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Everything posted by opus

  1. Jimmy didn't make the finale, did he? "Jimmy's getting upset".
  2. Playing devils advocate, I don't really see a voice problem.
  3. You could probably spend hours on YouTube.
  4. It might help make some of the home audience root for them , but I can't see how it would help them win.
  5. just to include the Ferryman melody: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xG9Xj5cCSZk
  6. I can finally relate to something personally. I live near Fresh Meadows, N.Y.
  7. The recap did remind me of one of my favorite lines last season: Julia to Barbie-"Fine, you killed my husband. But nothing else from here on, OK?"
  8. I was hoping for a bloopers reel.
  9. Didn't really know where to stick this, so I put it here. In 1977, David Letterman hosted a game show pilot. It wasn't picked up, but if it was, late night TV history could have been changed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpU2h96k7oU
  10. Poor Conan, buried in semi-obscurity on TBS.
  11. TS/Jennifer, you're the perfect person to ask. What would happen if you had posted here or went around saying you won today? Any penalties or backlash?
  12. If we're going old school, Meg from across the street.
  13. Despite maiming, mutilating,killing/attempting to kill her immediate family, it was nice to see that, at heart, Mom was a "deals a deal" type of gal.
  14. When I'm wrong, I always feel better when one of the contestants has the same wrong answer. (I said The Producers).
  15. Apparently, CBS thought like some of you.... http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/cbs-approached-john-oliver-late-693587
  16. That would have been good if you were a contestant on the show. "Umm, no need to reveal the clue Alex. It's Newfoundland and Labrador. Where's my money?"
  17. Not like any other talk show? He had the animals on. A talk show staple.
  18. Google says 5'2" https://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&aq=&oq=kevin+hart+height&ie=UTF-8&rlz=1T4GGNI_enUS499US500&q=kevin+hart+height&gs_l=hp..0.0l5. Wikipedia says 5' 4"
  19. Bill makes the front page of the NY Daily News today (6/19): http://www.newseum.org/todaysfrontpages/hr.asp?fpVname=NY_dn&ref_pge=lst
  20. Having not paid full attention, I just noticed Friday is a rerun. Only 4 days in Orlando.
  21. If you have access to The Tonight Show On Demand, that's where I found the ABBA bit.
  22. The band always gets better looking with Fred fill-ins.
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