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6 hours ago, 4evaQuez said:

I don't know if that's a fair thing to say. I know HMC said this, but presumably some of these men would have been their supervisors/bosses. It would literally be these people's jobs to acknowledge and discuss dissent and discontent on set. Also, some of the rumors are about Shannon allegedly being jealous of Alyssa's popularity and the Phoebe/Cole relationship. These are things the higherups would have to address, especially the latter.

Whether men interfered or not, it seemed like egos got involved. I'm not certain its fair to blame these unnamed men for the personal conflicts between Alyssa and Shannon that we - the audience - still aren't quite what the conflict was and what led to Shannon's firing.

I think its perfectly fair.

Did Alyssa/Shannen feud impact the show? No. They still had A LOT of scenes together for majority of the season to the point where you wouldnt even know of a feud just by watching the show. 

The feud wasn't over the span of years, it was a span of months and they tried to force someone to mend their relationship. They were both under contract for Season 4 and both left the season believing they'd be back, working with one another. Having 3 months off is a very long time to refresh and renew ones self. Something that the producers never even tried

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On 12/19/2022 at 11:45 AM, 4evaQuez said:

I don't know if that's a fair thing to say. I know HMC said this, but presumably some of these men would have been their supervisors/bosses. It would literally be these people's jobs to acknowledge and discuss dissent and discontent on set. Also, some of the rumors are about Shannon allegedly being jealous of Alyssa's popularity and the Phoebe/Cole relationship. These are things the higherups would have to address, especially the latter.

Whether men interfered or not, it seemed like egos got involved. I'm not certain its fair to blame these unnamed men for the personal conflicts between Alyssa and Shannon that we - the audience - still aren't quite what the conflict was and what led to Shannon's firing.

 An executive allegedly actually took both actresses into a room to discuss their personal issues that never impacted the storylines  by the way and it went horribly wrong. It actually made things worst. Let's not forget that rumor has it that Alyssa went to the producers telling them that it was either her or Shannen.  I find that hard to believe though.  I never believed that Shannen was jealous of Alyssa being the focus of season 3 as Phoebe.  

You are correct in saying that we should not blame all men on the show. I think that we should blame the only man responsible for Shannen's departure from the show: Brad Kern.  He ran off Constance Burge from her own show simply for disagreeing with him about Cole. In hindsight she was correct in my humble opinion.  It was schadenfreude for me when years later that Brad Kern got ran off of a show for creating a toxic work environment for women and sexually harassing them.. 

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Morality Bites was on today and it is just a wonderful hour of television from start to finish.  My favorite part of the episode is seeing Phoebe as the powerful witch she was always meant to be when she used her active power to kill Cal Greene. If only we had seen Phoebe develop that offensive power.  That power would have been a good power to have to fight the source of all evil.

Edited by Pearson80
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On 1/7/2023 at 11:58 PM, Pearson80 said:

Morality Bites was on today and it is just a wonderful hour of television from start to finish.  My favorite part of the episode is seeing Phoebe as the powerful witch she was always meant to be when she used her active power to kill Cal Greene. If only we had seen Phoebe develop that offensive power.  That power would have been a good power to have to fight the source of all evil.

It was a really great episode. I wish we had gotten to see Phoebe with that power too. That would have been so great. I also wish they had revisited the episode in the later seasons. At the time none of them could imagine doing anything like that but in the later seasons they were. Like killing Phoebe's classmate. Even without the murder, with everything they had gone through it would have been a good for them to revisit it and see how far off they'd gone from where they were in the beginning of season two. If they think they need to dial it back or something. It could have been really interesting.

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I see the show is running on Syfy in a block of episodes on Sunday mornings ("SYFY Rewind").  They're in the middle of Season 1.

Interesting the theme song, "How Soon Is Now" and the closing instrumental theme are not present, replaced with generic mystical music.  It must be bad if Syfy won't spring for the theme!   


