizzle out on him. Fiction is much much more interesting when the protagonist can't just effortlessly solve everything without hardly trying and gets annoying when they can yet for no reason suddenly don't. If they dropped Barry's speed down to maybe the Speed of Sound at the most and kept him there it would be great for the show.

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What are you all's opinion on season 6?


It was okay. I did like Ramsey. However, Crisis made the whole first half pointless. Barry didn't disappear so these episodes meant nothing. Killer Frost story was dumb. Iris didn't have a story. She didn't even get any type of time spent on her feelings about her husband disappearing. Team Citizen didn't get any proper time together.


I have no words to describe it. This back half was all over the place. One positive is that Iris was the only one with a consistent story throughout. However, I didn't like her being trapped in the mirror for so long. Regulating the mirror arc to the b/c plot after 6x10 was not a good idea. They gave Allegra to Nash. Nash in general. They took too long to reveal Eva plans. We still don't know what exactly Black Hole's plan was. Blah Blah Blah. This whole back half is just.........BLAH


I think Eric tried too hard to give everybody something to do. It didn't work. The problem is that the cast is too big. It is obvious some characters aren't needed anymore. It is time to cut the dead weight.

Ralph is gone next season. It's not like he had a lot of screentime anyway. It's been reduced since season 5.

Cecile isn't really needed. She doesn't really do anything. Her powers are annoying.

Caitlin nor Killer Frost are needed. This season was the prime example of the writers trying to come up with something. They literally turned Killer Frost into a child.

Cisco. I love him but he is no longer needed. Chester will be a main next season and can easily do his job. When your character can easily be replaced, what does THAT tell you?

Joe. I love him too, but he ain't needed. We barely see CCPD anymore.

Wells. It's been past time we got rid of the Wells character.

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On 8/2/2020 at 1:52 PM, BeautifulFlower said:

What are you all's opinion on season 6?


(I see this got moved here. I swear there used to be a general discussion thread; it disappeared at some point. I was thinking to answer in Unspoiled Spec. This doesn't quite fit in either place?)

There were good episodes and moments in both halves of Season 6; but in both there were things that were frustrating too. Everyone getting episodes reacting to Barry's impending death - which was never going to happen - took up too much time. And then they didn't give enough time to Barry and Iris (the leads!) dealing with it and the logical implications that would bring.

As for 6B: I do think we got some good things with Iris, and a few with Barry & Iris, but the Mirrorverse arc went on too long with little development each time we saw it. Taking time for other stories and characters that were not as important while Iris was stuck in another dimension was a mistake. The whole thing with the Speed Force dying and them having to create a new one is still dumb to me. Black Hole and Carver could have been better; Team Citizen was botched in both halves.

I get what Wallace was doing with spacing out arcs, and giving everyone stories/things to do; but that also messed up the pacing and development of the central arcs. Yes, there are too many characters that don't need so much screentime; and several who are not needed at all.

Edited by Trini
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On 5/16/2020 at 9:50 AM, scarynikki12 said:

Don't forget the cautionary tale that was Laurel's death on Arrow. She was killed off and then elevated to sainthood with the characters all but wearing What Would Laurel Do bracelets. I guarantee that would happen if they killed off Caitlin.

They are kinda already doing that. From Amunet telling Cait how "remarkable" she is to Cecile elevating Cait's situation to equal that of Iris, Kamilla, and Singh. Barry calling her a "good person" despite her working in human trafficking; the white washing of her crimes against Iris, Cisco, Cecile, Tracy, and HR Wells when she told Ralph that all she did was, "Kidnap and stab" her friends. Ralph telling KF she's "awesome!" Cisco ignoring the fact that KF trashed his girlfriend's photography and then placing KF's ugly art on the wall of Star Labs. The lack of apology or remorse for Cait nearly getting Cythina murdered by the Thinker and no one calls her on it. Iris rewarding Cait by making Cait her maid of honor, all without Cait taking any responsibility for mending fences with the woman she tried to help murder. Barry yells at Wally for not telling them about his Savitar nightmares, but says nothing when Cait admits to holding on to the missing piece of the stone. Cait and Killer Frost are already on an unearned saintly pedestal.

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On 8/5/2020 at 9:03 PM, adora721 said:

They are kinda already doing that. From Amunet telling Cait how "remarkable" she is to Cecile elevating Cait's situation to equal that of Iris, Kamilla, and Singh. Barry calling her a "good person" despite her working in human trafficking; the white washing of her crimes against Iris, Cisco, Cecile, Tracy, and HR Wells when she told Ralph that all she did was, "Kidnap and stab" her friends. Ralph telling KF she's "awesome!" Cisco ignoring the fact that KF trashed his girlfriend's photography and then placing KF's ugly art on the wall of Star Labs. The lack of apology or remorse for Cait nearly getting Cythina murdered by the Thinker and no one calls her on it. Iris rewarding Cait by making Cait her maid of honor, all without Cait taking any responsibility for mending fences with the woman she tried to help murder. Barry yells at Wally for not telling them about his Savitar nightmares, but says nothing when Cait admits to holding on to the missing piece of the stone. Cait and Killer Frost are already on an unearned saintly pedestal.

So they can kill her off, but they need to drag her off the pedestal first?

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I'd like to see Barry & Iris team up and go undercover as bad guys, like in a story that was in the recent run of The Flash comics. They've done bits of the same idea in Seasons 5 and 6, but not really the way I'd like to see it done, to it's full potential. Grant and Candice work great together; it would be fun.


Also wishing that the show does a couple mini-crossovers with Black Lightning and Supergirl. The previous crossovers have established ties between characters of The Flash and both those shows, so they can do something with that.

(But I know it'll be extra difficult with covid precautions, etc., but hopefully it's easier with just crossing over one or two characters.)

Edited by Trini
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