[Morality Bites] was a really great episode. I wish we had gotten to see Phoebe with that power too. That would have been so great. I also wish they had revisited the episode in the later seasons. At the time none of them could imagine doing anything like that but in the later seasons they were. Like killing Phoebe's classmate. Even without the murder, with everything they had gone through it would have been a good for them to revisit it and see how far off they'd gone from where they were in the beginning of season two. If they think they need to dial it back or something. It could have been really interesting.

ITA!  I had hoped that Cal Green would have made an appearance and this plot point revisited.  I had posited years ago that Green was the subject of an interview at the Bay Mirror and Phoebe and Paige encounter him.  Phoebe obviously recognized him and the circumstances of MB, but of course Paige wouldn't.  Paige would be asked out by Green who would try to take advantage of her (in MB he murdered someone, so it wouldn't be a stretch if he was a rapist perhaps as well).  Phoebe has to remember her lessons from MB and still be there for Paige.  

Unfortunately, the sisters weren't much better than the MB future version of themselves after season 6.

Edited by magicdog
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13 hours ago, magicdog said:

I see the show is running on Syfy in a block of episodes on Sunday mornings ("SYFY Rewind").  They're in the middle of Season 1.

Interesting the theme song, "How Soon Is Now" and the closing instrumental theme are not present, replaced with generic mystical music.  It must be bad if Syfy won't spring for the theme!   

ITA!  I had hoped that Cal Green would have made an appearance and this plot point revisited.  I had posited years ago that Green was the subject of an interview at the Bay Mirror and Phoebe and Paige encounter him.  Phoebe obviously recognized him and the circumstances of MB, but of course Paige wouldn't.  Paige would be asked out by Green who would try to take advantage of her (in MB he murdered someone, so it wouldn't be a stretch if he was a rapist perhaps as well).  Phoebe has to remember her lessons from MB and still be there for Paige.  

Unfortunately, the sisters weren't much better than the MB future version of themselves after season 6.

They really weren't.

14 hours ago, magicdog said:

I see the show is running on Syfy in a block of episodes on Sunday mornings ("SYFY Rewind").  They're in the middle of Season 1.

Interesting the theme song, "How Soon Is Now" and the closing instrumental theme are not present, replaced with generic mystical music.  It must be bad if Syfy won't spring for the theme!   

ITA!  I had hoped that Cal Green would have made an appearance and this plot point revisited.  I had posited years ago that Green was the subject of an interview at the Bay Mirror and Phoebe and Paige encounter him.  Phoebe obviously recognized him and the circumstances of MB, but of course Paige wouldn't.  Paige would be asked out by Green who would try to take advantage of her (in MB he murdered someone, so it wouldn't be a stretch if he was a rapist perhaps as well).  Phoebe has to remember her lessons from MB and still be there for Paige.  

Unfortunately, the sisters weren't much better than the MB future version of themselves after season 6.

Pratt should have come on the show at some point..

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5 hours ago, magicdog said:

Agreed!  I had thought him taking over the DAs office after Cole was forced to run would have been the perfect way to reintroduce the character as a potential threat.

I think that had Constance continued with the series she would have brought him back.  She wrote the final scene of the sisters realizing that Pratt was the one they used their magic on who persecuted witches in the future for a reason.

The threat of exposure and what that meant for the sisters was a theme that was always present in the series even when Constance was there. So I wonder how she would have written that aspect of the sisters lives as powerful witches.  Humans would be a threat to them just as much Demons and warlocks.. "All Hell breaks loose" in season 3 was proof of that because a  human killed Piper..

Edited by Pearson80
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Anyone ever see this?


I found it by accident (I was watching this review of Pardon My Past in which it was mentioned).  It's a shame it's just a fan made trailer and not for real.  Even back in the day, it was definitely a spinoff that had potential and wouldn't have required the original actresses to appear as the cousins.

The YT reviewer has done other Charmed episodes, so the channel is worth checking out.

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1 hour ago, magicdog said:

Anyone ever see this?


I found it by accident (I was watching this review of Pardon My Past in which it was mentioned).  It's a shame it's just a fan made trailer and not for real.  Even back in the day, it was definitely a spinoff that had potential and wouldn't have required the original actresses to appear as the cousins.

The YT reviewer has done other Charmed episodes, so the channel is worth checking out.

Yeah I've seen it. Some thought it was real. It would make for a great spin off. The Warren line has a lot of story to tell.

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Listened to Love Hurts today and it continues the same issues we've had all season long with House of Halliwell recaps.

We spend the entire episode complaining about Daisy, talking about actors crying, Brians brown hair, and Piper/Leo as usual.

No talk about switching powers, Prue/Phoebe switching powers and learning how to control them, Prue easily being able to tap into Darklighters hate, etc...

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On 2/18/2023 at 12:08 PM, Primal Slayer said:

Yeah I've seen it. Some thought it was real. It would make for a great spin off. The Warren line has a lot of story to tell.

Once Constance left the show, the Warren line and all of the stories that could have come from them cease to exist.  The show's focus was about Wyatt and his future as the most powerful being that ever existed..  It was established that none of the sisters descendants would ever come close to eclipsing them as the most powerful witches that the world has ever known..  

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6 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Once Constance left the show, the Warren line and all of the stories that could have come from them cease to exist.  The show's focus was about Wyatt and his future as the most powerful being that ever existed..  It was established that none of the sisters descendants would ever come close to eclipsing them as the most powerful witches that the world has ever known..  

How anyone thought a show that was supposed to have the women be the most powerful only to change it to an all powerful male was a good idea? Holly better critique the hell outta that 

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On 1/15/2023 at 11:14 AM, magicdog said:

I see the show is running on Syfy in a block of episodes on Sunday mornings ("SYFY Rewind").  They're in the middle of Season 1.

Interesting the theme song, "How Soon Is Now" and the closing instrumental theme are not present, replaced with generic mystical music.  It must be bad if Syfy won't spring for the theme! 

I just found that block this morning (missed some of it but caught "Chick Flick"/"Ex Libris"/"Astral Monkey" ["His name was Curtis"…aww]) and I was shocked by the absence of "How Soon is Now" as well.

Especially since the theme isn't the original version of the song, by The Smiths.  It's the cover by Love Spit Love, as heard in the movie The Craft.

Not to be too hard on Love Spit Love, who must have made a decent chunk of change off of their version through the years, but I have a hard time imagining their charging exorbitant royalties, considering how very much they are not the Smiths.

But apparently SyFy is getting like $0 budgeting help from being part of the NBC empire.  I keep seeing their promos for their original series (The Ark) and wow do the production values on that show look sad.

I have about 100 jokes about how SyFy could get more funding out of NBC, but they're all political so I have to skip them. Bummer…

(I guess performances within a show are covered by the general royalty for the episode?  Because otherwise that Goo-Goo Dolls guest spot in Ex Libris would be a bit more pricey that Love Spit Love, I'd imagine.  Maybe even more than the Smiths.)

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On 2/24/2023 at 5:43 PM, Primal Slayer said:

How anyone thought a show that was supposed to have the women be the most powerful only to change it to an all powerful male was a good idea? Holly better critique the hell outta that 

The biggest insult was trying to make Christie and Billie the "Ultimate Power" and making the Charmed Ones afterthoughts in their own show!

I wouldn't have minded if they had Chris and Wyatt get their spinoff and were essentially the equivalent to Melinda Warren and begin a  new line of witches.  Essentially, yet a new prophecy is born for their line.

I do know that a production assistant who used to work closely with Constance and knew her plans DID say (after the airing of Morality Bites) that "Melinda" would be "special" but not as powerful as her mother.  All that went out the window unfortunately. 

On 2/24/2023 at 11:41 AM, Pearson80 said:

Once Constance left the show, the Warren line and all of the stories that could have come from them cease to exist.

   Come to think of it, If the actresses wanted to take a breather on Season 8, they could have just focused more on past Warrens and told their stories.  Oh the possibilities!!  Of course, Hollywood is full of idiots, so it didn't happen.

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7 hours ago, magicdog said:

The biggest insult was trying to make Christie and Billie the "Ultimate Power" and making the Charmed Ones afterthoughts in their own show!

I wouldn't have minded if they had Chris and Wyatt get their spinoff and were essentially the equivalent to Melinda Warren and begin a  new line of witches.  Essentially, yet a new prophecy is born for their line.

I do know that a production assistant who used to work closely with Constance and knew her plans DID say (after the airing of Morality Bites) that "Melinda" would be "special" but not as powerful as her mother.  All that went out the window unfortunately. 

I would have watched a Chris and Wyatt spinoff. It would have been interesting to see the new post-Charmed linege. 



 Come to think of it, If the actresses wanted to take a breather on Season 8, they could have just focused more on past Warrens and told their stories.  Oh the possibilities!!  Of course, Hollywood is full of idiots, so it didn't happen.


That would have been a great idea. It would have even linked the series finale more by focusing on past Warrens.

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17 hours ago, magicdog said:

I do know that a production assistant who used to work closely with Constance and knew her plans DID say (after the airing of Morality Bites) that "Melinda" would be "special" but not as powerful as her mother.  All that went out the window unfortunately. 

On 2/24/2023 at 2:41 PM, Pearson80 said:

I wish that somebody would  have an in depth interview with Constance and ask her about her plans for the original power of 3.. 

17 hours ago, magicdog said:

   Come to think of it, If the actresses wanted to take a breather on Season 8, they could have just focused more on past Warrens and told their stories.  Oh the possibilities!!  Of course, Hollywood is full of idiots, so it didn't happen.

That would have been awesome and it would have been even better to see past Warren witches throughout the series. I always wanted Phoebe to meet a past  powerful Warren witch who only had the power of premonition. 

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3 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I wish that somebody would  have an in depth interview with Constance and ask her about her plans for the original power of 3.. 

The only other thing I know for sure was that the [original] sisters were supposed to have three powers each (like Melinda Warren);  one active, one passive and one defensive.    Paige wasn't supposed to exist either.

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4 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I wish that somebody would  have an in depth interview with Constance and ask her about her plans for the original power of 3.. 

That would have been awesome and it would have been even better to see past Warren witches throughout the series. I always wanted Phoebe to meet a past  powerful Warren witch who only had the power of premonition. 

It is strange to me how much Constance disappeared from the show after leaving. She's very rarely interviewed about it, speaks of it, nada. 

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On 3/7/2023 at 5:28 AM, Writing Wrongs said:


I can't believe how bad they look. Brian looks super thin and Rose...

I haven't gotten a chance to watch this full video, but I was surprised to see Rose there. I've heard so much recently about how much she despised her time on the show that it doesn't seem like something she would want to revisit. That being said, I also heard the con circuit can be quite profitable, and Charmed is still a pretty popular show. I imagine her guest fee and whatever she charges for autographs may be quite lucrative.

It's also nice to see someone other than Holly/Brian. I'm sorry, but I didn't care for the Piper/Leo dynamic. Additionally, I don't care for the Holly/Brian one, either. No offense to the actual actors.

Lastly, of the little I saw, I was surprised Holly said the Wendigo was her favorite alternate Piper episode. I assumed it would be the Fury. Granted, I'm biased. The fury allowed for so much more emotion and I think it's what truly showed Holly could lead and carry the show as the eldest sister.

Rose said vampire, and I agree mostly because I have more trouble thinking of what else Paige became. The Fairytale creatures of the 5th season, the goddess, evil dimension Paige of Bad, Bad x whatever World. I just thought of the Evil Enchantress of Season 4, and that was another favorite of mine.



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I finished watching the con. I'm going to try to say something as carefully as possible because I don't mean it as a criticism, but I understand that it's going to be read as a criticism. I also want to say I'm not insulting anyone; although, I think it could be read as an insult. It really is just an observation, and I welcome conversation and feedback.

There was somewhat of a disconnect between the audience and the cast in what the show meant for the audience versus the cast. I'm certain this isn't unique to Charmed. The audience is sharing stories regarding cherishing the show for memories they share with sick or deceased parents, one person discussed the show helping him when he was a young, gay kid growing up in the church, and another discussed the show allowing her to vicariously experience a strong relationship with her sisters because her actual relationship with her sisters was fraught, etc. The cast always had appropriate responses; however, it was also clear the show was just a job to them. There's nothing wrong with that, nor am I criticizing the cast. However, there was something jarring in the very emotional affect of the audience and calling the cast literal heroes and this emotional barrier with the cast having kind and empathetic yet still somewhat professional and distant responses. I'm certain it's like that for a lot of cons, especially ones like Charmed where I imagine there are a lot of women, queers, or people who felt somehow disregarded from social life. It was still just fascinating to experience.

That leads to my next point. Some of the questions asked of the cast felt too personal or even just plain out of touch with today's social norms and expectations. One person asked Brian how it felt to work with so many "hot women." In a post-Me Too world with Rose literally seated next to him, the question felt tone-deaf and like a no-win situation. Luckily, Bryan somewhat ignored the question and responded with the great feminism the women brought to the show. However, it also seemed like a question that quickly could have had some unfortunate follow-up if Brian didn't handle himself so well. Another person asked if the women still had a "sisterly bond." Again, Holly handled the question well. I've never been to a con, but some of these moments just felt tone-deaf and entirely too personal and intimate. The cast even jokingly acknowledged the politics and potential consequences of answering such questions, mainly Holly. 

All that being said, I had no idea how much Holly liked the Excalibur episode/Sword in the City. She mentioned the episode several times in questions regarding her favorite moments on the show. 

Shannon/Prue and her departure came up several times, and that is still a sore spot with fans.

Rose/Holly both said Season 5 was their favorite; however, Holly mentions there are politics in play for why she can't say Seasons 3 or 4 are her favorite.

Brian often answers questions with basically, "I was just happy to have a job." He doesn't literally say that, but it sometimes sounds like the subtext.

Rose was shockingly pleasant. That isn't a personal dig at her, but considering her many negative statements regarding the show, it was nice to see her share nice memories. Granted, this isn't the audience to share copious complaints, but I did like hearing her discuss her fondness for the Vampire episode/Bite Me and Charmed Noir, which I know was always a favorite of hers. She was also quite nice in a small story she shared about the stunt crew. 

It made me wish Alyssa and Rose and Holly and Shannen had better relationships; I would love a Charmed rewatch podcast with the four Charmed Ones.


Edited by 4evaQuez
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13 hours ago, 4evaQuez said:

I haven't gotten a chance to watch this full video, but I was surprised to see Rose there. I've heard so much recently about how much she despised her time on the show that it doesn't seem like something she would want to revisit. That being said, I also heard the con circuit can be quite profitable, and Charmed is still a pretty popular show. I imagine her guest fee and whatever she charges for autographs may be quite lucrative.

It's also nice to see someone other than Holly/Brian. I'm sorry, but I didn't care for the Piper/Leo dynamic. Additionally, I don't care for the Holly/Brian one, either. No offense to the actual actors.

Lastly, of the little I saw, I was surprised Holly said the Wendigo was her favorite alternate Piper episode. I assumed it would be the Fury. Granted, I'm biased. The fury allowed for so much more emotion and I think it's what truly showed Holly could lead and carry the show as the eldest sister.

Rose said vampire, and I agree mostly because I have more trouble thinking of what else Paige became. The Fairytale creatures of the 5th season, the goddess, evil dimension Paige of Bad, Bad x whatever World. I just thought of the Evil Enchantress of Season 4, and that was another favorite of mine.

I used to be a fan of Piper/Leo in my teens. But I've changed my mind on them. They never really "showed" us falling in love. They are attracted to each other and have a fling or something in season one before Leo leaves. When he pops back in Love Hurts suddenly he and Piper are in love. It went too fast. They wasted time on the boring triangle and then decide to get married. When did they fall in love? 

I liked Wendigo but Fury was just so good. Piper was so great in it. I'd pick the Vampire and evil Enchantress.  I also liked when Paige goes into the past with her parents.  

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On the shallow tip, I thought Holly looked the worst.  Middle age has hit her fast.  (It's only been 5 years since PLL ended, right?)

Rose looked fine to me.  It's been a couple years since I last saw her (doing the talk-show rounds to advocate for Britney Spears), but the only difference I see is that she's blonde again.

With Brian, I think it's just the hat casting shadows.  In Connecticut, he's looking quite fine, IMO.  I mean, not "fine" in the "I spend my life in the gym" Dorian sense or in the "I'm 12 years younger than Brian" Drew Fuller sense, but he's come through rehab and the mid-50s much better than Nicholas Brendon (Buffy the Vampire Slayer), for example, I'd say.

On the more "important" issue, now even the TNT showings have lost "How Soon Is Now" and the closing theme.   The credits are so boring without the vocals.  Love Spit Love can't be asking for that exorbitant an amount of royalties, I can't think.

I guess this is Gresham's Law in action?  Bad pushes out good?  Once the cheapskate version started airing on SyFy, TNT just couldn't let any pennies go unpinched, I suppose.  Blecccch.

On 3/24/2023 at 12:09 PM, Primal Slayer said:

Holly looked fine, she just put on weight. 

But on the podcast, Greg Vaughn let it be known that they asked him back for 5-6 episodes during s7 or 8 but he had to turn it down due to his network not allowing him to work on other network shows  

what other show was greg on at the time 

11 hours ago, moonchild81 said:

what other show was greg on at the time 

He was on General Hospital as Lucky Spencer for a very long time. In Pardon My Past the actor who played Past Phoebe's lover was on General Hospital as Lucky's half brother Nikolas Cassadine. They were also on Days of Our Lives together later as Eric Brady and Stefan DiMera.

On 4/1/2023 at 10:24 AM, Primal Slayer said:

Finola looks younger today than she did on the show lol.

Shannen is starting a podcast where she claims she'll discuss leaving the show. While I love her, ill be surprised if she gives an honest recap of it.

I wonder how much Shannen even remembers. We're almost 2 decades removed from All Hell Breaks Loose; I question how much time and her own devotion to her narrative impacted her recollection of events.

I would be interested in a Shannen and Rose podcast. I'll love to hear Shannen's thoughts on the Post-Prue seasons and how she would have liked storylines to progress. I also think it'd be interesting to hear how she thinks Prue would have developed as a character and her thoughts on the tenacity of the Charmed IP. In some ways, I think it is a stronger IP than Beverly Hills 90210, and why she thinks that is.

Honestly, I know this would never happen, but I would love a sit-down interview with the Charmed cast, Constance, and Brad. The various Cons show that the brand is still strong, the characters are still loved, the BTS drama still resonates, and people still want some type of Charmed future that doesn't erase the past. I would love that as the core 4 are still alive, healthy, and opinionated, and I would like to see them together again. I know it wouldn't happen, but I'll dream.

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On 3/19/2023 at 12:42 PM, 4evaQuez said:

It's also nice to see someone other than Holly/Brian. I'm sorry, but I didn't care for the Piper/Leo dynamic. Additionally, I don't care for the Holly/Brian one, either. No offense to the actual actors.


I never liked them together either after season 2.  Constance did not intend to bring Leo back in season 2.  Holly asked her to bring him back and pair him with Piper and she agreed.

On 3/20/2023 at 2:20 AM, andromeda331 said:

I used to be a fan of Piper/Leo in my teens. But I've changed my mind on them. They never really "showed" us falling in love. They are attracted to each other and have a fling or something in season one before Leo leaves. When he pops back in Love Hurts suddenly he and Piper are in love. It went too fast. They wasted time on the boring triangle and then decide to get married. When did they fall in love? 


I always felt that Piper was in love with the idea of being in love.  Remember when she and Phoebe cast that spell to attract men and it backfired on them. I always felt that Piper would have been better with a mortal man who accepted her as she was. I think it would have helped Piper accept that her life was indeed normal with her sisters. Piper became bitter af after Prue  died and her resentment about being charmed affected her relationship with Leo because she was always around magic and never felt grounded hence her wistfulness for a "nomal" life.

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On 3/19/2023 at 1:49 PM, 4evaQuez said:

Shannon/Prue and her departure came up several times, and that is still a sore spot with fans.


It will always be a sore spot because Shannen and Prue should have been a part of the show till the bitter end.  The same goes for Constance Burge.

On 3/19/2023 at 1:49 PM, 4evaQuez said:

Rose/Holly both said Season 5 was their favorite; however, Holly mentions there are politics in play for why she can't say Seasons 3 or 4 are her favorite.


What politics and what did she mean by that? 

Was there any tension between Holly and Shannen? given how they had a falling out and stopped speaking to each other..

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8 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

It will always be a sore spot because Shannen and Prue should have been a part of the show till the bitter end.  The same goes for Constance Burge.

What politics and what did she mean by that? 

Was there any tension between Holly and Shannen? given how they had a falling out and stopped speaking to each other..

I love Prue, but I also love Paige. I couldn't imagine the show without either. 

It's been a while since I saw the video, but from memory, fans get upset with Holly if she says Seasons 3 or 4 are her favorite. According to Holly, fans believe she's implying that she's happy SD was fired or Prue was killed off if she says one of those seasons. As a result, she says Season 5 because it's distant enough from Season 3 and the SD/AM feud and RM joining the cast that fans don't read into it.

Shannen wasn't at the Pensacon event, which is what I was commenting on. People asked about the SD/AM/Season 3 kerfuffle, but SD wasn't there to give her side of things.

There is another con 90s Con, which SD attends. She comes out as a special surprise to the fans. I didn't watch the entirety of that video because it was broken up into 3 parts, and that aggravates me. What I did watch in the 1st part, Rose is sitting between Shannen and Holly. I can't say what that means. Maybe it means nothing. But that was the seating arrangement. 

ETA: I went to the 90s Con because I was going to look at the body language and see if Holly and Shannen interact in the video. I saw another con, Paris Con. I noticed Rose is sitting between Holly and Shannen in that video, too. Again, maybe that's just the seating arrangement. I can't say.

Edited by 4evaQuez
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10 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

It will always be a sore spot because Shannen and Prue should have been a part of the show till the bitter end.  The same goes for Constance Burge.

What politics and what did she mean by that? 

Was there any tension between Holly and Shannen? given how they had a falling out and stopped speaking to each other..

I think Holly just means the drama bts of S3.

But Holly/Shannen are on very good terms again. The Pariscon really repaired with their relationship to the point of them following each other again on IG and hanging out a few days ago with Rose.


10 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

I never liked them together either after season 2.  Constance did not intend to bring Leo back in season 2.  Holly asked her to bring him back and pair him with Piper and she agreed.

Where was it ever stated that she didnt intend Leo to be back after S2? They literally wrote him/Piper off on a cliffhanger to meet the "parents". He was always going to stick around, it's the whole point of their journey in S2. Constance wasnt anti the women having long term love interests.

Edited by Primal Slayer
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20 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

Where was it ever stated that she didnt intend Leo to be back after S2? They literally wrote him/Piper off on a cliffhanger to meet the "parents". He was always going to stick around, it's the whole point of their journey in S2. Constance wasnt anti the women having long term love interests.

I was talking about season 1. Love hurts was supposed to be Leo's last episode.  Leo was not part of Constance's plans for season 2. She also wanted Andy to continue but the actor had told the show that he had no plans to return for season 2. So Andy died in the season finale..

I always felt that Andy grounded Prue and I would have loved to have seen their relationship evolve throughout the series..

Constance was not against the ladies having boyfriends but she was against any man overshadowing the sisters' relationships with each other.  We saw what happened to Phoebe after Cole.. Look at how she wrote Prue with Andy in relation to her sisters, she never once betrayed them for him. Whereas Phoebe betrayed both incarnations of the power of 3 for Cole.. Not to mention how she treated Paige so horribly for that demon.  

Edited by Pearson80
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1 hour ago, 4evaQuez said:

I love Prue, but I also love Paige. I couldn't imagine the show without either. 


Had Constance remained on the show Paige would have never existed.. Constance created the show based on herself and her two oldest sisters. The irony is that the love affair that she wrote between Paige's parents gave Brad Kern the path to create Paige and fire Shannen killing off Prue.

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1 hour ago, Pearson80 said:

I was talking about season 1. Love hurts was supposed to be Leo's last episode.  Leo was not part of Constance's plans for season 2. She also wanted Andy to continue but the actor had told the show that he had no plans to return for season 2. So Andy died in the season finale..

I always felt that Andy grounded Prue and I would have loved to have seen their relationship evolve throughout the series..

Constance was not against the ladies having boyfriends but she was against any man overshadowing the sisters' relationships with each other.  We saw what happened to Phoebe after Cole.. Look at how she wrote Prue with Andy in relation to her sisters, she never once betrayed them for him. Whereas Phoebe betrayed both incarnations of the power of 3 for Cole.. Not to mention how she treated Paige so horribly for that demon.  

Constance was fine with bringing Leo back as she was still very much a huge part of S2. And in the 8 seasons on the show, he never oversahadowed them. Marriage brings in new dynamics to a sibling dynamic and im sure it happened in Constances' life.

The sisters would've betrayed one another at some point in time during the shows run, it's tv and their bonds with one another would be tested. Andy is nowhere near the same as Cole. Andy was a good guy, Cole was a bad guy. Prue was pro-Brandon, Phoebe was anti-Brandon. They took that storyline and turned it up to the 10th degree. 

Edited by Primal Slayer
10 hours ago, Primal Slayer said:

Constance was fine with bringing Leo back as she was still very much a huge part of S2. And in the 8 seasons on the show, he never oversahadowed them. Marriage brings in new dynamics to a sibling dynamic and im sure it happened in Constances' life.


I was talking about  her plans for Leo at the end of season 1 and Constance acquiesced to Holly's request to bring him back in season 2 when that was not her plan just like she was fine with Prue taking up martial arts because Shannen wanted that when she wanted Phoebe to be the one to use it to fight evil..

My whole point was that plans change and Constance was willing to go with the flow until Brad Kern wanted Phoebe to betray her sisters for Cole and she walked away from the show when Aaron Spelling sided with him. Even in season 3  as a consultant on the show she pleaded with Brad to not go down that road with Phoebe and he ignored her since she no longer had any power and the rest is history. 

We will have to agree to disagree because the show became all about the men when Brad Kern took over in season 3. It was all about Cole in season 3 4 and parts of 5.  Then Melinda became a boy when she became Wyatt in season 5 Leo also started getting more focus and season 6 was about baby Wyatt, Chris from the future.  Season 7 was all about Leo and his issues.. 

19 hours ago, Pearson80 said:

Had Constance remained on the show Paige would have never existed.. Constance created the show based on herself and her two oldest sisters. The irony is that the love affair that she wrote between Paige's parents gave Brad Kern the path to create Paige and fire Shannen killing off Prue.

Um...yeah. But that's obviously not the reality in which we exist. Constance didn't remain on the show and Prue was killed off. 

I was simply saying I love both characters, and I couldn't imagine the show without Paige.

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